How To Use Advantage In A Sentence
Naturally, this makes interpersonal relations, especially with societies unexposed to the advantages of the American lifestyle, a little difficult.
Benecken characterized the entire hacking case as "ultramodern" and said that, in a way, it exemplified the "downside" of today's digital age "that can easily been taken advantage of by savvy youths with those skills and a lot of time.
Hackers Allegedly Steal New Gaga Songs, Rumored Ke$ha Sex Photo
The solution obtained by dissolving the absorbent albuminoid in the buffer advantageously contains 6% by weight of this albuminoid.
They 100 engage more in a dialogue that involves planning and equitable exchanges or balances of advantage.
A freeloader is a person who takes advantage of others 'generosity without giving anything in return. what's new online!

All watches are synchronised to ensure all games start at the same time to ensure nobody has an unfair advantage.
Some groups consistently face discrimination: age is one mode of socially structured disadvantage.
There are some fantastic pubs and inns nearby but you should take advantage of the welcome pack you receive on arrival.
The Sun
Her dress showed her tanned skin to great advantage.
Some of the most popular pairings pitted contrasting advantages and disadvantages against one another.
How anyone could have read some sinister intent into those views is indeed puzzling, and illustrates well how those damned Jewshow certain hypersensitive and overly privileged people who feel superior to the rest of the world are willing to cut their own throats for short term advantage by using unjustified charges of anti-semitism to point out how they take advantage of their position in any nation or institution who trusts them so as to benefit their own in group at the expense of that nation or institution.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Why Catholics and Jews?
The biggest qualm I have with fair trade is its basic ignorance of comparative advantage.
One major advantage of growing in containers is that you can keep plants free of common soilborne fungal diseases: verticillium and fusarium wilt.
Well, having the largest economy confers an advantages in affording a very large military, and having a very large military was useful in the era of great power military conflicts.
Matthew Yglesias » Will China Ever Dominate?
The reports of thefe pra&itioners are certainly favourable, in fome degree, to the idea of diluting the variolous contagion; however, many more fa&s are wanting deci - sively to edablifh the fuperiour advantage of this mode of inoculation..
The Analytical Review, Or History of Literature, Domestic and Foreign, on an Enlarged Plan
This capability has major logistic advantages in obviating the need to carry other fuels to battle.
As it becomes more expensive to dump dangerous waste, so the economic advantages of shredding deteriorate.
The gang had taken advantage of the immigrants' vulnerability.
But it is precisely the familiarity of the urban terrain to those who live there that enables them to use it to the advantages of ambushes, surprise attacks and rapid redeployment.
The top four teams in the standings have home advantage.
Times, Sunday Times
Most fledgling parents or parents-to-be feel duty-bound to invest in some sort of guide to looking after a new baby, and publishers, naturally, feel duty-bound to take advantage of that by churning out one guide after another.
From the work we have done it seems that home advantage resides in sides defending more when they are away.
Times, Sunday Times
A new educational programme has been set up for economically disadvantaged children.
This may have the advantage of dragging the opponent onto unfamiliar territory.
Times, Sunday Times
We (the Western public) regard picnics as highly advantageous to health and beauty, promoting social sympathy and high-toned alimentiveness, advancing the interests of the community and the ultimate welfare of the nation.
Punchinello, Volume 1, No. 17, July 23, 1870
Where my taxi driver and dhobi would have peace, their leaders see advantage in strife - where and when does India reach the tipping point and choose its path?
Shahnaz Taplin-Chinoy: The Ecstasy and Agony of India -- From the Political to the Tribal
The shorter boxer seemed to start having difficulty with the height and reach advantage.
Many people find it socially and morally advantageous to hypocritically profess their religious beliefs, and to use religion to justify what they want to believe and do. Dr T.P.Chia
I unconsciously manipulate situations to my advantage
There are some potential disadvantages of using biopsy specimens as opposed to epithelial cell preparations for metabolic studies.
Another advantage of sentences written in active voice is that the sentences are usually shorter.
The great disadvantage is its huge cost.
Times, Sunday Times
With some precautions, women can regain their advantageous position in the healthy heart race.
He took a mean advantage of me.
