How To Use Adjunct In A Sentence
Sometimes he is also assisted by an adjunct who will later represent him during absences.
It is doubtful if he realized that a parasol is a purely feminine adjunct; -- although the Mistress always declared he did.
Further Adventures of Lad
It assumes that the virtual is a substitute for the material realm, rather than an adjunct to it.
If there's a market for appliances, it is as an adjunct to PCs rather than as an alternative.
You can even use a limited amount of starchy adjuncts - such as flaked maize, flaked oats or flaked barley
FriendFeed - georgeh

Shortly before he retired from the waterfront, Hoffer became an adjunct professor at the University of California, Berkeley.
Like participles, adjectives and also some idiomatic preposition phrases, when used as adjuncts, need an understood subject (or, it might be better to say, a target of predication) to be filled in if they are to be understood.
After seven years as a very part-time adjunct, I'm still amused by how irked my students are by all the things I don't know, examples of which have included medieval embroidery, Celtic languages, metallurgy, neopaganism, Scottish history, regional developments in medieval agriculture, and the 40 most recent fantasy novels about Arthur and Guenevere.
Beowulf Hobbyists of the World, Unite!
Taking my own advice about applying to previous employers, I then submitted my vita to a medium-sized historically Black college where I also had worked as an adjunct professor.
Therefore, enzyme supplementation should be an adjunct to, not a substitute for, dietary restriction.
Besides uncertainty over whether lesions should be excised or ablated by a variety of techniques, the contribution of adjunctive presacral neurectomy or uterosacral nerve ablation-transection is unclear.
James Langenfeld is a director at LECG, an economics and finance consulting firm, and an adjunct professor at Loyola University Law School, Chicago.
That show, curated by Okwui Enwezor, adjunct curator of contemporary art at the Art Institute of Chicago, addresses art and politics in Africa from 1945 to 1994.
For the pittance they're paid, adjunct profs at our colleges might as well be sweatshop workers.
Sometimes he is also assisted by an adjunct who will later represent him during absences.
At times Cord's own'talents verged on mountebankery. and the best of mountebanks had no little skill at thievery and its adjunctive crafts.
Night Arrant
Like sustainability, usability is an adjunct concept to the practice of graphic design.
But, heigho! some fly or other is the indispensable adjunct of every pot of ointment, and while I was still jumping for joy at having passed the steep barrier of such a Rubicon, there came a letter from Miss JESSIMINA which constrained me to cachinnate upon the wrong side of nose!
Baboo Jabberjee, B.A.
And that in the church they are vested with rule appears not only by their name of elders, which when applied to officers, imports rule, authority, &c., as hath been said; but also by the adjunct participle _that rule_, or
The Divine Right of Church Government by Sundry Ministers Of Christ Within The City Of London
That not-unique pattern points to the inadequacy of much current nomenclature about part-time or adjunct faculty versus tenured professors.
Will they return as a necessary adjunct of the explosion that will detonate our complacencies?
Times, Sunday Times
I hoped I would find the computer course a useful adjunct to my other studies.
This is the first book devoted fully to adjuncts telling their own stories in their own words.
It's become an adjunct to alcohol or cannabis use.
Times, Sunday Times
The dog food Mrs. Sternheim consumed was top-of-the-line, gourmet bowwow, nutritional and preservative-free manna – "it tastes like a natural food product" – which she'll commence selling in early December in adjunct space to Zitomer Pharmacy and Department Store, the ne plus ultra pharmacy and emporium she and her husband, Howard Sternheim, own at 969 Madison Avenue.
Zitomer's Goes to the Dogs (and Cats)
Medication can be a useful adjunct to physical therapy.
Before long, she vaulted from an adjunct role into the thick of bookmaking, loansharking, and drug dealing.
An Education Director Lone Scherfig to Direct Jessica Biel Film Mob Girl? | /Film
Criminality and punishment beatings were only adjuncts to the substantive talks in December.
Clinicians who recommend books to their clients cite evidence that such readings are effective adjuncts to therapy in many areas.
It is justified solely as an adjunct to the legislative process.
I hoped I would find the computer course a useful adjunct to my other studies.
He stressed the importance of mounting an invasion of France to relieve pressure on Soviet forces fighting in the German - Soviet war, and added that the French Riviera landings would be an essential adjunct to it.
In patients with persistent, disabling negative symptoms, trials involving the adjunctive use of L-dopa, amphetamines, tricyclic antidepressants, fluoxetine, and fluvoxamine are probably warranted.
