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How To Use Affine In A Sentence

  • This withheld amphophilic mupirocin that chantix at a sweet caffine of 1 preggy per tide or 2 definition per pharyngitis was trismus as an glutamyl to temperament cessation. Wii-volution
  • Clay flowerpots, glazed bowls, tin boxes, even paraffined cheese cartons can be used.
  • Behind me the paraffine lamp flared hot and ruddy. The Island of Doctor Moreau
  • That group includes affines, based upon the theological idea that as husband and wife were one, marriage to a sister-in-law was as incestuous as marriage to a sister.
  • Method and apparatus for determining binocular affine disparity and affine invariant distance between two image patterns
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  • We modeled the eating, lying, and standing dynamics of a cow using a piecewise affine dynamical system. Math
  • 1887 OsW gazelline gazelle OW bubaline hartebeest giraffine giraffe 1901 VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol IV No 1
  • Dilectissima filia mea Anna, cui nomen in baptismo indidit bonæ memoriæ primogenita vestra, desponsata est honesto iuveni Martino Luxsolario (nam solem etiam pro insigni habet), doctoris Martini filio, petente id sua matre per cognatos et affines, et suadentibus communibus amicis nostris. The Scottish Reformation Its Epochs, Episodes, Leaders, and Distinctive Characteristics
  • This feature may be easily observed with an ordinary induction coil by taking the primary out, plugging up the end of the tube upon which the secondary is wound, and filling it with some fairly transparent insulator, such as paraffine oil. Experiments with Alternate Currents of High Potential and High Frequency
  • Among the many curious substances that wonderful fluid contains is the beautiful wax-like body called paraffine, the development of which chiefly owes its origin to the genius and energy of Mr. James Young. Scientific American Supplement, No. 447, July 26, 1884
  • The way in which Longus excites the sensual desires of the lovers by means of licentious experiments going always only to the verge of gratification, betrays an abominably hypocritical _raffinement_ [331] which reveals in the most disagreeable manner that the naïveté of this idyllist is a premeditated artifice and he himself nothing but a sophist. Primitive Love and Love-Stories
  • Day by day I had come to realise how closely, though the main current of my blood was English, I was affined to the strange and mysterious people among whom I was now thrown -- the only people in these islands, as it seemed to me, who would be able to understand a love-passion like mine. Aylwin
  • Each CPU schedules from its own queues, and resorts to stealing runnable softly affined KSEs from other CPUs if there are no runnable KSEs.
  • The results showed that the wear rate of epoxy changed greatly under different conditions. The wear rate under paraffine sliding was 2 orders magnitude lower than that of under dry sliding.
  • I daren't mention my fears to the Other Half, because whatever charm my daffiness may have held in the early days of our romance, the gilt has definitely worn off the gingerbread since then.
  • “Whuff!” went the can of paraffine below, and boiled over with stinking white fire. The History of Mr. Polly
  • He remains fully aware of the daffiness of his job and uses frequent deadpanning — and disguise — to cope with it. Times, Sunday Times
  • In addition to kins and affines, almost all the villagers are invited to join in.
  • W., in my opinion, does not rival his daddy for sheer daffiness of effect: with W., you can mostly tell what he meant to say even when he goes astray, as he often does. The Deluxe Election-Edition Bushisms
  • Still to be implemented are geometric primitives and affine transformation of images.
  • Thus the question of whether a path has a finite or infinite generalized affine length is a perfectly well-defined question, and that is all we'll need. Singularities and Black Holes
  • We modeled the eating, lying, and standing dynamics of a cow using a piecewise affine dynamical system. Math
  • The chief problem facing this definition of singularities is that the physical significance of generalized affine length is opaque, and thus it is unclear what the relevance of singularities, defined in this way, might be. Singularities and Black Holes
  • All the current geometric hashing methods are just suitable for the object recognition under affine transformation.
  • syllable to blessed syllable affined
  • Our interest is in the space of affine equivalence classes of equal-area polygons.
  • They were sisters, mothers, daughters, affines, rather than simply women in groups.
  • A recent entry sang the praises of Tomme Affinee au Marc de Raisin, a cow's milk cheese that has been aged under a thick blanket of grape marc.
  • This, however, is not sufficient to establish the pyrogenic origin of all crystallized paraffine, as crystals can be obtained from the amorphous residues by distillation at normal or reduced pressure or in Scientific American Supplement, No. 711, August 17, 1889
  • Yet the naivety affined to adult awareness in these few, precious lines, creates a uniquely tender perspective on horror. The Times Literary Supplement
  • A predetermined action is affined with a free current of space; therefore, the fluidic currents combine with the free currents, drawing them into their own propulsive flow.
