How To Use Adar In A Sentence

  • Unless the radar signal is normal to some surface (extremely low probability) the radar receives no return.
  • High-frequency waves broadcast by the radar bounce off a person, scanning the in-and-out movement of the chest and more subtle, but also detectable, motion of the heartbeat against the chest wall.
  • Or is the idea of foreign policy beyondmilitary commitmentsso far off the radar that when the polls open, everything will hinge on the pitch-and-toss of national concerns? And Now, The Choice « shattersnipe: malcontent & rainbows
  • And the defensive midfielder hopes to fly under the radar. The Sun
  • Traffic officers claim the new gun can't be picked up by speeding motorists who use radar detectors to avoid being caught.
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  • Two officers, the subadar major, by name Mangol Singh, and three or four The Story of the Malakand Field Force An Episode of Frontier War
  • Probably under the most dire orders of jamadar Narayan. Dreams of Steel
  • The ship, with the help of radar, sailed in thick fog.
  • Weather radar is a good safety device but not all pilots understand its intricacies. Times, Sunday Times
  • When a target is locked there is a radar beam position indication on the HUD.
  • Each evening, before retiring, the careful wife sees that a hocho, or kitchen knife, is laid upon the kitchen floor, and covered with a kanadarai, or brazen wash - basin, on the upturned bottom of which is placed a single straw sandal, of the noiseless sort called zori, also turned upside down. Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan Second Series
  • Closed in terms of things being able to go on under the radar and away from the public glare. Times, Sunday Times
  • The big boys are on a merger binge that is paralyzing the industry and bumping fledgling and mid-range artists off the radar.
  • Siku chache kabla, Zelaya alimuondoa madarakani mkuu wa majeshi, Jenerali Romeo Vasquez Velasquez, jambo ambalo lilifuatiwa na … [...] 29 June 2009, 14: 44 pm elizabeth Global Voices in English » Honduras: Political Crisis Over Controversial Referendum
  • He used radar detectors and a switch to dim rear lights to dodge the police and lots of cold coffee. Times, Sunday Times
  • The divisions found in and between the diwan, sarishtadar, and mirza categories were often created and perpetuated by the individuals and alliances operating in the political realm, i.e., among the officials and office-holders who were both the instigators and targets of the audits. Connecting Histories in Afghanistan: Market Relations and State Formation on a Colonial Frontier
  • You will recognise them for no more or less than temporary blips on a radar screen of satisfaction.
  • The radar ovens and cybernated housekeepers did all the work; the only thing left for the men in charge was to make sure they were working properly. Starchild Omnibus
  • The radar reveals a number of poleward-moving regions in which the electron temperature is elevated by a factor of 1.5.
  • Cyclone detection doppler radars are replacing the conventional analogue radars in important locations along the east coast.
  • i told my wife the other night, i'm hoping that obama can slip in a few "dishonors" and "dishonorables" under the radar on tuesday night. mccain will catch it and it will set him off. i honestly think that's the one button that you can push with mccain that he can't resist blowing up over -- hitting his honor (or lack thereof). Obama Campaign Launches Pre-emptive Ad Strike Against McCain's Planned Character Assault
  • The bulk of the victims appear to be ordinary people who happen to have strayed across the media's radar.
  • The subadar major stuck to Lieutenant Cassells, and it is to him the lieutenant owes his life. The Story of the Malakand Field Force An Episode of Frontier War
  • Using radar, the Protector system becomes active only after the driver has failed to react.
  • In the darkened operations room below decks, grey overalled officers and sailors watched an approaching blip on their radar screens.
  • Digital scan converter (DSC) is an indispensable part in the display equipment of radar, biomedical ultra sound detector, sonar, electronic surface analyzer.
  • According to laser radar echo characteristic, the difference filter and the match filter were adopted. As a result, the SNR is advanced about 1.5 times.
  • NICKJ AirRadar is an excellent piece of software, and it deserves a review that reflects your opinion of it * as a piece of software*. MacUpdate - Mac OS X
  • She also acted as a radar picket and re-supplied Army outposts and British Antarctic Scientists on South Georgia, 800 miles from the Falklands.
