
How To Use Agene In A Sentence

  • Congenital brain anomalies like microcephaly, abnormal cortical mantle formation, agenesis of the corpus callosum have been reported.
  • Because of a genetic disorder called sacral agenesis, Siggins's legs were amputated when she was young. Reality’s Believe It or Not
  • Thus, multiple rounds of mutagenesis are possible by switching the two resistance genes on and off. The Scientist
  • The burial history of the sediments can be ascertained by the study of their varying thickness; and the petrography of the sediments reveals their diagenetic history and the movement of meteoric and pore waters through the basin.
  • Alkalaemia suppresses renal ammoniagenesis, but the hydrolysis of urea by bacteria liberates ammonia that alkalises urine.
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  • Winkielman pointed out that this "beauty in averageness" could apply to things like the silhouette of a car, a watch, as well as to people. Beauty is Only Brain Deep | Impact Lab
  • This may be related to the presence of relatively large, probably late-diagenetic pyrite clusters in the bituminous limestones, whereas smaller framboids and crystals predominate in the black shales.
  • From this he adopted the name Plantagenet, and the kings who descended from him and ruled England for more than three hundred years are called the Plantagenets. Famous Men of the Middle Ages
  • The distribution of mineral parageneses and illite crystallinity across one of the upright folds suggests that strain gradients favoured the metamorphic reaction progress from the hinge (low strain) towards the limbs (high strain).
  • On this 14th of September the warmth and dazzlingness of mid-summer still reigned at Pougues; and the scenery in which we suddenly found ourselves, bosquets, dells, and glades, with all the charm but without the savageness of the forest, recalled the loveliest lines of the laziest poet: -- East of Paris Sketches in the Gâtinais, Bourbonnais, and Champagne
  • It fires its way through first, second and third with a savageness that's terrifyingly addictive.
  • It has a wide cell tropism and remains extra-chromosomal, therefore minimising the risk of insertional mutagenesis.
  • The scholastic records of this college student with callosal agenesis were fair to good for courses that involved language and verbal facility, but contrastingly poor for subjects such as geometry and geography that involved spatial and related nonverbal faculties which we now commonly associate with the right hemisphere. Roger W. Sperry - Nobel Lecture
  • Indeed, PageMart and PageNet last week offered incentives for EconoPage customers to switch to their paging networks.
  • Along with managerial skills, his geoscience specialties include well survey ( "logs") analysis and interpretation, evaluation of depositional and diagenetic systems, seismic - stratigraphic application to the exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbon reservoirs, and definitive risk/reward economic evaluation of oil and gas projects. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • HENRY II., as you know, got his name Plantagenet from his father, Geoffrey of Anjou, who used to wear a piece of planta genista in his helmet. An Island Story: A History of England for Boys and Girls
  • Evaluating the results of their experiments the Clemson researchers concluded: "Juice from strawberry, blueberry, and raspberry fruit significantly inhibited mutagenesis. Slimming Strawberries For Weight Loss
  • Let us dedicate ourselves to what the Greeks wrote so many years ago: to tame the savageness of man and to make gentle the life of this world. Burial for a King
  • Comparisons with the potential source rocks of these sediments suggest little alteration during sediment transport and diagenesis.
  • This year the 40th anniversary of Plantagenet Wine, is the story and history of its wines and founder Tony Smith. In 1960 Tony Smith, an English gentleman, migrated to Australia.
  • What Robertson’s simulation describes is anagenesis and that is not punctuated equilibria. Evolution as Feedback? - The Panda's Thumb
  • Rapid ascent of hydrothermal fluids derived from shallow-metamorphic and deep-burial diagenetic settings is well known from many sedimentary basins.
  • Plants for mutagenesis were the progeny of one pair of plants from this inbred population.
  • These changes reflect the effects of burial diagenesis on the originally deposited clay mineral assemblage.
  • It should not be concluded from this that Norman and Plantagenet kings were reluctant to see the orbit of their influence enlarged.
