
How To Use Adult male In A Sentence

  • Officials suspect three or four sub-adult male grizzlies are responsible for this year's sightings, having paddled and island-hopped their way westward from the B.C. mainland. Grizzly Bears Sighted On Vancouver Island
  • Adult male elephants are generally solitary or associate with other bulls in loose associations while females live in families.
  • Since the population of adult males in Britain is many million, there are obvious savings to be made using these techniques.
  • They are covered with reddish brown hair, and the sides of the face, in adult males, are commonly produced into two crescentic, flexible excrescences, like fatty tumours. Essays
  • Their principal enemy is the leopard, but even leopards will avoid an encounter with the larger, adult males who are courageous and vicious adversaries.
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  • Even if other voices joined the bass in some or all of the verses, a low adult male voice certainly sang throughout, as if to underscore the psalm's sombre mood.
  • Torrent salamanders are characterized by unique squared-off glands behind the vent in adult males.
  • The most complete fossil was that of an adult male skull lacking a lower jaw found embedded in ancient cemented sands.
  • In the wild, the pygmy hog lives in small family groups of about four to five individuals, comprised of one or more adult females and accompanying juveniles, and occasionally an adult male.
  • Adult male albino rats were housed in the controlled temperature and photoperiod.
  • The head of an adult male is often heavily marked with circular scars from encounters with squid suckers.
  • A pederast is the Greek-based word for an adult male who desires boys only. The Right Word in the Right Place at the Right Time
  • Adult males seem to winter farther north than females and juvenile birds.
  • They live in families, each headed by an adult male called a silverback because of its distinctive coloring. CNN Transcript Dec 15, 2007
  • Adult males and females with the familiar bell-shaped bodies are called medusae, but you would not recognize very young jellyfish as jellyfish at all. Curious Cat Science and Engineering Blog
  • Response: This is adult male black-headed siskin, Serinus nigriceps. Mystery bird: Abyssinian siskin, Serinus nigriceps
  • There was no adult male in sight, because the female assumes all the duties of nesting; the male's reproductive role begins with courtship and ends with mating.
  • On the one hand, Mormonism was partially democratized in that virtually every adult male could be ordained a priest.
  • The adult male lion, described as emaciated and showing other signs of starvation, was later killed by wildlife officials after it attacked a dog brought in to track it. - Local News
  • It is a fairly large group, maybe fifty-five individuals, including several adult males and some very young calves.
  • The adult males are extremely pugnacious and fight fiercely with one another.
  • The adult males are dark, the females and young are sandy-brown.
  • Gonatodes ocellatus, ocellated gecko, adult male by Daniel Scantlebury — This species is found only on rocky slopes on Tobago and Little Tobago Island. Photography contest: Finalists, General Category - The Panda's Thumb
  • Interactions among newborns, mothers, and adult males are rarely observed but are needed to distinguish between these hypotheses.
  • Phenylacetonitrile, or PAN for short, normally governs swarming behaviour in adult males who also use it to warn other males to leave them in peace while they mate.
  • On the one hand, Mormonism was partially democratized in that virtually every adult male could be ordained a priest.
  • Adult males have been stripped of their role as family providers and protectors. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some adult male and female are occupied in sowing grain on the fertile fruitful soil.
  • Adult males emerge from their puparia and fly off to inseminate a female through the brood canal opening in her cephalothorax.
  • The children's lyrics are almost completely indecipherable, but they seem to echo the adult male's lyrics, verbatim.
  • In classical Athens, for an adult male to be passive was a bar to the exercise of citizenship.
  • What whalers term schools are assemblages of female cachalots in large numbers - from twenty to a hundred, together with their young, called calves, and piloted by one or more adult males, called bulls.
  • We focused on the vocal behavior of the adult male because other studies have shown that adult male guenons produce predator-specific alarm calls in response to eagles and leopards.
  • Phenylacetonitrile, or PAN for short, normally governs swarming behaviour in adult males who also use it to warn other males to leave them in peace while they mate.
  • During the breeding season, adult males are easily distinguished from brownish females and juveniles by their glossy black plumages and white wing underparts.
  • Animals which have a carnivorous diet are not generally considered suitable for food, and the meat of uncastrated adult male animals is often shunned.
  • On the one hand, Mormonism was partially democratized in that virtually every adult male could be ordained a priest.
  • It is likely, then, that he had no source of income other than family money, although his adult male relatives were all engaged in mercantile operations, the navy, or the professions. back Gutenber-e Help Page
  • They compared the finger and palm prints of 64 healthy adult males and 90 males with duodenal ulcers.
  • The adult male lowered its head and stared right through the windscreen at me. The Sun
  • suffrage was the prerogative of white adult males
  • Adult male Ethiopian black-headed siskin, Serinus nigriceps, also known as the Ethiopian siskin or (African/Abyssinian) black-headed siskin, or the black-headed serin, photographed at Bale Mountains, Ethiopia (Africa). Mystery bird: Abyssinian siskin, Serinus nigriceps
  • The adult male peregrine is a very distinctive bluey black in colour when seen from the rear.