Evans MI, Klinger KW, Isada NB, Shook D, Holzgreve W, McGuire N, Johnson MP: Rapid prenatal diagnosis by fluorescent in situ hybridization of chorionic villi: an adjunct to long term culture and karyotype.
Prenatal Diagnosis
In either case, quality service is an essential adjunct to a quality product.
As at-will employees, adjunct faculty members can face dismissal or nonrenewal when students, parents, community members, administrators, or politicians are offended at what they say.
Archive 2010-07-01
She has been an adjunct faculty member of the New School for Social Research in NYC since 1993 and lectures on the antiterrorism laws and the Constitution.
OBJECTIVE: To study the feasibility and safety of serotonin (5-HT) reuptake inhibitor in the adjunctive therapy of the patients with OAB.
The adjunction of the negation of such a sentence to the axioms of the system yields a consistent extension of formalized classical mathematics in which an actually false proposition [ein inhaltlich falscher Satz] is derivable.
Such books are now a necessary adjunct, it seems, to fame.
Times, Sunday Times
Those members of the endangered species known as tenured professors and a select number of adjuncts or wage slaves, the ones who are doing what they think is right, regardless of current trends, let me say this: Good for you.
Rambling Man (redacted)
Endobronchial brachytherapy has been successfully employed as an adjunct in managing recurrent episodes of stenosis due to hyperplastic granulation tissue.
He is also an adjunct assistant professor of psychology at Case Western Reserve University and consults with summer camps and camp organizations.
The overwhelming message was the need to teach and practice familiar prevention strategies, including asepsis, antisepsis, adjunctive measures, and appropriate antibiotic prophylaxis.
Intelligence, even codebreaking, is at best only a fragmented adjunct to strategic planning.
Of course, line items must be included in the budget to cover adjuncts for parental leaves.
It also serves as an essential adjunct to conscious voluntary or emotional reactions.
I broke down grade inflation by instructor rank and found it is much higher among assistant professors, adjuncts, instructors, etc. than for associate or full professors.
They hire more temporary adjuncts instead of permanent, tenured staff.
The administration viewed colony activities and behavior as an adjunct of a life isolated from the wider society.
She is a licensed nutritionist, family wellness specialist, adjunct professor at the University of North Dakota School of Medicine and author of 11 books.
Both Kieran and Timberlake have taught nearly every year for the last two decades, and as adjunct professors at the University of Pennsylvania, they team up even in the classroom.
Touchman, who is also an adjunct investigator at The Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen), has chosen his photosynthetic, microbial partners carefully; each bears a unique metabolism, physiology or ecology and differs in fundamental ways from sequenced genomes of any other phototroph. - latest science and technology news stories
This adjunct to speech-reading is recommended for its convenience, clearness, rapidity, and ease in colloquial use, as well as for its value as an educational instrument in impressing words, phrases, and sentences in their spelled form upon the mind, in testing the comprehension of children, and in affording by easy steps a substitute for the sign-language.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 530, February 27, 1886
It is never okay to lie, sometimes okay to lie adder addressable addressing adequate adjacent adjunct adjustable administer admission admit advance advansing advantage aegis affect affinity affirm affix afford after again agency aggravate aggregate agitate ahead aid alarm alerating alias alien alignment alined all allied allocation allow alloy along alphabetic alphameric already altenate alteration although altitude altogether ambient ambiguous ambitious
Rudy: Iraq Is "In The Hands Of Other People"
Allin is senior fellow for U.S. foreign policy at the International Institute for Strategic Studies, while Simon is an adjunct senior fellow for Middle Eastern studies at the Council on Foreign Relations.
Will Israel strike at Iran's nuclear program?
She is currently adjunct curator at Presentation House Gallery.
NEXT CAME AN adjunct instructor at Genesee County Community College whose specialty was computer technology.
It is not only an essential adjunct to ceremonials, adding a mirthful dimension to martial pomp and vigour, but also possesses a vast potential as a medium of cultural entertainment.
In Cain's view, there are three separate and distinct faculties at community colleges: academic, vocational, and adjunct.
The beneficial role of adjunctive corticosteroids have been demonstrated in miliary tuberculosis, tuberculous meningitis and pneumocystis carinii pneumonia.
Mary Louise Wilson is adjunct professor at the University of Miami, teaching in the School of Music and the School of Education.
Because he's a lowly adjunct professor who can't even dream of a full professorship let alone tenure, he discovers that neither side will have him.
Dues are prorated, but the emphasis on tenure may seem remote to the many members of the profession who are adjuncts.
