How To Use Aleutian In A Sentence

  • But there were many other significant players in the multiservice campaign: carrier-based aviators in Hellcats, Corsairs, Avengers, and Helldivers; long-range patrol bombers from the Aleutians; Mustang pilots from Iwo Jima; and almost everything in the Army Air Forces inventory from Okinawa. Whirlwind
  • Yamamoto's Midway Force had also detached a powerful Aleutian Screening Force to act as distant cover for Kakuta but this was withdrawn when the battle off Midway failed to go Yamamoto's way.
  • Bering Straits or the line of the Aleutian Islands was the pathway of successive immigrations, on occasions perhaps far apart, or maybe near together; and there is hardly a stronger demonstration of such a connection between the two continents than the physical resemblances of the peoples now living on the opposite sides of the Pacific Ocean in these upper latitudes, with the similarity of the flora which environs them on either shore. Great Epochs in American History, Volume I. Voyages Of Discovery And Early Explorations: 1000 A.D.-1682
  • Carolina Pagli, a geophysicist at the University of Leeds in England, said there were risks that climate change could also trigger volcanic eruptions or earthquakes in places such as Mount Erebus in Antarctica, the Aleutian islands of Alaska or Patagonia in South America. Scientific American
  • He ordered all press of sail, and with the winds whistling through the rigging and the little ship straining to the smashing seas, did his best to outspeed disease, sighting the long line of surf-washed Aleutian Islands in September, coasting from headland to headland, keeping well offshore for fear of reefs till the end of the month, when compelled to turn in to the mid-bay of Oonalaska for water. Vikings of the Pacific The Adventures of the Explorers who Came from the West, Eastward
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  • Since we switched to catch shares, one commercial crabber has died in the fisheries in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands. Making 'The Deadliest Catch' Less Deadly
  • The hunters were Aleutian Indians, essentially slaves, operating from the ships using their skin canoes or bidarkas.
  • Stretching from the tip of the Alaska Peninsula to the easternmost Aleutian Islands, the Aleutians East Borough is like no other place on earth.
  • My wife's granddad, a three-war Air Force officer, flew Lightings against the Zeroes and Bettys in the Aleutians and New Guinea before he was shipped back to run a flight school in Texas and met her grandmother, recently widowed from the love of her life by bombing runs over Japan. Where we won the War we started by almost losing it
  • Rocks in the sky made a crescent like the Aleutian islands viewed from high altitude. Mandala « A Fly in Amber
  • Radiation from the damaged nuclear reactors in Japan could reach the Aleutian Islands later today and California tomorrow, according to a simulated model from the United Nations reported on by the New York Times. Radiation may reach U.S. tomorrow, but no need for potassium iodide
  • Ross Wilbur, hunted for and bootlessly traced from Buenos Ayres in the south to the Aleutian Islands in the north. Moran of the Lady Letty
  • Other island nesting birds, such as puffins and petrels, also were hit hard, but none as badly as the Aleutian Canada goose.
  • Although the storm weakened as it neared the Aleutian islands yesterday, winds gusted to 77 mph in Dutch Harbor according to the National Weather Service. Huge Pacific storm to bring high surf to Hawaii
  • Altitudes of the volcanoes decrease southwestward from 7,500 ft (2,300 m) at Mount Katmai on the Alaska Peninsula to 6,000 ft (1,800 m) on the Aleutian Islands. Aleutian Oceanic Meadow - Heath Province (Bailey)
  • The term Eskimo may be held to include all the Innuit population living on the Aleutian islands, the islands of Bering sea, and the shores both of Asia and America north of about latitude 64°. The First Landing on Wrangel Island With Some Remarks on the Northern Inhabitants
  • Kalmuck, Samoid, Kamtschatkan, and Aleutian hordes, and one may understand that the unity of so vast a state must be difficult to maintain, and that it could only be the work of time, aided by the wisdom of many successive rulers. Michael Strogoff
  • There is also at some distance south of Behring's Straits a remarkable chain of islands, called the Aleutian Islands, which extend in a regular and continuous line from the American to the Asiatic shore. Aboriginal America
  • Breeding territory spans half the globe, from Iceland to the Aleutians.
  • These lows typically track north-eastwards, reaching maximum intensity in the vicinity of the Aleutian Islands in the Pacific Ocean and in the vicinity of Iceland in the Atlantic Ocean.
  • Since we switched to catch shares, one commercial crabber has died in the fisheries in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands. Making 'The Deadliest Catch' Less Deadly
  • It is the term used in the Aleutians for a cold storm, and williwaws were the conditions during this conflict.
  • X-Lautrec and his fellow Surrealist poets say they are the most neglected minority in Boston, which officially recognizes both garden-variety ethnic and racial groups in its anti-discrimination laws as well as others, such as Eskimos and Aleutian Islanders, whose members within city limits rarely break into double figures. "We Are the Last Minority" Say Surrealist Poets
  • We are given a wonderful account of visits to Attu, the desolate, westernmost of the Aleutian Islands - and holy grail of birders - to see smews, pochards, and stragglers blowing in from Siberia.
