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How To Use Acuity In A Sentence

  • Although Jameson is clear-eyed about the corrosive effects of modernity, his methodology nevertheless seemed to require his allegiance to secularization and to convergence theories of modernization; moreover, the acuity and insight of the readings produced by this methodology served to justify that faith a posteriori. Introduction
  • The operation of budding requires a good deal of nicety: first, to avoid wounding the wood of the stock in slitting the bark; and, secondly, to make the bark of the scion fit quite closely to the wood of the stock, as, if the least vacuity is left between them, the bud will wither instead of beginning to grow. The Lady's Country Companion: or, How to Enjoy a Country Life Rationally
  • The operation of budding requires a good deal of nicety: first, to avoid wounding the wood of the stock in slitting the bark; and, secondly, to make the bark of the scion fit quite closely to the wood of the stock, as, if the least vacuity is left between them, the bud will wither instead of beginning to grow. The Lady's Country Companion: or, How to Enjoy a Country Life Rationally
  • Contact lenses sometimes give better visual acuity in these cases and the field of vision is nearly always improved.
  • The length should be that of the bandaging; the breadth, three or four fingers; thickness, three or fourfold; number so as to encircle the limb, neither more nor less; those applied for the purpose of rectifying a deformity, should be of such a length as to encircle it; the breadth and thickness being determined by the vacuity, which is not to be filled up at once. On The Surgery
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  • If slipping into your jammies and turning off the lights isn't enough to give you mental refreshment, or if stress and anxiety leave your brain a mess, try one of these mental-acuity agents.
  • Vigilance is needed for any features of possible optic neuropathy, such as blurred vision, impaired colour perception, and reduced visual acuity
  • Symptoms include near vision image blur, abnormal color perception, monocular diplopia, glare, and impaired visual acuity, and may vary depending on location of the cataract.
  • Nurse practitioners practice in a variety of settings, ranging from intensive care units to ambulatory care units, with varying degrees of acuity.
  • The way by which all things emerge from vacuity is the Way.
  • There aren't many stories that combine emotional acuity, formal daring and finely crafted gags quite like this. Times, Sunday Times
  • The athletes were tested for visual acuity, refractive error, oculomotor skills, stereopsis, color vision, contrast sensitivity, eye-hand coordination, eye-foot coordination, and overall ocular health.
  • The biggest display ads of the season could not disguise the vacuity of the event.
  • We must engage visual, hearing and speaking acuity.
  • Visual contrast sensitivity reflects and evaluates visual function more sensitively and actually than visual acuity.
  • Vision acuity, fovea thickness and CNV leakage before and after treatment were analyzed.
  • Conclusion Visual function of some suspected early AMD patients with drusen may be damaged, though the central visual acuity appears normal.
  • A motorist needs good visual acuity .
  • Whatever the balance between denominational separatism and ecumenical togetherness, between theological rigor and theological vacuity, America was clearly a very religious place in the 1950s. American Grace
  • The simplified scale in Figure 1 gives an indication of the range of vision as described in terminology based on visual acuity.
  • Fish oil aids memory and promotes mental acuity because it makes nerve-cell membranes more fluid and more reactive to signals.
  • Well written, possibly, but for me it's my own place to vent my spleen at the general vacuity and stupidity of the world as I see it.
  • It will be appreciated that the precise nature of the degree or defect in acuity or field of vision is highly individual.
  • Foremost among them are a fine intellectual acuity, a great sense of humour, a matchless raconteurial skill, a superb capacity for loyalty and friendship, and a keen interest in national and international affairs.
  • Yet beneath all the ebullience was a combination of determination and psychological acuity, as well as the discipline of a trained physicist and political skills honed in the years he had spent rising to the top of the Socialist Party and serving in several ministries of the Spanish government, including that of foreign affairs. The Great Experiment
  • Frequent measurements of visual fields and acuity are obtained to detect optic nerve damage.
  • It's an unpleasant, manipulative trick, but actually pales in comparison with the moral vacuity of the concluding episode.
  • I have a hearing loss that limits my hearing acuity and comprehension to less than 50 per cent.
  • He championed human values in art and denounced what he considered the frivolity or vacuity of much contemporary painting and sculpture.
  • Mr. Andersen is a Balanchine regisseur-stager of rare acuity, and he has made his company one of the most musically intelligent in the world. NYT > Home Page
  • These songs have a deceptive lyrical vacuity that hints at greater depths, but leaves them to the listener to consider.
