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How To Use Agamemnon In A Sentence

  • The only trilogy intact today is Aeschylus' Orestia, which describes the tragic story of the House of Atreus after Agamemnon's triumphant return.
  • Some of the actors starred in the society's first play, the Greek tragedy ‘Agamemnon’ held back in December.
  • This is evident also in Kierkegaard’s Fear and Trembling where he compares Abraham’s conduct in the akedah scene with a number of tragic stories, including Jephthah’s and Agamemnon’s treatment of their daughters. Biblical Women in World and Hebrew Literature.
  • Something in my cellular memory gut tells me this is exactly the kind of heavy dull weather they were having in Aulis or where ever the Hades it was that Agamemnon's fleet was to embark from...and what the conditions were like when Iphigenia was murdered. My film is "awesome!"
  • Agamemnon, jumping upon the piazza at the same moment, trod upon the paper parcel, which exploded at once with the shock, and he fell to the ground, while at the same moment the paste "fulminated" into a blue flame directly in front of The Peterkin Papers
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  • The other Achaeans sat where they were all silent and orderly to hear the king, and Agamemnon looked into the vault of heaven and prayed saying, “I call Jove the first and mightiest of all gods to witness, I call also Earth and Sun and the The Iliad of Homer
  • Lines 1672-73 of Agamemnon are lacunose.
  • In Agamemnon, there can be but little doubt that the protagonist impersonated only Clytemnestra, leaving the deuteragonist the briefer parts of the Herald, Cassandra, and Ægisthus, and to the tritagonist the Watchman and Agamemnon.
  • In Agamemnon, there can be but little doubt that the protagonist impersonated only Clytemnestra, leaving the deuteragonist the briefer parts of the Herald, Cassandra, and Ægisthus, and to the tritagonist the Watchman and Agamemnon.
  • So in conclusion: a prolonged primary battle helps the eventually winner, because they take up more airtime, so long as the eventual loser doesn't go and sulk in his/her tent like Achilles who lost to Agamemnon in the crucial Achaean caucus. South Carolina GOP primary results – as it happened
  • With Clytemnestra the assassinator of Agamemnon, king of men; with Ravaillac, who slew the best king that France ever knew; with "him who fired Ephesian's dome;" with the murderers of our The Uniter and Liberator of America
  • Iphigenia was sacrificed to the goddess Artemis by Agamemnon so that the Greek fleet could sail away to Troy.
  • Traditionally, her voice has been ignored; the original Greek tragedy, Iphigenia at Aulis, concentrates on the pain of her father, Agamemnon, as he decides whether or not to have his daughter killed so that he can go to war. Self-promoting like a self-promoter.
  • Howbeit he abode amid his beaked, seafaring ships in utter wrath against Agamemnon, Atreus' son, shepherd of the host.
  • Atreus – Atreus, king of Mycene, was the son of Pelops and the father of Agamemnon and Menelaus. more info N.Y. Times mines its data to identify words that readers find abstruse » Nieman Journalism Lab
  • Elizabeth Eliza begged Agamemnon to look out "apprendre" in the dictionary. The Peterkin Papers
  • Agamemnon cannot restrain himself and even bursts into verse in the course of this disquisition on the decadence of oratory: artis severae si quis ambit effectus mentemque magnis applicat, prius mores frugalitatis lege poliat exacta. nec curet alto regiam trucem vultu cliensve cenas impotentium captet nec perditis addictus obruat vino mentis calorem, neve plausor in scaenam sedeat redemptus histrionis ad rictus. sed sive armigerae rident Tritonidis arces, seu Lacedaemonio tellus habitata colono Post-Augustan Poetry From Seneca to Juvenal
  • Clytemnestra thinks her murder of Agamemnon justified because he had sacrificed Iphigenia, their daughter, whom he had lured to Aulis by the false promise that she was to marry Achilles. Anne Carson - or another Sudan seminar
  • They advise and prod Orestes, Pylades, and Electra along, urging them to seek out revenge for Agamemnon's death.
  • Agamemnon is intent on revenge,” old Nestor had said, sitting in the megaron late in the evening, a cup of wine comfortably full in his grip, one of his hounds at his feet. Shield of Thunder
  • Must Aegisth tote a live snake for us to realize that lust was the motivation for the murder of Agamemnon?