  • In the case of the Kendrick Formation, however, the system was closed by early compaction of surrounding clays, and diagenesis apparently occurred in a marine phreatic environment.
  • The further comment on the relative changes in the graph – these look detailed, how is it known that these changes are not caused by diagenetic changes in the core? Hansen Simplified « Climate Audit
  • For this reason, it should come as little surprise that proponents of a hierarchical approach to macroevolution do not consider anagenesis to be the dominant mode of species transformation.
  • Decades later, the main protagonist of "Sawako Decides" is convinced not of the greatness of Imperial Japan, her community and herself but of their "averageness". Deutsche Welle: DW-WORLD.DE
  • In many modern examples, diagenetic reactions in the meteoric zones are minimal.
  • Linux CNC is a great software CNC controller. see www. reply to this open alternative by toadhall on: Dec 12 2008 toadhall ingo wagener last visit Jan 24 2010 0 friends Content
  • In Arthur Bryant's account, Henry III's son, Edward I, was the last of the great Plantagenets, indeed, the very "beau-ideal of a medieval king". Great dynasties of the world: The Plantagenets
  • Metamorphism could be thought of as an extreme form of diagenesis, but diagenetic processes are generally distinguished from metamorphism and are considered in terms of the sedimentary rocks on which they act.
  • Understanding of how mineralized materials formed leads to deciphering complex microstructures or diagenetic changes that have occurred in our fossils.
  • The fracture in studied area can he divided into diagenetic micro - facture, weathering fracture and structural fracture.
  • In this way, ellagic acid effectively increases detoxification of carcinogens and reduces mutagenesis and tumourigenesis.
  • Of the three slides per tooth, the one with the least diagenetic damage and the most clear-cut microstructure was used in the analysis PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Henry II. was the first of the Plantagenets, and he took his name from Geoffrey of Anjou who used to wear a piece of planta genista in his cap. An Island Story: A History of England for Boys and Girls
  • It was all a gesture towards Edward Plantagenet likewise.
  • No sooner had he arrived than the isolation tore away his civilized exterior and made his inner savageness emerge.
  • In highly sheared rocks, relics of amphibolite-facies parageneses are lacking and the mylonite is made up of greenschist-facies mineral assemblages.
  • Similarly, cortical bone is less prone to diagenetic contamination than porous, cancellous bone tissue.
  • Alteration of residues by site directed mutagenesis which are close to, or in contact, with the sugar result in variety of effects ranging from insoluble protein through inactive enzyme to little observable change.
  • Intrusive rocks were cored in neither well, although hydrothermal parageneses are extremely widespread and in-hole measurements at the bottom of the wells indicate a present-day temperature of 400 deg C.
  • Its leader, Richard Plantagenet, reoccupied Acre, executing prisoners and slaughtering its inhabitants.
  • If, in the evolution of the future, a third division of the human race is to be formed by subtracting sex from woman, -- a retrograde development, -- I venture to propose the term agene (+a+ without, +genos+ sex) as an appropriate designation for the new development. Sex in Education or, A Fair Chance for Girls
  • He describes Plantagenet's dynastic claim to the throne deriving from Edward III.
  • Wagener received the award for pioneering research on rainfall-runoff modeling in gauged and ungauged catchments. Penn State Live
  • His comeback story is remarkable, but his checkered injury history and "averageness" as a closer make this the one glaring liability on the Rays. MVN
  • However, in contrast, his reading of evolutionary theory is both closely linked to the modern synthesis and rejects anagenesis .
  • Were it not fur her, I dare say Edward Plantagenet would long since have succumbed to ennui and despair.
  • Petrographical studies were conducted by examining thin sections in transmitted and reflected light to identify magnetic mineralogy and diagenetic phases.
  • No one beholding the proud bearing of the new monarch would have supposed that his family emblem, the lowly broom-plant (_Planta genista_), from which came the name Plantagenet, had been adopted by an ancestor of Richard's in token of humility. With Spurs of Gold Heroes of Chivalry and their Deeds
  • In the argillaceous fraction of a sedimentary series of petroliferous sandstones from the Sahara two successive diagenetic changes are considered.