The word judo translates to "gentle way," and this martial art focuses on using an opponent's strength and weight to one's advantage.
Anthony Tjan: Business Needs More Judo, Less Karate
Despite these unexceptionable advantages, critics have objected to the land tax on the following grounds.
Society may be full of poisonous vapors and be built on a framework of lies; it is nevertheless prudent to consider whether the ideal advantages of disturbing it overweigh the practical disadvantages, and above all to bear in mind that if you rob the average man of his illusions, you are almost sure to rob him of his happiness.
Henrik Ibsen
In a manuscript written in 1299 by Pissazzo, the author says: "I find myself so pressed by age that I can neither read nor write without those glasses they call spectacles, lately invented, to the great advantage of poor old men when their sight grows weak.
Scientific American Supplement No. 822, October 3, 1891
Teachers claim such measures could unfairly disadvantage ethnic minorities.
If they feel it is advantageous for them to retire their current bonds and secure a lower rate by issuing new bonds, they may call their bonds.
She crabbed again when he didn't take advantage of the multi-laned road.
Communications among individuals are often blocked legally by governments and illegally by enterprises to protect competitive advantages.
But look, when are we going to say that things that have gone on decades ago, or 10 years or more ago, should always be dredged up, just because there might be some political advantage to dredging it up?
Relays mounted on a space-based platform offer the advantage of large coverage.
Lawyers expressed concern that women could be coerced and forced to accept apparently voluntary agreements to their disadvantage.
Times, Sunday Times
The tape has the advantages of heat resistance, insulation and heat shrink, becoming ideal insulating binding materials for manufacturing and repairing of electrical machinery, transformer and so on.
A huge amount of energy was invested by D' Alema and his party in trying, by one means or another, to force this change through, in the hope that Berlusconi would find it to his advantage, too.
As they ran the risk of losing the advantages they had been given if they went back on their previous statements or retracted their confessions, their statements were open to question.
They will rue their failure to score a try when they had a numerical advantage but they still looked good in attack.
Times, Sunday Times
In contrast to less specific methods of treatment, the social skill training approaches have the advantage of lending themselves to this sort of concise, nonmystical explanation.
Planned Short-Term Treatment
Over time the risk of the company losing its competitive advantage decreases substantially.
The company's products has three major advantages: material advantage, geographic advantages and technological advantages.
One day should be spent visiting some of the key vineyards, so I took advantage of the Discovery Pass and idled away two agreeable afternoons visiting Margaux and St Emilion.
If they are so disunited, then would it not be easy to take advantage of that and overrule them?
Home advantage and better preparation make that outcome entirely plausible, as long as England seize the initiative early.
Times, Sunday Times
Women manifestly have the ability to detect rivals and to employ a variety of tactics to place themselves at an advantage over them.
This non-automatic numbering has the advantage that if a text refers to the numbers, insertion or deletion of an item does not disturb the correspondence.
Liz Broadley, the council's external funding manager, said the money would provide a much-needed boost in the less advantaged areas of Halifax.
When making a decision of minor importance, I have always found it advantageous to consider all the pros and cons. In vital matters, however, such as the choice of a mate or a profession, the decision should come from the unconscious, from somewhere within ourselves. In the important decisions of personal life, we should be governed, I think, by the deep inner needs of our nature. Sigmund Freud
Ultimately, under the Court's decision, a successful plaintiff will have to prove she was singled out for disadvantageous treatment in the workplace.
Taxes must be adequate to raise a revenue sufficient to meet those federal expenditures which are truly advantageous to the general welfare, to maintain justifiable confidence in the soundness of the dollar, and to underwrite the safety of the federal debt as an investment.
As The Allies Face The Future
Wedgwood did not suddenly create and start selling his "basaltes" ware simply because it showed off white hands to advantage.
"Selling was an intellectual pleasure, an art form" for Josiah Wedgwood.
Developing countries are attracting investment not by lowering their standards, but because they are making the best of their comparative advantage.
The treaty was to the aggressor's advantage.
He continued to stare at M. Riviere perplexedly, wondering how to tell him that his very superiorities and advantages would be the surest hindrance to success.
