How To Use Adriatic In A Sentence

  • We offer accommodation in all cities including hotels in Ljubljana, at Bled lake, in Maribor and Kranj, or near Adriatic Sea in Koper, Portoroz and Izola. Undefined
  • The cities of Padua and Verona were wiped from the face of the earth; and the last glories of Venice sank for ever beneath the sea as the waters of the Adriatic came - thundering landwards after the hammer-blow from space. Rendezvous With Rama
  • By the way, none of this is to suggest that the designation “Serbo-Croatian” is or should be politically or culturally neutral, or that its use effectively sidesteps the fact that the languages of the former Yugoslavia have indeed evolved on distinct paths since the Middle Ages.1 But to get back to your free trip to Italy, there are arguably at least as many tongues on that side of the Adriatic. The English Is Coming!
  • For $21.99 per person you can sample a dozen items off the menu, which includes souvlaki, moussaka and Adriatic shrimp.
  • But nothing prepared us for the staggering Alpine beauty of the region – flower-filled meadows, crystal-clear rivers and lakes – nor the views from Nebesa's chalets; snow-capped mountains to the east, endless valleys to the west, trailing down to the Adriatic. Summer holidays: 10 of the best trips for couples
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  • The population structure in the vairone is, in principal, in agreement with the two main ichthyogeographic districts (PV and TL), except for the two populations in the Middle Adriatic, which we identify as additional major "district". BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • Our readers seem to like it chilly, but this year Adriatic sunshine has won through, pipping perennial favourites Iceland, Finland and Norway.
  • Italy relies on Adriatic anchovies as its primary source of the fish, which is a popular ingredient in pasta sauces and pizza toppings. Times, Sunday Times
  • Breed of dog named after the Adriatic coastal region of Dalmatia, its first definite home.
  • A handful of shivering Albanians are fished out of the Adriatic, distressed beyond belief, hoping desperately for signs of missing relatives.
  • Several bathypelagic fish species, whose occurrence has hitherto not been recorded in the Adriatic, were found among the catches.
  • Its harbour elevation tilts out at approximately 8 degrees from the vertical; the elevation to the Adriatic at twice that incline.
  • Diocletian: he refreshed and reviewed his troops at Pola in Istria, coasted round the head of the Adriatic, entered the port of The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • There is not in the whole annals of aerostation a more moving catastrophe than that of the unfortunate Comte Zambeccari, who, during an aerial journey on October the 7th, 1804, was cast away on the waves of the Adriatic. Wonderful Balloon Ascents
  • The waters of the Adriatic were rough and made the high-speed ferry list back and forth dangerously.
  • There were private yachts, Adriatic liners, all brilliant with illumination, and hundreds of gondolas, bobbing, bobbing, like captive leviathans, bunched round the gaily-lanterned barges of the serenaders. The Lure of the Mask
  • Tracks connected the imperial capital to the Adriatic. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sonnino had pointed out that the Navy and the whole country expected of him that he would alter Italy's unfavourable position on the Adriatic, where from Venice to Taranto she had not one serviceable harbour, that is to say serviceable war-harbour. The Birth of Yugoslavia, Volume 2
  • Montenegro is a region of southwest Yugoslavia bordering on the Adriatic Sea.
  • LONDON mdash; Coast guards are hunting for a pair of missing American balloonists last detected piloting their craft over the Adriatic Sea in rough weather, ... Richard Abruzzo And Carol Rymer Davis Missing In European Balloon Race
  • The Dogana at Foggia was intended to regulate the transference of large flocks of sheep from the Abruzzi mountains to set pasture lands on the Adriatic plains.
  • Taking less than an hour to traverse Slovenia, the convoy soon finds itself winding through stunning landscapes and vistas of Croatia into the Adriatic port city of Rijeka.
  • The French emperor retroceded Venetia to Italy, fulfilling the promise he had made in 1859 to ‘unify Italy from the Alps to the Adriatic’.
  • No dubious burger restaurants here, but elegant restaurants and diners, with plump fish, prawns and mussels doused in the taste and tanginess of the sparking Adriatic Sea.
  • Two miles from the Adriatic coast and forty minutes from the picturesque Alberobello's trulli, stone, light and color permeate daily life.
