How To Use Act up In A Sentence

  • The question was so unexpected that , for a moment , she was at a loss how to act up properly.
  • The worrying thing is how those in power interpret the way we vote and act upon it to stay in power.
  • May this book be widely read and may millions heed its warnings and act upon its advice. The Residue Report - an action plan for safer food
  • By gravitation the sun and planets act and react upon one another.
  • The kid likes to act up for the benefit of anyone who cares to notice.
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  • He ruffled some feathers by suggesting ‘if blogging is to go mainstream, bloggers will have to sharpen their act up considerably’.
  • The downturn has had the same impact upon the industry as it has every other sector, but the fashion business has demonstrated that focusing on the sales channels which provide the best and most measurable returns will still deliver competitive advantage, "he said. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • There are windows of tourism opportunity opening regularly but no-one available to spot them and act upon them before they slam shut.
  • Such strategies possess the common theory and act upon the common pattern and framework.
  • The dart used with the _sumpit_ is usually made of a thin splinter of the _nibong_ palm, stuck into a round piece of very light wood, so as to afford a surface for the breath to act upon. Children of Borneo
  • Although there are people who wish to help me, many of them are weak-willed and others, though having a strong spirit, cannot act upon their intentions.
  • Some argue that replacing degree classes by transcripts will have a positive impact upon the current incomparability of degrees from different institutions.
  • A barrel-organ contains a pin-studded cylinder turned by a handle - the pins open pipes to act upon the keys as the handle is turned.
  • Tin purifies water, has an attractive silver lustre symbolic of light, and has no detrimental impact upon other substances.
  • That means one in three cashpoints now extract up to £1.75 from customers for the privilege of gaining access to their own dosh.
  • Likewise, the Devil and the evil spirits, as incomplex beings — though far from perfect in their incomplexity, and very limited — act upon the soul rapidly, instantaneously, as rapidly as lightning or thought. My Life in Christ, or Moments of Spiritual Serenity and Contemplation, of Reverent Feeling, of Earnest Self-Amendment, and of Peace in God
  • to act up to one's principles,etc.
  • That information arises from what individuals and organizations collectively define and act upon.
  • Birth order, nevertheless, has an impact upon child mortality that is independent of the mother's age.
  • The young herdsman briskly mounted a horse that was inclined to act up with an unaccustomed rider.
  • Without doubt his work as a composer had a great impact upon his tremendous pianism.
  • But, with his contract up after the play-offs, the cash-strapped club can no longer afford his inflated salary and he looks bound for pastures new.
  • The young herdsman briskly mounted a horse that was inclined to act up with an unaccustomed rider.
  • It certainly is much better than a single-seater car, especially Formula One where the spray has a dramatic impact upon driver vision.
  • Put differently, if a mystical experience has some impact upon a person's understanding then it must be 'ascribable' to that person, by themselves or another, and so the insistence on 'non-conceptuality' is self-contradicting; About religious experience (William James, Schleiermacher etc)
  • By gravitation the sun and planets act and react upon one another.
  • From a certain vantage, “the brief takes positions that from a political and policy point of view are hard to square with, well, sanity,” but an empty political gesture with minimal actual impact upon the operations of big and small businesses are probably precisely what Congress was aiming at. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Solicitor General Lays an Egg
  • The Iraqi authorities try in vain to turn a deaf ear to the UN economic sanction which would eventually produce enormous impact upon the former's politics and economy.
  • Some kids act up or throw tantrums, while some develop physical symptoms such as headaches or insomnia.
  • The Party has been unable to attract upwardly mobile voters.
  • The surface of the cell (_n_) is covered with receptors some of which (_b_) fit the toxine molecule, (_a_) allowing the toxine to act upon the cell. Disease and Its Causes
  • By gravitation the sun and planets act and react upon one another.
  • It has no impact upon the serious traffic and road safety concerns raised by Transport for London, or any of the other planning considerations.
  • They radiate heat, they absorb gases, and exhale uncombined gases and watery vapor, and consequently act upon the chemical constitution and hygrometrical condition of the air, their roots penetrate the earth to greater depths than is commonly supposed, and form an inextricable labyrinth of filaments which bind the soil together and prevent its erosion by water. Earth as Modified by Human Action, The~ Chapter 02 (historical)
  • This does not mean that governments always take action when researchers identify a social problem, or act upon their findings.
  • That his players could not impact upon a team who had won just one of their previous eight games will be particularly troubling. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is a metallic hum as the glass barrier moves, sliding into the floor, and the metal bars in the portal retract up.
  • Tin purifies water, has an attractive silver lustre symbolic of light, and has no detrimental impact upon other substances.
  • Pure atmosphere does not act upon silver; but we do not have this about in our operating rooms, as it is more or less charged with sulphurated hydrogen, which soon tarnishes the surface of the plate with a film of brown sulphurate. American Hand Book of the Daguerreotype
  • Population growth has and will have a profound impact upon world food demand.