  • The model makes use of GA to modify the power value of network to construct anagenesis model, shorten time of practice and study, improve the forecast precision of model.
  • Developmental disorder e.g., arteriovenous malformation, agenesis The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
  • For example, SINES and LINES can cause insertional mutagenesis, hybrid dysgenesis, chromosomal rearrangements, etc. Junk DNA, Junk Science, and The Onion Test - The Panda's Thumb
  • Most microbes live in near-surface or shallow subsurface diagenetic settings where temperatures and pressures are relatively low and nutrients are abundant.
  • At each sample site, the least diagenetically modified, coarser grained sediments from laminae of dune couplets were selected for analysis.
  • An understanding of evolution as endogenous adaptive mutagenesis looks to "have many practical implications? 2008 June - Telic Thoughts
  • In each mutagenesis reaction, the functionality of the resistance genes is reversed using a pair of "on/ off" oligonucleotides. The Scientist
  • Owing to diagenetic effects, the vertical burrow parts commonly are compacted and may bear stylolites, whereas the inner parts of the tunnels especially are affected by sponge-like growth of celestine crystals.
  • Until the last ten years most authors thought that solution seam and stylolite formation took place during deep burial diagenesis.
  • On the other hand, in the grey-pink argillaceous levels, fossils are much more better preserved, although slightly distorted or weakly diagenetically flattened.
  • Note 23: Jacques-Fabien Gautier, [Photophysis chroagenesis]: de optice errores Isaaci Newtonis ... demonstrans: ad illustrandas experientias sex figurae geometrices, simul & prismatum construendorum modus novus hîc accedunt ... The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • As the Plantagenets had their “planta genista,” the broom; so the Dymokes would seem to have had their “oak.” {209b} The descent of the early Dymokes may be briefly given thus: — Scrivelsby, forming part of the Soke of Horncastle, of which the Conqueror held the manor, was given by William to Robert Dispenser, his steward, whom we have several times named in connection with other neighbouring parishes. Records of Woodhall Spa and Neighbourhood Historical, Anecdotal, Physiographical, and Archaeological, with Other Matter
  • Evolutionary taxonomists such as Simpson use both cladogenesis and anagenesis in their classifications, arguing that taxonomic groups should be based on the branching points in evolution and the degree of difference between groups.
  • A feasible way to decrease the risk of insertional mutagenesis is to combine the reprogramming factors into a single polycistronic vector by inserting a 'self-cleaving' 2A peptide or an internal ribosome entry site (IRES) sequence between two consecutive open reading frames. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • This process of organic transformation includes anagenesis as well as cladogenesis.
  • And although there is almost certainly not agene, or even a handful of genes, that accounts for the transformation from the wolf to the dog, a study of the population genetics of the two species could potentially speak volumes about the origin and history of domestication. The Truth About Dogs
  • Nor can we equate revolutions simply with speciation in Darwin's own sense, given that Darwin's favorite mechanism of speciation was anagenesis, not cladogenesis ” just the long-term adaptive evolution within a single line rather than the splitting of lines. Scientific Revolutions
  • Swift as thought the veteran archer raised his arblast to his shoulder, the whizzing bolt fled from the ringing string, and the next moment crashed quivering into the corselet of Plantagenet. Burlesques
  • Another diagnosis to consider is a closed spinal dysraphism, where the vertebral arches are not fused well, but there is no vertebral column agenesis.
  • After complicated manoeuvring on both sides, in 1202 King Philip announced that John had forfeited the Plantagenet fiefs in France.
  • Plantagenet was Geoffrey's nickname, derived from his habit of sporting sprigs of broom Latin: planta genista in his helmet. Great dynasties of the world: The Plantagenets
  • Dandy Walker variant has a degree of vermian agenesis and enlargement of the 4th ventricle; however, the posterior fossa remains normal in size.
  • My deception fooled my peers, who quit calling me Beanpole and accepted my averageness with metallic grins and open arms, but my teachers were incensed and requested monthly teacher/parent consultations. Miracles, Inc.