  • The Lido in Venice is a strip of land dividing the lagoon from the Adriatic, just a short vaporetto ride from St Mark's.
  • We join them in their rented paddleboat and head out into the Adriatic sea until we reach a point where we are surrounded by jellyfish.
  • Other species, and even genera that could be construed as subgenera of Salmo are localized in single lakes in Europe, an area of spring-fed streams along the Adriatic coast of former Yugoslavia, and a few small headwater streams in south-central Turkey. Trout and Salmon of North America
  • At the harbor of Brundisium Brindisi on the Adriatic coast of Italy the terms of a treaty were agreed in October 40 BC, which confirmed the awards of the eastern provinces of the empire to Mark Antony and the western provinces to Octavian, while third wheel Lepidus was dispatched to the province of Africa, well away from the center of the action. Caesars’ Wives
  • Croatia's pocket-size capital is often overlooked for the sun-splashed Adriatic coast. Only In…Zagreb
  • The Adriatic slumbrously tossed up its toy surges, and lo! Bog-Myrtle and Peat Tales Chiefly of Galloway Gathered from the Years 1889 to 1895
  • The best were the langoustes (Palinurus vulgaris), the clawless lobsters called crawfish (crayfish) in the United States, and the agosta or avagosta of the Adriatic: it was confounded by the The Land of Midian
  • This beautiful insect, so common about Florence and Rome, and in central Italy, is extremely rare about Naples; nor does this seem to be from their disliking the sea, for we never saw so many as at Pesaro, on the Adriatic; -- no insect, then, is more volage, or uncertain as to place, than the firefly. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 59, No. 363, January, 1846
  • If scuba diving appeals, you'll find the Adriatic sea floor is littered with wrecks where exotic fish swim in coral reefs and colourful underwater gardens and grottoes.
  • Ancona, which is the only one on the Adriatic Sea, and Leghorn and The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
  • The cuisine is based on those familiar denizens of the Adriatic - prawns, squid, mussels, fish of various kinds - that grace the tables of nine out of every ten Venetian restaurants; what is different is the way the finny tribe is prepared.
  • We might, as I fully believe (there being an almost continuous line of valleys, and no mountain range of any importance between) have seen straight down to Venice and the Adriatic on the South; to the lake of Garda on the South-East; and perhaps, if the Marmolata is not in the way, to the Ortler Spitz on the East. Untrodden Peaks and Unfrequented Valleys
  • Italy relies on Adriatic anchovies as its primary source of the fish, which is a popular ingredient in pasta sauces and pizza toppings. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tracks connected the imperial capital to the Adriatic. Times, Sunday Times
  • Our gondolier is Francesca, born on the Adriatic coast of Italy, raised in Southern California.
  • The populations from the Adriatic and Black seas, however, are divergent from every other population.
  • While his chief roistered in Athens and made little trips across the Adriatic to torment me, a colleague, for not achieving my objectives as stated in our agreement. Antony and Cleopatra
  • This was just the start of our great adventure to some of the 1,185 islands that crowd the senses along Croatia's stunning coastline, lipping the crystal waters of the Adriatic Sea.
  • Out over the Adriatic the overcast thickened to 10/10 and stratocumulus clouds reared up to 15,000 feet.
  • For a true taste of Croatian Adriatic cuisine seek out the tiny tavernas where you can eat superb local fish and sea food.
  • A good example is the Bora wind which is a cold north-easterly wind which blows in winter down the east coast of the Adriatic from the Balkan mountains.
  • An aerial dogfight swiftly erupted at 8000 feet above the Adriatic.
  • The smallness of her universe melted away and she saw herself traveling — through exotic lands she so longed to see, to the coasts of the Mediterranean and the Adriatic seas, to the vast deserts of the African continent, where the lions sprawled among the trees, and elephants tromped the veldt. Second Chance
  • A "jugo" is a southeasterly wind on the Adriatic, but Zastava realized that "Jugo" might be pronounced jug-o in America, and it means "juice" in Spanish, so the J was changed to a Y. The Little Car That Couldn't
  • However, I have been known to whiz back and forth by hydrofoil across the Adriatic Sea four times in four consecutive days.
  • Each bend in the road reveals yet another breathtaking panorama of the Dinara Mountains that sweep down to the Adriatic, a deep cobalt sea under an azure sky.