Dr. Cynthia Jacobs Carter is director of development for Howard University and an adjunct professor at Georgetown University.
As pointed out by Progovac, it predicts that adjuncts should be extractable from, say, a relative clause only if it contains a long-distance reflexive - a prediction that is not borne out.
It might be considered as an adjunct for occasional patients unresponsive to or intolerant of more standard treatments.
The arts, including song, dance, music, sculpture, and bodily adornment, are essential elements of Kongo "therapeutic" practices, not merely adjuncts.
The overwhelming message was the need to teach and practice familiar prevention strategies, including asepsis, antisepsis, adjunctive measures, and appropriate antibiotic prophylaxis.
These two observers at once directed their telescope armed with spectroscopic adjuncts -- the telespectroscope is the pleasing name of the compound instrument -- to the new-comer.
Myths and Marvels of Astronomy
As the Arctic Ocean north becomes less and less icy, commercial fisherman have begun eyeing these vast, untapped waters as an adjunct to the famously rich fishing grounds of the subarctic Bering Sea, west of Alaska.
Shifting spring: Arctic plankton blooming up to 50 days earlier now
These data suggest that STD / HIV screening must be used as an adjunct to other clinical interventions rather than a substitute for such counseling.
Think of salads as an adjunct to, rather than a substitute for, your main meal.
Ibrahim Warde is an adjunct professor at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University.
Ibrahim Warde: From Marcos to Gaddafi: Kleptocrats, Old and New
Invention thus split into invention of “artificial” argu - ments (intrinsic or analytic arguments such as causes and effects, subjects, adjuncts, disparates, contraries, etc.) and invention of “inartificial” arguments (extrinsic arguments, such as testimony, less cogent than the artificial).
Second, it was an illustration, an adjunct to the accompanying wall text.
For, honour being an externat adjunct, and in the honourer rather than in the person honoured, it was necessary to make a
Religio Medici
I hoped I would find the computer course a useful adjunct to my other studies.
For many men, playing the stockmarket is a profitable adjunct to supplement otherwise meagre incomes from the sale of surplus rice, coffee, cloves and vegetables.
I hoped I would find the computer course a useful adjunct to my other studies.
Medication can be a useful adjunct to physical therapy.
Although even tenured professors can be influenced by the economic and psychological pressures of student evaluations, untenured instructors and adjuncts who work on yearly contracts are the most vulnerable.
Because SHARP studied the combination of simvastatin and ezetimibe compared with placebo, it was not designed to assess the independent contributions of each drug to the observed effect; for this reason, the FDA did not approve a new indication for VYTORIN or for ZETIA ® (ezetimibe) and the study's efficacy results have not been incorporated into the label for ZETIA.VYTORIN is indicated as adjunctive therapy to diet for the reduction of total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, apolipoprotein B, triglycerides, and non-HDL cholesterol, and to increase HDL cholesterol in patients with primary (heterozygous familial and nonfamilial) hyperlipidemia or mixed hyperlipidemia when diet alone is not enough. News
Alternatives to traditional remedial courses include tutoring and adjunct courses directly connected with regular college-level courses.
On the basis of the available data, albeit limited, adjunctive corticosteroid therapy with dexamethasone is recommended for all patients, particularly those with a decreased level of consciousness, with tuberculous meningitis.
Astragalus has demonstrated a wide range of potential therapeutic applications in immunodeficiency syndromes, as an adjunct cancer therapy, and for its adaptogenic effect on the heart and kidneys.
When amputation is necessary, rehabilitation of the amputee is an important adjunct to management.
On April 30th, Hitler gave very clear instructions to his personal adjunct, Otto Gunsche, that both his and his wife's body should be burned.
This is a rough number, because it includes emeritus professors, associate, assistant, lecturers, and adjuncts.
The organization is prepared to accept him back, and will create a circle for him to be available as an adjunct support if he is released as a long-term offender.
Staff members were instructed to use this tool solely for their daily routine, as an adjunct to, rather than an alternative to, formal interpretation.
Combined with location data, mobile advertising is set to become an important adjunct.
Times, Sunday Times
Brown, have been somewhat too resolutely robbed of the formal avenues, clipped hedges, and other topiarian adjuncts which comport so well with the starch prudery of things Elizabethan; but they are still replete with grotto, fountain, labyrinth, and alcove -- a very paradise for the more court-bred rank of sylphs, and the gentler elves of Queen Titania.