  • Edwards notes from chemical analysis that there are traces of yttrium which are undoubtedly of diagenetic origin.
  • A post-ejaculatory urinalysis should be performed if ejaculate volume is less than 1 mL, except in patients with bilateral vasal agenesis or possible hypogonadism.
  • Presentation is bland and the lack of graphic detail just doesn't do justice to the obvious savageness of the creatures.
  • Pore waters also sensitively record the occurrence of other reactions, such as the dissolution, precipitation, and recrystallization of phosphates, carbonates, and sulphides, during early diagenesis.
  • Billy?" he demanded, with a savageness that startled her. A WICKED WOMAN
  • Unfrequented, the pda cell phone submerged burdenless vatic prominence of meantime to savageness that masochistically was inhabited on the nutritionally of murine and lignin, blankly quantifiability the gillespie monophysite. Rational Review
  • However, unlike cnidarians, ctenophores possess rows of cilia and a unique, complex sensory organ and lack cnidae and metagenesis.
  • X-ray mutagenesis led to the identification of dominant mutations altering the number of bristles.
  • Christensen discovered a rare birth defect, known as agenesis of the corpus callosum, during a brain scan in the 1980s. NPR Topics: News
  • This may be the image the white man has created of the Indian; his "savageness" has boomeranged and isn't a mystery; it is fear; fear of the Indian's temperament! OpEdNews - Diary: Have a Colonialist Thanksgiving.
  • Of course, IAAL, so maybe such detachment is in myÂgenes. The Volokh Conspiracy » 1. Science, Faith, and Not Ruling Out Possibilities
  • Punctuated equilibrium is commonly contrasted against the theory of phyletic gradualism, which hypothesizes that most evolution occurs uniformly and by the steady and gradual transformation of whole lineages anagenesis. Secondary Addiction: Ann Coulter on Evolution - The Panda's Thumb
  • Man in Black and Jacob are both supernatural beings, bordering on the magical, and their struggle was an example of morality in the Victorian era, in which Caliban's "savageness" was a result of his accession to all impulses, scorning notions of willful self-control. Get Ready: LOSTCasts 86: The Package
  • The "averageness" of this team has driven the team to make a significant move. The Wages of Wins Journal
  • Successful application requires context. accurate reconstruction of sedimentary and Dates for the earliest MSA in East Africa diagenetic processes, ground water action, converge on the interval 240-280 ka. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The Talisman" lately, and the Plantagenet was her ideal of manly excellence. Vixen, Volume I.
  • Bacteria make a living by catalyzing many diagenetic reactions. Who Do You Say I Am
  • Paragenetic evidence indicates that the manganese oxides are pre-or syngenetic with respect to the barite.
  • Early in the fifth century, however, the 'pot hunter' began to appear and Theagenes of Thasos was said to have won some 1,400 prizes at different athletics festivals.
  • A digitizing tablet shown in the con fi guration where a set of colls generated a magenetic - fi eld which is disturbed by the presence of the pen tip in that exact location (3). Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • I would argue that the violence in the Middle East is pretty mild mannered compared to the savageness occurring in Gujarat, a province in Northwestern India.
  • In the last part, the paper presents that, as a philosophical conception, alienation is not incompatible with anagenesis, affirms active effect of Chinese blog.
  • [...] descrição bonita para ilustrar o projeto, “com agenesia de acidentes topográficos”. fonte Outra interessante favela de rico é esta [...] Font Clock Presents the Time using 12 Different Fonts
  • Now nearly 60years and perhaps 100 million rifles later, Mikhail Kalashnikov is both ageneral in semiretirement and Moscow's unofficial firearms ambassador to theworld. The History of the Kalashnikov
  • Investigations will focus on depositional, structural, and diagenetic characteristics. U.S. Department of Energy - Press Releases
  • Plantagenet was Geoffrey's nickname, derived from his habit of sporting sprigs of broom Latin: planta genista in his helmet. Great dynasties of the world: The Plantagenets
  • I'm not sure what you are referring to by 'known mycobacterial mutations', but the main polymerase responsible for induced mutagenesis in M. tuberculosis including antibiotic resistance following infection (DnaE2 – see Boshoff et al Cell. Browsing the Latest Issue of Scientific American
  • Transgenic mouse modelling has provided a new approach to study the various steps involved in spontaneous and induced mutagenesis in rodent somatic and germline tissues in vivo.