  • Our southern ally's loyalty to her beautiful "unredeemed" provinces, and her claim, which all right-minded Englishmen (I include myself) most heartily endorse, to dominate the historically Italian waters of the Adriatic, happily proved too strong for a machine-made sympathy for Berlin based on nothing better than a superficial resemblance between the histories of Piedmont and Prussia, and a record of nominal alliance with powers whose respect for paper treaties was always fairly apparent. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 153, August 15, 1917
  • Sandwiched between the Adriatic and Black Seas, the peninsular is a hodgepodge mix of religions, peoples and cultures. Front Page
  • LONDON — Coast guards are hunting for a pair of missing American balloonists last detected piloting their craft over the Adriatic Sea in rough weather, officials said Wednesday. Richard Abruzzo And Carol Rymer Davis Missing In European Balloon Race
  • There is no ebb and flow in his metre more than on the shores of the Adriatic, but wave follows wave with equable gainings and recessions, the one sliding back in fluent music to be mingled with and carried forward by the next. Among My Books Second Series
  • Like the refugees and renegades who slunk away in the salt marshes of the Adriatic and builded the palaces of powerful Venice on her deep-sunk piles, so these wretched hunted blacks builded power until they became masters of the mainland, controlling traffic and trade-routes, compelling the bushmen for ever after to remain in the bush and never to dare attempt the salt-water. CHAPTER X
  • Serbia and Montenegro_: In the north of the Adriatic, _the entire coast, commencing from the Bay of Volosca_ on the frontier of Istria as far as the _northern frontier_ of Dalmatia, including the whole of the coast-line now belonging to Hungary, the entire coast of Croatia, the port of Fiume and the small harbours of Novi and Carlopago, as also the islands of Velia, Pervicchio, Gregorio, Goli and Arbe. Im Weltkriege. English
  • But then like the Illyrian merchant who sees the Adriatic's silken skin wrinkle at the first touch of the bora, I suddenly feel uneasy. CASCADES - THE DAY OF THE DEAD
  • In September a sirocco blew out of Africa, and a Venetian galleass made ready to run for the Adriatic. Asimov's Science Fiction
  • Franco-American institutional rivalry led to the initial dispatch of two naval forces to the Adriatic, one under Nato and one under WEU, each commanded by Italian admirals.
  • After a gourmet meal overlooking the Adriatic, the couple can take a short walk and visit one of the many wine bars, jazz clubs or outdoor theatres the city has to offer.
  • This older alphabet, which still survives, is called the Glagolitic (from glagolati, to speak, because the rude tribesmen imagined that the letters spoke to the reader and told him what to say), and was used by the southern Slavic tribes and now exists along the Adriatic highlands. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • When the Vistula line was stormed in January 1945, there were no fewer than 6.7 million men in the Soviet forces between the Baltic and the Adriatic.
  • Their dominions were bounded by the Adriatic and the Tigris; and the whole interval of twenty-five days’ navigation, which separated the extreme cold of Scythia from the torrid zone of The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • A region and former kingdom of southern Europe along the northeast Adriatic coast.
  • He added that he expects to confirm the data with Italian air traffic controllers in Brindisi, on the other side of the Adriatic, on Saturday. Richard Abruzzo And Carol Rymer-Davis Plummeted At 50 mph Before Disappearing
  • A city of southern Italy Adriatic Sea southeast of Bari.
  • A good example is the Bora wind which is a cold north-easterly wind which blows in winter down the east coast of the Adriatic from the Balkan mountains.
  • This reflects the fact that Italians in the Adriatic had for long appreciated it, and had many recipes for scampi cooked in this or that way, which became familiar to tourists.
  • Someone with no scruples, who knows the Albanian coast like the back of his hand and runs the fastest boat in the Adriatic. THE KEYS OF HELL
  • Bosnia is shut off from the Adriatic by the mountains.
  • For $21.99 per person you can sample a dozen items off the menu, which includes souvlaki, moussaka and Adriatic shrimp.
  • Lt Rackham was awarded the honour for service on board the minehunter HMS Sandown during Operation Allied Harvest, the operation to clear ordinance from the Adriatic in the wake of the 1999 Kosovo conflict.

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