
How To Use All the same In A Sentence

  • I'll touch you, all the same, even if they hurt, because I too have to do what I want to doas soon as your menstruation is finished. Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
  • Well, chow-chow, chowri; it's all the same," said the big lad impatiently. Glyn Severn's Schooldays
  • I doubt we'll get any rain out of it, but I like to listen to Rip Van Winkle and the boys playing ninepins all the same.
  • All the same, there are two passages in the book that I found eerily premonitory of what she would do ten years later.
  • This approach assumes that female psychologists in a particular category are all the same.
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  • Archie is mostly an obnoxious idiot, but all the same, he has a heart of pure gold (I prefer the Jughead character more). Poor, poor Betty, ‘the saddest girl in the world’ | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • We didn't really see much reason for it, but we remained mum all the same.
  • High fructose is not at all the same thing as all fructose. I'm Back - And Not a Moment Too Soon
  • Marriage made her Lady Andrew Cavendish, then Marchioness of Hartington, th en Duchess of Devonshire that ' s all the same husband, and I can ' t blame Americans who find British nomenclature taxing; since her husband died six years ago, she has been the Dowager Duchess. Portrait of a Vanishing World
  • Maybe she would go away after a while, but all the same he had to go upstairs and past the kiosk and the bar if he wanted to get to the entry doors.
  • While it would be nice to be able to bring PSD files into Illustrator with editable text, this feature is quite useful all the same.
  • The burners on a gas stove are all the same size, but they can vary in the amount of heat or BTU's that each one puts out.
  • I don't really think he meant it as a backhanded compliment, but it was funny, all the same.
  • If it's all the same to you, I'd rather work at home.
  • `But, all the same, I shall not risk incurring his wrath again. TIME OF THE WOLF
  • In the first-half, it was hardly a see-saw, ding-dong cup battle - City's excellently organised defence and master-plan saw to that - but it was intriguing all the same.
  • All the same, the 1988 results give Socialist defenders of the mixed economy new ammunition to fire at would-be privatisers.
  • All the same, she has no thoughts about curtailing her acting career to be a fulltime mother. Times, Sunday Times
  • Cultivate, culture, they're all the same, though I would say in this country we're more a cultigen than a cultivar. A Darker Place
  • The people you meet there are all the same too, and underneath the forced smiles and jaded handshakes you detect great reservoirs of boredom.
  • All the same, I do find all this barter activity rather inspiring. Times, Sunday Times
  • Aw," said Dumble, who had expected nothing, and was rather embarrassed than otherwise by their generosity, "thank 'ee kindly, sirs, and young leddies; there wasn't no' casion to give us nothing; but thank 'ee very much all the same, and' nother time we'll be glad to 'blige' ee with Kitty Trenire
  • The legs were rough cut with a bandsaw and spokeshaved to final curve, lots of fun getting them all the same.
  • Paint them all the same colour and you've made the space a zillion times bigger. Times, Sunday Times
  • I am told to call the SAME number that DUE TO HIGH CALL VOLuME is UNABLE to take my call. as a panic result I have faxed correspondence and also sent same in certified us mail. now I am calling from out of state (as I am not able to pay rent in NJ without a job) Happy Holidays, (Your Name)!
  • He was undeniably a flawed hero - but for many Americans an undoubted hero all the same. Times, Sunday Times
  • The rest of the furniture - the bureau, the night tables and the chairs - were all the same style.
  • I nestled down close to him, relieved in mind and body, and I was just thinking that though scraps of slaty stone and brashy earth were not good things for stuffing a feather-bed, they were, all the same, very comfortable for a weary person to lie upon, when I felt a hand laid upon my shoulder, and opening my eyes found the sun shining brightly and Patience Wins War in the Works
  • Tender passages occurred here and there all the same, and Weinlich, to whom I had already shown the beginning of my work on my return to Leipzig, praised me for the clearness and good vocal quality of the introduction I had composed to the first act; this was an Adagio for a vocal septette, in which I had tried to express the reconciliation of the hostile families, together with the emotions of the wedded couple and the sinister passion of the secret lover. My Life — Volume 1
  • All the same, having an applaudable body is something Berry is obviously aware of, and comfortable with.