  • Some of the snow you see on radar is virga - i.e. snow that is not yet reaching the ground. Update: Snow covering metro region
  • They suffered from nervous tension when the signal was shown on a radarscope.
  • Do not jam their nav radar until they close within thirty miles. CHAINS OF COMMAND
  • It has an unmanned turret, radar used in fighter jets and an armoured capsule for crew. The Sun
  • (That's a good, catching phrase, "hebdomadary," though it's hard to say. The Wrecker
  • And the beam can't be spotted by drivers who use radar trap detectors.
  • Perhaps the best-known, near-global, space-borne data-set prior to the German venture came from the US Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) of 2000.
  • The study object of this paper is a certain aircraft based radar antenna pedestal.
  • The inside of the nest is well felted with the down of the madar plant, and then it is finally lined with fine hair and grass-stems of the softest kind. The Nests and Eggs of Indian Birds, Volume 1
  • Within the broad outlines of a speech punctuated with applause lines andpolitical humor, he underscored several issues that have been on consumers' radar screens. Obama's speech and the State of the Consumer
  • Naturally, this has his mother's matchmaking radar going like gangbusters.
  • Consumers Union criticized the FDA for using antiquated and insensitive laboratory techniques that could not measure Alar below 500 parts per billion ppb, stating in Consumer Reports: "Looking for daminozide [Alar's a trade name] in apple juice with PAM II [the test method used by FDA] is like trying to catch speeders with a radar gun that doesn't work for speeds under 100 mph. Wendy Gordon: The True Alar Story III
  • Big radar screens allowed them to view the closer shipping movements and others, further out, were plotted on a big map. LET NOT THE DEEP
  • The last of the setting sun glinted on antennae, radar and spotlights as they hugged the stern of the pilot boat.
  • The jets attempted to intercept and identify the source of the contrail, but no visual or confirmed radar contact was made, he added.
  • The ship will be fitted with air/surface search and navigation radars.
  • Radar is the vital part of the IFF system, interrogating unit-based transponders and reading responses.
  • Rajasthani palaces with their open-sided rooms and fluid spaces were admirably adapted to the hot, dry climate, and the ornamental features such as cusped arches and bangladar roofs represent a fusion of Hindu and Mughal styles.
  • Nor are the skies above frequented by commercial airlines, which eliminates interfering radar signals.
  • He described times when the radar crew received requests for winds aloft at eighty thousand feet, ninety thousand feet.
  • It also points out the acquisition methods of radar signals in time domain of circular scan and the spectrum properties, and introduces the collecting-processing procedure for radar signals of mo...
  • The pride of China's naval fleet, wags say, incorporates the very latest in radar-evading stealth technology, so powerful it is as if it didn't even exist.
  • The MCA said the study looked for impacts on compasses and various kinds of communications and positioning systems as well as radar.
  • We have radar and vision screens and telemetered radiation and other detectors here, tuned to her. Uller Uprising
  • The casting directors all like to boast that they have a very sensitive radar for people who just want the celebrity of it.
  • Another factor here has been the slow but invaluable installation of Traffic Collision Avoidance System radar in commercial airliners.
  • The teams marked drop zones and set up radar homing devices to guide aircraft to there targets.
  • Such simple circuits control many types of missile - radar seekers and heat seekers, for example.
  • The new Russia is out to prove something, and I think Africa features prominently on their radar.
  • So that green little strip that moved on through there, that's probably what we call bright banding on the radar. CNN Transcript Jan 9, 2010
  • Staying under the public's radar is a much tougher proposition. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are also some bloggers listed below who may be well-known yet but should be on your radar. Christianity Today
  • A primary radar sends out signals and listens for echoes that bounce back from objects in the sky. Times, Sunday Times
  • On hearing that the Hari Singh of the list sent to him of noted Thugs at large in the Deccan was the Hari Singh of the Sadar Bazar, Captain The Tribes and Castes of the Central Provinces of India - Volume IV of IV Kumhar-Yemkala
  • But if you have an overly sensitive radar for cinematic pomp, stay clear.
