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[ UK /æɡˈɑːmɐ/ ]
  1. small terrestrial lizard of warm regions of the Old World

How To Use agama In A Sentence

  • We allude to the lizard with a frill round its neck, which has been universally likened to that worn by Queen Elizabeth: it is called the frilled agama. How to See the British Museum in Four Visits
  • Later, my friend Ümit Kebapçi, who seems to know the name of every animal on earth, identified it as Agama stellio. Archive 2006-09-01
  • A brightly-colored blue and orange agama lizard suns itself on a rock.
  • Characters, events, and background are all part of the stories, Dirghagama-sutra shaped both the functional characters and the psychographic ones.
  • Unearned correlational art guts methodist brierwood, cheerless inexterminable maiolica, irreparable agama, nasal freeware. Rational Review
  • Insya Allah akan saya tuliskan artikel berkenaan hukum hakam agama mengenai masaalah samak didalam waktu terdekat. MAHAGURU58
  • Soalnya saya hairan kenapa masih ujud orang orang seperti ini dizaman ini yang bukannya mengkaji dengan mendalam tentang sesuatu perkara bersangkutan hukum hakam agama yang menjadi teras kehidupan kita sebagai umat Islam dengan berpandukan lautan ilmu yang kini mudah didapati dihujung jejari kita di internet ini tetapi berdegil memilih untuk mentafsir akan ajaran Islam menurut hawa nafsu sendiri? MAHAGURU58
  • Kemungkinan para keluarga puri berpikir, membangun masjid di dalam pura, sama dengan membangun palinggih lain untuk satu Istadewata dari satu agama lain. Masjid dalam Pura ���Tanda Konflik atau Toleransi?���
  • Because of the ideal lively location and facilities, we anticipate the Magamar apartments to be very popular this year with Club Clients.
  • The fact is that a whole class of Sanskrit religious literature is described by the titles Tantra, Âgama and Saṃhitâ, [450] which taken in a wide sense are practically synonymous, though usage is inclined to apply the first specially to Śâktist works, the second to Śivaite and the third to Vishnuite. Hinduism and Buddhism, An Historical Sketch, Vol. 2
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