  • It is looking to attract up to 700 small and medium-sized business clients by the end of this year.
  • These occurrences are equally important for what they indicate about McCain's governing style as they are for their impact upon democratic process: impulsive acts that rely on drama and theatrical posture rather than substantive reasoning and long-term deliberation; a strong willingness to sacrifice substantive reasoning, deliberative process, and even prior structures and agreements to immediate political need; an attempt to reach outcomes through last minute stage management rather than substantive argument. Obama: Congress "Close To A Deal" On Bailout Package
  • The mission of all literature is to make mankind both wiser and _better_, and the writer who fails to appreciate and act upon this truth is worse than a useless cumberer of society; he is a curse to his age, and, however great his present fame, will most assuredly be forgotten with the passing away of his generation. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 6, No 2, August, 1864 Devoted to Literature and National Policy
  • My throat burned and I could hear myself wheezing, my asthma slowly starting to act up.
  • It will also not impact upon the introduction of Filipino workers as caregivers, maids and crews.
  • His conclusions are that a copper acetylide is always produced if impure acetylene is allowed to pass through neutral or ammoniacal solutions of copper; that dry acetylene containing all its natural impurities except ammonia acts to an equal extent on copper and its alloys, yielding the explosive compound; that pure and dry gas does not act upon copper or its alloys, although it is possible that an explosive compound may be produced after a great length of time. Acetylene, the Principles of Its Generation and Use
  • Inter Milan coach Jose Mourinho has fanned the flames ahead of Wednesday's Champions League semi-final second leg against Barcelona by calling for referee Frank de Bleeckere to act upon any gamesmanship from the Catalan side. IcNewcastle
  • The Party has been unable to attract upwardly mobile voters.
  • By gravitation the sun and planets act and react upon one another.
  • He that gave us our being, by a constant renewed act upholds us in our being, and his providence is a continued creation. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • The kid likes to act up for the benefit of anyone who cares to notice.
  • Later, her mom told me that she had an impacted wisdom tooth which was just starting to act up, and which I had helped to make go away.
  • Well, if you wish to act up to the scope which you give to your work -- in the word ec -- elec -- The Physiology of Marriage, Part 3
  • A common approach was to input the program by some physical means, such as wiring a plugboard, and then feeding in the data for the program to act upon.
  • Friedman points to variable lags between changes in money supply growth that determine the impact upon real output and prices.
  • When screaming schoolyard bullies act up, the teacher often isolates them in a corner, forcing them to reflect upon their actions.
  • May this book be widely read and may millions heed its warnings and act upon its advice. The Residue Report - an action plan for safer food
  • He said research showed that the physical environment in which people live had a direct impact upon fears and concerns about their safety.
  • Miss Brown, I'll give in, that you and Mr. Brown _do_ act up to your principles; you certainly _act_ as if you were willing to be damned '; -- and so do all those folks who will live on the blood and groans of the poor Africans, as the Doctor said; and I should think, by the way Newport people are making their money, that they were all pretty willing to go that way, -- though, whether it's for the glory of God, or not, I'm doubting. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 04, No. 21, July, 1859
  • But realistically it obviously would have an intensely huge impact upon the number of civil jury trials for example that might have been held in Queensland.
  • The kid likes to act up for the benefit of anyone who cares to notice.
  • By gravitation the sun and planets act and react upon one another.
  • He like to act up and pretend that he is special.
  • The car's engine is beginning to act up.
  • Following the Stamp Act upheavals, he tried to keep smugglers and other scofflaws from flouting Parliament's authority.
  • May this book be widely read and may millions heed its warnings and act upon its advice. The Residue Report - an action plan for safer food
  • I hope you'll act up to the good advice I've given you.
  • This research is concerned with commonsense ideas about emotion and with the way people act upon information about their emotional state.
  • The central feature of Cussins's account of experiential content is that it should be understood not in terms of notions such as truth and truth-condition, but rather in terms of the organism's abilities to act upon the perceived environment. Nonconceptual Mental Content
  • I hope you'll act up to the good advice I've given you.
  • Jack always used to act up when his mother wouldn't let him watch TV.
  • The Programme is meant to study, and act upon, the cultural environment as a whole.
  • It would be well, Dick judged, to make the Outlaw act up in real devilishness for a minute or two before the culmination. CHAPTER XXX
  • His body became soft and pear-shaped because of hormone reversals that flowed from the tumor's impact upon the gland.
  • Hence, neither the historical dynamics of myths nor their impact upon present culture can be traced with confidence or systematically plotted.
  • It is the combined mass of efforts of journalists, and their analyses that sift the truth from the many layers of untruths, that provide the world information that it can act upon.