  • Such methods include flight-call monitoring, radio telemetry, passive infrared, and radar.
  • Another factor here has been the slow but invaluable installation of Traffic Collision Avoidance System radar in commercial airliners.
  • After that both radar systems broke down which meant that we knew for certain the commander would have to dock with the Space Station manually.
  • It can take political stances abhorrent to totalitarian regimes and allegorise them, get them under the radar, as many writers in the Soviet Bloc did. Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » AUTHOR INTERVIEW: Hal Duncan
  • The aircraft is designed to be invisible to radar.
  • It is true that, in bad weather, radar beams can be reflected off waves, causing false echoes or making the screen unreadable.
  • While this has been described as a modulated carrier wave, and carrier waves are usually considered continuous, pulsed radars do not send a continuous signal: the carrier is turned on only when it is modulated into pulses Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • After a stealth aircraft flies, maintenance workers must recoat the skin, repairing the tiny dings and burrs that increase the craft's radar signature.
  • The reply received was evidently not in favour of extreme measures for the strong arm of the British was notoriously far-reaching, and serious trouble might ensue if the subadar were killed. The Story of the Guides
  • On the radar screen they look like open graves dotted across the desert. Times, Sunday Times
  • Using a search pattern up and down the slope, the radar should be able to detect filled-in trenches from variations in earth density. Parker, Richard H.
  • When, in 1409, King Ladislas of Hungary sold Zadar and its surrounding islands to Venice for 100,000 ducats, little did he know he was heralding a great cultural interchange.
  • I mean, if the GOP wants to try to use pure rhetorical radar chaff to stymy Democratic bills, the Dems had better learn to respond by simply flinging it back at them. Election Central | Talking Points Memo | House GOPers Make Bid To Derail FISA Legislation
  • Of course we can – this is the Church of God! But at the moment I don't feel I want to join any kind of Gadarene rush towards disestablishment, precisely because we are at a rather delicate time in our understanding of the place of religion in public in this country. Questions & Answers: 'Risen Today', the Resurrection as Good News now
  • Less lovely is the backside of the Fylingdales radar station, quite a complex of buildings.
  • It is known to all that radar target recognition ( RTR ) is very valuable for military application.
  • Radar happens to be over a hundred pounds of Italian Spinone, so I'm always looking for extra-large sizes for him. Charlottesville Blogs
  • TerraSAR-X TanDEM-X and TerraSAR-X in their new interferometric mode in which one spacecraft acts as a transmitter/receiver and the other as a second receiver - a so-called bistatic radar arrangement. BBC News - Home
  • For six hours the radar screens remained blank. FIGHTER BOYS: Saving Britain 1940
  • Clustering applications would include things like character recognition, sonar / radar signal classification, and robotic control.
  • Shelter, and the usual rude accommodation, supplemented on this occasion by a wandering luti and his vicious-looking baboon, as also a company of riotous charvadars, who insist on singing accompaniments to the luti's soul-harrowing tom-toming till after midnight, are obtained at the caravansarai of Deh Mollah. Around the World on a Bicycle - Volume II From Teheran To Yokohama
  • Secondary Surveillance Radar the ground picks the data and displays it on the ATC radar screen.
  • In the eighth century we read (Vita Stephani, III) of the most ancient custom in virtue of which seven of these bishops, called hebdomadarii, celebrated Mass in turn in place of the pope and were called episcopi cardinales, from being permanently attached to the cardo, that is the cathedral church of Rome; but we are not told who they were. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • But it turned out to be a ferry and this was confirmed by radar maps and ship timetables. The Sun
  • They suffered from nervous tension when the signal was shown on a radarscope.
  • Digital cellphones are similar to radar, using pulses carried by microwaves.
  • Also on days when there is a principal or processional feast, each one of them, including the hebdomadary, is to have five eggs. Alps and Sanctuaries of Piedmont and the Canton Ticino
  • This suite allows the aircrew to detect radar and missile threats and react while deploying countermeasures to defeat anything fired at them.
  • Condo sales declined 34% in July from the year-earlier month to an average of $1,019 per square foot, according to Radar Logic's RPX Index. Manhattan Condo Sales Slowed in July
  • No license is needed for an EPIRB, radar, Loran, GPS, depth finder or CB radio.