  • Tiberius did not shrink from annexing dependent monarchies: Germanicus took over Commagene and Cappadocia, which made it possible to halve the Roman sales tax.
  • Typically, albite of this purity results from secondary alteration processes such as hydrothermal metasomatism or authigenic growth during burial diagenesis.
  • Typically, albite of this purity results from secondary alteration processes such as hydrothermal metasomatism or authigenic growth during burial diagenesis.
  • They are very good natured animals when domesticated, but I believe it to be impossible to cure that savageness, which all I have seen seem to possess.
  • It was said, a few years ago, that a Plantagenet was a butcher in a suburb of London. Folkways A Study of the Sociological Importance of Usages, Manners, Customs, Mores, and Morals
  • Insertional mutagenesis is a method for identifying genes by using the integration of DNA as the mutagen , thereby facilitating the cloning of the mutated gene.
  • [Footnote: The name Plantagenet came from the peculiar badge, a sprig of broom-plant (_plante de genet_), adopted by one of the early members of the House. General History for Colleges and High Schools
  • · binna {n} Burgan ⁊ butan ·  {10} swa ful ⁊ swa ford swa mine agene Wicneres hit sechan scolden · ⁊ ofer swa fele þeinas swa ich heom to {} leten habban. Selections from early Middle English, 1130-1250 Part I: Texts
  • In contrast, the sharpness of the edges of the individual grains or their angularity records the history of the grain during transport and, to a lesser extent, during diagenesis.
  • He ended with these words: Let us dedicate ourselves to what the Greeks wrote so many years ago: to tame the savageness of man and make gentle the life of this world.
  • Ctenophora or comb-jellyfish are completely different creatures which do not have metagenesis and do not bear cnidae.
  • Any level of kosmos, then, has a deep structure consisting of at least two countercurrent structural flows: genesis and metagenesis.
  • These clay minerals can form by diagenesis.
  • ») L Ji. elcg, 2» y) Plutarch. deP j) • In templom Yeneris, qoin 'et narrantibns nomis Sereri est Ino $e$e ex rupe in fhh Corinthiit iptom Acrocorinthum a Sole ciu$ cum filio praecipitem agene ad$tituto Yeneri dono datom scrtbit Paosanias »), deiphino. Doctrina nvmorvm vetervm conscripta a Josepho Eckhel ..
  • Under no circumstances would I even think of stress-induced metagenesis as being responsible from an environmental perspective in causing mutations. Creationists saturation-bombing Amazon? - The Panda's Thumb
  • Many decades passed, however, before research into diagenetic processes and products really got underway. AvaxHome RSS:
  • It was all a gesture towards Edward Plantagenet likewise.
  • Southern blot analysis showed that there was one copy of Pin agene in Ae . juvenalis.
  • In response to burial in sedimentary basins, clay minerals in mudrock lithologies, including mudstone, shale and slate, undergo diagenetic and low-grade metamorphic reactions.
  • Resetting of the [delta] 34 S values in anhydrite and pyrite by diagenetic fluids seems unlikely in the present case, because diagenesis occurred in a largely closed system and did not involve significant fluid movement.
  • Also, if a Shield charged with an escarbuncle and many lioncels, which has been assigned to GEOFFREY Count of ANJOU, was really borne by the Founder of the House of PLANTAGENET, The Handbook to English Heraldry
  • Objective To discuss clinical characteristics of gallbladder agenesis ( GBA ).
  • Under high magnification, lighter patches that can be seen probably correspond with larger crystals or clusters of crystals that have aggraded diagenetically.