  • Visual acuity in the RCS rat as tested by an optokinetic system (under photopic condition) has been shown to decrease with age from 0.5 cycle/degree (c/d) at P30 to 0.3 c/d at P90 PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Vacuity posing as merriment, cynicism posing as savviness, a wink and smile covering for betrayal ... these things are not funny. Times, Sunday Times
  • Eye tests like this one are measures of visual acuity. The Developing Child (7th edn.)
  • Now we know that the newborn has quite poor visual acuity but is quite definitely not blind. The Developing Child (7th edn.)
  • Klein SA (1989) Peripheral positional acuity: Retinal and cortical constraints on 2-dot separation discrimination under photopic and scotopic conditions. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Hearing acuity was tested with manual audiometry.
  • The opening of the infraorbital canal is sunk into a vacuity that penetrates the rostrum.
  • Students were chosen on the basis of interest, intellectual acuity, career field, and career patterns.
  • Her distraction turned to vacuity, her obsessions grew stronger by the day. SACRAMENT
  • Contact lenses sometimes give better visual acuity in these cases and the field of vision is nearly always improved.
  • Quigley depicts the changing relationship between the two women superbly, their initial wariness ringing with psychological acuity.
  • Kelly, who is Bryan's protégée, has this absolutely lovely knack for investing each element of a dish with its own striking acuity, yet the sum is not only harmonious but almost weightless.
  • We work on improving visual acuity.
  • The amount of pigmentation tends to increase slightly with age up to adolescence and brings with it a gradual improvement in visual acuity.
  • The presence of 1 dioptre of refractive error reduces Snellen visual acuity to less than 6/12 that is, below the level needed to drive.
  • The amount of pigmentation tends to increase slightly with age up to adolescence and brings with it a gradual improvement in visual acuity.
  • The study confirms some long-standing folklore about the acuity of one of North America's most familiar birds—and offers new insight into how some wild animals may cope with living alongside people.
  • Albert Campion, too, was tall and fair, but he was overthin and the careful veil of affable vacuity which had begun, like his large spectacles, as a protection and had become a second skin, had robbed him of good looks, whereas Morty’s thick light-brown hair had a wave in it and there was nothing bleak or colorless about his gray eyes. Cargo of Eagles
  • I suspect Kagan will tell any senator who asks that her comments 15 years ago were written in an academic vein, from the perspective of a curious legal scholar frustrated at having to endure the "vacuity" of confirmation hearings following the meltdown over the Supreme Court nomination of Robert Bork in 1986. Politics Daily
  • The Cardinal has diagnosed our ills with characteristic acuity.
  • The lorgnette, of course, comes complete with extra powers of magnification to enhance the user's acuity to view a map, read a small number or menu under less than adequate conditions.
  • The simplified scale in Figure 1 gives an indication of the range of vision as described in terminology based on visual acuity.
  • These are the five factors constituting the principles of experience: solidity, liquidity, formativity, aeriality and vacuity.
  • If possible, all children should have their monocular visual acuity tested before four years of age.
  • Having a wall eye sometimes leads a person to develop increased acuity in the other eye,’ Livingstone notes.
  • This is the making of a generation whose banality is interchangeable with their vacuity.
  • In other words, Intelligent Design has moved itself further into the realm of scientific vacuity.
  • In this way the apparently active and positive concept of consent is diluted to the point of near vacuity.
  • Even the most peripheral characters are portrayed with acuity.
  • The character recognition threshold or acuity of Chinese characters was measured and compared with English letters and optotype E, by the method of constant stimuli.
  • In any case, sensitivity and acuity on the part of her editors should have meant the deletion of the worst of the inaccurate and offensive references, or the rejection of the piece as a whole.
  • My brother has not the mental acuity to do this. Times, Sunday Times
  • The lateral margins of palatal foramina are visible at the lateral edges of the anterior margin of the apparently single, large palatal vacuity.
  • Such vision would be recorded as 6/60 and would indicate severely reduced visual acuity.
  • Politics as a field of knowledge is likelier to blunt mental acuity than to sharpen it. The Times Literary Supplement
  • It maintains the process of inhalation and exhalation as well as sensual acuity.
  • When we gaze directly at an object, we hold our eyes in such a position that the image of the object falls on the central, specialized region of the retina - the fovea or macula - where visual acuity and colour vision are best.