  • Test Results of high-range resolution images from a phased array radar in microwave anechoic room are given, which demonstrate the validity of the analysis.
  • But there's often more egregious abuse among the tiny nonprofits that operate below the radar.
  • Views of anemometer weather gear in action, including radar, NOAA radio.
  • Wind measurements were performed every 4 h by tracking the ascent of a pilot balloon by radar.
  • The Gadarene rush to distance themselves from him will be as enormous as the rush to board his coattails was 18 months ago. Tony Blair: The Next Labour Prime Minister?
  • We've been remastering movies like Radar Men From the Moon, Invisible Ghost with Bela Lugosi… lots of classics.
  • The radar can spot both horizontal and vertical reflections, which are presented as globes on a grid.
  • This radar is operated by an electronic pulse.
  • He will try to keep dealings under the radar again this time. The Sun
  • When the missile nears its target, it stops relying on radar and turns on a more acute guidance system.
  • The first would use the same radar and missiles, but would replace the interceptor with a nuclear bomb.
  • Since the introduction of sonar, radar and spotter planes, commercial fishing has caught bluefin tuna faster than nature can replace them. Times, Sunday Times
  • The EF1-11 radar jamming plane had taken off from the Upper Heyford airbase.
  • Placed too high up on a sailboat's mast, the radar might miss seeing a nearby target on the windward side when a boat is heeled over.
  • The radar beam can track a number of targets almost simultaneously.
  • It specialises in the manufacture of radar for recreational craft, including yachts and powerboats.
  • An actual radar antenna pattern plotted by using the method shows approximately no difference from the practically measured results based on solar noise.
  • So far this game's been gliding along under most people's radars, which is a ... Megite Technology News: What's Happening Right Now
  • Both my Uncle MSgt Harris and my Father MSgt Cooper both died from Cold War exposure to Class “A” poisons, radiation from nuclear weapons TITAN II ICBMS and from radar. PBS Special - Hallowed Grounds
  • The word "taky" (= also in English) is important in this respect: it means that there ARE some (maybe most, or even all except one) Hungarians who are to blame they are Hungarians; I think this makes the sentence be really funny, as it weakens the opposition of this Švejk´s statement to Vodička´s statement "Maďaři jsou, zkrátka řečeno, holota", which means "Hungarians are, briefly said, vermin/rabble/crew". TRANSLATING SCHWEIK.
  • Are you a sports fanatic with a finely tuned fashion radar? Times, Sunday Times
  • Up front, just behind the spearhead of mine sweepers, battleships and cruisers, were the command ships, the attack transports bristling with radar and radio antennae.
  • Such simple circuits control many types of missile - radar seekers and heat seekers, for example.
  • The robot warriors use GPS, radar, laser radar and a host of other technologies to move without human aid.
  • The method for radar target recognition using local integral bispectrum and SVM is proposed.
  • By 1960, only seven remained active as target tugs and radar calibration aircraft for the gunnery ranges ashore or the fleet guns.
  • Last week, the Supreme Court decided to review the Adarand case yet again.
  • The evolvement of echo during the formation of hail storm and the relation of echo intensity with its height are analyzed by use of echo data. of the 711 rain radar.
  • Classical terrain navigation systems usually consist of three parts: a barometer, a radar altimeter and an inertial instrument.
  • The war bred clever innovation in radar systems, navigation aids and bomb sites.
  • When that is the differential, it hardly matters if you have a kicker with a slightly wonky radar. Times, Sunday Times
  • It also gathered much vital electronic intelligence, or Elint, meaning those signals put out by radar, missiles, and other devices.
  • The only reason it blips on my radar at all is the fact that you did it in the context of a western.
  • SR 195 , radar service is terminated, resume own navigation to OX, your magnetic track is 280 degrees.
  • Caledonia, we are a Royal Air Force search and rescue helicopter and we are approaching you on a radar vector from the north. LET NOT THE DEEP
  • Even then the gloom was such that the scoreboard shone like Piccadilly Circus on a wet night while both batsmen and fielders needed radar to sight the ball.