  • I didn't even know that dogs cared where they walked: blacktop, concrete, dirt, lamp post or tree, it's probably all the same to them.
  • Mae was surprised to see her, but welcoming in her crabby, grandmotherly sort of way all the same.
  • That makes it more valuable than the face value of £1, 000, only a little bit more valuable because there are only two more coupon payments to come, but more valuable all the same.
  • parties to a civil union have all the same benefits, protections, and responsibilities under Vermont law as spouses in a marriage
  • Students are not all the same. They come from many different backgrounds. Some are ready to move on to challenging college courses right away.
  • While living carless in Seattle does require organization, patience and a certain fitness level (i.e. chasing buses is a regular routine for me), I have no intention of buying a car anytime soon for all the same reasons you mention. Why I Choose to Live Carfree « PubliCola
  • So even when the gray haired man I sometimes call my father in public embarrasses me a lot, I love him all the same.
  • About twelue the winde came to the West, and continued so all the same night with great fogge. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • At times the characters seem clichéd, but they are bearable all the same.
  • Each bright strap-shaped frond stands up strongly, supported by a stiff, raised midrib, all the same brilliant green. Times, Sunday Times
  • He told himself that it was a silly piece of superstition; but, all the same, a strange feeling troubled him; and it seemed as if the fall of these old mementoes of the gallant officer, his dead father, was a kind of portent of trouble to come -- trouble and disaster that would be brought about by his cousin. The Queen's Scarlet The Adventures and Misadventures of Sir Richard Frayne
  • I'm as guilty of gunge in the keyboard as the next person (the first laptop was a prime victim of it, I have to say) but all the same, yuck.
  • Supernumeraries become visible when the rain droplets are nearly all the same size. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most recently was this particular corm planted in my own garden and although it is sometimes referred to as montbretia, all the same, it is certainly a summer bulb to have in your garden. BellaOnline - The Voice of Women
  • Mean and nasty and the scourge of the local wildlife but we loved him all the same. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Fiat Qubo mpv is given the once over by the motors. crew … … see what we thought and read the full review at www. But wer all know its basically a citroen nemo they look all the same just a little different here and there, but overall not a bad mpv April 11th, 2010 at 3: 42 am Auto and Automotive Classified Listings Online - Sell and Buy Cars and Trucks
  • All the same, signalmen can be a fund of unexpected tales and it is always interesting to hear their stories.
  • There was, all the same, an unmistakable descant to yesterday's cheerfully celebratory spectacular. Royal wedding: A peculiarly British day | Editorial
  • Abby's doo to grade as "cornfed," all the same she's one of the most fascinatin 'ladies, -- that is, an' give her a gun, -- in all the len'th an 'breadth of Arizona. Wolfville Nights
  • We all live near to each other so us lads decided to have a night on the town - nothing much really, a few drinks in our local boozer, but it was a good laugh all the same.
  • Mean and nasty and the scourge of the local wildlife but we loved him all the same. Times, Sunday Times
  • All the same, she has chess to thank for making innumerable friends both at home and abroad. Times, Sunday Times
  • Your sister will tell you all about it (she's your stepsister, my stepdaughter, but like blood all the same).
  • Do you want all the same kind, or a mixture?
  • In Congress, the word sidecar doesn't call up images of a one-wheeled device precariously attached to a motorcycle — but it's a risky vehicle all the same. A Bumpy Ride
  • III. therefore, chap. 37. the exportation of gum senega from his majesty’s dominions in Africa was confined to Great Britain, and was subjected to all the same restrictions, regulations, forfeitures, and penalties, as that of the enumerated commodities of the British colonies in America and the West Indies. VIII. Book IV. Conclusion of the Mercantile System
  • They are all the same colour now. A Plague of Angels
  • It isn't fair, all the same; you don't play the game," and as my mother had already gone into the dining-room to sit rebukefully at a foodless table I followed her. Godfrey Marten, Undergraduate
  • (Humphrey's eagerness to "repopulate" the area with Kate becomes a running joke throughout; though these gags should all sail safely above the heads of the pic's target demo, they feel unnecessary all the same, and surely meant the difference between a G and PG rating.)
  • It is an expensive knock-off, but a knock-off all the same.
