How To Use Acropora In A Sentence
Based on corallite configuration, growth form and analogy with Acropora, Blastozopsammia had a relatively high degree of colony integration and may have been zooxanthellate.
Miller DJ (1992) Genomes of diploblastic organisms contain homeoboxes: sequence of eveC, an even-skipped homologue from the cnidarian Acropora formosa.
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Bank reefs are considered unique due to the presence of elkhorn coral (Acropora palmata), coral zonation by depth, and seawardly oriented spur-and-groove formations.
Coral reefs in Florida
Development 134: 2549-2560. de Jong DM, Hislop NR, Hayward DC, Reece-Hoyes JS, Pontynen PC, et al. (2006) Components of both major axial patterning systems of the Bilateria are differentially expressed along the primary axis of a 'radiate' animal, the anthozoan cnidarian Acropora millepora.
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By contrast, Anthox - 2 (the Cnox - 2 anthozoan homolog) is expressed in the oral region of the anthozoan polyps Acropora and Nematostella.
Acropora is the genus most affected by bleaching in the Maldives but it is very competitive and will overgrow slower-growing corals if the conditions are right, as they are here.