  • The airport has no radar nor instrument landing system and planes are guided in by radio beacon.
  • Direction and density of nocturnal migrants detected with radar and ceilometers were compared with changes in species counts from daily censuses.
  • Also if there is any cloistered person who has begun his week of being hebdomadary, and falls into such sickness that he cannot celebrate the same, the cantor is to say or celebrate three masses. Alps and Sanctuaries of Piedmont and the Canton Ticino
  • Park Air is a world leader in the field of integration, processing and display of data from radars, sensors and databases.
  • ‘Told you everything would work perfectly,’ Eldon replied as they watched the radar blips disappear.
  • Cotton says the radar used by air-traffic controllers reads signals emitted by transponders in the airplanes themselves.
  • Radar works by emitting pulses of electromagnetic waves toward a target and detecting a small portion of those waves that are reflected back to the receiving antenna.
  • During the interview Haig made a slight mistake in citing the number of radar surveillance aircraft, known as AWACS, that the United States was in the process of providing to Saudi Arabia. Politics Daily
  • Your game is disappearing from the radar screen of national interest at an alarming rate.
  • Glasgow again detected their radar pulses. ONE HUNDRED DAYS
  • Structural material specially designed for reduced radar reflectivity.
  • You even see a form of radar at many grocery stores when the doors open automatically!
  • Officials said that a radar-guided missile could deviate from its target and automatically home in on the airliner instead.
  • Sculpted berms here, geometrically-patterned rows of exhaust stacks there, mastaba-shaped radar facility right over there, chalked footpaths everywhere. Boullée in North Dakota
  • Precipitation, like rain or snow or hail, sends the radio waves back to the radar dish.
  • Lidar is a remote sensing technique that uses laser light in much the same way that sonar uses sound or radar uses radio waves.
  • The branch can concentrate more objectively on a balanced career for its officers, knowing that its prime responsibilities lie in one path, that of missilery and radar electronics.
  • A sophisticated person need not behave like a madari and, wittingly or unwittingly, distort his public image in today's highly unethical and competitive politics.
  • Other vessels in the area show up on the ship's radar .
  • We revolutionized the air-intercept missile business in the 1950s with the first radar-guided air-to-air missile.
  • Kerr-McGee Corp. was once the most important corporate presence in the city. But the oil company never took a plunge into shale and was acquired by Anadarko Petroleum Corp. in 2006.
  • There's a radar station perched nearby on the tallest hill for miles.
  • Finally, the outfield experimental results of the meter wave radar angle super - resolution were given out.
  • With the retirement of the old professor, the observatory was going to be turned into a museum, as soon as the new radar dish was completed.
  • It is pushing deeper into the "second-tier" cities those that may not have registered on your radar screen with just 4m to 6m people, such as Ningbo and further into the hinterland of Hubei - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • The echo signal simulation is very important to the study of the SAR system and the imaging methods are the foundation of the technology of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) simulation.
  • While we were on the plane with them, they saw two blips on their radar screen.
  • Ar stepan drws heno dwi wedi cael tystiolaeth gadarn, ac nid am y tro cyntaf, o unigolion oedd wedi eu cofnodi ganddom yn 2007 fel Plaid yn troi atom a hynny mewn niferoedd. Torri Cytundeb Cymru'n Un
  • The Stealth bomber is meant to be invisible to radar.
  • The defensive aids suite could include a radar warner, missile launch and approach warner, and chaff and flare decoy dispensers.
  • Just twelve F7F - 4Ns were built and this variant had a strengthened airframe, stronger landing gear, new radar and arrester gear for carrier operations.
  • Turbine blades also emit microwave radiation which can interfere with planes' primary radar, secondary surveillance radar and navigation aids.
  • Some scholars say it will be regarded as only the slightest of blips on the radar screen of history.
  • The police use high-tech radar drones to catch speeders.
  • Elstree has no instrument landing system, radar or directional radio beacons. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mount the radar display at the helm of the boat, in clear view and within easy reach of the helmsman.
  • The gantry is a good place to mount the radar reflector as well.