  • Thus these two fascicles each do double duty: The Wu section incorporates material that in other histories is found in the sections on the imperially affined families, whereas the Shu section includes the entries normally found in a section devoted to younger sons of the imperial line. Empresses and Consorts
  • It is called a _ludus_ (or play), and is believed to have been affined to the ecclesiastical mummeries so popular in the Middle Ages, in one of which the characters were a bishop, an abbot, a preceptor, and a fool shaved the precentor on a public stage erected at the west end of the church. The Customs of Old England
  • Bestowing her name on the childcreating a namesakeestablished an enduring bond that complemented or stood in place of ties of blood or affinal kinship, since a midwife might be a female relative (usually an affine), a nsungukati 80 from a neighboring homestead, or a female member of the staff of a mission or state hospital. Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
  • The Malabar forms are closely affined to Malay types as a rule, although some are peculiar.
  • On the other hand, resources of a species affined to Acorum calamus L. have been discovered.
  • In this paper, we prove that invertible dynamic feedback linearizability is equivalent to linearizability by adding integrators for up to 4 dimensional affine nonlinear systems.
  • A maximal spacetime is singular if and only if it contains an inextendible path of finite generalized affine length. Singularities and Black Holes
  • Secondly, it is about a specific analysis of the characteristics of the Korean family-ethics dramas, from what, we can see"Ethical Beauty"and"Affined Beauty".
  • “Not I,” said I, and sat grimly watching his face under the yellow paraffine flare, as he drank himself into a garrulous misery. The Island of Doctor Moreau
  • As if taking its clue from its protagonist, the movie evinces a sweetness and a daffiness not usually found in satire.
  • The axioms that Ketonen considers are those of projective and affine geometry, the former taken from Skolem's 1920 paper discussed in the first section above. Chores
  • This paper concerns the ratio of centro - affine invarients for a projection body.
  • It must be paraffine on his trousers that had caught fire on the stairs. The History of Mr. Polly
  • Five-micrometer sections of paraffinembedded tissues were dewaxed, and antigen was retrieved by microwaving in 0.1M Tris buffer containing 0.15M sodium chloride and 0.1M potassium chloride at pH 7.4.
  • Comme le soin de la ciuilite la plus raffinee ne doit pas beaucoup trauailler les esprits des Artisants & de la lie du peuple enuers les Grands & les Magistrats; aussi est-il raisonnable qu'ils ayent soin de leur rendre de l'honneur: de mesme il est a propos que la Noblesse les traitte [sic] doucement & les epargne, & qu'elle euite toute sorte de superbe. George Washington's Rules of Civility
  • Our interest is in the space of affine equivalence classes of equal-area polygons.
  • Finally the ‘deceased wife's sister’ law was belatedly reformed in 1906, although marriage between such affines as adoptive parents and children, and adoptive siblings, remained within the prohibited degrees.
  • Hoping to successfully merge daffiness with doctrine, it has a lot to say about censorship and self-righteousness.
  • Using parallelograms to define affine transformations may be a mixed blessing.
  • Is there, then, any explanation of that vision more rational than that the spirit thus closely affined with my own was enabled, through its innate potencies, or through some agency of which we are ignorant, to impress upon my bodily perceptions its uncontrollable emotions? The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 10, No. 57, July, 1862
  • These findings were largely confirmed for OAS-TL in the plant cysteine synthase complex, where SAT became more affined to its substrates and OAS-TL almost inactivated in the complex, causing OAS to leave the complex.
  • To say that a spacetime is singular then is to say that there is at least one maximally extended path that has a bounded (generalized affine) length. Singularities and Black Holes
  • The onset of menopause had already begun, with its strange hot flashes, moments of daffiness, and totally unpredictable menstruations. The Garden of Rama
  • The global Fourier transform can also be obtained by switching(up to sign) the multiplication by a coordinate of the affine line and the differential operator with respect to this coordinate.
  • He must light the fire in the coal cellar under the stairs, open the back door, then come up them very quickly and light the paraffine puddles on each step, then sit down here again and cut his throat. The History of Mr. Polly
  • En prenant pour portes d'accès la danse libre, le hatha et le kundalini yoga, et en laissant des temps pour la relaxation, l'auto-massage et la méditation, vous vous offrez un temps pour respirer avec plus de conscience, affiner la perception de notre corps physique et énergétique. et explorer des états d'expansion de conscience afin de mettre en lumière des informations utiles pour votre vie. Archive 2009-02-15
  • With this scheme it is possible to have a case where a ready real time task will not get an idle cpu, however, this should only happen if the task has affined itself to some other cpu (s).
  • Then, like clockwork, out slid the new issue of The Weekly Standard, which lambastes Mr. Obama's neighborhood as an island of upper-class daffiness – a neat trick, considering that Hyde Park's median household income is substantially lower than both the national and the Chicago median. Mister Maverick, Meet Da Machine
  • Hence in Roman law affinity arising from a valid marriage, whether consummated or not, constituted a diriment impediment between the affined in all degrees throughout the direct line, and to the second degree (civil method of computing) in the indirect or oblique line. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • A native mineral paraffine, known as ozocerite, is mined in Utah and Galicia; it is used as an insulating material. Commercial Geography A Book for High Schools, Commercial Courses, and Business Colleges
  • Unlike proper length, this generalized affine length depends on some arbitrary choices (roughly speaking, the length will vary depending on the coordinates one chooses). Singularities and Black Holes
  • II, IV, 20, che è strettamente affine ad essi, non può derivare dal Laurenziano, come si afferma da Macrì Leone e da Rostagno, nè dal presente; questo ms. è il più antico della famiglia, come dimostra la grafia. MS Chig. L. V. 176
  • Instead, it piles on the daffiness and winsomeness to such an extent that you keep thinking this trio must have trained at the Bridget Jones school of clowning.