Voting for the monorail system, terming it as a ‘superior alternative’, the letter added that its advantages were that it did not include any demolition and dislocation of existing traffic even during the construction stages.
Everyone faces challenges in life. It's a matter of how you learn to overcome them and use them to your advantage.
The best way to keep costs down is to book in advance and take advantage of any voucher codes.
The Sun
Even if your alarm code is written elegantly and well, there is a compelling advantage to a centralized service.
In ruling out a Yes vote from the get-go, Israel conceded immediate defeat in the world body, in the process forgoing a range of tactical advantages it could have gained by signaling qualified support for a resolution and then negotiating to help shape its wording to a text Israel could have profited by backing.
Bradley Burston: Ten Reasons Palestine Is Right to Bring its Case to the UN
Students can take advantage of internship and dissertation opportunities with companies in the energy and financial sectors that have sponsorship links to the university.
Times, Sunday Times
The advantage of booking tickets in advance is that you get better seats.
When you consider that between Spanish, English and Arabic, well over half of the planet doesn't speak a tonal language, that puts Chinese at a serious competative disadvantage.
Kaplin's Simplifiid Speling, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
From the work we have done it seems that home advantage resides in sides defending more when they are away.
Times, Sunday Times
Many an oversuspicious person will find advantage in remembering what a too liberal application of Foxey's principle of suspecting everybody brought
The Life of Charles Dickens, Vol. I-III, Complete
The United States will retain its advantageous position for the next 20 or 30 years.
The Company's line combines machine a number of advantages, with the precision manufacturing can play its full production capacity, high precision, productive sector of the production is shaping tool.
Objective To investigate the advantage of combined general anesthesia with sacral block in infant laparoscopic surgery.
I take advantage of the free time and attempt one of my less conspicuous sacroiliac-joint stabilization exercises.
Literary Death Match: Wednesday Night in Washington Square Park
Despite the obvious advantages of a unified perspective for collective political action, the differences among women disallow such a perspective.
Let us consider animals first. It is conceivable that collective resistance would be individually advantageous.
She _smelt_, so to say, that there was something underneath the offer which was not to her advantage; but then the thought of thirty crowns a month, of all those coins chinking in her apron, falling to her, as it were, from the skies, without her doing anything for it, filled her with covetousness.
The Works of Guy de Maupassant, Vol. 1 (of 8) Boule de Suif and Other Stories
One of the main advantages of this exhibit is that it showed works from the three main genres of the art - painting, graphics and sculptures.
So I think the important questions to answer now are really what are the advantages to the individual and the population to be lateralised in this way?
Market timing occurs when traders make rapid in-and-out trades in unit trusts to take advantage of pricing inefficiencies.
And good news, bad news─ I don't know which it is more─ but on the Medicare side of that, not the commercial insurance side, generally speaking Republicans like Medicare advantage, Home Page
Political discourse, in this view, is full of manipulation, deception, and untruths whose object is political advantage.
There is strong demand from international buyers taking advantage of the weak pound.
Times, Sunday Times
The advantage of having a union bargain for all players is thus reduced.
Microeconomics: Price Theory in Practice
Another advantage though was that it brought her into perfect physical shape, which boosted her self-confidence.
Metal halides have the added advantage of producing a warm, natural light.
A competitor might erode the outlet's competitive advantage by offering natural beef through traditional channels.
I felt the advantage had suddenly shifted away from us.
There is no bigger issue in education than social disadvantage.
Times, Sunday Times
Studies done in the UK of children from two to 11 years show that high early achievers from disadvantaged backgrounds are overtaken between age five and 10 by low early achievers from advantaged backgrounds.
A key component of that warfare by the ubër rich was to emaciate or destroy the unions through new laws restricting unionization, bankruptcy courts killing labor contracts, diversion of pension funds, abusive tactics against organizers, shipping jobs elsewhere and PR campaigns vilifying the very concept of collective bargaining to redress serious economic disadvantages.
Sneak Attack
Making your own pastry has some advantages however: both Paula and Rose Prince mix the cheese into the dough itself, which is much easier, and gives an even cheesier result.