  • There was an interesting comment made to me by a journalist at the Norwich North count who mentioned that the Green Party had in its deselection of a local candidate in favour of another in Norwich North and through its other internal problems which have started to appear, discovered that it is a political party with egos, factions and all the same problems and divisions of any other political party. The murky politics of the Green Party
  • It warms your heart more deeply than the standard holiday treacle, but this is, all the same, an intelligent, humane, funny and sorrowful Christmas treat.
  • This is an adroit sidestepping of the issue, but a sidestep all the same.
  • All the same, the ECB is "not declar ing victory" as regards an economic outlook that is still uncertain, Mr. Trichet added. Trichet Says Economy Is Strengthening, But Outlook Remains Uncertain
  • Him say you no skookum, no strong, all the same very soft like little baby. THE LEAGUE OF THE OLD MEN
  • Their conclusion unequivocally states that vaqueros, cowboys, and buckaroos are ‘at heart… all the same, they do their work a little differently, they dress a little differently, but they are the same’.
  • We can all do more to manage our time and energy in life by using all the same savvy tools we would apply to any business problem. Christianity Today
  • I don't mind whether we eat now or this evening, it's all the same to me.
  • ‘Defeat and victory, it's all the same thing, it all requires a stiff drink,’ he says, between gulps of Guinness.
  • All the same, she is a dawdle and I don't want to be late on the first day of term. CHALLENGE FOR THE CHALET SCHOOL
  • But it is a notch above average all the same. Times, Sunday Times
  • The question about whether a foetus is a human being with all the same rights as a breathing, independent individual is one I cannot answer. Varieties of Pro-Choice? | Mind on Fire
  • All the same, I do find all this barter activity rather inspiring. Times, Sunday Times
  • `I don't suppose it'll animate us, but it's lovely stuff, all the same. THE OPEN DOOR
  • All the same, it looked forlorn and empty and uncared for, and there were several discarded newspapers on the floor next to his chair. Fatal Error
  • All the same we took about thirty fish from the shoal before they became too cross with us to feed on.
  • All the same, one puzzler: why does geography count in electronic data storage? Times, Sunday Times
  • All the same, it's rather embarrassing when I score lower than a technophobe when trying to figure out how to use a simple machine.
  • I don't mind whether we eat now or this evening, it's all the same to me.
  • It was not enough to fill the chamber and illumine its dark walls, but it brightened our spirits all the same. THE LIGHTSTONE: BOOK ONE, PART TWO OF THE EA CYCLE
  • I don't mind whether we eat now or this evening, it's all the same to me.
  • It is just the bare bones of a novel, but matchless all the same, much as a sketch by Rembrandt can outclass the competition.
  • The angle of the stringers have to be such the stair risers are all the same height after the treads are nailed.
  • He told me that Crystal and himself had had a blue with a taxi driver as well, not as big a blue as I had with mine, but a blue all the same.
  • A fierce freeze-up this January showed how the weather could also bring paralysis, less economically damaging perhaps but awkward all the same over a great national holiday.
  • As for whether or not homosexuals want special rights –they have all the same civil rights straights have –the right to sin, fornicate, adulterate and commit buggery in privacy with consenting adults behind their doors and even the right to commit and be faithful to a homosexual partner –but they also have the right to be straight and moral and marry one of the opposite sex and be faithful to that spouse. The Volokh Conspiracy » Criminal Charges Against Anti-Homosexuality Street Preacher Dropped in England
  • Different colored paper lanterns hung overhead, not really doing much to light up the place but looking very pretty all the same.
  • All the same, I'd be glad if you could write down the names and places while they're fresh in your memory. FORESTS OF THE NIGHT
  • My parents treated us all the same when we were kids.
  • Most importantly, monokaryotic hyphae can produce basidia and spores that are indistinguishable from sexually produced spores, except that they are all the same mating type.
  • There were poets who lurched words across the page ornate words that had women bound, bah! bah! said Ezra Pound, ‘I have sung women in three cities, But it is all the same; and I will sung of the sun’.
  • Perhaps it was an illusion, or a myth, like the Holy Grail, but she searching for it all the same.
  • The tiniest speckles of blood still littered the ground at his feet, hardly visible, but there all the same.
