

  1. a yellow pungent volatile oil (trade name Agene) formerly used for bleaching and aging flour

How To Use Agene In A Sentence

  • Congenital brain anomalies like microcephaly, abnormal cortical mantle formation, agenesis of the corpus callosum have been reported.
  • Because of a genetic disorder called sacral agenesis, Siggins's legs were amputated when she was young. Reality’s Believe It or Not
  • Thus, multiple rounds of mutagenesis are possible by switching the two resistance genes on and off. The Scientist
  • The burial history of the sediments can be ascertained by the study of their varying thickness; and the petrography of the sediments reveals their diagenetic history and the movement of meteoric and pore waters through the basin.
  • Alkalaemia suppresses renal ammoniagenesis, but the hydrolysis of urea by bacteria liberates ammonia that alkalises urine.
  • Winkielman pointed out that this "beauty in averageness" could apply to things like the silhouette of a car, a watch, as well as to people. Beauty is Only Brain Deep | Impact Lab
  • This may be related to the presence of relatively large, probably late-diagenetic pyrite clusters in the bituminous limestones, whereas smaller framboids and crystals predominate in the black shales.
  • From this he adopted the name Plantagenet, and the kings who descended from him and ruled England for more than three hundred years are called the Plantagenets. Famous Men of the Middle Ages
  • The distribution of mineral parageneses and illite crystallinity across one of the upright folds suggests that strain gradients favoured the metamorphic reaction progress from the hinge (low strain) towards the limbs (high strain).
  • On this 14th of September the warmth and dazzlingness of mid-summer still reigned at Pougues; and the scenery in which we suddenly found ourselves, bosquets, dells, and glades, with all the charm but without the savageness of the forest, recalled the loveliest lines of the laziest poet: -- East of Paris Sketches in the Gâtinais, Bourbonnais, and Champagne
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