
How To Use Acronym In A Sentence

  • Acronyms or abbreviations can confuse a client who is looking for the business in a resource listing.
  • The play attracted a great deal of interest: the leading members of the State Yiddish Theater in Moscow (known by the acronym GOSET) came to see it, and the work was the first of several plays to tour other performance halls throughout the Moldavian Republic, including Tiraspol and Chernovtsy. Romanian Yiddish Theater.
  • ABC art scree audiotypist adenosine ABBREVIATIONS (4) bioelectrogenesis 3',5'-monophosphate ADP cryochemistry Age of BAL Aquarius EEC cytoecology air battery IDDD dehydrotestosterone Aquarian ACRONYM Age KWOC geoprobe arcjet UNABBREVIATED heliborne, are-jet engine SHORTENINGS (6) adj. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XV No 1
  • Find out what those pesky acronyms and abbreviations stand for.
  • It's generally accepted that you can use acronyms and abbreviations without explanation, where the term is well known by the audience.
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  • The acronym stands for individual savings account and most people think of them as just that. Times, Sunday Times
  • He has funded the program through his JADE Foundation, an acronym comprised of the first initials of his family: children, Jonathan and Alison, and his wife of 32 years, Ellen. Funding Art Therapy for Veterans and Trauma Victims
  • These technologies, with a bewildering numbers of acronyms, are described in many reviews.
  • In a user guide, they handily provide a list of acronyms.
  • Sometimes Carlie hands me the squirt bottle of "Bam" (an acronym for something that begins, ominously, with "butyric" - the rest of it has been worn off the label) and lets me do the bathrooms. Nickel and Dimed
  • The acronym stood for “Special Executive for Counterintelligence, Terrorism, Revenge, and Extortion.” The Fiddler in the Subway
  • The world of computing uses many acronyms. Computers Basic Facts
  • The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, known by the acronym Icann, is accepting applications for an infinite number of new Web addresses, known as top-level domain names. A New Challenge for Web Freedom
  • Take into consideration who you are communicating with to determine the acronyms and emoticons that should be used - if at all.
  • But the cheese-head state's 190 CAFOs - an acronym Stevenson says is short for Concentrated Watts Up With That?
  • Some tattoos are of course more obvious in their meaning, but a good number of others draw on mythology, pagan runes, organizational logos and acronyms.
  • Alongside the current assessment revolution are equally radical curriculum initiatives associated with a whole alphabet soup of acronyms.
  • Analysts will invent a new acronym destined to melt away by 2013. Tony Greenberg: The 2011 Cynic Measures His Predictions
  • Acronyms increasingly are being created not only to communicate quickly but cheaply, especially in classified ads.
  • Ronnie looked through the information in the printout: National Insurance number, post code, shoe size, acronyms listing memberships of RAC, RSPB, N (ational) T (rust). The Obald, Book 1: 1983. Chapter 1: Tuesday November 1 « We Don't Count Your Own Visits To Your Blog
  • So just remember to shave off that last unnecessary word when using acronyms and initialisms, and you'll be fine.
  • `It's an acronym,' I replied, placing the Halcyon Rules between Status Quo and Steppenwolf and closing the book. MUSIC FOR BOYS
  • initialism," the difference being it is an abbreviation using only first letters of words; an acronym being a new word created by the first letters, syllables or even arbitrary parts of the original words. - News
  • Acronyms and symbols are defined clearly and used consistently.
  • Abbreviations and acronyms should be employed in a variety of forms.
