How To Use Agrarian In A Sentence

  • During an earlier scene of cooperative fruit picking with Cambodian and Laotian refugees, we are offered an opportunity to meditate on a pan-Asian Thailand of agrarian-pastoral well-being, and a move away from the tense border security of the 70s when refugees from Cambodia and Laos led Thailand to turn sharply to the right. Michael Vazquez: ON THE 48TH ANNUAL NEW YORK FILM FESTIVAL
  • By the 1870s sufficient of world agriculture was in the second position to make agrarian depression both world-wide and politically explosive.
  • The term agrarianism derived partly from the ancient Roman agrarian law to redistribute property and Thomas Paine's 1797 work, Agrarian Justice Opposed to Agrarian Law, and to Agrarian Monopoly: Being a Plan for Meliorating the Condition of Man, By Creating in Every Advocating The Man: Masculinity, Organized Labor, and the Household in New York, 1800-1840
  • In the more traditional agrarian societies these mobile constructors formed an important bridge between rural and industrial life.
  • Navarre was a conservative, stable agrarian society in which Catholic Credit societies flourished in the late nineteenth century.
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  • There were precedents in most agrarian societies for wage labor and tenantry.
  • Trauth contrasted those findings from Humboldt County with earlier and ongoing research on Ireland's transformation from an agrarian economy to a high-tech one.
  • In the past, the Malays were tied to their agrarian communities, and the British brought in Chinese and Indians to partake in different spheres of economic activities.
  • Who made up this new elite, this agrarian bourgeoisie? A Social History of Modern Spain
  • China one fifth of humanity braked its population growth, made a quantum leap from agrarian Marxism to industrial mercantilism, and thrived--largely because the U.S. was so open to being the "designated driver" of its export-centered growth strategy during this period. Ian Fletcher: Free Trade Isn't Helping World Poverty
  • This system (following the Byzantine system) was sensible for a large agrarian empire for which detailed cadastral surveys were impractical.
  • With agrarian reform in the air, the landowners did not feel disposed to invest in their land. The Spanish Civil War: Reaction, Revolution and Revenge
  • It was difficult for them to work together with Yugoslavia which was a believer in agrarian democracy. The Small Nations in World Affairs
  • It would nevertheless be a mistake to regard the agrarian economy of Savoy as completely static and unmoving.
  • A stable and balanced agrarian economy had degenerated into precarious monocultures and backwater towns.
  • Agrarian funds, regional funds and other pots of Brussels' money served to smooth over the most glaring social distortions.
  • Indigenous people in Chimborazo who were unable to meet their tribute or whose land was expropriated eventually became tied to the region's haciendas in a system of debt servitude that lasted until an agrarian reform in 1964.
  • American liberalism at this time thus identified itself with the agrarian tradition, departing from the traditional association of agrarianism with conservative thought. Films in Fraught Times
  • His supporters claimed a significant reduction in agrarian crime.
  • Primarily an agrarian community the town was also home to a brass foundry, an iron forge, a wire-drawing mill, and a community of cabinetmakers.
  • Some 200,000 landless families are squatting in camps beside federal roadways and the landless movement is pressing the President to deliver the agrarian reform he has long promised.
  • Here you have 12-year-olds trying to figure out whether they should go for an agrarian capitalist society or a monarchy. Times, Sunday Times
  • A far-reaching agrarian reform is also underway.
  • Under this political arrangement people gain a great deal of protection from the arbitrary exercise of power that is so common in agrarian societies. Macrosociology: An Introduction to Human Societies
  • THERE ARE TWO Africas: the bush - ancient, agrarian, slow to change - and the city - vibrant, dissonant, evolving by the minute.
  • For the foreseeable future the world's economy has to be primarily agrarian.
  • While shifts in agrarian politics, economy, and society over the past two centuries have prompted certain adjustments, two patterns are striking in the local ceramic industry as women had, on a very small scale, begun to revive it in postwar Magude. Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
  • We forget that slavery existed in northern states as well as southern, that ending slavery was but one of many contributing factors to the war (think tariffs, think sectionalism, think industrial vs. agrarian economies). The Volokh Conspiracy » Virginia “Confederate History Month” Proclamation
  • At the start of the period the region was overwhelmingly agrarian, with small farmers working arable land in the river valleys, keeping livestock in the meadows, and sometimes working for the lumber industry.
  • Do not be misled - Populism is not some kind of outworn relic of an agrarian past, an aberrant philosophy of the unwashed, bitter and resentful. Financial Sector and Stocks Analysis from Seeking Alpha
  • United by more than racism, they were a party of reform committed to advancing an agrarian statist agenda.
