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[ US /ˌæɡəˈmɛmˌnɑn/ ]
  1. (Greek mythology) the king who lead the Greeks against Troy in the Trojan War

How To Use Agamemnon In A Sentence

  • The only trilogy intact today is Aeschylus' Orestia, which describes the tragic story of the House of Atreus after Agamemnon's triumphant return.
  • Some of the actors starred in the society's first play, the Greek tragedy ‘Agamemnon’ held back in December.
  • This is evident also in Kierkegaard’s Fear and Trembling where he compares Abraham’s conduct in the akedah scene with a number of tragic stories, including Jephthah’s and Agamemnon’s treatment of their daughters. Biblical Women in World and Hebrew Literature.
  • Something in my cellular memory gut tells me this is exactly the kind of heavy dull weather they were having in Aulis or where ever the Hades it was that Agamemnon's fleet was to embark from...and what the conditions were like when Iphigenia was murdered. My film is "awesome!"
  • Agamemnon, jumping upon the piazza at the same moment, trod upon the paper parcel, which exploded at once with the shock, and he fell to the ground, while at the same moment the paste "fulminated" into a blue flame directly in front of The Peterkin Papers
  • The other Achaeans sat where they were all silent and orderly to hear the king, and Agamemnon looked into the vault of heaven and prayed saying, “I call Jove the first and mightiest of all gods to witness, I call also Earth and Sun and the The Iliad of Homer
  • Lines 1672-73 of Agamemnon are lacunose.
  • In Agamemnon, there can be but little doubt that the protagonist impersonated only Clytemnestra, leaving the deuteragonist the briefer parts of the Herald, Cassandra, and Ægisthus, and to the tritagonist the Watchman and Agamemnon.
  • In Agamemnon, there can be but little doubt that the protagonist impersonated only Clytemnestra, leaving the deuteragonist the briefer parts of the Herald, Cassandra, and Ægisthus, and to the tritagonist the Watchman and Agamemnon.
  • So in conclusion: a prolonged primary battle helps the eventually winner, because they take up more airtime, so long as the eventual loser doesn't go and sulk in his/her tent like Achilles who lost to Agamemnon in the crucial Achaean caucus. South Carolina GOP primary results – as it happened
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