  • I make a very clear distinction in my writing between pedophilia and homosexuality, noting that adult males who sexually victimize young boys are either pedophilic or heterosexual, and that in my research I have not found homosexual men turning away from adult partners to children ... Alvin McEwen: AOL article demonstrates the deception of anti-gay bad science
  • This may be because it's hard to muster much optimism about a country where so many adult males in positions of power think that stone-washed denim jeans with white sneakers is still a good look. The Fashion Crimes of the Sneaker Set
  • In the ad, five women sit in the stands and praise an adult male for showing up to watch his son's game.
  • The hunters are the half dozen or so experienced adult males in the group.
  • This specimen is an adult male in very high nuptial plumage, and is No.3002 of my register.
  • Since the population of adult males in Britain is many million, there are obvious savings to be made using these techniques.
  • Adult males have a pink-streaked iridescent throat-patch that can be held erect.
  • -- Above brownish ochrey or rufous; limbs and beneath ashy-brown; callosities and adjacent parts red; face of adult males red. Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon
  • Nationally, over 13 percent of black adult males are denied the right to vote, compared to 4 percent of non-black males.
  • There's nine gorillas in this group and every gorilla group is leaded by an adult male called a silverback, the silverback right over there, the distinctive coloring on his back. CNN Transcript Oct 7, 2006
  • In that year the proportion of convicted adult males given a custodial sentence had reached a low of 15 percent.
  • In the east, the land was divided among all the adult male family members.
  • Nerve or chemical stimulation can make the normal adult male prostatic fluid secretion increased significantly.
  • When the terrestrial eggs hatch, adult males transport the larvae in their enlarged vocal sacs.
  • Goofing off on a holiday weekend for me means gardening (two blisters worth of digging), starting a new pastel for my primate series (a "cheek padder" adult male orangutan), pigging out on high-end junk food (Vietnamese fried calamari, creme brulee, and $8 martinis from Whitehouse-Crawford, the swankiest place in town), and then burning off the calories on a couple of marathon dog walks. Easter Weekend
  • Here we identify three reproductive strategies of adult male grackles and the phenotypic traits associated with each strategy.
  • He was telling me that every adult male in the swamp was out there when Murgen brought the bargemaster to me whimpering in a ham-merlock. Shadow Games
  • What percentage of the adult male population is unemployed?
  • So each netful was a complete package of sorts, containing one readily identifiable adult male and many mother-infant pairs.
  • Liposuction may sometimes be used to treat a condition called gynecomastia, or male breast enlargement, which frequently occurs among both teenage and adult males. - Business News
  • Adult males are solid black with a bulbous yellow knob on an otherwise black bill.
  • Families are headed by a silverback (mature adult male) and usually include a harem of three of four adult females and their respective offspring.
  • Airbags, designed for adult males, may punch outward too forcefully for children and small adults.
  • Day, JR, et al. Gonadal steroids regulate the expression of glial fibrillary acidic proteins in the adult male rat hippocampus. T.S. Wiley: Estrogen Dilemma: There Is No Dilemma When You Know the Details
  • Orangutans are big apes, adult males can weigh over 80 kilograms and spend about 80% of their waking hours feeding their bulk.
  • Like many other manakins, adult males develop a brilliant and conspicuous plumage, establish an arena, and display to females.
  • Gonatodes ocellatus, ocellated gecko, adult male by Daniel Scantlebury — This species is found only on rocky slopes on Tobago and Little Tobago Island. Photography contest: Finalists, General Category - The Panda's Thumb
  • Larval stages and female stylops of most families are internal parasites; adult males are free-living.
  • Adult males have small facial warts (infraocular and preocular) and a bushy tuft of hair on the cheek. 11 The Bearded Pig
  • The hunters are the half dozen or so experienced adult males in the group.
  • The lead salesman, a greasy joker named Chick, would have Benny wear a long-sleeved carpet coat—low knap for summer, shag for winter—and then use a device on him that was supposed to simulate the full-strength bite of an adult male zom. Rot & Ruin
  • Forty-four adult male and 11 adult female red-spotted newts were collected from a private pond in Chenango County, New York, in late May 2000.
  • It was thought that the skull was too small and light to belong to an adult male.
  • The welfare of the tribe or of the nation has clearly depended in warlike ages on the number of adult males capable of bearing arms that it could mobilise for every tribal or national emergency. Militarism versus Feminism: An Enquiry and a Policy Demonstrating that Militarism involves the Subjection of Women
  • It was thought that the skull was too small and light to belong to an adult male.
  • Bird watchers will also be able to see the adult male teach his offspring how to snatch fish from the lake over the next few weeks.
  • On the one hand, Mormonism was partially democratized in that virtually every adult male could be ordained a priest.
  • The otters, an adult male and female and two cubs, were found trapped in a fyke net on the River Winster near Lindale two weeks ago.
  • National service is compulsory and all adult males are members of the Army Reserve, keeping a rifle at home.
  • In the healthy adult male body, Plate 22, the two lungs, D D*, whilst in their ordinary expanded state, may be said to range over all that region of the trunk of the body which is marked by the sternal and asternal ribs. Surgical Anatomy
  • Looking at photos of other teal hunters' bags, most seem to hold a high percentage of adult male bluewings.