  • The agrarian reform train is passing through your village this week.
  • It has also reaped the benefits of a bountiful grain harvest, an important reminder that much of China is still an agrarian society. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Minister in charge of rural development and agrarian reform was not even told about the plan.
  • The honest captain had caught this word from a recent treatise against agrarianism, and having an acquired taste for orders in one sense, at least, he flattered himself with being what is called a Conservative, in other words, he had a strong relish for that maxim of the Scotch freebooter, which is rendered into English by the comely aphorism of "keep what you've got, and get what you can. Homeward Bound or, the Chase
  • To me these faces have the appearance of contentment, agrarian in origin.
  • On March 27 urban and rural workers marched demanding agrarian reform and the suspension of a policy of privatizations.
  • His agrarian reforms, especially those against large property, made him unpopular among the bourgeoisie.
  • What Mr. Landes classifies as "agrarian millennialism" is illustrated by the Taiping in China in the mid-19th century. Apocalypse Now And Then
  • At the confluence of agrarian and suburban landscapes, the building's encompassment of so many forces and imagery without is a productive strategy.
  • I didn't understand, as a child, when they spoke of agrarian reform or urban reform, what they were talking about.
  • Furthermore, I am not one to try and sell the idea of agrarianism to others, I reckon you either see the benefits of it or you don't. Paradosis
  • He was supported by the large landowners, which necessarily limited the scope of agrarian reforms. The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • The second movement is a thin-textured scherzo nervily syncopated in an urban context, with no hint of an agrarian landscape.
  • The party's internal social programs include improved enforcement of environmental protection laws, addressing the problems faced by indigenous communities, and agrarian reform.
  • Early in the socialist period, the nationalization of industries, commerce, and most services, along with the forced collectivization of agrarian landholding, brought about the end of private property.
  • However, the economy is primarily agrarian, with principal crops of rice, sugar cane, maize, and wheat.
  • The three agrarian parties are prohibited from entering into any coalitions with leftist political powers.
  • He was also anxious to promote massive public works, irrigation and housing schemes and speed up agrarian reform. The Spanish Civil War: Reaction, Revolution and Revenge
  • The theory envisaged a simple agrarian and pastoral world inhabited by four kinds of people.
  • With agrarian reform in the air, the landowners did not feel disposed to invest in their land. The Spanish Civil War: Reaction, Revolution and Revenge
  • “Red Eyebrows”, a contemporary agrarian rebel group sometimes described as the forerunner of secret societies and underworld gangs such as the Triads. When a Billion Chinese Jump
  • In contrast to Mehta's and Neshat's depictions of religious women's homosocieties, Marina Abramovic's excursions into the homosocial divide consists of reprising mythopoetic imagery and ritual performance that represent the equalizing valuations of women believed to have marked many agrarian populations around the world. G. Roger Denson: XX Chromosocial: Women Artists Cross The Homosocial Divide
  • Despite its commitment to sweeping agrarian and social reforms, the Socialist leadership was quite conservative in its attitudes. DOVES OF WAR: Four Women of Spain
  • Until recently, the legal cornerstone of land tenure was the 1953 agrarian reform law, which recognized various property regimes subject to different legal rights and obligations.
  • He subordinated most of a wide set of social, labor and political reforms to his overriding interest in realizing a sweeping agrarian reform in the henequen zone.
  • Economic geography supposedly has a wide spectrum of subjects, ranging from agrarian and pastoral economies to resource utilization and changes in land use.
  • He was also anxious to promote massive public works, irrigation and housing schemes and speed up agrarian reform. The Spanish Civil War: Reaction, Revolution and Revenge
  • Her almost umbilical connection to songs like ‘The Ram of Derbish Town’ is plain to behold on this requiem to the traditions of agrarian England.
  • Despite mounting calls for agrarian reform and revisions to the 1960 Agrarian Law there has been little headway in the legal field on this subject.
  • Partly through the work of Davey, Faraday, Orsted, Volta and Ampere in electromagnetism, and the scientific and industrial revolutions which surrounded it, the world has restructured itself from a mainly agrarian society as late as 1800, through an industrial society during the century and a half that followed, to a knowledge-based society today. Canada 2000—Symptoms of Success
  • Some monastic granges had particular functions, for example as agrarian farms, sheep farms, cattle ranches, horse studs, or industrial workings.