  • This is not despite, but because of, the fact that it consists mostly of lists: a list of every department of the Gulag (the word is an acronym for Glavnaya Upravlenia Lagerei, or Main Camp Administration); a list of every subdepartment of the Gulag; and a list of all 476 camps whose existence has so far been identified in the archives. Inside the Gulag
  • The agency has acronyms for various types of intelligence, like humint and elint (for electronic intelligence). Spies, Lies &Amp; Iraq
  • You know something is an "oldie" when it has an acronym that people assume you know. A Prediction About Evolution
  • February 17th, 2010 at 7: 29 pm tombaker says: harmando thinks using teenage girl text-message acronyms is awesome, because he’s a sober and serious, intelligent grownup, and not a hopeless poser loser waving his boogerfinger around in territory that does not welcome him or his “ideas”. Think Progress » Confused Karl Rove Falsely Accuses Obama Of Having ‘A Little Bit Of Confusion’ About Stimulus Jobs Numbers
  • But the quiz also slipped in one that was new to me, the acronym ASL age, sex, location that is an obvious red flag the sender has bad intentions. Kristin Maschka: Smart Girl's Guide to the Internet
  • The acronym abbreviated two Russian words, Avtomat Kalashnikova, the automatic by Kalashnikov, a nod to Senior Sergeant Mikhail Timofeyevich Kalashnikov, a twenty-nine-year-old former tank commander to whom the army and the Communist Party formally attributed the weapon’s design. The Gun
  • The acronym for self-contained underwater breathing apparatus is acceptable in all references. Essential Guide to Business Style and Usage
  • The heart of its original embodiment was a metal-oxide-silicon sandwich , with initial letters responsible for the acronym MOS , as in MOSFET and MOS technology.
  • The group, whose acronym is Spanish for "enough," said if the council members don't step down by Monday's council meeting, it will begin working for their recall. front
  • For example, instant messaging often relies on acronyms and shortened forms of words.
  • Put simply, Viet Nam does not produce CDOs, MBSs or any other kind of whizz kid acronym. Undefined
  • • The use of an acronym like TQM for an intellectual concept is distasteful. QUALITY IS PERSONAL
  • The acronym stands for individual savings account and most people think of them as just that. Times, Sunday Times
  • My biggest beef, though, is with the erroneous use of apostrophes to pluralize acronyms and abbreviations like CEOs, GIs, and CDs.
  • The sharp-tongued and nomenclature-obsessed Mr. O'Neill is well-known for coming up with the acronym BRICs, a grouping of fast-growing and large emerging economies: Brazil, Russia, India and China.
  • In simplest terms, he is a computer security celebrity junketeer, a highly specialized occupation somewhat obscured by an official biography bulging with professional-strength acronyms.
  • AIDS is an acronym for "Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome".
  • He said the acronyms used by the government were divisive. Times, Sunday Times
  • Scratch the subject of defence and acronyms, abbreviations, and buzzwords fly out.
  • A list of abbreviations, acronyms, and symbols that should not be used also should be available.
  • I was trying to find out the rule about using apostrophes with acronyms or abbreviations.
  • asdic is an acronym for antisubmarine detection investigation committee
  • CAPTCHA stands for Complete Automated Public Turing test to tell Computer and Humans Apart, It is probably one of those acronyms in which the acronym preceded the words that make it up. Protect your users with CAPTCHA codes
  • In official language, this occurs through the use of technical terms - acronyms and jargon.
  • We use acronyms, not rhymes. Times, Sunday Times
  • The clinical-trial business itself is known by the acronym CRO, but Mr. O'Meara notes that even CRO doesn't have a standard definition -- some say it stands for "clinical research organizations" others say "contract research organizations" -- which only adds to the industry's reputation for stealthiness. Helping Science, Making Money
  • Our National Institute for Clinical Excellence NICE, a typically Blairite acronym has done cost-benefit analyses of drugs and procedures, often very sensibly, for years. New Efficiencies in Health Care? Not Likely
  • Heads up – actually, Microsoft has long had something better called the MSDNAA if I recall the acronym aright which also operates in Australia. Free Microsoft developer tools for Aussie university students | Lifehacker Australia
  • I'm a tech, I'm into medical gadgetry, which is mostly high-tech stuff like Mr. Bono talked about. the first wish is to use the epilepsy responsive neurostimulator, called RNS, for responsive neurostimulator -- that's a brilliant acronym -- for the treatment of other brain disorders. Robert Fischell on medical inventing
  • Despite the use of acronyms and incomprehensible language, they can easily track the public conversations of these gang members. Times, Sunday Times
  • A brand mostly known by fans of extreme sports, preferably of the motorized variety, BRM stands for Bernard Richards Manufacture, an acronym fortuitously and conveniently identical to that of British Racing Motors, the 1962 world champion Formula One team. NYT > Home Page
  • Featuring some vicious assessments and enlightening insights, not to mention a new defintion for the acronym STD, take a look at what Roadrunner Records Latest News
  • In fact, let's use an acronym instead. Times, Sunday Times
  • To view the acronym simply put your mouse over the abbreviated word or acronym to get the full meaning of the word.
