How To Use Actinide In A Sentence

  • In this, up to ten percent of the neutrons could come from the spallation, though it would normally be less, even where actinide incineration is the main objective. Accelerator-driven nuclear energy
  • Local magnetism occurs in rare-earth metals (such as gadolinium) and the actinides (such as neptunium) due to the incomplete filling of electrons in the inner atomic shells.
  • Second, he emphasizes the economic value of actinides and fission products in the spent fuel but does not acknowledge either economic or proliferation concerns.
  • The actinide mix is then burned in on-site fast reactors. Fast neutron reactors (FBR)
  • Like the lanthanide elements, the actinides have very similar chemical properties.
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  • They do, however, create actinide-free waste that is much less radioactive, with a half-life of a couple of hundred years (as opposed to tens of thousands of years for LWR waste). Think Progress » Demoralizing His Supporters, Obama Calls Nukes, Coal, And Oil Drilling ‘Clean Energy Jobs’
  • This can become plutonium-239 (239Pu) and by successive neutron capture 240Pu, 241Pu and 242Pu as well as other transuranic or actinide isotopes. Mixed oxide fuel (MOX)
  • Actinides - the radioactive chemical elements that span from actinium to lawrencium on the periodic table - have generated a great deal of interest in recent years.
  • The elements that make up this family are also known as the actinides, after the first member of the family.
  • Here, the blanket assembly is actinide fuel and/or spent nuclear fuel. Accelerator-driven nuclear energy
  • Actinide: Any of the series of 15 consecutive chemical elements in the periodic table from actinium to lawrencium (atomic numbers 89-103).
  • Actinides - the radioactive chemical elements that span from actinium to lawrencium on the periodic table - have generated a great deal of interest in recent years.
  • In other words, the fissile material produced by these reactors is recycled at least twice until the final waste results in an actinide-free byproduct that has a half life of about 200 years. Think Progress » Demoralizing His Supporters, Obama Calls Nukes, Coal, And Oil Drilling ‘Clean Energy Jobs’
  • Depending upon which chemist you ask, rare earth elements consist of either: the so-called lanthanide series (elements having atomic numbers from 57 [corresponding to lanthanum] to 71 [corresponding to lutetium]) or the actinide (elements 89 to 103) and lanthanide series. A Cloud in Every Silver Lining: The New Obstacle to a Green-Tech Revolution
  • Depending upon which chemist you ask, rare earth elements consist of either: the so-called lanthanide series (elements having atomic numbers from 57 [corresponding to lanthanum] to 71 [corresponding to lutetium]) or the actinide (elements 89 to 103) and lanthanide series. A Cloud in Every Silver Lining: The New Obstacle to a Green-Tech Revolution
  • The members of the first of these blocks are called the lanthanide elements, and those in the second are the actinides.
  • Considering the closed fuel cycle, Generation I-III reactors recycle plutonium (and possibly uranium), while Generation IV designs are expected to have full actinide recycling capability. Nuclear power reactor
  • Fuel used is of depleted uranium metal or nitride, with full actinide recycled from regional or central reprocessing plants. Fast neutron reactors (FBR)
  • In particular, he covers fluxional organic molecules, fluxional metal carbonyls, the discovery of agostic hydrogens, arene complexes of lanthanides and actinides, and ï ½ 2, h, h-C 2 H 4 complexes.
  • Actinides are the elements above atomic number 89 and are usually radioactive.
  • In this connection, Dr. Seaborg demonstrated that the heavy elements form a "transition" series of actinide elements in a manner analogous to the rare-earth series of lanthanide elements. Glenn T. Seaborg - Biography
  • The first four actinide elements, actinium, thorium, protactinium and uranium are naturally occurring and have been known for a considerable time.
  • Investigation of the chemical properties of the actinides was followed more recently by chemical studies of the first three transactinides - rutherfordium, hahnium, and seaborgium.

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