  • In the agrarian life of the past, the time and energies of young people were much more tied up with their families. Divergent Realities: the Emotional Lives of Mothers, Fathers, and Adolescents
  • By the 1870s sufficient of world agriculture was in the second position to make agrarian depression both world-wide and politically explosive.
  • But the rebels introduced an equitable tax system and an agrarian reform program, distributing land to poor villagers.
  • Yucatecan hacendados were quick to exploit this by financing and co-opting anarchosyndicalist unions, local leaders, and electoral candidates who opposed the agrarian reform.
  • In the space of a generation we changed from an agrarian to a mercantile culture, from a stay-at-home society to one on the move.
  • In classical Marxist thought slavery is a mode of production that characterizes primitive communities, feudalism, and pre-industrial agrarian societies.
  • According to Minister of Economy Nikolai Vassilev, agrarian land has been separated into 25 million parts.
  • Original program reduces an area with centrosphere and talk with the developing zone only, the area of 80% above have not go back farmer and retreat agrarian.
  • Copy down everything relating to the tribuneship of Tiberius Gracchus and his agrarian bill. Imperium
  • Another contributing anthropologic change is our switch from an outdoor agrarian lifestyle to mostly indoor 24/7 urban living, significantly bringing down our vitamin D stores--low levels of which are now known to increase the risk of breast cancer and many other disease states. Rebecca Booth, MD: Assessing Your Breast Cancer Risk
  • The south is more agrarian and devoutly Islamic.
  • RA: The resistance has two principal pillars - a social pillar for the revindication of the people's rights, in which the resistance accompanies people in their daily struggle, for agrarian reform, for just salaries, and opposition to the privatization of social services.
  • In the second novella, we’re told that “the accursed income tax” in agrarian, collectivized America is one percent of all a family buys or sells during a month, paid at the end of each month with produce or manufactured goods. Discovering "The Moon Maid"
  • Yet information war theory posits that even a pre-industrial or agrarian society does have vulnerabilities.
  • Malaysia's transformation from an agrarian society to a relatively prosperous newly emerging manufacturing nation in five decades is impressive. Times, Sunday Times
  • The old values which had underpinned Britain when it was an agrarian society were threatened by a new urban poor.
  • The world as a whole needs to remain primarily agrarian - but if agriculture is just a business, then the fewer on the land, the better.
  • In many agrarian societies, women have been legal minors and dependent wards of men. Macrosociology: An Introduction to Human Societies
  • In the agrarian life of the past, the time and energies of young people were much more tied up with their families. Divergent Realities: the Emotional Lives of Mothers, Fathers, and Adolescents
  • Colleges of Agriculture have drawn from a historically shrinking agrarian population base.
  • In particular, the promise of agrarian reform remains unfulfilled.
  • Consequently, the landless formulated a code of their own for agrarian reform, based on the principle that only those directly tilling the land had a right to own it.
  • This book chronicles a high tech commune, where they were bound together not in agrarian pursuits but in a techno-cyber-public relations firm where they were always in contact remotely. Digital Camera
  • His analysis of the causes of agrarian unrest and ferment in Punjab was proved correct.
  • But with no sign of the promised agrarian reforms, landless agricultural workers joined the urban insurrectionary movement, seized the large farming estates and started developing them collectively.
  • The centre of the U.S. economy shifted from the agrarian areas to the industrial centres in the north.
  • The basis of the original American concept of economic liberty lies in a past agrarian and rather egalitarian structure of property ownership. Politics, Planning and the State
  • The second half of the eighteenth century saw substantial changes in the agrarian practices employed in north-east Scotland, consequent on the need to increase the profitability of the great estates.
  • In traditional agrarian life, land was almost never divided, because to do so might imperil the next generation's ability to survive.
  • Now, in the old agrarian societies-societies of the sort fundamental to Oriental culture-there were primarily four classes of human beings: four social strata.
  • Why should their homogenetic, rural, agrarian voters shape the race from the get-go? Election Central Morning Roundup
  • Basically, it was peasants looking for agrarian reform, even back then.
  • In the more traditional agrarian societies these mobile constructors formed an important bridge between rural and industrial life.