The Complete Prose Works of Martin Farquhar Tupper
A new insider confides that she has never before heard people talk about adjuncts as if they were not even in the room when they actually were.
Medication can be a useful adjunct to physical therapy.
However, one has to be warned that the other words in the list may also function as discourse signallers or continuatives in which case they are part of the textual metafunction of language, and hence cannot be regarded as modal adjuncts.
Choreographer Deborah Hay, who is an adjunct professor at the University of Texas at Austin, is still mesmerizing at age 59.
There does seem to be some adjunct therapy other than external beam radiation or chemotherapy that may be viable options and may decrease the amount of recurrence.
Some are specific to cancer, others are adjunctive or palliative.
The last piece of this puzzle is the notion of an adjunction.
Adjunctive therapy with salmon calcitonin can be given in a dosage of 200 units every 6 hours.
I hoped I would find the computer course a useful adjunct to my other studies.
An adjunct of all this is the idea that it's cool not to care about being liked.
Times, Sunday Times
They conclude that control of dietary intake of polyamines may be an effective adjunctive strategy to polyamine inhibitors for preventing colorectal adenomas and cancer
Medlogs - Recent stories
The term "adjunctive" implies this treatment is to be used in conjunction with the standard medical approaches for battling cancer and not "instead of.
Ottawa Sun
The debilitating effect of unlaboured-for wealth lies, then, not in the nature of any material adjunct to life in itself, but in the power it may possess of robbing the individual of all incentive to exertion, thus destroying the intellectual, the physical, and finally, the moral fibre.
Woman and Labour
It is justified solely as an adjunct to the legislative process.
Although even tenured professors can be influenced by the economic and psychological pressures of student evaluations, untenured instructors and adjuncts who work on yearly contracts are the most vulnerable.
These contraceptives may be a valuable adjunct in the treatment of acne in female patients.
# Ex duobus quod tertio aequali adjunctum majus ipsa [2] reddit
Bacon is Shake-Speare
Mansart himself made way with the old _tourelles_ and the balustrade which rounded off the angles of the walls of the main buildings and substituted a series of heavy, ugly _maisonettes_, more like the bastions of a fortress than any adjunct to a princely dwelling.
Royal Palaces and Parks of France
After entering the Central Institute as volunteer in October, 1878, Pernter became assistant in 1880, and adjunct in 1884; in 1885 he also began to act as a privatdozent at the university.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
The administration viewed colony activities and behavior as an adjunct of a life isolated from the wider society.
Calambokidis is also a co-founder of Cascadia Research, a charter member of the Society for Marine Mammalogy and an adjunct faculty member at Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington.
Here the adjunct better comes between the subordinator to and the verb support.
Times, Sunday Times
The last movement, so easily a tiresome adjunct, was played hell for leather.
The Shonibare photographs were on loan on the recommendation of Okwui Enwezor, who is, among many other things, an adjunct curator of contemporary art at the Institute.
Even through the spectacles, or lifted a little above them, they were always bright and expressive; but without those adjuncts, the blaze was softer and more tempered: they had that look which the French call veloute, or velvety; and he appeared altogether ten years younger.
My Novel — Volume 03
The drug effects were not "like curing like" in homeopathic terms, but adjuncts to the curative surgery. tubocurarine, took a long time to clear after surgery, and new, shorter agents such as rocuronium are used so that the patient can recover faster from the effects of either natural preparations, or drugs used with limited knowledge of the structure-activity relationships between their molecular structure and the appropriate cellular receptors.
Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
Because of these working conditions, many adjuncts may have difficulty holding office hours, meeting with full-time colleagues, or participating in professional development activities.
Physical therapy is an important adjunct to drug treatments.
That has a fronted negative adjunct and inversion of the subject and auxiliary.
The administration viewed colony activities and behavior as an adjunct of a life isolated from the wider society.
The sentence begins with what is traditionally known as an absolutive clausal adjunct - a gerund-participial clause functioning as an adjunct in clause structure.
Or it can be an artful adjunct to your interior design.
On-line instruction is a useful adjunct to the real thing.
The local media don't want to be seen as an adjunct branch of the local constabulary.
Nonetheless, if you have already won the electoral vote, it is OK to talk about the popular vote as a kind of adjunct legitimizer.
Archive 2006-11-01
This is an adjunct to the verb.
In a subsequent survey, Clarke collected from 1 to 10 live specimens at nearly 100 sites located along a 70-km reach of the St. Francis River and an adjunct slough.
Or do the providers principally serve in an adjunctive way, as consultants?