  • Geoffrey of Anjou, his appearance and character; married to Empress Maude; origin of his surname Plantagenet; death. Cameos from English History, from Rollo to Edward II
  • Jin Ping Mei intended to expose the corruption and savageness of feudal society, the hypocrisy and cruelty of feudal government ruled by law and feudal ethnic morality by her image.
  • The Latin name for broom is planta genista, and gradually it came to be pronounced Plantagenet. An Island Story: A History of England for Boys and Girls
  • Using synthetic analogs of lerisetron as molecular probes in combination with site directed mutagenesis, we have identified some of these interactions and have proposed a model of the lerisetron binding site.
  • The only volumetrically important and widespread diagenetic effect of groundwater flow on carbonates in near-surface evaporitic settings is reflux dolomitization.
  • Driving taxis and buses, porting baggage at the airport, and working in shops are among the types of employment that the Hageners pursue.
  • In ausserordentlicher lieblicher und sinniger Weise wird uns ein haeusliches, schlichtes, von edlem Christlichen Sinn getragenes Familien - leben forgefuehrt, das durch seine treffliche Characterschilderung unser lebhaftestes Interesse flir jedes Glied des kinderreichen Hauses in Anspruch nimmt. The Life and Letters of Elizabeth Prentiss
  • It is the life cycle consisting of an asexual and a sexual generation (metagenesis) of the cycliophorans that makes the phylum unique.
  • They also posit that "averageness" (like symmetry) is a proxy for health, and that we may be predisposed by biology and evolution to find average faces attractive. Newswise: Latest News
  • Additional studies such as mutagenesis of Ser112 of BAD PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • This paper introduces character of savageness marble board, and its constructing method and quality control requirement, and puts forward method to protect product.
  • Our reality, our averageness, seemed intolerable.
  • Philadelphia Red queried sweetly, ere his tones turned to savageness. Chapter 7
  • Stable isotopic method can be used effectively in the diagenetic research of deep water carbonate rocks.
  • Continental Drift has had a long and turbulent history since it was first proposed by Alfred Wagener in 1910.
  • The FeLV-induced tumors are thought to be caused, at least in part, by somatically acquired insertional mutagenesis in which the integrated provirus may activate a proto-oncogene or disrupt a tumor suppressor gene.
  • Edith was understood to be an orphan; and though she was called Plantagenet, and the Fair Maid of Anjou, and admitted by Richard to certain privileges only granted to the royal family, and held her place in the circle accordingly, yet few knew; and none acquainted with the Court of England ventured to ask, in what exact degree of relationship she stood to Cur de Lion. The Talisman
  • La firma italiana PM4 nos deja bien en claro que el estilo tradicional y sofisticado puede ser perfecto aún para las pequeñas princesas de la casa, y para entenderlo mejor nos muestra bellas imágenes de su nueva colección. Contemporary Kids Bedroom Design Ideas by Mariani
  • Were it not fur her, I dare say Edward Plantagenet would long since have succumbed to ennui and despair.
  • This process of organic transformation includes anagenesis as well as cladogenesis.
  • To study the phylogenetic status of some group from the view of lineage and stem species is helpful to integrate the knowledge about both of the anagenesis and the cladogenesis.
  • Such mutants have been generated by chemical mutagenesis, gene disruption, and antisense gene silencing.
  • Ethidium stained gels were irradiated with 60 mJoules of UV in a UV Stratalinker (Stratagene) to nick the DNA, and destained for 30 minutes in distilled water. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • There was a compromise that approximated the truth, though it flattered not the school of god, while it challenged the brute-savageness of the school of clod. Chapter 27
  • A moated palace was built at Eltham which became a favourite home of Plantagenet monarchs during the 14th and 15th centuries.
  • I'm not sure what you are referring to by 'known mycobacterial mutations', but the main polymerase responsible for induced mutagenesis in M. tuberculosis including antibiotic resistance following infection Browsing the Latest Issue of Scientific American
  • Although not a problem with these data, the possibility of diagenetic alteration of fossil segments must be considered in coral studies. bender Cobb's "Cool" Medieval Pacific « Climate Audit
  • Pore-filling cementation is also common during the diagenesis of chalks, resulting in rapid porosity loss.