  • Despite its commitment to sweeping agrarian and social reforms, the Socialist leadership was quite conservative in its attitudes. DOVES OF WAR: Four Women of Spain
  • Under this political arrangement people gain a great deal of protection from the arbitrary exercise of power that is so common in agrarian societies. Macrosociology: An Introduction to Human Societies
  • Even worse, the new generation of politicians within the Agrarian Alliance -- including Kekkonen, the young upstart -- who were free from the old fennoman prejudices and thus more inclined to favour Tanner's Scandinavian-oriented foreign policy over the Polish connection, had also started to regard Holsti as a useless relic of an old era. DBTL 16A: The Helsinki Syndrome
  • The link between family and agrarian system will help us to understand why dechristianization gained ground, from 1791 onwards, in regions of large farms and share-cropping, and met with resistance in provinces where tenant farming and peasant proprietorship were predominant. France as a "nation"
  • There is Marx's account of "primitive accumulation" in English agrarian history in the 17th and 18th centuries in Capital. Marx's historical thinking
  • And third-party agrarians, particularly sensitive to farm debt, chose currency inflation over the gold standard.
  • He is best known as an enthusiastic nationalist and as an advocate of business interests during the period of the Jacksonian agrarianism. Five People Born on January 18 | myFiveBest
  • The result is an intriguing study of a commercial and agrarian society. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Starvation deaths are most endemic among these agrarian labourers and among the rural paupers.
  • Because these cities exist in arable and agriculturally poor conditions, experts conclude that they primarily relied on the salt industry for economic and agrarian support acquired through exchange. The Ancient Maya - A Commercial Empire
  • People are leaving an agrarian way of life to go to the city.
  • In brief, Kuznets argued that a simple agrarian economy should generally exhibit low income levels and little inequality across groups.
  • True feudal systems fitting the above description have by no means typified agrarian societies. Macrosociology: An Introduction to Human Societies
  • Have we moved past the agrarian vision of the God of the Harvest, to a more immanent God who wants to teach us, rather than be worshipped?
  • an agrarian (or agricultural) society
  • There's certainly nothing odd about his simple structure, with its clean lines and elegant agrarian forms.
  • It combined moderate agrarianism, a Home Rule program with electoral functions, was hierarchical and autocratic in structure with Parnell wielding immense authority and direct parliamentary control. Daily Life in the British Parliament: Understanding the Political Parties | Edwardian Promenade
  • As he ponders his native state, ruined and under federal occupation, Lee expresses some of the concerns of the unreconstructed agrarian poet seventy years later.
  • The areas voting from pink to red are the areas of a more agrarian nature, more afraid of change, of old economical tradition now in trouble the old mining North, the South West far from European buzz, except for the resort areas all voting blue, agroindustrial Brittany. French Legislative elections: snatching defeat from the jaws of victory
  • The Romans encouraged this situation by infusing coined money into provincial agrarian economies, which in turn led to money loans and further debt.
  • Contemporary charges of Loco Foco "agrarianism" attempted to reify this bond by publicly associating the LFP with Working Man Thomas Skidmore's destabilizing vision of a world without inheritance where the state, rather than the father, measured out family property. 23 Advocating The Man: Masculinity, Organized Labor, and the Household in New York, 1800-1840
  • Other studies have showed that profiting from agrarian reform can be combined with a more radical political commitment.
  • Sounds a lot like the National Revolution of Vichy France – the last major state to believe that prosperity lay in agrarianism. Matthew Yglesias » Michael McFaul on Russia
  • He shows that implementing market-based reforms in an agrarian setting to address the water question cannot be imposed but must be integrated within and adopted by local systems of governance if they are to succeed.
  • Terrorist movements have frequently consisted of members of the educated middle classes, but there has also been agrarian terrorism, terror by the uprooted and the rejected, and trade union and working-class terror…. The Riddle of Terrorism
  • I am a conservationist and a farmer, a wilderness advocate and an agrarian.
  • An agrarian insurrection swept across the region in the 1880s.
  • The intention was to recreate the environment of the patricians of ancient Rome and to celebrate agrarian, pastoral, Christian, and cultured life.
  • Under this political arrangement people gain a great deal of protection from the arbitrary exercise of power that is so common in agrarian societies. Macrosociology: An Introduction to Human Societies
  • In other words, our culture is agrarian at its foundation, farmers provide the raw materials that feed and clothe us all, and our ability to sustain this culture is critical to its survival.
  • I find other movements, such as agrarianism, as helpful to the cause of Christ. Christian Agrarianism Gets Noticed at Chalcedon
  • These “intentional communities” were typically established in remote locations so as to re-create agrarian, preindustrial society. A Renegade History of the United States
  • So they retreated to a quiet agrarian existence as a form of protest, painting mountains and rivers because these are what endure.
  • Info: Ukrainian agrarians to resow 20% of winter sowings
  • Sarazm is considered the most northern agrarian settlement of urban type in Central Asia in the age of neoliths and early bronze (IV-III BC).