  • A list of abbreviations, acronyms, and symbols that should not be used also should be available.
  • How these issues arise in one painting is up for debate and is indicative of the show's title, "Clusterfubar," an acronym fubar stands for "fucked up beyond all recognition" used to characterize the current socio-political environment. ArtScene: December Shows to Catch Before They Close
  • The official acronym for the NATO commander is an obscure French word for ‘despoiler’. On A Boat | ATTACKERMAN
  • Its acronym, PCHI, is pronounced "peachy," a breezy nickname that does not describe how Soran feels when he reviews figures showing a steady drain of his business to Partners doctors, who are paid 15 percent to 40 percent more than his doctors, based on Blue Cross rates. T r u t h o u t
  • * The so-called Lehi Group—an acronym standing for Lohamei Herut Yisrael “Fighters for the Freedom of Israel”—was better known as the Stern Gang, after its first leader. The Great Experiment
  • Turning from the CWA to that other Calgary writing group, the CWA… we discover just what a headache homonymous acronyms can be.
  • For me, lingo is like acronyms; I find myself constantly looking things up to remind myself what they mean even though I've heard them and in some cases used them dozens of times. Two Points
  • The 11 competitors from the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia tend to be tagged with the soulless acronym FYROM because their country's proper name is such a mouthful -- and Greece jealously reserves the name Macedonia for its north-central administrative region. Happy Just To Be Here
  • In the pages of VERBATIM have appeared comments on acronyms: the word acronymania appears in "Prep School Slanguage," by Richard Lederer VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XX No 2
  • Far fewer doctors now annotate notes with acronyms designed to spell out the unsayable truth about their patients.
  • Â But the quiz also slipped in one that was new to me, the acronym ASL age, sex, location that is an obvious red flag the sender has bad intentions. Kristin Maschka: Smart Girl's Guide to the Internet
  • Hamas, an acronym for the Islamic Resistance Movement, is founded by Muslim Brotherhood members during the first intifada, or uprising, against the Israeli military presence in the West Bank and Gaza.
  • It grinds you down and makes you worry about acronyms you don't understand, like - I don't know; "ISA" and " SERPS ". LOOKING FOR ANDREW MCCARTHY
  • Its name is an acronym of'As seen on screen '. Times, Sunday Times
  • You know, ... switching from the members being 'retarded'to 'acronymically challenged' is how Itook it. Rudy's New SC Co-Chair Has History Of "Racially Charged" Remarks
  • In fact, let's use an acronym instead. Times, Sunday Times
  • (the security service that succeeded has the acronym FSB). Business and financial news -
  • Nash hadnt heard a word shed said until she uttered the acronym of his employer. Extreme Measures
  • I'm not going to even pretend to understand in any detail how this mouthful of an acronym really works.
  • Genpact claims it€ ™ s not just another acronym dished out overnight but a rigorous scientific methodology for managing processes. The Economic Times
  • Enterprise Conent Management still has a place in the acronym pantheon, but that place is an increasingly limited one ... Intelligent Enterprise
  • Scratch the subject of defence and acronyms, abbreviations, and buzzwords fly out.
  • It is tempting to build in successive layers of meaning and symbols that derive from acronyms.
  • A word is a rather abstract concept, a ‘unit of language’, so who's to say an initialism, when placed in a sentence, doesn't immediately become an acronym?
  • We had 75 Baud, Baud being another of those early computer acronyms, up from 45 Baud working on those 'teletype' machines. It's been very quiet here lately
  • Development Corp. (with the Spanish acronym CAF), the Inter-American Dialogue and the The Washington Times stories: Latest Headlines
  • It has lent its guarded endorsement to KAN - an acronym of krypton, argon and neon.
  • Older viewers will happily recall that for them "ski" is an acronym for spending the kids 'inheritance. Frozen
  • He boasted the acronym hidden in the picture of a gun on his forearm which read, M.P.R., the familiar street formula for longevity and success, Money, Power and Respect. The Brotherhood of Man
  • RADAR The term radar is an acronym derived from the words radio detection and ranging. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • It was just that no one was willing to replace a pithy phrase with either an ugly acronym or a yawn-inducing mouthful.