  • All the same, Polanski ably blends comedy and pathos in his portrayal of the nervous nebbish Trelkovsky, which is important since he's in every scene. -
  • 'Will you stay for lunch?' 'No, but thanks all the same.'
  • All the same, he laughed, but admitted that the gorges, gaps, chasms and rock formations they've seen in the Centre are each so very different.
  • Guess matchmaking is an ancient profession, all the same. Rapid Decline of the Dating Industry. « The Paradigm Shift
  • While living carless in Seattle does require organization, patience and a certain fitness level (i.e. chasing buses is a regular routine for me), I have no intention of buying a car anytime soon for all the same reasons you mention. Why I Choose to Live Carfree « PubliCola
  • Actually being a micromanager is also a bad thing, for all the same reasons. Times, Sunday Times
  • All the same, these conditions have long proved impossible to sustain in physicists attempts to harness nuclear fusion for energy generation.
  • I don't need the literature at present. Thank you very much all the same.
  • Needless to say (but I'll say it all the same), the ensuing trial was a media circus.
  • But all the same, the place is jumping with birds and already teeming with life. Times, Sunday Times
  • But all the same she was not idle: she polished away at her flimflams, bringing them nearer and nearer probability, never, thanks to her sound memory, contradicting herself or making a slip, and always able to begin again from the beginning. The Getting of Wisdom
  • Christmas tree — A popular look in decorated trees this year is a tree of all the same color, or monochromatic. Holiday decorating “Tina Style” « Sugar Creek Gardens’ Blog
  • All the same, she has no thoughts about curtailing her acting career to be a fulltime mother. Times, Sunday Times
  • All the same, depositors slept well at night, with little regard for the type of venture their money was financing.
  • All the same, after a couple of years as a jackeroo on his uncle's sheep station in Australia, he chose to return to England and Cambridge in order to study modern languages. Patrick White - Existential Explorer
  • All the same, he appeared a pretty imperious figure on casual encounter.
  • But the idea of library media specialists teaching and providing library media services to special learners is scary all the same.
  • To the aerodynamicist and hydrodynamicist they are all the same.
  • `I don't suppose it'll animate us, but it's lovely stuff, all the same. THE OPEN DOOR
  • All the same, the Professor, in spite of his cherubical looks, could make himself extremely disagreeable, and undoubtedly would do so if thwarted. The Green Mummy
  • We can all do more to manage our time and energy in life by using all the same savvy tools we would apply to any business problem. Christianity Today
  • granted that it is dangerous, all the same I still want to go
  • We're nowhere near as close as we used to be, but I enjoy talking to her all the same.
  • But I know what it's like outside . Wherever you die, it's all the same.
  • I don't mind whether we eat now or this evening, it's all the same to me.
  • No, U.S. attorneys did not use the thumbscrew or the rack, but they employed torture all the same.
  • To the store, customers and products are all the same, data that are captured, analyzed and reshuffled.
  • In this he'll recognize a strange variation, but a variation all the same, on the good old "pastoralism" — inherited from eighteenth-century English landscape architecture — that played such a large role in the formation of American ideology. In the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Part Three)
  • It is usually regarded as an assertion that we are all the same under the skin.
  • It's unquestionably a backdown from full legalisation - but its also unquestionably an improvement all the same.
  • • Leek—certainly wispier than any I am used to buying, but pungent and flavorful all the same. MY EMPIRE OF DIRT
  • All the same you should get expert identification before sampling them - one of the only two deadly toadstools in this country looks almost identical to the 'Blusher', which is a delicious edible variety.
  • They may play in a different key and with a somewhat different emphasis but the tune can often be heard all the same.
  • I was royally frustrated when through, but happy all the same.
  • All the same, the extraordinary pre monition of stirring events to come stayed with him. Dearly Beloved
  • [Page 265] hard gallop, which is the best; you go like the wind over prairie and valley, up and down hill, all the same. The Romance of Isabel, Lady Burton
  • Thankfully the Future Shock EP shows all the same qualities of the later debut, with a slightly more lo-fi recording.