  • This has resulted in the development of a variety of hybrid forms that have had marginal impact upon product-based development, whose needs they have been configured to meet.
  • The first impact upon the newcomer is apt to be discouraging, for he is apt to be overwhelmned by the magnitude of poverty, misery and degradation, and not be aware of the magnitude of the effort which India today is making to meet her problems. The Christian Minority in the World of Tomorrow
  • Given that I have also shown that its practical impact upon children's wellbeing is nugatory, there seems to be no satisfactory justification for its retention.
  • First, general relativity holds and gravity must act upon everything as an attractive force.
  • Some of them are produced by rough, others by abstergent, others by inflammatory substances, -- these act upon the testing instruments of the tongue, and produce a more or less disagreeable sensation, while other particles congenial to the tongue soften and harmonize them. Timaeus
  • Ilkley Lido, which has been known to attract up to 15,000 people in one week during hot summer weather, does have disabled changing cubicles with ramped access to the outdoor pool and café.
  • BUTT (who in the cushlows of his goodsforseeking hoarth, ever fondlinger of his pimple spurk, is a niallist of the ninth homestages, the babybell in his baggutstract upper going off allatwanst, begad, lest he should challenge himself, beygoad, till angush). Finnegans Wake
  • I nipped over to see if I could squeeze on the bus, but found the compact upstairs compartment a bit too, well, whiffy.
  • The car's engine is beginning to act up.
  • It lifted its gablet, carved to look like a canopy, till its apex was on a level with the book-board on the front of the organ-loft; and over -- in fact upon this apex appeared the face of the man whom I have mentioned. Annals of a Quiet Neighbourhood
  • The explanation appears to be that the nervo-vital emanations from the body of the seer act upon the static odyle in the agent, which in turn reacts upon the brain centres by means of the optic nerves. Second Sight A study of Natural and Induced Clairvoyance
  • Let me really break it down for you: The man had Steve Albini record the "Brassneck" EP at this time, even though they were best known as a jangly C86 act up until this point. Comments for BrightestYoungThings
  • In fact, the only thing he did act upon was his increasingly voracious appetite for sex, food and expensive luxuries.
  • Men always act upon their apprehensions of preferableness. Enquiry Concerning Political Justice
  • Everything that is past is either a learning experience to grow on, a beautiful memory to reflect on, or a motivating factor to act upon. Denis Waitley 
  • If Bosher could have seen the effect of this elegant extract upon the captain he would probably have "joyed" with infinite self-satisfaction. The Willoughby Captains
  • Well I think there's no doubt now it has an enduring impact upon children.
  • Numbering more than 30 items so far, each measuring 4 or 5 inches across, the series includes baseball caps, party hats, a fez, a motorcycle helmet and a hat with the Act Up logo on it.
  • It allows us to entertain the idea of rebellion, diffusing that feeling without having to act upon it.
  • It is hardly necessary to ask the latter question, for chance-medley could not lead to regular operations -- operations so regular that a court of law may act upon their evidence. Science and Morals and Other Essays
  • Possibly certain persons in sympathy with each other may be able to act upon each other from a distance, especially when thrown into the sort of trance which is known as the clairvoyant state. Rujub, the Juggler
  • In sum, the changes prompted by enlargement will have a major impact upon the future shape and identity of the Union.
  • It is a cogent argument, and one that may finally be having an impact upon those at the top. Times, Sunday Times
  • One thing, amongst many, that readily comes to mind is that the blog impact upon the commoditisation of journalism has, and should, continue to strengthen public voice. Smart Mobs » Blog Archive » DIY Media: Howard Rheingold on youth, DIY media, public voice
  • Science since Darwin is fact upon fact, instance upon instance, experiment upon experiment, principle upon principle, which fitly joined together by some master mind may establish some great truth.
  • The Iraqi authorities try in vain to turn a deaf ear to the UN economic sanction which would eventually produce enormous impact upon the former's politics and economy.
  • This people — I mean the more lofty-minded of these crusaders, who act up to the pretences of the doctrines which they call chivalry — despise the thirst of gold, and gold itself, unless to hilt their swords, or to furnish forth some necessary expenses, as alike useless and contemptible. Count Robert of Paris
  • As long as you're not perpetrating a criminal act upon someone, you ought to be free to do whatever you like.
  • By the same token, ‘the later we postponed publication, the less would the inevitable odium react upon the British’.
  • As reported last month, the unofficial action involves firefighters across London refusing to act up as officers.
  • I hope you'll act up to the good advice I've given you.
  • Vernadsky tallied up the billions of organisms on Earth and considered their collective impact upon the material resources of the planet.
  • Having a previously unknown twin sister sneak into the picture would cause anyone to act up.
  • The data used for China is to emphasize this vital fossil energy component's environmental impact upon a country so thus to the world.
  • At one point, the film follows several of the tour's dancers watching a march by the AIDS activist group ACT UP.