  • The following medicines may need changes when taken with Kaletra: birth control pills that contain estrogen ( "the pill"), birth control (contraceptive) patches, atorvastatin (Lipitor®), rosuvastatin (Crestor®), efavirenz (Atripla® and Sustiva®), nevirapine (Viramune®), amprenavir (Agenerase®), fosamprenavir (Lexiva®), nelfinavir RedOrbit News - Technology
  • Using synthetic analogs of lerisetron as molecular probes in combination with site directed mutagenesis, we have identified some of these interactions and have proposed a model of the lerisetron binding site.
  • I called the Plantagenet, and ascended it through La Salle, Marquette, and Assawa Lakes to a small creek at the foot of the Hauteur des Terres. Personal Memoirs of a Residence of Thirty Years with the Indian Tribes on the American Frontiers
  • It must extend itself to cover horrors—ostomies and scars and flipper-hands and harelips and agenesis of the eyeballs—and it rises to every miserable occasion of the sick body. The Worst Years of Your Life
  • This gas brine has two types as metagenesis and potassium salt leach stack, is meaningfulness as resource and being indication for seeking potassium minerals.
  • Mr. Kenyon thinks it cannot end so -- and I do sometimes -- and in the meantime I do confess to a little 'savageness' also -- at heart! The Letters of Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett Barrett, Vol. 1 (of 2) 1845-1846
  • This gives the appearance of directed mutagenesis because only revertant cells survive mutagenesis.
  • While the purpose of early mutant isolations was mostly focused on the identification of auxotrophs, many of these early strains have been subjected to heavy mutagenesis.
  • This calibrates the nucleotide mutation rate for two mutagenesis centers, implies significance criteria for positional cloning efforts, and provides working estimates of effective genetic target sizes for selected phenotypes.
  • Let us dedicate ourselves to what the Greeks wrote so many years ago: to tame the savageness of man and make gentle the life of this world. Brian Levin, J.D.: A 9/11 Remembrance: One Extraordinary Life Out of Many
  • The overall effect at the present level of exhumation is shown diagrammatically in Figure 2c. Along many of the major faults, older rocks at late diagenetic grade are downthrown against younger rocks at higher grades.
  • Yes, but site-directed mutagenesis is not the same as either evolution or ID – it's a special and limited case. Creationism, defined
  • HENRY II., as you know, got his name Plantagenet from his father, Geoffrey of Anjou, who used to wear a piece of planta genista in his helmet. An Island Story: A History of England for Boys and Girls
  • But stress-induced metagenesis does cause mutations. Creationists saturation-bombing Amazon? - The Panda's Thumb
  • Saul R. & Sperry, R.W. Absence of commissurotomy symptoms with agenesis of the corpus callosum. Roger W. Sperry - Nobel Lecture
  • Too many songs are aborted takeoffs, briefly hovering in the air before settling back down to earth, grounded by their own sense of averageness.
  • Methods The clinical manifestations and MRI findings of 12 patients with callosal agenesis were analyzed retrospectively , in the meantime the relative literatures were reviewed.
  • Point mutations were created by oligonucleotide-mediated site-directed mutagenesis and confirmed by DNA sequencing.
  • Checkpoints in the life-cycle of Cassiopea spp.: control of metagenesis and metamorphosis in a tropical jellyfish.
  • The free carbonate fraction is dominated by calcite that probably precipitated during early diagenesis, in contact with diagenetic pore water.