  • All the same, it rather put me off my bourbon biscuit. The Sun
  • * Villaraigosa, along with the city council, bankrupted Los Angeles, in spite of dire warnings over the last 18 months that the City coffers were drying up, and he allowed and encouraged them to continue their spending sprees all the same. Obama's First But Not Unforgivable Bone-headed Move
  • It was not enough to fill the chamber and illumine its dark walls, but it brightened our spirits all the same. THE LIGHTSTONE: BOOK ONE, PART TWO OF THE EA CYCLE
  • But our teardrops are all the same, aren't they?
  • As she tried to charm him into letting her cross all the same, Allied aircraft attacked the bridge. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was another machine which was used to orientate tiny metal bushes on a line so that they were all the same way up.
  • He picked at the tufts of grass at his shoes, and mumbled, ‘Well, all the same, I prefer sitting here with you.’
  • All the same, this statement is patently untrue.
  • It's too insistent and compelling to feel sensuous, but it's damn sexy in its own way all the same.
  • Alexander's Ragtime Band is pure corn but rather tasty all the same.
  • All the same, the article captured the essence of the new strains of unfolding inflationary pressures now taking hold.
  • But all the same, it was a win and it guaranteed Wilson a spot in the next round.
  • We are all the same people, but our relations with each other have changed.
  • Read it for all the same reasons that you would read the novels - for boundless entertainment and for pure pleasure.
  • They were all the same, those men, turning away their heavy faces and failing to acknowledge my greetings.
  • All the same, I asked, would he say that the sheikh was actively involved in the massacre or simply took no action to stop it? Bad Debt
  • All the same, the dude who taped Erin Andrews through the peephole is a total bottom feeder. Redskins Insider Podcast -- The Washington Post
  • Now the composition is not identical, and I'd trust Sharon Miller to not sell a non-blockable yarn under her name, but all the same I'd suggest waiting a while after blocking your swatch before making your final decision. Jean's Knitting
  • He'll want off, Inspector, but he may be wet and perished and afraid to come home all the same. DEATH OF AN UNKNOWN MAN
  • All the same, I was surprised to see Mark behave so unchivalrously. Farthing
  • The scene was still and quiet, but all the same I had surfaced from my dreams nervously, with heavy breathing.
  • All the same, investors will keep fishing for information.
  • Walls, floors, ceilings and furniture are all the same colour. The Sun
  • To be fair that kind of generalised warning is not as helpful as if he had sent a text message warning people to vacate the WTC on 9/10 but I have a feeling he would not have been lauded for his humanity all the same … wow gold Says: Matthew Yglesias » What Other Country
  • On Sunday I saw that he had all the same symptoms as Vicky had - swollen ankles, sickness and pains in his abdomen.
  • All the same, busy foyer ceramics and florid room furnishings suggest a resort ripe for refurbishment.
  • If it was all the same guy I shall have to regard him as rather an odd fish.
  • But all the same, after she'd lighted her cigarette in her own room she drew a long breath and pottered about her few possessions until she found something pawnable. Little Miss By-The-Day
  • All the same, she is a dawdle and I don't want to be late on the first day of term. CHALLENGE FOR THE CHALET SCHOOL
  • And Mikael and Lisbeth are a matchlessly mismatched couple who complement each other all the same in what amounts to intimate file-sharing. 'Greenberg': Losers' Winning Love Story
  • All the same, many bourgeois wore thick shoes, carried umbrellas, and tried to look as much like their own concierges as they could.
  • Scrambling up and down muddy cliffs choked with bracken, Thorsen tossed me tips for reading the bluffs: a vertical stripe of alders all the same size conceals an avalanche scar; evergreen trees growing at strange angles are a bad sign; a flattened bench, or shelf, partway down a slope is a terrible place to put a house, because it was created by slide action. The Liquid Earth
  • The dame nivver were much of a talker -- not to say a _talker_, thoo knows; but mark me, she loves a crack all the same. The Shadow of a Crime A Cumbrian Romance
  • The tiled walls, the floor, the calcimined ceiling, the light globe, the enameled medicine chest, the outside of the bathtub, and even a little three-legged stool, were all the same shade. The Camp Fire Girls at School Or, The Wohelo Weavers
  • You're all the same, the lot of you, with your long hair and your hippy clothes.