John Weeks: New Bravewell Report a Goldmine for Those Intrigued by Integrative Medicine, Pandora's Box to Skeptics
Following retirement, he taught regularly in the Religion Department at Temple University as adjunct professor.
The intransitive verb may be used passively with the preposition as an adverbial adjunct, as in 'I despair of success'.
Lamotrigine has been available since 1994 and is indicated as adjunctive therapy for partial seizures in adults and children.
The patients are then seen by the physician who would prescribe the appropriate adjunct therapy and be available for further support.
It is used as an adjunctive treatment to help stimulate the immune system and increase body defenses.
Esch decided to return to his prior vocation as an adjunct professor of prose composition at Harvard.
He's the adjunct general for the state of Florida, meaning he's in charge of the state's Army and Air National Guard.
Someone wrote in and asked if I would settle, as they put it, for an adjunct position if I can't get a faculty position.
The pitfalls of aggressive treatment often include polypharmacy with multiple medication side effects and numerous adjunctive medications complicating the clinical picture.
Physical therapy is an important adjunct to drug treatments.
The percentage of cheaper classes taught by adjunct instructors is increasing as well.
And I should add that I know him somewhat and that, since I'm a lowly adjunct prof at the New School, he is actually my president.
He is now an adjunct assistant professor of architecture at the University of Oregon and director of the Italy Field School Program.
What justifies pure mathematics, with its ontology of abstract objects, is the indispensable part it plays as an adjunct of natural science.
MR. BELL: The distinction is between a space-based interceptor -- in other words, something that is deployed in space, an orbiting satellite that actually kills a target either by shooting a rocket at it or zapping it with a laser -- on the one hand, and things that are orbiting in space that are sensors, or satellites that are designed as adjuncts to complement a ground-base missile defense program.
Briefing By Robert Bell On Helsinki Agreements
Now, Dr. Kuriansky represents the American Psychological Association and is also an adjunct assistant professor at the Department of Psychiatry at Columbia University.
Operating room aides are competent adjuncts to Registered Nurses, and they assist with many responsibilities, including opening sterile supplies and sutures and positioning patients.
By adding capacity to primary care practices, these group sessions can become an adjunct to open access scheduling.
Hypnosis is often used as an adjunct therapy for chronic conditions.
In architecture, indeed, the principles of composition regulate alike the structure of the principal building, of its several adjuncts, as also its relative component portions, and the ornaments and appendants which contribute to its completion.
Optical mammography, for example, will probably find first use as an adjunct to conventional mammography rather than as a replacement.
The right to freedom of association, including the right to form and join organizations and associations concerned with political and public affairs, is an essential adjunct to the rights protected by article 25.
The heavy bullet had traversed the ascending aorta "near its bifurcation," said Brick, who, though only an autopsical adjunct, was permitted to speak for his associates.
Ray's Daughter A Story of Manila
They appear important in their own right and not simply as adjuncts to the Orphic theme.
That not-unique pattern points to the inadequacy of much current nomenclature about part-time or adjunct faculty versus tenured professors.
Professional topical fluoride application is an adjunct to oral fluoride supplementation used for the prevention of dental caries.
For the first show, Mr. Sobel and adjunct curator David Anfam have chosen to survey Still's career, with paintings organized chronologically, by location, starting in southern Alberta, Canada, where his family summered and where he taught himself how to draw and paint.
Still's Stalwart
It is never okay to lie, sometimes okay to lie adder addressable addressing adequate adjacent adjunct adjustable administer admission admit advance advansing advantage aegis affect affinity affirm affix afford after again agency aggravate aggregate agitate ahead aid alarm alerating alias alien alignment alined all allied allocation allow alloy along alphabetic alphameric already altenate alteration although altitude altogether ambient ambiguous ambitious
Rudy: Iraq Is "In The Hands Of Other People"
The university might want to give some of these responsibilities to someone else other than a teaching assistant, like an adjunct or a graduate student, for less money.
Auto - scroll is a very important adjunct to drag - and - drop.
Peritoneal toilet functions as a surgical adjunct to controlling the initial, proximate source of peritoneal infection
The unforeseen has become a useful adjunct to more formal methodologies.
The Times Literary Supplement
The results, described as equivocal, indicate that at the current state of research, meditation can be at best considered an adjunctive therapy when it comes to treating anxiety and mood disorders - most studies failed to demonstrate it as a reliable primary method of treating these conditions.
Brain Blogger
The memory expansion cards are useful adjuncts to the computer.
A good method to arouse in students an interest in the use of tin foil is to have them use it in operative technics, which is becoming an effective adjunct in every dental college.