  • The film's celebration of sheer human daffiness never descends into whimsy.
  • That group includes affines, based upon the theological idea that as husband and wife were one, marriage to a sister-in-law was as incestuous as marriage to a sister.
  • Truly affined mates would have remained faithful to each other as long as life lasted. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 6 Sex in Relation to Society
  • The affined colonic anchorage alaska hotels shawm me to virilization you guys buffalofish in with any and all prominently housefather disaccharidase you can entoprocta of. Rational Review
  • A fractal object is self - affine instead of self - similar if it has scaling property in different direction.
  • The Dodgers were “dem Bums,” the “daffiness boys,” the unpretentious clowns, whose fans were seen as scruffy bluecollar workers who spoke with bad diction. Wait Till Next Year
  • That the one affined soul he had ever met was lost to him through his marriage returned upon him with cruel persistency, till, unable to bear it longer, he again rushed for distraction to the real Christminster life. Jude the Obscure
  • The following have been used: Argyrol, 1 per cent watery solution; Silvol, 1 per cent watery solution; Iodoform, oil emulsion 10 per cent; Guaiacol, 10 per cent solution in paraffine oil; Bronchoscopy and Esophagoscopy A Manual of Peroral Endoscopy and Laryngeal Surgery
  • That she now looks like a kindly old grandmother only heightens the jolt and joke of her sauciness, which may be why she's even more crazily adored than when she flaunted a whisk and an outsize libido as Sue Ann Nivens on "The Mary Tyler Moore Show" or found fresh poetry in daffiness as Rose Nylund in "The Golden Girls. NYT > Home Page
  • The simplest way to see why this assertion is true is to observe that any triangle in the plane can be mapped by an invertible affine transformation to an equilateral triangle.
  • Standing silently in a silent room when you're low on caffine and have had less than 6 hours sleep requires an active imagination.
  • Thus, for example, the notions of Euclidean geometry are invariant under similarity transformations, those of affine geometry under affine transformations, and those of topology under bicontinuous transformations. Logical Constants
  • He cleared out the coals from under the staircase, and built a neat fire of firewood and paper there, he splashed about paraffine and arranged the lamps and can even as he had designed, and made a fine inflammable pile of things in the little parlour behind the shop. The History of Mr. Polly
  • I admire the energy and daffiness, but ultimately it chases its own tail. Buzzine » Shorts
  • understanding affine transformations requires considerable mathematical sophistication
  • As to Gabriel, during a large portion of his splendid youth he exhibited a genial breadth of front that affined him to Shakespeare and Walter Scott. Old Familiar Faces
  • 1887 OsW gazelline gazelle OW bubaline hartebeest giraffine giraffe 1901 VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol IV No 1
  • We formulate a mathematical model for daily activities of a cow (eating, lying down, and stand - ing) in terms of a piecewise affine dynamical system. Math
  • The pragmatic differentiation between classificatory, potential and actual affines is undertaken in accordance with the proscriptive principles described above, and is framed within a consubstantial conception of relatedness.
  • This may involve 11-dimensions for the space directions for gauge potentials we measure as affine connections on the base spacetime. Telekinesis and Quantum Field Theory
  • He lit a pool of paraffine on the scullery floor, and instantly The History of Mr. Polly
  • Here, too, is that curious substance called paraffine, and some paraffine candles, made of paraffine obtained from the bogs of Ireland. The Chemical History of a Candle
  • It can be obtained from the previous description by applying affine transformations to keep the polygon bounded as it degenerates.
  • I've seen various attempts to discount the astounding 75K turnout for Obama in Portland last week, but none have the charming daffiness of this one, from rightwingy Newsbusters. I’ll Get You and Your Little Indie Band, Too! - Swampland -
  • We formulate a mathematical model for daily activities of a cow (eating, lying down, and stand - ing) in terms of a piecewise affine dynamical system. Math
  • For mercy’s sake, though, Faith, don’t let him! nunc lavabo, ut rem divinam faciam, ne affinem morer quin ubi accersat meam extemplo filiam ducat domum. vide, Fides, etiam atque etiam nunc, salvam ut aulam abs te auferam: tuae fide concredidi aurum, in tuo loco et fano est situm. Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
  • He's older than Reagan was when he ran, and we now know that Reagan's delightfully optimistic daffiness was probably the result of early symptoms of Alzheimers. Hullabaloo
  • And, on the other hand, it is even more closely affined to the skulls of certain ancient people who inhabited Denmark during the ‘stone period,’ and were probably either contemporaneous with, or later than, the makers of the ‘refuse heaps,’ or Essays
  • When a dying person breathes his/her last breath, close relatives, normally affines, wash and put new clothes on the body.

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