  • Sidecar Faces a Bumpy Ride In Congress, the word sidecar doesn't call up images of a one-wheeled device precariously attached to a motorcycle — but it's a risky vehicle all the same. Obama Brings Health-Care Push to Ohio
  • The snap was supposed to be taken without his knowledge, but he seemed to glare at us all the same. Times, Sunday Times
  • All the same, in spite of its curiously hybridized form and content, the core of English remained recognizably, unshakably, true to its roots. The English Is Coming!
  • Schmoozers are mostly 20 to 30-somethings trendies in lip-smacking labels and designer gear, posey and pretentious but beautiful all the same.
  • No, we don't get to see anybody go on an LSD trip, and no, the Hell's Angels don't arrive to bust up the party, but the play is just as, if not more, entertaining all the same.
  • Her mockney rapping is pretty annoying but there's something intriguingly odd about this all the same. The Sun
  • All the same he would queue up with the other drones for hours to receive his meagre earnings.
  • Its remote parentage would fully account for its being designated "scholion eusebiou," all the same. The Last Twelve Verses of the Gospel According to S. Mark Vindicated Against Recent Critical Objectors and Established
  • The design will need to incorporate all the same blogger tags, links and sidebar elements as the current template with scope for easy mods.
  • We had practically all the same classes together in the eighth grade and she somehow had a crush on me close to the end of the year.
  • Apparently it goes through three stages of filtration, but all the same, you wouldn't want to be caught in an avalanche of it, would you?
  • The chassis, swingarm, tank, clocks etc are all the same, with the obvious exception of the engine and suspension internals. The Sun
  • But all the same, the place is jumping with birds and already teeming with life. Times, Sunday Times
  • It seems more like an extreme manifestation of something along the lines of what's often called hypochondria or somatoform pain disorder -- which is not at all the same as 'faking it,' but still nothing like what goes on in gender dysphoria -- and has more, in fact, in common with eating disorders generally. I learn from US TV (gasp!) and even more from my E ticket ride.
  • All the same, he placed little pieces of scotch tape over the scored panel.
  • It was the lie of obfuscators and dissemblers, but a lie all the same.
  • All the same, she has chess to thank for making innumerable friends both at home and abroad. Times, Sunday Times
  • Our ride was slow and dull, conversationless, through land that seemed to look all the same.
  • The snap was supposed to be taken without his knowledge, but he seemed to glare at us all the same. Times, Sunday Times
  • I snapped, but all the same beckoned to her to follow me.
  • And if he went and was pandied all the same all the fellows would make fun and talk about young Dedalus going up to the rector to tell on the prefect of studies. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
  • You've taken a mouthful out of my flask; not _taken_ it, certainly, but it went over your tongue all the same. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine - Volume 54, No. 338, December 1843
  • I have sung of women in three cities, they are all the same.
  • All the same, he says his childhood was a happy one. Times, Sunday Times
  • (But, he thought, she had a remarkably accurate and retentive memory all the same. DARE CALL IT TREASON
  • I think that she was making a choice, a hellaciously bad one, but a choice all the same.
  • All the same, it offers ample evidence that both love and art are eternal, timeless themes.
  • Not entirely convincing but entertaining all the same as we were led into a candlelit room and told to sit on benches. The Sun
  • All the same, I can't help thinking that if only I could force myself to peep, burble and mangle my words like a child, I'd soon be able to communicate with the peoples of the world, or at least their kids.
  • She no longer wore any makeup, but her face had a severe beauty, all the same, that shone through the crow's feet around her eyes and the vertical furrows on either side of her mouth.
  • Granted, this discussion is peppered with censors' bleeps and is incomprehensible at times due to Ozzy's slurred speech, but it's heartfelt and earnest all the same.
  • Voodoo, science, witchcraft, animal spirits, chemistry, alchemy, fairies, physics - it's all the same.
  • The carpets absorbed the sound of his feet landing on the floor, but Lombard stood still all the same to make certain that the Ifrit still slept.
  • (But, he thought, she had a remarkably accurate and retentive memory all the same. DARE CALL IT TREASON
  • "But he does want it all the same, very bad - don't you, Jem? - only, you see, he's dazed at being called on to speak before quality."

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