How To Use Agama In A Sentence
We allude to the lizard with a frill round its neck, which has been universally likened to that worn by Queen Elizabeth: it is called the frilled agama.
How to See the British Museum in Four Visits
Later, my friend Ümit Kebapçi, who seems to know the name of every animal on earth, identified it as Agama stellio.
Archive 2006-09-01
A brightly-colored blue and orange agama lizard suns itself on a rock.
Characters, events, and background are all part of the stories, Dirghagama-sutra shaped both the functional characters and the psychographic ones.
Unearned correlational art guts methodist brierwood, cheerless inexterminable maiolica, irreparable agama, nasal freeware.
Rational Review
Insya Allah akan saya tuliskan artikel berkenaan hukum hakam agama mengenai masaalah samak didalam waktu terdekat.
Soalnya saya hairan kenapa masih ujud orang orang seperti ini dizaman ini yang bukannya mengkaji dengan mendalam tentang sesuatu perkara bersangkutan hukum hakam agama yang menjadi teras kehidupan kita sebagai umat Islam dengan berpandukan lautan ilmu yang kini mudah didapati dihujung jejari kita di internet ini tetapi berdegil memilih untuk mentafsir akan ajaran Islam menurut hawa nafsu sendiri?
Kemungkinan para keluarga puri berpikir, membangun masjid di dalam pura, sama dengan membangun palinggih lain untuk satu Istadewata dari satu agama lain.
Masjid dalam Pura ���Tanda Konflik atau Toleransi?���
Because of the ideal lively location and facilities, we anticipate the Magamar apartments to be very popular this year with Club Clients.
The fact is that a whole class of Sanskrit religious literature is described by the titles Tantra, Âgama and Saṃhitâ, [450] which taken in a wide sense are practically synonymous, though usage is inclined to apply the first specially to Śâktist works, the second to Śivaite and the third to Vishnuite.
Hinduism and Buddhism, An Historical Sketch, Vol. 2
Hindu bukanlah agama yang dogmatis, Ia adalah agama yang filosofis.
Tentang Fatwa Mengharamkan Yoga
A number of lizard species (skinks, geckos, agamas) are characteristic for the mountain forests, among those Himalayan rock agama (Stellio himalayanus), legless glass lizard (Ophisaurus apodus), Asian snake-eyed skink (Ablepharus pannonicus).
Gissaro-Alai open woodlands
Those field guides that I mentioned always use the name Agama stellio for L. stellio.
Harduns and toad-heads; a tale of arenicoly and over-looked convergence
Here in Europe – or, as I like to call it, the European Field Guide Region (EFGR) – there is usually stated to be just one agamid, the Hardun, Starred agama or Sling-tailed agama Laudakia stellio [image at left: from sundancecamp. com].
Harduns and toad-heads; a tale of arenicoly and over-looked convergence
Origin of story telling and the story-sagaman and minstrel; the story in language, grammar, song, creative work, dramatization, etc.; the formal and expression of the spiritual; how to tell a tale — psychological principles.
University of Virginia Record
Kotagama says wetlands are under constant 'seral' stage change.
LBO-Lanka Business Online
Hubungan antar agama tidak dapat didasarkan semata atas prasangka baik saja (apalagi prasangka buruk).
Masjid dalam Pura ���Tanda Konflik atau Toleransi?���
Typical Turanian desert reptiles found here include Central Asian tortoise (Testudo horsfieldi), Elaphe quatuorlineata, toad agama (Phrynocephalus ocellatus), runner Eremias arguta, gecko Alsophylax pipiens; in sand massifs, skink gecko (Teratoscincus scincus).
Caspian lowland desert
The blueprint for the temple follows Hindu ‘aagama’ traditions with a flagpole, an entrance gopura and mantapa with musical and sculpted pillars, the main shrine with a gold-covered gopura and smaller shrines.
Predation on landsnails by the lizard Agama stellio in Israel.
Archive 2006-09-01
Sarwo juga menekankan bahwa pembina kerukunan umat beragama harus banyak, Acara itu dilaksanakan Komisi Pemberdayaan Umat MUI Kota MEDAN (Waspaa): Gubsu kita tidak cermat dan teliti bisa ten di Sumut.nutnya. bahkan masih ada yang be - sehingga bisa seimbang dengan Medan diketuai H.Syafii Susanto, MA dan Sekretaris Zulparman H. Syamsul Arifin mengingat - menyangka bahwa mereka juga Gubsu mengakui, honor Demikian Kakanwildepag - lum beragama.
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The Agama lizard's head, neck and thighs are covered with spiny scales.
He began with a couple of branches for Wagamama, but Circus displays more of the quiet unflashy quality of his work.
A color usually not visible might be flashed by some species, such as the African agama which turns to face an intruder and opens its mouth to expose the brilliant orange inside.
Masjid di Pura Mayura konon di bangun oleh Raja Karangasem yang menguasai Lombok waktu itu, untuk salah satu istrinya, seorang perempuan Sasak beragama Islam.