  • Its economy was predominantly agrarian, farmers being outranked only by warriors among the four traditional classes of society, with artisans below them and merchants at the very bottom.
  • They industrialized later than the democratic countries and had a strong agrarian elite.
  • Another contributing anthropologic change is our switch from an outdoor agrarian lifestyle to mostly indoor 24/7 urban living, significantly bringing down our vitamin D stores -- low levels of which are now known to increase the risk of breast cancer (and many other disease states). Rebecca Booth, MD: Assessing Your Breast Cancer Risk
  • The answers lie in work opportunities in a rural agrarian economy and sparsely populated state.
  • Moreover, why measure pre-Second World War income inequality via the distribution of agrarian property and the quality of human capital?
  • This phenomenon of murder emerged clearly when the U.S. pushed its pseudodevelopment and anti-industrialization program through the Marcos fascist dictatorship which was supported by an avalanche of foreign loans, encouraged to aggravate and deepen the agrarian and semifeudal character of the economy, and which was given all the leeway to undertake the most unbridled bureaucratic corruption and build up the coercive apparatuses of the state. Crisis of the Semifeudal Economy - Lectures on Phillippine Crisis and Revolution
  • Taxes were low from 1600 to 1630, when the French peasant economy prospered, and then increased threefold in real terms under Richelieu and Mazarin from 1630 to 1660, when northern France was gripped by agrarian crises.
  • ‘The mission of the Land Association is to unify us as an agrarian community,’ explains head gardener Sebastian Kretschmer.
  • The limit of his agrarian radicalism was a demand, conceded by the British, for the removal of differential between Irish fat cattle and animals fattened in Britain.
  • Other studies have showed that profiting from agrarian reform can be combined with a more radical political commitment.
  • The spirit of Agrarianism reduced the nobility and gentry of France to a social level with the miserable "sans-culottes" of Paris, and the vile "canaille" which seems to raise itself from the midst of civil disturbances with the same ease and as naturally, as all the living engines of corruption burst into activity on the decay of the human body. N. Carolina University Magazine
  • He was supported by the large landowners, which necessarily limited the scope of agrarian reforms. The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • Economic progress was thus fastest in England, where landlords expropriated the peasants and created a dynamic agrarian capitalism.
  • Political groupings include former communists, socialists, agrarians, liberals, nationalists and various centrist and independent forces.
  • Of course, in a predominantly agrarian economy land constituted by far the most important capital asset.
  • A Presidential Land Review Committee, appointed in 2003, has made specific recommendations on the gender dimensions of the agrarian change and reform.
  • The state economic programs allowed private enterprise in industry and commerce and proposed no radical agrarian reforms such as collectivization schemes. 1928, Nov. 10
  • Scientists can't explain why these areas spawn healthier oldsters, but it may have to do with a more active, agrarian lifestyle, a diet rich in fish, and lower daily calorie counts.
  • Oddly, the elected government's plan included agrarian reforms and programs of aid to peasants and workers against the wishes of the upper classes and ‘foreign enterprises.’
  • But he is only just and fair, which, in the ethics of Irish agrarianism, is equivalent to being a rack-renter and a tyrant. The Reminiscences of an Irish Land Agent
  • Its intention was to create an autarchic agrarian dictatorship.
  • Though he is quite comfortable quoting Heidegger, he is the antithesis of a Heideggerian - uninterested in medieval agrarianism and utterly unpossessed of any religious affectation about the nature of work. Enowning
  • As households began to accumulate larger cattle herds, cattle assumed an increasingly important role not only as the principal anchor of agrarian livelihoods but also as the primary means of expressing intercommunity relationships and political power, notably power over people through the transfer of cattle as bridewealth. Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
  • The primary concern in his pictures is not with scenery but with the bone-aching toil of the agrarian poor.
  • Brazil was a paradigmatic case of urban and rural mobilization during these decades, with agrarian leagues claiming land and labor rights and electorates voting for progressive change.
  • Tysjatcha dush" (A Thousand Souls), a gloomy but faithful picture of the corruption of Russian society, which is portrayed also in his novel "Vzgalamutchennoe More" (Tempestuous Sea); his novel "Liudi sokorovykh godoff" (Men of Forty Years) deals with the agrarian question. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
  • This remorseless pressure drove a great number of peasants to the edge of subsistence, making them deeply vulnerable to periodic shocks in the agrarian cycle.
  • After the harvests were in, this unified production aspect of the agrarian economy came to an end.