How to cook perfect cheese straws
Having thus escaped the danger, the Romans threw their sentinel down the rock; while on Manlius they conferred by vote a reward for his bravery, intended more for honour than advantage; for each man gave him a day's rations, which consisted of half a Roman pound of meal, and the fourth part of a Greek cotyle of wine.
Plutarch's Lives, Volume I
Chela has three break points and Henman surrenders his advantage with a double fault.
However, megavoltage imaging also has significant disadvantages.
Varian Medical Systems and Stanford University Win $3.6 Million Five-Year NIH/NCI Research Grant to Develop Advanced Imaging Technology - Yahoo! Finance
Melanic forms of invertebrates might have advantages in thermoregulation and UV-B radiation protection [174].
Phenotypic responses of arctic species to changes in climate and ultraviolet-B radiation
The advantage of the Ferry Building is also that I can get everything I need in one place: meat, charcuterie, cheese, dairy, chocolate, etc.
In this instance, the fact that they will be playing a team they know very little about could work to their disadvantage.
But if the absolute rise in eps is used, companies which begin with high eps have an unfair advantage.
White should have some advantage here as he has the bishop pair in an open position.
Times, Sunday Times
The University is considering plans to introduce more rigorous target quotas for admissions of students from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Learn why it is important to know that comics are a visual medium and how to take advantage of that in this free instructional video on graphic art.
Essentially the project will assess the question of whether a competitive advantage can be sustained through planned technological change.
The forbearing use of power does not only form a touchstone, but the manner in which an individual enjoys certain advantages over others is a test of a true gentleman.
This latter approach has the advantage that it introduces an amplification step and also avoids an initial conjugation of the fluorochrome to the primary antibody, which may lower its affinity.
If home ‘advantage’ has any credibility, then Shannon must be firm favourites.
On the second play of the second half, Manning took advantage of a dazed Aaron Glenn and hit Wayne on a 57-yard bomb.
In a related discussion on Slashdot, solprovider points out that ICANN's new policy may also put an end to what Network Solutions describes as "domain kiting," where several (possibly related) companies keep passing domain registrations from one to the next by taking advantage of the free grace period, effectively preventing the domains from ever being available to the public.
Is Domain Name Front Running About To Come To An End? - The Consumerist
Traders and investors who limit themselves to long positions are conceding a big advantage to market professionals who are just as likely to go short as go long.
The kernel of that message was that peace must not be a source of advantage or disad-vantage for anyone.
Ironically a period of severe economic depression may be advantageous, in one sense at least.
Critics claimed the company moved to take advantage of easy bankruptcy laws.
Times, Sunday Times
Republicans – your pettiness and attack machinery cannot work among the electorates who are intelligent and appreciate the disadvantage of divisive politics where cohesion is needed.
DeMint: Senate could've voted on TSA chief 'months ago'
Or, reading autois, and referring the word to the Persians: 'who, looking to advantage, forwarded the course of the invader.'
The History of the Peloponnesian War
By corralling, farmers could take advantage of more of the nitrogen in animal manure.
The advantages in the hardening start with the carburizing operation, as a steel of uniform and fine grain size will carburize more uniformly, producing
The Working of Steel Annealing, Heat Treating and Hardening of Carbon and Alloy Steel
If you can take advantage of their poor judgement, you can gradually narrow the gap.
Also, putting these extras where they show to best advantage provided a good hedge against the financial risk of building a home from scratch.
He stressed that this apparent advantage was far outweighed by the negative impact of the depleted ozone layer on humans, plants and animals.
Times, Sunday Times
There are other advantages in flitting across time and space.
SPICE: The History of a Temptation
The close texture and mild flavour of lean, minced veal makes it a valuable ingredient in many pâtés, galantines, and stuffings, besides showing to advantage in such dishes as veal loaf.
The main disadvantages are that group instruction is sometimes costly and not always effective.
They lacked the conviction to press home their advantage and instead dropped too deep to protect it.
Times, Sunday Times
Otley had the advantage of a strong wind in the first-half and not surprisingly had the better of the game in terms of territory.
The table below details the advantages and disadvantages of electric versus mechanical hygroscopes.
I thought we could take advantage of that by somehow superimposing the letters of the two words.
They had been given an unfair advantage.
