
How To Use Afrikaner In A Sentence

  • This body was set up in November last year to resist what it called the infringement of basic Afrikaner rights in contravention of the constitution. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Does that mean then that verligte Afrikaners - such as Frederick van Zyl Slabbert, Beyers Naude and Carl Niehaus - were responsible for fostering anti-Afrikaner hatred in the 1980s, and not the elected leadership of the day? It's Almost Supernatural
  • It was the SRC's attempts to eliminate the Afrikaans character of the university and its championing the ANC which gave the university a "jingo" image among right-thinking Afrikaners, he said. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • During the first two decades of the nineteenth century control of the Cape Colony passed to and fro between Afrikaners and British authorities but rested with the latter.
  • Full of local celebs, politicos, business types and tourists there's live African music thrown in that included a tap dancer on our night, and the delicious food includes everything from Moroccan tajines to saucy Afrikaner ox tail stews.
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  • The foundation, formed last year to resist what it called the infringement of basic Afrikaner rights, said it was concerned about reports that the commission intended hearing evidence on the incident. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The fortification was a modern version of the Boers 'defensive circle of wagons, a celebrated aspect of Afrikaner culture. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Is dit nie meer kreatief om hulself te defi - nieer en uit te leef as 'n onmisbare bron van kundighed waardeur groei en ontwikkeling bereik kan word in dens van' n beter lewe vir alle Suid-Afrikaners? MANDELA TOESPRAAK IN DIE POTCHEFSTROOM UNIVERSITEIT
  • The term Afrikaner was not limited to colour but was an inclusive term, Renier Schoeman, executive director of the National ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The ANC will be shocked to discover that the Afrikaner nation, with its history as the civiliser of southern Africa ... will not allow this," the CP said. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Commissioner George Fivaz said Jan Sebastiaan de Wet, 41, was arrested outside the West Rand town of Randfontein on the property of a so-called Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging general, Japie Oelofse. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Many commentators were seduced by the power of the Afrikaners' own myths - their preoccupation with apparently archaic ethnic concerns about volk and the obsessive ideology of race.
  • I think that the visit to the university helped lay a few seeds for what later became the verligte movement among Afrikaners.
  • Critics say that clause will stifle free political debate-for example, about an Afrikaner homeland.
  • Mandela, South Africa's first black president, Afrikaner university workers in Afrikaans, Xhosa and English. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • He hoped Afrikaners would now quickly p! ass the "gatvol" stage of their debate, because this condition just made one "sour and constipated and unproductive". ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Young antiapartheid activists claimed the acronym AIDS really meant “Afrikaner Invention to Deprive Us of Sex.” No Place Left to Bury the Dead
  • Nou dat die oorgrote meerderheid Suid-Afrikaners sekerheid begin kry oor 'n nuwe grondwetlike bedeling, skrik die AVF wakker. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Suid-Afrikaners so maklik val: naamlik om sake allereers te benader vanuit die gesigspunt van die rasse - of etniese groep waaraan hulle behoort. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The result was the emergence of the Zulu, Xhosa, Pedi, Venda, Swazi, Sotho, Tswana, and Tsonga nations, along with the white Afrikaners.
  • Both Britain's Economist and the South African Financial Mail have referred to 'murmurings' that the I.D.C. has provided 'more help for Afrikaner than English-speaking business'. Reich14
  • The former Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (AWB) leader who a newspaper columnist once said "impaled" her with his "blowtorch eyes", has swopped his dramatically delivered pro-racial segregation speeches and is now earning a living dispensing hints on how not to be negative. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • A real Afrikaner might reply to a "Howzit" with a bewildering response.
  • He assured all potential takers the mampoer was "the genuine article - brewed in the best Afrikaner tradition ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Right-wing renegades - an English-speaker and a Pole, rather than Afrikaners - were responsible.
  • The founding of the party was preceded by a bitter power struggle between the verkramptes and the verligtes in the Afrikaner community.
  • In the past, Afrikaner young people entertained themselves in folk dances, church-sponsored youth activities, and the bioscope (movies).
  • As a Springbok rugby star in the late 1920s and as a Dutch Reformed dominee, he was prominent in both of Afrikanerdom's religions.
  • The one thing that they can be assured of is a hostile reception from the Afrikaner support base that still exists in Bloemfontein.
  • Clive DerbyLewis, a smooth-talking politician of the ultra-right Afrikaner Conservative Party, was the mastermind.
  • In his Christmas message, he predicted the State's power would be utilised to "denationalise" the Afrikaner and to attack his identity. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • It is now obvious even to the Afrikaners that the apartheid fantasy of a South Africa split up into tribal homelands, known as Bantustans, was bound eventually to collapse under what Marxists would term its own contradictions.
  • However, in South Africa, and only South Africa, some white people, especially among Afrikaners, use the word Kaffir as a derogatory term referring to persons of aboriginal African descent. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • The second category, those that could be described as hawkish on Israel, Mr. Mearsheimer calls the "New Afrikaners. Professor Mearsheimer and His Useful Jews
  • Ons almal weet dat in die vorige bestel, in die jare van apartheid en blanke oorheersing, het die Afrikaners die politieke mag besit en op alle terreine was hulle besonderd bevoorreg. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • He was a white, male Afrikaner from the heartland of the volk, the Free State.