  • Some of them are produced by rough, others by abstergent, others by inflammatory substances, — these act upon the testing instruments of the tongue, and produce a more or less disagreeable sensation, while other particles congenial to the tongue soften and harmonize them. Timaeus
  • The car's engine is beginning to act up.
  • "Mother, we taught our kids to act upon the leading of the Holy Spirit."
  • “Though heaven should speak with all _his_ wrath at once”, and proceeds, “_heaven_ is ill syntax with _his_”; while in fact up to within forty or fifty years of the time when Dryden began to write, no other syntax was known; and to a much later date was exceedingly rare. English Past and Present
  • May this book be widely read and may millions heed its warnings and act upon its advice. The Residue Report - an action plan for safer food
  • That his players could not impact upon a team who had won just one of their previous eight games will be particularly troubling. Times, Sunday Times
  • That is what we need to insist upon and that is what we must act upon.
  • If the Chinese perceive that a foreigner is ignorant of the responsibility of his employe's, or disregards it, it will not take them long to act upon this discovery in extremely disagreeable ways.
  • What we begin to see here is not a simple schema of relative social status — overman, everyman or nobody — but rather a set of protagonist types defineable by the interrelations of the deontic modalities that act upon them and the boulomaic modalities they enact. Archive 2009-07-01
  • In some cases though, the costs charged against profit reserves will impact upon the company's ability to pay dividends.
  • Everything that is past is either a learning experience to grow on, a beautiful memory to reflect on, or a motivating factor to act upon. Denis Waitley 
  • For all intents and purposes he was a citizen, yet he was shorn of that margin of real initiative that determines the conditions of his existence, such as the right to act upon the political options of the nation.
  • It is one thing to assert one's good intentions, but another entirely to act upon them.
  • This claim is inconclusive as we may very well be required to do empirical research to settle an unresolved question of fact upon which the theories disagree.
  • But when he attempted to act upon that very sensible decision a burly dog came bowsing out and disputed his right. Can Such Things Be?
  • He understands the score's potential to produce a pleasant and shiveringly visceral response, when presented with the greatest sonic allure, and he act upon this understanding.
  • Whether it be that the air of Auchtertool suits me better than that of Aberdour, or that having my kind little cousins within cry is a wholesome diversion, or that it required a continuance of country air to act upon my feebleness, I am not competent to say, nor is it of the slightest earthly consequence what the cause is, so that the effect has been as I tell you. Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
  • What pleased him to no end was his right to punish anyone daring to infract upon the rules. French Vanilla Death - Prima Parte
  • Yet he regularly tries too hard to cover this fact up: as if he can conjure up a blokeish persona.
  • After being made redundant, Daphne decided to act upon her dream to create a boarding kennels and cattery at her home.
  • So far as the Scriptures seem to suggest there is not a fresh act upon God's part at certain times in one's experience, but His wondrous love is such that there is _a continuous act_ -- a continuous flooding in of all the gracious power of His Spirit that the human conditions will admit of. Quiet Talks on Power
  • Such language is normally used to create mandatory presumptions of law that require a trier of fact to find a presumed fact upon proof of a basic fact.
  • The Party has been unable to attract upwardly mobile voters.
  • Impact upon his body’ can mean an auto accident, a fall, a punch, a blow, or a gunshot.
  • I hope that he will act up to his promise.
  • Realizing that over two years ago his Prime Minister must have told him a 'porky' he decided today to act upon that knowledge 'for the good of all'. Archive 2005-04-24
  • Lest the piece should slip through the hole in the lip, a kind of rivet is formed by twine bound round the inner extremity, and this, protruding into the space left by the extraction of the four front teeth of the lower jaw, entices the tongue to act upon the extremity, which gives it a wriggling motion indescribably ludicrous during conversation. In the Heart of Africa
  • The question was so unexpected that , for a moment , she was at a loss how to act up properly.
  • The Party has been unable to attract upwardly mobile voters.
  • This people -- I mean the more lofty-minded of these crusaders, who act up to the pretences of the doctrines which they call chivalry -- despise the thirst of gold, and gold itself, unless to hilt their swords, or to furnish forth some necessary expenses, as alike useless and contemptible. Waverley Novels — Volume 12
  • Having passed through the upheavals and convulsions of the last 20 years and witnessed their impact upon society, we have today a deeper sense of what we lost with the death of Tom.
  • His non-disclosures and embellishments in the letter negatively impact upon his credibility.
  • The fluid contained in the breast is at this stage called colostrum, and is intended by Nature to act upon the child as a laxative. The Handy Cyclopedia of Things Worth Knowing A Manual of Ready Reference
  • As advertising and popular culture have become more heavily sexualised (to the point where some scholars speak of the 'pornification' of culture more generally), the impact upon children has increased.

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