This synthetic strategy compared with traditional solution protocol has advantages of no organic solvent pollution, elevating reaction rate, high yield and simple work-up procedure.
Luckily, we stopped in during happy hour to take advantage of the $4 maki rolls and $5 mojitos.
In 1189 King William had taken advantage of Richard's financial needs to buy his freedom from English allegiance for 10,000 marks.
All you will have to do to take advantage of the offer is to present your card when you make your purchase.
A major piece of research, commissioned by Media Trust, reveals there is an opportunity for Community Voices to add real value to current media activities within disadvantaged and isolated communities.
2009 November « Using technology in the voluntary and community sector
We have to take advantage of our strong cultural economy and give it the support that it needs.
Some companies may also have less advantageous hedging positions than rivals, which will influence their willingness to cut.
Times, Sunday Times
The major advantage of flanged windows is that they are one integral unit that is easy for the contractor or homeowner to install plumb and square within a framed opening.
I have in fact been quite active in the past month, attempting to take advantage of lower share prices and repositioning the portfolio.
Times, Sunday Times
Furthermore, if the moneymen in Beijing, Tokyo, Berlin, and the other nations currently running trade surpluses against the U.S. start to ponder exaggerated retaliation against the U.S., they will soon discover the advantage is with us, not them.
Ian Fletcher: Why Donald Trump Is Right on Trade
He is terrified, unnecessarily so, that any snippet of information could be turned into an advantage for opponents.
Times, Sunday Times
The property also has the advantage of being in turnkey condition.
Worrell feels it's important for youngsters to take advantage of locally organized swim meets.
Saturday nights, walked through the meadows and round by the mill and back home past the creek on Sunday afternoons, taken his seat in the brake for the annual outing, shuffled his way through the polka at the tradesmen's ball, and generally seized all legitimate opportunities for sporting with Amaryllis in the shade, has a hundred advantages which your successful careerer lacks.
The Man Upstairs and Other Stories
For most of the century, the theoretical advantages enjoyed by the English colonists did them little good.
America Past and Present
Those of us who had the honour and the rare advantage of knowing him intimately and well over many years find, upon looking back upon that vast experience, something unique, over and above the learning, over and above the application of that learning to Thomism, which is surely the very heart of the Dominican affair.
Belloc Speaks - To the Undying Memory
Part - time workers, the majority of whom are women, are doubly disadvantaged.
Portsmouth were in complete control as their numerical advantage allowed them to run rings around Reading.
The Sun
Some argue it would take away the huge advantage the top four seeds have from byes and home-field advantage.
The advantages of DMA technology mainly include high speed of transmission, low extra consumption of CPU and system.
Another model is adaptive radiation, such as when a species of bird first colonizes an island, then diversifies into a variety of forms to take advantage of the available niches.
The Fund will support research projects intended to lead to an increased understanding of personal factors, social arrangements, social institutions and physical factors affecting the well being of disesteemed or disadvantaged persons.
The payment had the effect of conferring a preference, priority or advantage on those creditors over the other creditors.
It could then export the surplus of this commodity in exchange for imports produced by other countries with respective comparative cost advantages.
Many people will want to take advantage of your system and implant it with various programs so that they can benefit.
When opponents double-teamed him, no one else on the line could take advantage.
For many machine whose input and output are known, its mechanical advantage can be calculated.
Although Democrats appear to be using the faltering economy to their advantage, Youngstown Republicans like McCain volunteer Tracey Winbush say they are making headway.
Its traditional disadvantages of high entry costs leading to illiquidity have been exacerbated, making it more difficult, particularly for the smaller investor, to get a foot on the ladder.
Because most goalies catch with their left hand, right wingers have a big advantage taking this shot.
A collar harness does not provide for the vertical force, so if a collar is used, the saddle has to be provided separately - but then it can have the advantage of being made more stable with a girth or bellyband under the donkey's belly.
3.1 Cattle harness
Indeed the pleafure of this firrprife was fo great, that without regard to fo» many other lignal advantages it fpreada:
Private history of Peregrinus Proteus, the philosopher
The next higher examples to be met are the frequently cited ants and bees, belonging to the lowly organized class of arthropoda, yet, through the advantage of association and mutual aid, developing actions and habits only found elsewhere in the human race.