  • Must Aegisth tote a live snake for us to realize that lust was the motivation for the murder of Agamemnon?
  • Agamemnon was butchered with the others and died most unroyally.
  • Agamemnon should partly conceal his face, you should have made him hide a portion of it by placing his hands over his eyes and forehead; and not with a veil, which is as disagreeable to the eye, and as unpicturesque, as it is contrary to all costume. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • Agamemnon’s father was also called Atreus, so perhaps the men were kin. The Trojan War
  • Eager to attack Troy, Agamemnon kills her, and the Greeks are given favorable winds for their ships.
  • The speech is aimed at the self-will and factiousness of Achilles and his disloyalty to Agamemnon. The Art of Letters
  • Her mother, Clytemnestra, has been driven mad by dreams of her own death at the hands of her son, Orestes, who accomplishes that matricide as revenge for his mother's murder of his father, Agamemnon.
  • He called upon the great ones of Old Earth, too, Agamemnon and Caesar and Genghis Khan, Napoleon and Gilgamesh. THE LONGEST WAY HOME
  • Agamemnon cannot restrain himself and even bursts into verse in the course of this disquisition on the decadence of oratory: artis severae si quis ambit effectus mentemque magnis applicat, prius mores frugalitatis lege poliat exacta. nec curet alto regiam trucem vultu cliensve cenas impotentium captet nec perditis addictus obruat vino mentis calorem, neve plausor in scaenam sedeat redemptus histrionis ad rictus. sed sive armigerae rident Tritonidis arces, seu Lacedaemonio tellus habitata colono Post-Augustan Poetry From Seneca to Juvenal
  • Atreus – Atreus, king of Mycene, was the son of Pelops and the father of Agamemnon and Menelaus. more info N.Y. Times mines its data to identify words that readers find abstruse » Nieman Journalism Lab
  • I'm taking Agamemnon back to block the way out of this system. THE MOAT AROUND MURCHESON'S EYE
  • Athene intervenes to check his urge to kill Agamemnon on the spot, and he withdraws in a sulk from the fighting.
  • Agamemnon maintains that his blindness was an act of the gods.
  • Agamemnon, however, had happily studied up the German word "Herr," and he applied it to the German, inviting him by signs to take a seat in the other carryall. The Peterkin Papers
  • But when Spartan Princess Helen cuckolds Menelaus with Trojan Prince Paris, warmongering Agamemnon uses it as an excuse for launching an all out war on Troy.
  • The Chorus mentions that Agamemnon and his brother Menelaus are very similar to each other, ‘twin throned, twin sceptered, in twofold power.’
  • Gifts of atonement for "surquedry," like that of Agamemnon, are given and received in the French epics, for example, in the [blank space]. Homer and His Age
  • So he died and left behind him the ancient sceptre of Tantalus, and Aegisthus reigns in his stead, with the daughter of Tyndareus, Agamemnon's queen, to wife. Electra
  • The spellcheck didn't like 34G and asked if I wanted to change it to Agamemnon.
  • Clytemnestra persuades Agamemnon to expend public wealth by treading upon delicate, invaluable fabrics, thereby destroying them, as a token of his triumph.
  • In whatever period this history was written, whether it was imitated from the Greek history of Agamemnon and Idomeneus, or was the model from which that history was taken; whether it might be anterior or posterior to similar narratives in Assyrian history is not the point I am now examining. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • The fleet is becalmed at Aulis after its first abortive attempt because Agamemnon has angered the goddess Artemis by killing a stag in her sacred grove.
  • In part two, Cassandra, doomed by Apollo to prophesy truth to disbelievers and brought as a slave by Agamemnon from Troy, foresees that she will be murdered along with her oppressor, and yet (still recalling Aeschylus): in she went to the knife, to the killer wife to the net over her slaver, the Troy reaver, saying, 'A wipe of the sponge, that's it. Insight: Poetic Visions of the Past
  • The antistrophe, which contains the words of Agamemnon, is spoken (more than recited) by a single male voice.
  • Orestes returned to Argos later and murdered her to avenge Agamemnon's death.
  • ‘Captain, you have an incoming laser-link transmission from the Agamemnon,’ the radioman's voice said through the intercom.
  • Eager to attack Troy, Agamemnon kills her, and the Greeks are given favorable winds for their ships.

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