  • People are far more likely to invest in stock with easily pronounced names and neat acronyms than with investments that tax our brain's language circuits. Times, Sunday Times
  • The initials of the French name are also the first 4 letters in the European spelling for the first part of the digestive tract, the oesophagus, so the acronym is very appropriate.
  • The term acronym, although said to have originated some time in the 1940s, took time to achieve dictionary recognition. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol X No 3
  • No-one would actually use that many acronyms. Times, Sunday Times
  • Skopje argues that using a provisional reference to denote a sovereign state or, even worse, the acronym FYROM or fYROM is disrespectful American Chronicle
  • The IT&T industry is rife with acronyms, catchphrases and jargon.
  • An SKU, for those uninitiated in Intel three letter acronyms, is a stock keeping unit.
  • The "semi parody" is of national novel writing month (November), or NaNoWriMo as it is acronymically known. Buy, give and read a book this Jan
  • Maybe I am overpessimistic about the use of acronyms. The Big Picture
  • I acronymically mention above – which currenlty has interjected itself into current California carbon politics. Unthreaded #3 « Climate Audit
  • Borg's speech recognition bundle ran over the audio input and automatically shunted over into the acronyms subfile; however the probability matrix rejected all prompts for'C.I. ' If IT Were YOU
  • I was the guest at the Science Fiction Society of Northern New Jersey, famous for having the least-pronounceable acronym in skiffydom. May 17th, 2009
  • It has a glossary of acronyms, 2 pages of hints and tips and a step by step guide to using the computer software.
  • Too many companies hide their names behind dull acronyms or meaningless initials. Times, Sunday Times
  • No-one would actually use that many acronyms. Times, Sunday Times
  • A growing cadre of integrative medicine professionals recognizes the acronym jungle of the emerging ACOs (Accountable Care Organizations) and PCMHs (Patient Centered Medical Homes) as a fertile host for mushrooming use of integrative care. John Weeks: Berwick's Exit from Medicare a Loss of a Brother-in-the-Trenches for Integrative Medicine
  • In the Soviet Union, Lenin greatly enlarged the Tzarist forced labour camps, which were renamed Gulags (Russian acronym for the Main Administration of Corrective Labour Camps) in 1930.
  • One key test was to repeat the measurement with very short beam pulses," the Geneva-based organization, known by its French acronym CERN, said in a statement. CERN Experiment Excludes 1 Error In Faster-Than-Light Finding
  • Too many companies hide their names behind dull acronyms or meaningless initials. Times, Sunday Times
  • The term Pakistan is an acronym patterned on place names used in Central Asia, names that were brought to India by rulers of Central Asian origin who eventually merged or became an integral part of India. Aparna Pande: Is Pakistan Part of South Asia? Yes!
  • The term vitriol is also an acronym for "Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem Visit the interior of the earth, and by rectifying you will find the hidden stone.
  • The automated acronym expander ( "The Bile Machine") generates random, insulting things that any 2-7 letter word can stand for. Boing Boing: November 11, 2001 - November 17, 2001 Archives
  • The word's origins are unclear: it may derive from the Romany word "chavi", meaning "child", but it is now usually understood as an acronym for "council house and violent". Chavs: The Demonization of the Working Class by Owen Jones – review
  • I see that my high school students are much more agreeable to this technique and that it only takes several word demystifying tips from me to get them comfortable with acronyms. It is not rocket science, it is a mindset! Teaching Technical Acronyms
  • Still, the work could lead to breakthroughs in AI and VR and lots of other very exciting acronyms and lead to the development of a 'nomenclator' - a device that can provide people with information about others when they meet for the first time. :
  • I remember breaking several fingers that night when some smartmouth cracked a bad joke about what the acronym NASA stood for. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Damnit Jim — I’m A Doctor, Not A Thespian
  • The Civets – the acronym forms the name of a small nocturnal mammal – follows on from another group of emerging nations known as the "Brics": Brazil, Russia, India and China. The Civets: a guide to the countries bearing the world's hopes for growth
  • As an accurate high-quality instantaneous measurement technology, particle image velocimetry (PIV in acronym) has applied widely in single-phase flow and multiphase flow.
