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[ US /əˈfaɪn/ ]
  1. (anthropology) related by marriage
  2. (mathematics) of or pertaining to the geometry of affine transformations
  1. (anthropology) kin by marriage

How To Use affine In A Sentence

  • This withheld amphophilic mupirocin that chantix at a sweet caffine of 1 preggy per tide or 2 definition per pharyngitis was trismus as an glutamyl to temperament cessation. Wii-volution
  • Clay flowerpots, glazed bowls, tin boxes, even paraffined cheese cartons can be used.
  • Behind me the paraffine lamp flared hot and ruddy. The Island of Doctor Moreau
  • That group includes affines, based upon the theological idea that as husband and wife were one, marriage to a sister-in-law was as incestuous as marriage to a sister.
  • Method and apparatus for determining binocular affine disparity and affine invariant distance between two image patterns
  • We modeled the eating, lying, and standing dynamics of a cow using a piecewise affine dynamical system. Math
  • 1887 OsW gazelline gazelle OW bubaline hartebeest giraffine giraffe 1901 VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol IV No 1
  • Dilectissima filia mea Anna, cui nomen in baptismo indidit bonæ memoriæ primogenita vestra, desponsata est honesto iuveni Martino Luxsolario (nam solem etiam pro insigni habet), doctoris Martini filio, petente id sua matre per cognatos et affines, et suadentibus communibus amicis nostris. The Scottish Reformation Its Epochs, Episodes, Leaders, and Distinctive Characteristics
  • This feature may be easily observed with an ordinary induction coil by taking the primary out, plugging up the end of the tube upon which the secondary is wound, and filling it with some fairly transparent insulator, such as paraffine oil. Experiments with Alternate Currents of High Potential and High Frequency
  • Among the many curious substances that wonderful fluid contains is the beautiful wax-like body called paraffine, the development of which chiefly owes its origin to the genius and energy of Mr. James Young. Scientific American Supplement, No. 447, July 26, 1884
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