  • Yet further east than the Little Diomede Island, Alaska's Attu Island in the Aleutian Islands is the westernmost point of the United States even if located on the 173rd meridian east, also the westernmost point of the Earth. Blog entry
  • Altitudes of the volcanoes decrease southwestward from 7,500 ft (2,300 m) at Mount Katmai on the Alaska Peninsula to 6,000 ft (1,800 m) on the Aleutian Islands. Aleutian Oceanic Meadow - Heath Province (Bailey)
  • Scientists have debated the issue going back at least to 1906, when an 8.0-magnitude temblor hit the Aleutian Islands in the northern Pacific, and just 30 minutes later, a 8.0-magnitude quake struck Chile. Quakes Echo World-Wide
  • From 1947 to 1951 he directed scientific operations aboard submarines and ice-breakers during five cruises to the northern Aleutian platform and Beaufort Sea.
  • Radiation from the damaged nuclear reactors in Japan could reach the Aleutian Islands later today and California tomorrow, according to a simulated model from the United Nations reported on by the New York Times. Radiation may reach U.S. tomorrow, but no need for potassium iodide
  • Planes could fly south of the Aleutian Islands and be perfectly safe. Kamchatka, Russian Volcano, Spews Giant Ash Clouds
  • This is usually not a good sign for snow lovers as an area of low pressure farther west over the Aleutian Islands is the preferred setup for wintry weather in our region. Capital Weather Gang 2010-11 winter outlook
  • When this motion is completely arrested, I suggest that we blow up the Aleutian Isles and enlarge Bering Strait, so as to allow what corresponds to the Atlantic Gulf Stream in the Pacific to enter the Arctic Archipelago, which I have calculated will raise the average temperature of that entire region about thirty degrees, thereby still further increasing the amount of available land. A Journey in Other Worlds
  • A strong, magnitude 6.5 earthquake shook Alaska's remote Aleutian Islands early Friday, the US Geological Survey reported. No casualty has been reported yet.
  • A United Nations forecast of the possible movement of the radioactive plume coming from crippled Japanese reactors shows it churning across the Pacific, and touching the Aleutian Islands on Thursday before hitting Southern California late Friday. Radiation Plume Could Reach Southern California By Friday
  • The team will also test walruses, sea otters, and clams in Alaska's Aleutian Islands for traces of PCBs, pesticides, and petroleum.
  • The ship, the same size of the Golden Seas, ran aground Dec. 8, 2004, and broke apart on the north side of Unalaska Island, also in the Aleutians. rss feed
  • A messy maritime incident that's getting worse, a cargo ship ran aground in the Aleutians.
  • Right now it's not a difficult area to avoid because it's north of the Aleutian Islands," Burke said. Kamchatka, Russian Volcano, Spews Giant Ash Clouds
  • A United Nations forecast of the possible movement of the radioactive plume coming from crippled Japanese reactors shows it churning across the Pacific, and touching the Aleutian Islands on Thursday before hitting Southern California late Friday. Radiation Plume Could Reach Southern California By Friday
  • He laughed upon hearing that there was now a McDonald's on the isolated and remote Aleutian outpost.
  • Various options are under consideration, including a land-based system of 100 interceptors that would be based in Alaska and guided by a long-range radar station in the Aleutian Islands.
  • The Aleutian chain is a long arc of islands in the North Pacific.
  • Paddle a dugout canoe through virgin rainforest, walk the Great Wall of China or sail the Aleutian Islands.
  • In February 1974, more Maryland geese were flown to the Aleutian isle of Attu, where they were met by John Trapp emphasis added, a young biologist working for the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Attu was relatively accessible and was the site of an old Coast Guard loran station. Archive 2002-08-01
  • Rex Weyler, an American-Canadian journalist who sailed on the first boat to the Aleutian Islands, said: Greenpeace adopted a form of civil disobedience - it did for the environment what the civil rights movement did for the dispossessed. Greenpeace at 40: A global brand in good health or an out-of-touch bureaucracy?
  • Climate chaos could also trigger volcanic eruptions or earthquakes in places such as Mount Erebus in Antarctica, the Aleutian islands of Alaska or Patagonia in South America. DK Matai: Are Global Warming, Volcanoes and Earthquakes Linked?
  • They had spent a winter of solitude and starvation on a lonely Aleutian isle, and their rescue in the spring by another fur-ship had been one chance in a thousand. Lost Face
  • A Native American people inhabiting the Aleutian Islands and coastal areas of southwest Alaska. The Aleut are related culturally and linguistically to the Eskimo.
  • Vacillating in shallow Arctic waters, this new species of kelp was discovered near Alaska's Aleutian Islands.
  • This bow causes the Aleutian Islands to pull toward the tip of Mexico, creating a cracking point at San Diego, expanding to the east, north, and south as the tension increases.
  • That place gives a new meaning to "exurban" - the only place farther from a growing city is the Aleutian Islands. Philocrites: Unitarian Universalists 'invading the Bible belt.'
  • Overfishing led to declines of sea lions, the preferred food of killer whales, and they began eating sea otters, whose populations in Alaska's Aleutian Islands declined 90% from the late 1980s to 2005, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. Loss of predators in the food chain can alter the ecosystem
  • The Environmental Protection Agency said Thursday that it continuously measures radiation levels at more than 100 sites nationwide, and that it had installed seven additional radiation-monitoring devices in Guam, Hawaii and the Aleutian Islands off the Alaska coast to test for any radiation floating over the Pacific. U.S. Officials Don't Expect Radiation From Japan
  • A strong, magnitude 6.5 earthquake shook Alaska's remote Aleutian Islands early Friday, the US Geological Survey reported. No casualty has been reported yet.

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