  • They compared the finger and palm prints of 64 healthy adult males and 90 males with duodenal ulcers.
  • The adult males move in larger home ranges that are superimposed spatially upon those of the females.
  • Mumps in adolescent and adult males may also result in the development of orchitis, an inflammation of the testicles.
  • By 1892, borough enfranchisement had risen to 60% of adult males.
  • One cancer of particular concern is a rare type of lymphoma called hepatosplenic T-cell lymphoma that has been reported mostly in adolescent or young adult male patients who were also on immunosuppressant medications known as thiopurines, making the role of drugs like Remicade unclear. FDA Panel Backs Additional Use of J&J's Remicade
  • The propagative stages of the nematode occur exclusively in adult male crickets; thus adult females crickets are refractory to infection.
  • What percentage of the adult male population is unemployed?
  • It then turned side-on to me and revealed itself as an adult male Peregrine!
  • Adult males emerge from their puparia and fly off to inseminate a female through the brood canal opening in her cephalothorax.
  • It is just wide enough to give an adult male thumb a good grip without too much chance that it'll accidentally tap the touch-sensitive screen.
  • The adult males' roars are often so loud and startling that first-time visitors are convinced they are in the immediate presence of a jaguar.
  • Nerve or chemical stimulation can make the normal adult male prostatic fluid secretion increased significantly.
  • suffrage was the prerogative of white adult males
  • Many footballers in England earned a wage that was not much greater than average adult male earnings in manufacturing.
  • Predators such as cougars, wolves, and adult male bears, even a cub's own father, are threats, especially to cubs that are separated from their mothers.
  • Control lung tissue was also obtained from adult male rats.
  • Here's my second attempt at a pastel - an adult male 'cheek padder' orangutan. Archive 2007-04-01
  • A study published in the current issue of Journal of Personality studied adult male monozygotic (MZ) and dizygotic (DZ) twins to find that difference in religiousness are influenced by both genes and environment. Genetics and the Future of Religion, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Numerous studies demonstrate that preschool age boys and girls incorporate communicative features that are isomorphic to those of adult male and female communication styles.
  • Adult males have been stripped of their role as family providers and protectors. Times, Sunday Times
  • Adult males are nomadic, wandering all round the polar ice cap and living mainly off seals.
  • Being an adult male, he was at the end of the line for inoculations.
  • A court ruled that an adult male could sue the doctor who circumcised him even though the parents had consented.
  • Airbags, designed for adult males, may punch outward too forcefully for children and small adults.
  • All stages of the insect, except the crawler and the adult male, secrete a covering that lies over its dorsum for protection.
  • Everybody has them and this research will attempt to determine whether sexual fantasies play a significant role in the occurrence of deviant behaviour of adult males.
  • Adult male manakins are more sedentary than females and young males and may not disperse seeds as widely as females and young males.
  • He told the tribes, the author can only adult male with a Caoni Ma.
  • The tiny adult males are winged but the female coccids remain in the galls all their lives.
  • The antlers of the Peary caribou grow swiftly each year, and may double the height of an adult male before growth ends in the fall.
  • They are followed by adult males, anestrous females and immature whales of both sexes.
  • In Athens, the epoch-making "People's Revolution" in 508 B.C. resulted in democracy—the strongest form of republicanism the world had ever known—which meant universal native adult male franchise and a commitment to the principles of equal votes and freedom of speech and association. Handing Out Knives to Madmen
  • In many protandrous spiders, adult males cohabit with juvenile females nearing sexual maturity, and this may provide an index of expected mate availability for females.
  • They compared the finger and palm prints of 64 healthy adult males and 90 males with duodenal ulcers.
  • Put simply, a countertenor is an adult male alto. Times, Sunday Times
  • What percentage of the adult male population is unemployed?
  • suffrage was the privilege of white adult males
  • For a short time in 1848 it appeared that the introduction of adult male suffrage might democratize politics, but the election to create a Constituent Assembly for the Second Republic soon dispelled any such notions.
  • What percentage of the adult male population is unemployed?
  • All adult males will be liable for conscription.
  • We found an adult male trapped with mud up to his waist area with this log right here that was across his stomach and chest area.
  • First comes the able-bodied though elderly sire carrying a few light throwing-spears and a knobkerry or a gim-crack stabbing-spear, and close behind him are the adult males of his house similarly armed or with a rifle or two supplied by a benevolent Government for protection against the Mullah, to whom these children of nature frequently offer them for sale at very reasonable prices. Pan-Islam
  • In that year the proportion of convicted adult males given a custodial sentence had reached a low of 15 percent.
  • For example, what is the impact of mature parr on the sex ratio of wild Atlantic salmon populations, and what is the extent of their involvement in the breeding scheme compared to that of anadromous adult males?
  • When an Adult Male holds an underage girl in complete captivity, and sexually assaults her over and over, and never acknowledges his crimes, what would you call the perpetrator of such evil acts! Rep. Davis (R-KY) Apologizes For Calling Obama "That Boy"

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