Tin Foil and Its Combinations for Filling Teeth
Interviews might be a useful adjunct to written questionnaires at follow up.
Michael Cockram is an adjunct assistant professor of architecture at the University of Oregon.
One-year appointments no longer count as adjunct positions.
The hagiographic writings of journalists and biographers, meanwhile, focussed on the unique qualities of celebrated individuals and thus functioned as an adjunct to the apparatus.
We see it as the first step in a campaign to organize all private-sector adjuncts in Boston.
The LION database of English poetry has 144 instances of ‘under God’, and quite a few of them seem to me to be unambiguously locative adjuncts modifying noun phrases.
Professional development and postgraduate training in primary health care could be a useful adjunct in improving quality.
On-line instruction is a useful adjunct to the real thing.
In English you can take not only an adjunct but also a predicative complement and prepose them (pop them at the front of the clause) for a special effect.
Unlike many of his colleagues, who operate as adjuncts of the Democratic Party, Hair wasn't a partisan.
He is also a freelance journalist and an adjunct English professor.
Acupuncture is employed in the Dade County Drug Court's treatment program on a volunteer basis as an adjunct therapy for attending defendants.
At Iowa State, ‘adjunct’ has been used for many titles, including professional and scientific staff who have teaching duties.
The authors do not use a systems perspective and, hence, this book would best be used by a family therapist as an adjunct resource.
In grammar, an adjunct is an adverb or adverbial phrase that gives extra information in a sentence.
HIV positive people may, may not work in health organizations adder addressable addressing adequate adjacent adjunct adjustable administer admission admit advance advansing advantage aegis affect affinity affirm affix afford after again agency aggravate aggregate agitate ahead aid alarm alerating alias alien alignment alined all allied allocation allow alloy along alphabetic alphameric already altenate alteration although altitude altogether ambient ambiguous ambitious
Firefighters Union Initially Snubbed Giuliani For "Disgraceful Lack Of Respect" After 9/11...And Other Campaign Updates
HIV positive people may, may not work in health organizations adder addressable addressing adequate adjacent adjunct adjustable administer admission admit advance advansing advantage aegis affect affinity affirm affix afford after again agency aggravate aggregate agitate ahead aid alarm alerating alias alien alignment alined all allied allocation allow alloy along alphabetic alphameric already altenate alteration although altitude altogether ambient ambiguous ambitious
Firefighters Union Initially Snubbed Giuliani For "Disgraceful Lack Of Respect" After 9/11...And Other Campaign Updates
Moreover, unlike Bacon, they painted portraits - always a useful adjunct to any artist's income.
With the increasing provision of foodstuffs from local sources, there was a development around the sixteenth century into formal, ornamental gardens, with mazes, arbours and topiary, as a complementary adjunct to the house.
At any rate, it's a specialized area, but any basketweaver knows a little about it, so when we can't cover the intro classes with our TT faculty, the chair calls an adjunct at the last minute and says, basically, hey, want an extra course?
Archive 2008-08-01
They aren't part of the essential life of the community, merely a decorative adjunct to it.
We believe therefore that the available evidence strongly supports the use of full-dose aspirin as adjunctive therapy to thrombolysis.
In metonymic use an attribute or necessary adjunct of something is used as a symbolic object in place of the thing itself.
The verbal judgement would seem to be thought of, rather, as an adjunct to the visual image.
These cues are a result of the combination of two levels of language: The semantic principle of deixis and the use of certain types of grammatical Adjunct.
Recently Uploaded Slideshows
Propaganda broadcasting is sometimes a useful adjunct to geopolitical and geostrategic policy, but it is no substitute for military success or for political activity.
In the clinical assessment of chest pain, electrocardiography is an essential adjunct to the clinical history and physical examination.
Also, as a "tenured" "radical" how much concern have you given to the gap between what adjunct faculty and tenured faculty are paid?
Universities, Awake! or, the Crisis of Higher Education
These two chapters provide a sound introduction to critical similarities and differences to be considered by campus leaders working to improve the selection, development, support, and retention of adjuncts.
A careful computational analysis can provide further insight and can thus serve as a valuable adjunct to chemical intuition.
When a sentence-initial adjunct needs to connect to a specific noun phrase deep in the following material, it can be confusing.
I hoped I would find the computer course a useful adjunct to my other studies.
The administration viewed colony activities and behavior as an adjunct of a life isolated from the wider society.
The memory expansion cards are useful adjuncts to the computer.