  • But many inventors have trouble with verbal acuity, and many politicians gifted with a silver tongue need to be schooled in the concepts they are perforce required to address.
  • Columnist for Vanity Fair and for brain-boggling US journal The Nation, Hitchens has a fierce reputation for intellectual and political acuity.
  • New research by psychologists in the United States argues that ordinary social contact is at least as useful as more formal intellectual activities in preserving mental acuity.
  • They work best in people with naturally moist eyes, good visual acuity and no eyelid problems. Times, Sunday Times
  • It begins with observation, with reporting, rendering the facts of our inner and outer reality with acuity sharpened by imagination.
  • Such vision would be recorded as 6/60 and would indicate severely reduced visual acuity.
  • And without providing meaningful commentary, the pop-punk boom is doomed to implode due to its own vacuity.
  • Howie went to the nearest of them, a man not much older than himself, with a face born for its present vacuity. THE GREAT AND SECRET SHOW
  • He addresses the claim that the blind spot is bad design, by pointing out that the blind spot occupies only 0. 25% of the visual field, and is far (15°) from the visual axis so that the visual acuity of the region is only about 15% of the foveola, the most sensitive area of the retina right on the visual axis. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • I trust, this time around, that I have a decent chance of regaining my normal acuity (and natural discomposure) when the progesterone drops off. Write Where You Are : Rachel Zucker : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
  • The items include glibness and superficial charm,, grandiose self-worth, pathological lying, proneness to boredom and emotional vacuity.
  • It was a kind of vacuity, in which he wished for nothing and took no interest in anything, but only staggered along mechanically at the back of the bar. Pelle the Conqueror — Volume 01
  • In either case, he is motivated by secondary selfish thoughts and thereby loses both his original state of vacuity in quiescence and the corollary state of straightforwardness in movement.
  • Since acuity and complexity of patient caseloads continue to increase, inadequate funding presents a particular challenge to recruitment of highly qualified nursing staff.
  • But politics would seem to call for fairly exacting acuity, and Michal Rovner's swoony images of intractable real-world problems have angered some viewers.
  • Frequent measurements of visual fields and acuity are obtained to detect optic nerve damage.
  • Still, although these preclimb climbing trips have honed many an alpinist's mental acuity, mountain acumen, and technical skill, they are usually too short to effectively jump-start physiological acclimatization.
  • Observers with more experience and above average visual acuity may use nonsystematic methods of search that work best for themselves such as -- FM 44-48 Appendix B - Observation Techniques
  • Some reports claim that positive suggestion can significantly improve visual acuity (e.g., in myopes).
  • Nothing is more important to the development of acuity in visual thought than drawing.
  • The smile dropped away for a moment, and there was a terrible vacuity in its place. COLDHEART CANYON
  • His upbeat message is that aging does not mean inevitable decline in physical fitness, mental acuity, and sexual vigor.
  • In glaucoma simplex, which is largely devoid of marked congestive periods (acute attacks), a surprisingly high degree of acuity of vision may exist with a deep excavation and pale nerve. Glaucoma A Symposium Presented at a Meeting of the Chicago Ophthalmological Society, November 17, 1913
  • Early on, she uses a behind-the-scenes look at campaigning to reveal the vacuity of candidates' on-stage convictions.
  • Among her numberless charms is a complete absence of guile, combined with an absolutely penetrating acuity that often reveals more than she quite realizes. One Fraught Englishman
  • Frequent measurements of visual fields and acuity are obtained to detect optic nerve damage.
  • There is some evidence that relicensing policies based on measurements of static acuity and visual field reduce accidents on the road.
  • The simplified scale in Figure 1 gives an indication of the range of vision as described in terminology based on visual acuity.
  • Yet the emotional acuity of their exchanges more than makes up for that. Times, Sunday Times
  • The simplified scale in Figure 1 gives an indication of the range of vision as described in terminology based on visual acuity.
  • On examination, the patient appears nontoxic, is afebrile, has normal visual acuity, and demonstrates moderate bilateral conjunctival and scleral erythema, serous discharge, conjunctival swelling, and a tender preauricular node.
  • To help better educate our vision and visual acuity, carry a sketch pad with you always and take time to stop and draw.