  • The fuselage is of light metal construction and parts of the tailplane are of composite structure in order to reduce radar signature.
  • Some of them had a device that told them they were held in the invisible radar beam. Bomber
  • The structures refract, or bend, different types of electromagnetic radiation - such as radar, microwaves, or visible light - in ways natural substances can't.
  • Finally, active and passive sensors are available, such as radars, optics, and passive detection equipment. FM 100-61 Chptr 9 Artillery Support
  • Radar target simulator is used to generate radar echo signal comprised of target and radar environment.
  • Some of these would include television cameras, thermal imagers and FLIR (forward-looking, infrared radars).
  • Structure specially designed for reduced radar reflectivity.
  • The airport has no radar nor instrument landing system and planes are guided in by radio beacon.
  • The RMP will incorporate an Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) antenna with more-supportable radar electronics.
  • In an undated picture, a mock-up of the A-12 spy plane sits perched upside down on a testing pylon at Area 51—part of radar tests to reveal revealed how visible, or invisible, the design was to radar.
  • In the simulation for target echo, First we analyse the mathematical expression for radar target echo on the base of radar equation.
  • You have to put yourselves on the radar screen. Times, Sunday Times
  • You remember there had been developed in my laboratory by Randall and Boot, a cavity magnetron which made microwave radar possible and I went to America in connection with the early days of this.
  • But it turned out to be a ferry and this was confirmed by radar maps and ship timetables. The Sun
  • Alaa Badarneh/European Pressphoto Agency Palestinian Monera Amer opened the gate to her house near the West Bank village of Masha; the Jewish settlement of Qana is directly across the road. In Israel, Dancing at Deadline
  • AIRPORT SURVEILLANCE RADAR (ASR)- Approach control radar used to detect and display an aircraft's position in the terminal area.
  • Steering the beam direction is the main function of beam steering system of phased array radar, besides, outline-testing and online-monitoring can be performed by itself.
  • This paper describes how to integrate anti-lock brake system(ABS), acceleration slip regulation (ASR) and radar range system into vehicle braking system with fuzzy logic controller.
  • The aircraft is designed to be invisible to radar.
  • And the defensive midfielder hopes to fly under the radar. The Sun
  • TIRUMALA: The newly introduced 'photometric' system using facial identification technology is a blessing for the ordinary devotees waiting in Sarvadarshan queue lines. The Hindu - Front Page
  • The effects of impedance loading on microwave imaging of radar target are investigated.
  • It's hard to imagine that as recently as 30 years ago, most wine snobs dismissed Napa vino as swill, and just a couple of decades ago Australia and Chile barely blipped on the wine connoisseur's radar. 10 Off The Beaten Path Wine Regions (PHOTOS)
  • The radar waves bounce back off the cars that approach, and are registered by the receiving apparatus.
  • The military use radar satellites to track targets through clouds and at night.
  • Wave measurement by X-band marine navigation radar is very important to ocean monitoring.
  • Whether it was his disastrous first confession, the use of his hobby telescope to take in the bronzed Mrs. Selahowski sunbathing next door, the purloined swigs of sacramental wine, or, as he got older, the fumbled attempts to sneak contraband past his father and score with girls beneath his mother's vigilant radar, John was figuring out that the faith and fervor that came so effortlessly to his parents somehow had eluded him. The Longest Trip Home by John Grogan: Book summary
  • So think of a computer's VDU as a radar screen, with a single blip on it, whose movements are going to trace out the M-Set. The Ghost from the Grand Banks
  • The Maigue is tidal as far as Adare, and is embanked along most of its distance.
  • The British hoped to find out about an effective bombsight they coveted, but they also aimed simply to "create goodwill"—Mr. Phelps provides an appendix with minutes of the group's first meeting—so that the Americans, who were also working on radar development, would lend a hand. Allied in the Quest for Radar
  • And we can classify and recognize the group targets precisely with high range resolution Radar echo.
  • Analyzing timeliness is important for evaluating ground-to-air radar countermeasures system. A model for analyzing the timeliness is developed from SEA method.
  • This is the stuff most stadard TV sitcoms are made of.

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