How To Use Acropora In A Sentence
- Based on corallite configuration, growth form and analogy with Acropora, Blastozopsammia had a relatively high degree of colony integration and may have been zooxanthellate.
- Miller DJ (1992) Genomes of diploblastic organisms contain homeoboxes: sequence of eveC, an even-skipped homologue from the cnidarian Acropora formosa. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
- Bank reefs are considered unique due to the presence of elkhorn coral (Acropora palmata), coral zonation by depth, and seawardly oriented spur-and-groove formations. Coral reefs in Florida
- Development 134: 2549-2560. de Jong DM, Hislop NR, Hayward DC, Reece-Hoyes JS, Pontynen PC, et al. (2006) Components of both major axial patterning systems of the Bilateria are differentially expressed along the primary axis of a 'radiate' animal, the anthozoan cnidarian Acropora millepora. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
- By contrast, Anthox - 2 (the Cnox - 2 anthozoan homolog) is expressed in the oral region of the anthozoan polyps Acropora and Nematostella.
- Acropora is the genus most affected by bleaching in the Maldives but it is very competitive and will overgrow slower-growing corals if the conditions are right, as they are here.