  • As for women having an infantile essential nature, which desires innocence and vacuity above all other sexual traits, leading to an unparalleled state of happy brainlessness -- gosh, how do you even begin to document that, outside of scripture and tattered Catholic catechism pamphlets? Susie Bright: Why Lying About Monogamy Matters -- Ross Douthat's Happy Ending
  • I found that choosing or avoiding certain nutrients could either enhance mental acuity or decrease distractibility and irritability. Judith J. Wurtman, PhD: Will Feeding Your Employees Make Them More Productive?
  • In life, the anterior median vacuity was covered by dermal tooth plates, the parotic or arcual plates.
  • All new entrants must have hearing acuity assessed by pure tone audiometry. Army Rumour Service
  • The fovea is a cute trick to squeeze greater acuity out of a flawed design, but octopi and squid do it better. Denton vs Squid; the eye as suboptimal design. - The Panda's Thumb
  • Shifting from the matrifocal, he also recognizes the gift of courage and acuity from his grandfather, and he mentions his debt to his intellectual father.
  • Alas, this deep insatiableness of sense, the dreary vacuity of soul that follows fulness of animal delight, the restless exactingness of undirected imagination, was never recognised by Rousseau distinctly enough to modify either his conduct or his theory of life. Rousseau
  • The deleterious consumption of monoxides and dioxides has also weakened my mental acuity, sensitivity and enthusiasm.
  • However, prolonged gazing at bright sources of light such as the sun can result in a loss of visual acuity through photochemical damage to the light-sensitive receptor cells in the retina.
  • In the memo, written last autumn but leaked to a newspaper in early August, Blair criticizes the "hubris and vacuity" of the Labour conference, and complains that Brown "junked" the Blair "policy agenda but had nothing to put in its place. ‘He Goes Or The Party Dies’
  • That sentence is worth reading a couple of times, if only to savour its breathtaking idiocy and vacuity.
  • Thus we can see at this point a fundamental ‘vacuity’ in the attempt by Aquinas and other scholastics to harness ‘Plato and Aristotle’ for the purposes of Trinitarian doctrine.
  • His reply was non-committal to the point of vacuity.
  • There is a fair bit of evidence that the game can delay or diminish the loss of mental acuity that comes with age. Times, Sunday Times
  • Usually, the lower back is weak and sore, there is ringing in the ears and loss of hearing acuity, the face is ashen or dark, especially under the eyes.
  • F = Designer and artisan: professions and fields that entail hands-on designing and crafting of artistic and functional objects and employ an eye for visual design, color, style, and a keen sense of spatial acuity Now What?
  • Can you take her emotional acuity from page to stage? Times, Sunday Times
  • Visual acuity is often normal even when the field of vision is so poor that the child is registered as blind.
  • Only the anterior and posterior ends of the anterior interpterygoid vacuity are preserved in the Herschel specimen.
  • Visual acuity is an important element of good vision, but not the only element.
  • Officials become a machine when they raise hands in unanimous agreement to pass legislation or make some decisions, a sign not of solidarity but of mental vacuity and gutlessness.
  • Depending on the extent and location of the coloboma, there may be decreased visual acuity, nystagmus, strabismus, photophobia, and a loss of visual fields.
  • Vigilance is needed for any features of possible optic neuropathy, such as blurred vision, impaired colour perception, and reduced visual acuity
  • The macula lutea or ‘yellow spot’ in the retina is responsible for central vision and visual acuity.
  • In this way the apparently active and positive concept of consent is diluted to the point of near vacuity.
  • Cockades, handed them from fair fingers; by waving of swords, drawn to pledge the Queen's health; by trampling of National Cockades; by scaling the Boxes, whence intrusive murmurs may come; by vociferation, tripudiation, sound, fury and distraction, within doors and without, -- testify what tempest-tost state of vacuity they are in? The French Revolution
  • Those measures of perceptual acuity were presented in the visual, auditory, and olfactory sensory modalities.
  • The wolfberry bush grows in the northwest part of China and the fruit has been credited with properties of improving visual acuity and general health.
  • Considering that his books are positively hagridden by his Message of watered-down Randism, it seems odd to accuse them of thematic vacuity; but the accusation holds just the same. The most inaccurate quiz ever
  • Regions within diseased brains have a characteristic porous and spongy appearance, evidence of extensive nerve cell death, and affected individuals exhibit neurological symptoms including impaired muscle control, loss of mental acuity, memory loss and insomnia. Physiology or Medicine for 1997 - Press Release
  • Even now, legislators and other government officials bemoan its vacuity and lack of detailed initiatives.