  • These “intentional communities” were typically established in remote locations so as to re-create agrarian, preindustrial society. A Renegade History of the United States
  • These broad divisions were reflected in kinship practices, women's land rights and agrarian alliances that continue to the present.
  • It was a philosophy designed to make a poor, agrarian economy into an affluent one, with rich regions extending helping hands to hard up ones.
  • Yet information war theory posits that even a pre-industrial or agrarian society does have vulnerabilities.
  • Yes, the word agrarian sure does come up a lot around here. Pilgrims & The Christian-Agrarian Exodus of 1620
  • Then there are the village folk or the agrarian community have their own repertoire of dances for every occasion.
  • Soldier, banker, and political scientist, he an agrarian nation's transformation into an industrial power.
  • These aristocratic struggles were possible because, for many thousands of Italians, service in the army of one or other of the military dynasts was very greatly more profitable than agrarian pursuits.
  • In classical Marxist thought slavery is a mode of production that characterizes primitive communities, feudalism, and pre-industrial agrarian societies.
  • A rapid acceleration took place in the implementation of the agrarian reform.
  • In many agrarian societies, women have been legal minors and dependent wards of men. Macrosociology: An Introduction to Human Societies
  • The basis of the original American concept of economic liberty lies in a past agrarian and rather egalitarian structure of property ownership. Politics, Planning and the State
  • In the more traditional agrarian societies these mobile constructors formed an important bridge between rural and industrial life.
  • There are social democrats, agrarians and other parties in the movement.
  • So how is it that after a peasant revolution in 1952 and more then fifty years of agrarian reform, today the average campesino from the west or center of the country has less land then they started with? Self-erasing Bolivia
  • The result is an intriguing study of a commercial and agrarian society. The Times Literary Supplement
  • By providing cheap, fast and dependable transport into the interior regions the railway not only opened up these areas to the cultivation of existing crops but also allowed a further diversification of the island's agrarian economy.
  • It has also reaped the benefits of a bountiful grain harvest, an important reminder that much of China is still an agrarian society. Times, Sunday Times
  • The mood in France in particular was one of stoical resignation - one that probably characterized all agrarian workers who were called up and had to leave their land to be cultivated by women and children.
  • The monarchy remained in place, while big business and agrarians retained much influence.
  • The difficulty with many agrarian reform programmes has been achieving both social justice and economic growth.
  • Until the beginning of the 20th century, Bavaria was a mostly agrarian society and a poor one at that.
  • If he ever visited Sicily, the island of his agrarian fancies, he did so only as an excursionist.
  • Besides, all those members of the huge agrarian population have votes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet if one compares these two essentially agrarian communities in temporal terms, the situation is reversed.
  • When you learn about history you don't hear about medieval agrarian reform do you?
  • The agrarian sector of the economy is gradually diminishing as the service sector assumes prominence.
  • A stable and balanced agrarian economy had degenerated into precarious monocultures and backwater towns.
  • The fact that most of the railroad magnates lived in the East added that element of absentee landlordism which is essential to most agrarian problems. The Railroad Builders; a chronicle of the welding of the states
  • The first priority of the revolution became the redistribution of land under the Agrarian Reform Act.
  • It is in their attitude to agrarian reform that the premisses of liberalism emerge most clearly.
  • Merchants, of course, engaged in commercial activity and were a vital part of the agrarian urban economy. Macrosociology: An Introduction to Human Societies
  • Besides, all those members of the huge agrarian population have votes. Times, Sunday Times
  • In postcolonial India and China, where billions are now being coerced into a transition from agrarian to urban industrial economies(Sentencedict), this cycle had barely begun before it began to splutter.
  • Following the elections and with no sign of the promised agrarian reforms, movements in the countryside joined the insurrectionary situation in the cities.
  • Daniel Arts Center takes the regional agrarian buildings as a starting point and then pushes the form into the sculptural realm.
  • Here you have 12-year-olds trying to figure out whether they should go for an agrarian capitalist society or a monarchy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Because of interest in the issue of agrarian ethics, the focus was on students in agricultural fields.
  • A former Agrarian Reform Secretary, who campaigned as a political outsider.
  • Under its dubious stewardship, the country was reorganized into a kind of collectivized agrarian state. Undefined
  • Other studies have showed that profiting from agrarian reform can be combined with a more radical political commitment.
  • Moreover, new caciques emerged in the wake of agrarian reform, as officials of the agrarian bank and ejidal bosses entrenched themselves locally.

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