  • Four generations on, and the rhythm of life continues much as ever for Afrikaner Bertie Swanepoel, who raises cattle and sheep on his 3, 000-acre ranch in the Free State.
  • An Afrikaner is a South African of certain European ancestry, especially Dutch. Essential Guide to Business Style and Usage
  • Vorster himself, the initiator of the 'verlig' trend, has stressed the basic need to preserve a separate Afrikaner identity. The Rise of the South African Reich - Chapter 15
  • The founding of the party was preceded by a bitter power struggle between the verkramptes and the verligtes in the Afrikaner community.
  • Herbst is a bearish Afrikaner with unruly graying hair and a love of a good joke.
  • The foundation was formed last November to resist what it calls the infringement on basic Afrikaner rights. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The loss of nearly a generation of their children in the concentration camps numbed rural Afrikaners into a stolid hatred of British authority.
  • Afrikaans-speaking homeland into the proposed Afrikaner state as being "unpractical". ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The former Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (AWB) leader who a newspaper columnist once said "impaled" her with his "blowtorch eyes", has swopped his dramatically delivered pro-racial segregation speeches and is now earning a living dispensing hints on how not to be negative. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The party had 'coquetted' with Afrikaner nationalism in 1920-22 and helped it into power in 1924, 'if only to accelerate the disillusionment of Class & Colour in South Africa - Chapter 17
  • Afrikaners favor a meat-and-potatoes diet that includes items such as boerewors, a sausage made of pork.
  • Many shop signs are still in Afrikaans, the antique Dutch spoken by those of Afrikaner descent.
  • The old ruling Afrikaners saw the nation embrace their favorite pastime, helping make them feel part of this new constr uct. South Africa: After the Vuvuzelas Go Quiet
  • The Afrikaner think-tank, the Group of 63, on Sunday rejected what it called insinuations in newspapers that it had links with rightwing terror groups as "laughable, mean and slanderous". ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Much of Afrikaner historical orthodoxy emanated from Stellenbosch University.
  • Social change and political challenges divided Afrikaner verligtes (the enlightened) from verkramptes (cramped conservatives).
  • The charge arises from an incident last year where he allegedly called Afrikaner student leaders "white dogs" during a Freedom ANC Daily News Briefing
  • They were white Afrikaners and fervent supporters of apartheid; their daughter was black.
  • They've lit a braai, or barbecue, and they're brewing tea and frying boerewors, spicy Afrikaner sausage.
  • Whites continued to be imprisoned by notions of white supremacy, Mandela said, and by the notion of Afrikaner interests that were separate and opposed to the interests of the rest of the population. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Afrikaner women were newly empowered by more extensive literacy and the franchise.
  • Some had their titles written in English, but more in the German-looking language that had also produced the phrase Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging. The Guns Of The South
  • Afrikaner nationalists jostle alongside anti-apartheid activists. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Poking fun at the crumbling edifice of Afrikaner culture, subverting the images, distorting the holy icons and braaing the sacred cows, bitterkomix creators Joe Dog and Conrad Botes do what they do best - make comics.
  • He championed a white homeland for Afrikaners or Boers, as the Dutch word for Afrikaners is. White Supremacist's Murder Opens Old Wounds
  • Ten spyte van groot opofferinge en aangrypende helde dade was die Afrikaners nie in een van die twee Vryheidsoorloe milter oorwinnaars nie. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • He wondered what an Afrikaner was -- not an African, certainly, not by the way the Rivington men treated Negroes -- and whether the name betokened resistance against Afrikaners, whatever they were, or by them. The Guns Of The South
  • And during those twenty-seven years he had lost none of the belligerence that had so endeared him to the old Afrikaner regime. A CONVICTION OF GUILT
  • Based on the true story of a black girl who was born to two white Afrikaner parents in South Africa during the apartheid era.
  • Pikkie Robbertze said the idea of Afrikaner self-determination was not new. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Rand town of Randfontein on the property of a so-called Afrikaner ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Despite divisions in Afrikanerdom and splits in the government over strategy, the security forces, including the black police, had remained loyal.
  • Apartheid - literally "apartness" - had been established in 1948 by Afrikaner nationalists with the goal of securing white supremacy and ensuring Afrikaner control of political power. SARA - Southeast Asian RSS Aggregator
  • Its first public action, undertaken in 1979, was to tar and feather prominent Afrikaner theologian Floors van Jaarsveld for calling for the desanctification of the Day of the Covenant. News24 Top Stories
  • He was killed with pipes and 'panga' machetes while sleeping, according to a spokesman for his Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (Afrikaner Resistance Movement) party. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
  • In an apology last week to the BBC over Malema's outburst, the Afrikanerbond wrote that millions of honest, decent, hard-working and civilised South Africans bore the brunt of Malema and the ANCYL's agenda which, it claimed, was to "polarise" South Africa with "renewed racism". News24 Top Stories
  • The right-wing Afrikaner Resistance Movement/Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (AWB), has announced its re-activation to combat what it describes as a rapidly-deteriorating situation in South Africa. - Articles related to Zuma Seeks to Calm South Africa After Killing
  • Afrikaner support
  • He added the African National Congress and National Party had never really intended to give Afrikaners a "volkstaat" (nation state) and that the idea of such a separate state had been falsely based on the belief that the Afrikaner was a nation on its own. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Britain could be seen as conquering the Transkei, and Afrikaners as decolonizing it.

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