  • The investigators found visual acuity, visual field loss, and degree of papilledema at presentation and follow-up was worse in black patients.
  • In measuring visual acuity in this way, a figure which looks like a fraction is recorded.
  • Our findings suggest that the photopic vision is conserved and that low acuity residual vision plays an important role in predator avoidance and tunnel maintenance in the African mole-rats. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • He is renowned as much for his belligerence as for his acuity.
  • Self-proclaimed "fun" music is notoriously difficult to pull off without slipping towards vacuity.
  • If these patches become large and involve the very center of the macula (the fovea), the individual's visual acuity can fall to the point that they are considered legally blind.
  • Frequent measurements of visual fields and acuity are obtained to detect optic nerve damage.
  • Surveys have demonstrated that playing soft music - particularly Mozart, singing a berceuse or having the steady musical rhythm of 'white noise' like a vacuity cleansing agent can halt a baby's teardrops.
  • Nowadays the acuity of pseudophakic patients can be restored to normal standard.
  • It was an indulgence of high spirits or, at worst, a vulgar exhibit of personal vanity and artistic vacuity.
  • Although their hearing thus lacks acuity, anatomical studies suggest that their vomeronasal and olfactory systems are well developed.
  • Tiredness also affects visual acuity.
  • Seventeen in years, in the down upon his face and in growth unretarded by any great nervosity of system, his vacuity of face was not that of childhood, but rather as if his light eyes were peering out from some hinterland and wanting so terribly and so dumbly to communicate what they beheld to brain-cells closed against himself. Humoresque A Laugh on Life with a Tear Behind It
  • The bride elect held her head very erect; the red spots in her cheeks glowed like double peonies; her two thin curls, done in oil for the occasion, hung straight and stiff like pendant icicles nigrescent; her sparkling black eyes looked apparently into vacuity, while they were really beholding the acme of all her hopes. Hubert's Wife A Story for You
  • In her last years she continued with her art, though she gave up etching due to her loss of the visual acuity required by the etching needle.
  • Shields shares with fellow Canadian Alice Munro not only her Ontario milieu but also a gift for psychological acuity expressed in limpid, shimmering prose. Unless: Summary and book reviews of Unless by Carol Shields.
  • Such vision would be recorded as 6/60 and would indicate severely reduced visual acuity.
  • Patients present with floaters and diminished visual acuity.
  • The utter vacuity of this pompous pretence of philosophy leaves us breathless. Archive 2009-08-01
  • Alas, this deep insatiableness of sense, the dreary vacuity of soul that follows fulness of animal delight, the restless exactingness of undirected imagination, was never recognised by Rousseau distinctly enough to modify either his conduct or his theory of life. Rousseau
  • That sentence is worth reading a couple of times, if only to savour its breathtaking idiocy and vacuity.
  • Will she be true to her 1995 self and candidly cut through the "vacuity" that rains down at these hearings? Politics Daily
  • As ever, Roth has the ability to suggest a vast historical catastrophe through the tiny apocalypses of ordinary life, which he renders with all of Baudelaire's poetic acuity.
  • This crystalline retinopathy is rarely seen with standard doses of tamoxifen, but when present it can cause a substantial progressive drop in visual acuity.
  • It is in fact a negation, which must prësuppose a matter once in being and possible to be denied; it is an abstraction, which cannot happen unless there be somewhat to be taken away; the idea of vacuity must be posterior to that of fullness; the idea of no tree is incompetent to be conceived without the previous idea of _a_ tree; the idea of nonentity suggests, _ex vi termini_, a pre-existent entity; the idea of Nothing, of necessity, prësupposes Something. Probabilities : An aid to Faith
  • Tinnitus is a common symptom of noise overexposure, and it further interferes with hearing acuity, sleep and concentration.
  • What was most striking to an outsider's sensibility was the impression that the ferocity of the battle for power was matched only by its vacuity.
  • And its blend of song, silliness and emotional acuity is theatrical magic. Times, Sunday Times
  • What's so depressing about the current censorship is its lack of imagination, its dull-witted displacements and deletions, its demagogic vacuity.
  • Among the still photographs shown were several that also tested perceptual acuity.
  • Here, visual acuity is not so sharp, nor is our ability to judge distances so good.
  • Although he may merely have "divined" or "intuited" this judgment without sufficient empirical research, as Wills (quoting James Bryce) maintains, the acuity of his intuition deserves recognition. Tocqueville's Heart
  • His vitality, acuity and integrity remain intact.