  • The experiment I referenced demonstrated (actually a series of experiments) that DNA damage in M. tuberculosis results in the induction of an SOS-regulated polymerase (DNAE2), which causes base substitution mutagenesis, that is, the experiment was set up so that the only drug resistant mutations that was scored was base substitution mutagenesis. Browsing the Latest Issue of Scientific American
  • Darell el alternativismo de la realidad impresa bajo tonadas e imagenes elocuentes casi tactiles cien porciento volatiles bajo tambien la sorpresa de hombres dominados por su instinto controlado por maquinas para que al final sea el mismo hombre quien se destruya asi mismo bajo la vision de sus propios miedos y fracasos para quedar absolutamente solo aunque este este rodeado de los mismos seres inertes y ya sin corazon …. Splitting The Atom film by Edouard Salier « Massive Attack Blog
  • Savageness was a part of his make-up, but the savageness thus developed exceeded his make-up. The Outcast
  • One of the most notable naturalists of our time has insisted on the opposition of two orders of phenomena observed in living tissues, _anagenesis_ and Evolution créatrice. English
  • Many of the intrageneric hybrids seem fertile, whereas as far as I can gather, bigeneric hybrids have proved to be sterile.
  • The empress's voice filled with a savageness Nell wasn't accustomed to hearing.
  • The first phase of diagenetic albite constitutes an impure, turbid variety including albitized grains of original plagioclase and alkali feldspar.
  • This spike has been previously regarded as diagenetic, as the samples analysed correspond to limestone concretions.
  • Þa ferde he mid micel færd into engle [la] nd. ⁊ wan castles. ⁊ te king ferde agenes hi {m} mid  {180} micel mare ferd. ⁊ þoþwæthere fuhtten hi noht. oc ferden þe ærceb {iscop} ⁊ te wise me ` n´ betwux heo {m}. ⁊ makede ð sahte ð te king sculde ben lauerd ⁊ king wile he liuede. Selections from early Middle English, 1130-1250 Part I: Texts
  • HcRed1 was originally derived from a non-fluorescent chromoprotein that absorbs red light through mutagenesis to produce a weakly fluorescent obligate dimer having an absorption maximum at 588 nanometers and an emission maximum of 618 nanometers. Archive 2005-10-01
  • The chapel in its heraldry is virtually a document of the Tudor/Plantagenet power struggle.
  • And, not only do we have Punctuated equilibrium and anagenesis to describe the rate of gradualism in evolution; but we also have more catastrophic/sudden emergence theories including quantum evolution, saltationism, catastrophism & mass extinction theories. Secondary Addiction: Ann Coulter on Evolution - The Panda's Thumb
  • A lower intensity of mutagenesis can explain all observed revertants if each mutagenized cell has multiple copies of the lac operon.
  • A new altered sites mutagenesis systems for the cloning DNA is described.
  • At a hearing in federal court in Manhattan on Friday, Steven R. Kartagener , Mr. Sebbag's lawyer, described the scheme as "harebrained," "crazy" and "stupid. Man Sentenced to 27 Months in Disney Tips Case
  • We must, however, not forget that we possess the wonderful analogy of ontogeny (individual development) and above all, the fact of mutation and of metagenesis. At the Deathbed of Darwinism A Series of Papers
  • When buried by later sediments, clays can undergo changes in their mineralogy, a process known as diagenesis.
  • As diagenetic growth of authigenic apatite continues within a bone, the isotopic composition of the whole bone will trend towards a purely diagenetic signal.
  • To understand the role of the contact HLA-G residues in HLA-G recognition by NK cells we performed an extensive site-directed mutagenesis which is listed in HLA-G is markedly different from HLA-C and other selected MHC class I molecules in the contact residues between KIR and HLA-C. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • And he described, with a savageness that frightened her, the rigid Communist cadres that ruled behind the Republican lines. THE WHITE DOVE
  • i {n} fangenesthiafes · ⁊ fleamene frimtha · ofer heore agene men Selections from early Middle English, 1130-1250 Part I: Texts
  • Ch teau d'Issan, best known for its picturesque moated castle, allegedly served at the wedding of Eleanor of Aquitaine to Henry Plantagenet, has finally begun to live up to its third-growth ranking. A Tale of Two Ch
  • In this work, saponified coconut oil was used as a chemical model to explain the behavior of amphiphilic molecules in biological systems related to their mutagenesis potential.
  • Later, it was also determined he had a rare and potentially life-threatening condition called agenesis corpus callosum, which occurs when a portion of the brain fails to develop properly. Ventura County Star Stories

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