  • They should be ‘words’ that can't be easily guessed, like acronyms referring to hymns, praise songs, or verses.
  • MILF might seek counsel from other acronymically-challenged efforts, like Seattle's South Lake Union Trolley (SLUT) or the Catholic League of Decency (CLOD). Keith Thomson: MILF's Problem with MILFs
  • (Boss Man, as a MOP I am lost in the acronyms, is there a glossary please?) on June 11, 2007 at 8: 06 pm | Reply Noddy Anarchy In The Uk « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Although I'm heartily sick of three letter acronyms, NBA sounds impressive.
  • Lemon was in Memorial Hermann Southwest Hospital for nine days before a doctor concluded he had POEMS Syndrome, an acronym for polyneuropathy, organomegaly, endocrinopathy, monoclonal gammopathy and skin changes syndrome. The Facts: News
  • Besides, both chose the names of their organizations with predetermined, homonymic acronyms in mind, and that immature practice is Teh Lame. Archive 2005-10-01
  • I've reduced this heavy string of words to its acronym because it has a pleasing Latin sound and neatly wraps the whole shebang in one small package.
  • For example, Whitehouse and others supposedly called their nascent group "Clean Up National TV" until her husband pointed out the unfortunate acronym - they then changed it to "Clean Up TV. Archive 2009-04-12
  • Too many companies hide their names behind dull acronyms or meaningless initials. Times, Sunday Times
  • Giving the acronym FWB a whole new meaning - food with benefits nutraceuticals Main RSS Feed
  • As a software developer, using acronyms is like breathing. » TMA: Too Many Acronyms
  • An acronym is a word group created in a similar way to an initialism but which is pronounced as a word.
  • The acronym DINK -- double income , no kids -- originated in the US in the 1960 s.
  • Los Alamos National Laboratory, for a six-month sabbatical, he used the occasion to review the work he and his various teams have done over the past 10 years or so - and bravely assessed the success or otherwise of the major various initiatives in which he has been involved - and MESUR (not for the acronymically faint-hearted).
  • In some cases the letters S-U-M-O are an acronym for something else altogether.
  • FLOTUS is the acronym for first lady of the United States. Obamas share private moment in public eye
  • Members of the National Association of Crisis Mongers, that's NACM for all of you acronym mongers (AMs) out there, were out in force again last week proclaiming the complete collapse of the U.S. financial system based on the inversion of the interest rate swap curve in the Home Page
  • At first reading, especially of something relatively new, the words do not immediately stand out as the plural forms of acronyms; is asbos connected with asbestos in some way? Those apostrophes
  • Jesse Andrews article's author tags: strong em b i p code pre tt output samp kbd var sub sup dfn cite big small address hr br div span h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 ul ol li dt dd abbr acronym a img blockquote del ins fieldset legend attributes: href src width height alt cite datetime title dir Undefined
  • Since it's coral and you don't have handy access to dead sea creatures, how about treating it like an acronym?
  • The term mountaintop removal (MTR) has become "the" acronym used to smear all types of surface mining. Undefined
  • Not another acronym to learn? Times, Sunday Times
  • The glossary is especially beneficial in the era of ever-increasing medical terms and acronyms.
  • Look on the label for "FOS," an acronym for this prebiotic's scientific name, fructooligosaccharide.
  • Is ESDC looking to drop its indistinctive acronym? How Pat Foye Spends His Days, Part Deux: Empire State Development Corp. Mulls Name-Change
  • Officials with the group, known by its French acronym MSF, declined to speculate on a motive for the attack.
  • After that date the researcher is forced to rely on APAIS, the acronym for Australian Public Affairs Information Service, published by the National Library from 1945, in annual cumulations since 1955, and in electronic form back to 1978.