  • People differ in ability in mathematics, music, visual acuity and all other respects, so individual differences in telepathic sensitivity would seem likely.
  • When we gaze directly at an object, we hold our eyes in such a position that the image of the object falls on the central, specialized region of the retina - the fovea or macula - where visual acuity and colour vision are best.
  • Like Lads - the real inheritors of the hippie legacy - Emin's bleary, blurry, beery, leery, lairy anti-sensualist sensibility is an advert for the vacuity of her own preferences.
  • Such vision would be recorded as 6/60 and would indicate severely reduced visual acuity.
  • The fresh wave of rhapsodic dither on the director's sociopolitical acuity was inevitable.
  • It allows deep significance to be read into mediocrity, vacuity, cheapness, meanness.
  • I was struck at the time by the vacuity of her response.
  • The acuity of hearing and vision may deteriorate.
  • We weren't going to hear praise of our excesses, our shallowness, our engulfing vacuity.
  • But today, musical eclecticism is the norm, and in the current production, conducted with authority by Jayce Ogren and directed with acuity by Christopher Alden, the opera feels like one brilliantly composed piece. Catching Up to Bernstein
  • Like his kinsman, he practiced his art with the aid of the portable camera obscura, but his preternatural acuity and immaculate form carried his work to the edge of hallucination.
  • One of the authors treated an otherwise healthy 30-year old female with poor acuity, impaired night vision, and myopia.
  • A combination of needles and moxibustion can be used where there is both stagnation / stasis and vacuity.
  • In measuring visual acuity in this way, a figure which looks like a fraction is recorded.
  • Here though, I'm uncertain whether Boshoff's chosen subject matter is able to carry both his intellectual acuity and visual dexterity.
  • Intervention among children with poor stereoacuity and low literacy produced small improvements in stereopsis and convergence insufficiency symptom scores. Literacy News – 71th Edition « News « Literacy News
  • What we are left with is an empty, shallow shocker whose vacuity is calamitously exposed in its final act.
  • It will be appreciated that the precise nature of the degree or defect in acuity or field of vision is highly individual.
  • These analogies can be taken to mean that the form of akrasia that Aristotle calls weakness rather than impetuosity always results from some diminution of cognitive or intellectual acuity at the moment of action.
  • But what is not as widely known is that diabetes also causes cognitive decline, from a subtle loss of mental acuity to a heightened risk for Alzheimer's disease.
  • Intervention among children with poor stereoacuity and low literacy produced small improvements in stereopsis and convergence insufficiency symptom scores. Literacy News – 77th Edition « News « Literacy News
  • For children older than three years, the evaluation also should include an age-appropriate visual acuity measurement and an attempt at ophthalmoscopy.
  • The musical, emotional and intellectual vacuity of much fusion music is patent.
  • Horvath is a variationist sociolinguist whose work on Australian English is internationally recognized for its comprehensiveness and methodological acuity.
  • Visual acuity is often normal even when the field of vision is so poor that the child is registered as blind.
  • Neither specimen shows evidence of an incisive foramen or other vacuity in the parts of the palatal process that are preserved.
  • They wished to hide behind the cloak of something invisible, to conceal the vacuity of their tall stories.
  • I wake up in my coffin, dark, vacuity and silence.
  • This shows the vacuity of today's policymaking.
  • The presence of 1 dioptre of refractive error reduces Snellen visual acuity to less than 6/12 that is, below the level needed to drive.
  • I think this shows not only the inappropriateness of public opinion polls in registering opinion about the Supreme Court, but also the vacuity of trying to label Supreme Court decisions as “conservative” or “liberal”–that is, if “conservative” or “liberal” are to tell us anything more than the words “Republican” or “Democrat” currently tell us.epluribusQuote The Volokh Conspiracy » Public Opinion About the Supreme Court
  • On examination, her visual acuity was normal and without apparent proptosis.
  • Here, visual acuity is not so sharp, nor is our ability to judge distances so good.
  • The central retina, or macula, and the centermost macula, or fovea, exhibit structural and cellular specializations for fine central acuity.
  • We follow his learning process through the early 1600s and by 1612 are left in no doubt that he has assumed the mantle of Titian as a model of painterliness and acuity.
  • These songs have a deceptive lyrical vacuity that hints at greater depths, but leaves them to the listener to consider.

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