Man And His Ancestor A Study In Evolution
Adapting this technique to fleece involves taking advantage of the fabric's loft and nap to simplify the process.
The toxin called amygdalin that is found in almond tree nectar is in fact an evolutionary development intended to give that tree an advantage over others in its surroundings
What are the advantages and disadvantages of metal posts versus wood posts?
Nice ambush by AXE, taking advantage of the largest European womens running event takes place in Aarhus, Denmark.
However, a shared care, multidisciplinary approach has many advantages.
Smearing a good woman for partisan, political advantage can be a deadly game that can easily backfire.
The government coalition, provided it stays together, has an advantage in organisation and money.
Print-making has had the advantage of some careful scholars, but an excellent book is by a practitioner, Stanley Hayter.
For dealing with the cloud data in reverse engineering, one region-division method which based on character is presented to divide up cloud data, this provides advantage to the later surface fitting.
In the end by example, this system has much accuracy, rationality and continues purlin advantages.
The advantage of the forward market is that the transaction is risk-free: the price is specified now, with certainty.
The lack of decent public transport is a great disadvantage.
A spouse earning equal income who is left with dependent children to both support and to care for can be seriously disadvantaged.
Text messaging has many advantages over old - fashioned talking.
Blogging's comparative advantage has nothing to do with the alleged superior skills of bloggers or their higher intelligence, quicker wit, or more fabulous physiques.
The advantage of this is you can add more robust flavours to the cooking.
Times, Sunday Times
The apparatus may be linked to a plurality of host systems for equal advantages.
I do understand the frustration with indisciplined schools though which of course hurts the most disadvantaged most.
Whacko ?
But the Southern knights constantly wore these lateral dragon's wings; and if I can find their special name, it may perhaps be substituted with advantage for 'stipule'; but I have not wit enough by me just now to invent a term.
Proserpina, Volume 2 Studies Of Wayside Flowers
Every year I give a donation to the Arizona School Choice Trust. 100% of the money so donated is then used to give tuition grants to ecconomically disadvantaged students to help pay for private tuition.
The Volokh Conspiracy » The Latest School Choice Controversy Now Before the Supreme Court
The advantages of the postclassical approach apply wherever the motivations towards particular criminal actions are vastly more prevalent than the actions.
So what began as a daunting challenge actually became an advantage.
Smithsonian Mag
The team, led by Professor David Cumming and Dr Tim Drysdale from the University's department of electronics and electrical engineering, will take advantage of a phenomenon called plasmon resonance in their efforts to create a microchip for cameras and other imaging equipment that will produce sharper, more colourful images.
Nano Tech Wire
The most disadvantaged families did not feel comfortable coming in.
Times, Sunday Times
She has all those additional advantages as nobleness of birth and deportment which I want.
They take advantage of people's dislike of uncertainty by providing insurance services.
This is a very significant advantage as discussions about different weightings are not held up while new calculations are made.
America decided that imported steel had an unfair advantage over steel made at home.
With the development of new products and market push, XHD shall make full use of her own advantage, keep constant innovation, keep ahead of tideway and initiate a brilliant future.
Salary caps are imposed to prevent richer clubs gaining an unfair advantage over poorer rivals by offering players vastly inflated salaries.
A more dubious advantage is being able to copy-edit my dreams.
Making Light: Open thread 136
_Item_, when we shall see a convenient time to fight with the enemies our vanward shall make with their vanward if they have any; and if they be in one company, our vanward, taking the advantage of the wind, shall set upon their foremost rank, bringing them out of order; and our vice-admiral shall seek to board their vice-admiral, and every captain shall choose his equal as near as he may.
Fighting Instructions, 1530-1816 Publications Of The Navy Records Society Vol. XXIX.
We pledge to use our skills, resources and energy, through individual and collective action, to empower disadvantaged people, eliminate racism and promote a non-racial society whose resources are used to the benefit of all its people.
The team were quick to exploit their competitive advantage.
My experience is that more and more complaints appear to be filed to gain a tactical advantage in court cases.
Times, Sunday Times