Masjid dalam Pura ���Tanda Konflik atau Toleransi?���
Yang tersirat, hala tuju parti itu adalah bagi menubuhkan negara republik - tanpa raja, tanpa mengambil kira sejarah bahawa Melayu sebagai kaum teras dan tanpa Islam sebagai agama rasmi.
Planet Malaysia
Jealousy was not the passion to loosen the tongue of the sagaman, and in so far as that is the theme of "King Erik," the play is not Old Norse in origin.
The Influence of Old Norse Literature on English Literature
Wang: In the seventh chapter of the Agama Sutra, a Confucian and a Buddhist are discussing the issue of life and death.
Among the reptiles are isolated populations of four species: toad-headed agama Phrynocephalus versocolor, multicellated racerunner Eremias multiocellata, Gobi racerunner Eremias przewalskii and patterned grass-snake Elapha dione; also the locally rare adder Vipera berus, moccasin snake Aghistrodon halys, Tlafe agilis and sand lizard Lacerta agilis.
Uvs Nuur Basin, Russian Federation, Republic of Tuva and Mongolia
His colour is not right for a Red-Headed Agama and yet there is no other Agama for the area in the book that fills his description
July/August is the time of the Kandy Esala Perahera, the 10-day festival honouring the sacred tooth relic of the Buddha, and also the time for the Kataragama Festival in the South.
Grettir as a man almost everywhere lacks the last touches, while the sagaman has simply thrown away the opportunities afforded him by the insinuated amourettes with Steinvor and the daughters of the friendly spirits, and has made a mere _fabliau_ episode of another thing of the kind.
The Flourishing of Romance and the Rise of Allegory (Periods of European Literature, vol. II)
Even Homer felt this need, and did not scruple to introduce not only second sight, but gods and goddesses, and to bring their supernatural agency to bear directly on the personages of his chant, and that far more freely than any Norse sagaman.
Eric Brighteyes
Here in Europe – or, as I like to call it, the European Field Guide Region (EFGR) – there is usually stated to be just one agamid, the Hardun, Starred agama or Sling-tailed agama Laudakia stellio [image at left: from sundancecamp. com].
Harduns and toad-heads; a tale of arenicoly and over-looked convergence
The sagaman consults poetical justice very well at first, and prepares us for an unfortunate end by depicting Grettir as, though valiant and in a way not ungenerous, yet not merely an incorrigible scapegrace, but somewhat unamiable and even distinctly ferocious.
The Flourishing of Romance and the Rise of Allegory (Periods of European Literature, vol. II)
The sacred sandalwood tree is featured in this Ragamalas painting.
Origin of story telling and the story-sagaman and minstrel; the story in language, grammar, song, creative work, dramatization, etc.; the formal and expression of the spiritual.
University of Virginia Record
The agamid lizard Cryptagama aurita has a small distribution, concentrated in this region.
Victoria Plains tropical savanna
Sarwo juga menekankan bahwa pembina kerukunan umat beragama harus banyak, Acara itu dilaksanakan Komisi Pemberdayaan Umat MUI Kota MEDAN (Waspaa): Gubsu kita tidak cermat dan teliti bisa ten di Sumut.nutnya. bahkan masih ada yang be - sehingga bisa seimbang dengan Medan diketuai H.Syafii Susanto, MA dan Sekretaris Zulparman H. Syamsul Arifin mengingat - menyangka bahwa mereka juga Gubsu mengakui, honor Demikian Kakanwildepag - lum beragama.
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The Sling-tailed agama is a large, robust lizard (c. 300 mm long) with an armour-plated look, and it’s wide ranging, occurring across eastern Europe, northern Africa, north-east Arabia and Asia.
Harduns and toad-heads; a tale of arenicoly and over-looked convergence
The Nâgarakrĕtagama represents this king as a devout Buddhist but his very title Śivabuddha shows how completely Sivaism and Buddhism were fused in his religion.
Hinduism and Buddhism, An Historical Sketch, Vol. 3
Mudah2an sekelian blogger dan penulis berhati hati bila membicarakan bab hukum hakam agama dan beringat ingat sebelum menerbitkan sebarang artikel yang berkaitan perkara yang amat penting seperti ini?
I'm still puddy tat hunting (mine has gone walkabout) and I'm meeting my best friend for lunch tomorrow at Wagamamas.
Weekly Catchup
The king ordered a grand victory parade dedicated to the island's Hindu deities, Natha, Vishnu and Kataragama.
Love-making gets the novelist's tenderest interest and solicitude, but it receives little attention from the sagaman.
The Influence of Old Norse Literature on English Literature
Their eyes watered with the keen tang of the peat reek, till, tired with watching the squattering of ducks in farm puddles, they turned as usual upon the family sagaman, and demanded, with that militant assurance of youth which succeeds so often, that he should forthwith and immediately "tell them something.
Red Cap Tales Stolen from the Treasure Chest of the Wizard of the North
The Durava was a considerably smaller caste than the Salagama, and its social status was probably slightly lower.
These Songs from the Elder Edda we will now briefly compare with the prose of the Volsung Story, premising that these are the only metrical sources existing of those from which the Sagaman told his tale.
The Story of the Volsungs
Agama Lizards are active during the day and enjoy low humidity and sunshine (or UVB lighting).