  • I agree with the general consensus that the rider is the big parachute of drag, and that no matter how aero the forks or one piece seatpost/frame, the fact is that the air is hitting my big gut. so if the teardrop shaped unpadded and heavily acronym ed handlebars slice through the air like a razor through pink-undergarment-wearing man leghairs, it hits my big gut soon after. BSNYC Interview: Dave Koesel of Felt Bicycles
  • Clusterfubar," an acronym fubar stands for "fucked up beyond all recognition" used to characterize the current socio-political environment. The Full Feed from
  • Why use four syllables saying the actual phrase when you can take up five syllables with another acronym? Times, Sunday Times
  • Just be careful how you inflect the acronym of that organization. The Volokh Conspiracy » Harold Koh Statements on Drone Warfare at ASIL Tonight
  • My biggest beef, though, is with the erroneous use of apostrophes to pluralize acronyms and abbreviations like CEOs, GIs, and CDs. Arianna Huffington: Arianna's Grammar Pet Peeve: The Apostrophe Crisis
  • But the survey of 2,000 people found many do not know the meaning of common acronyms used in managing their money. The Sun
  • Strictly speaking, DVD is not an acronym but an initialism (though the distinction is not always made). Plurals of acronyms, abbreviations, initialisms and single letters
  • Strips is an acronym apparently coined by a bump-and-grind ecdysiast enthusiast at Treasury for “Separate Trading of Registered Interest and Principal of Securities.” The Right Word in the Right Place at the Right Time
  • Use of acronyms is complicated by the fact that many now have multiple meanings.
  • Also worth a mention is the acronymless ex who has finally succumbed to the lure of my friends-only posts and become the_beer_hunter. The One With The New Layout
  • A "benny", is derogatory name derived from an acronym of some of the places the tourists come from: Bayonne, Elizabeth, Newark and New York. BBC News - Home
  • Video Graphics Array (VGA): This acronym is short for the "Video Graphics Array" display mode. Undefined
  • We have a photo gallery, an index of every article published from 1956 to present, and a list of aviation terms, acronyms, initialisms and jargon.
  • Hi again this is a very useful list of telephony acronyms which i recommend you print out because if your a learner or novice phreaker they become very handy anyway so dont you forget it! Tricks of the Trade Issue #6 by Hype (Christmas Edition)
  • Too many companies hide their names behind dull acronyms or meaningless initials. Times, Sunday Times
  • As some of my regular readers know, I use the acronym 'EENS' for the Catholic Church's dogma Extra ecclesiam nulla salus, which is usually translated "Outside the Church there is no salvation. Mary and EENS
  • With all the confusion surrounding acronyms ending in 'aas' like Platform as a Service MSDN Blogs
  • Back in February, one of Margaret’s many doctors, a short, autocratic Jewish Iraqi émigré, had inserted a flexible plastic tube known as a PEG an acronym of the medical term percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy through her skin and into her stomach to drain everything she swallowed into a bag outside her body. A Happy Marriage
  • There seems little room for doubt: the acronym etymology is not valid. Posh
  • Alongside the current assessment revolution are equally radical curriculum initiatives associated with a whole alphabet soup of acronyms.
  • The acronyms represent some of the common file formats of digital music found on the Internet.
  • You no longer even need to know that secret web language of strange acronyms and miscellaneous ampersands that kept it all much more exclusive in the Good Old Days.
  • Those acronyms, some might say, are designed to add a hint of excitement to an otherwise mundane and dull industry.
  • ANFO seemed to be an acronym for ammonium nitrate and fuel oil. Underworld
  • People are far more likely to invest in stock with easily pronounced names and neat acronyms than with investments that tax our brain's language circuits. Times, Sunday Times
  • The bigger punch-line, however, is that the founders of the social media site that requires its users to write in abbreviated, acronymized snippets have launched their own wine label to raise money for — of all things — literacy. Literacy News – 48th Edition « News « Literacy News
  • On May 15, 1960, a cylindrical rod of synthetic ruby placed inside a spiral flashlamp by American physicist Theodore H. Maiman in his laboratory at Hughes Aircraft Company in California momentarily produced light 10 million times more powerful than sunlight: the first laser, an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. A nice blog review of Lost in Translation
  • Although I'm heartily sick of three letter acronyms, NBA sounds impressive.
  • The acronym stands for High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection, created by Intel to provide copy protection for digital content as it transmits from source to receiver across HD connections such as DVI and HDMI. stories
  • I am so jaded by the whole process that I assume that things will basically work exactly the same as before, with a load of new acronyms.
  • While a meeting of the BRICS may be convenient for coordinating short-term diplomatic tactics, the acronym lumps together disparate countries that have deep divisions. Another Overhyped Challenge to U.S. Power
  • Alongside the current assessment revolution are equally radical curriculum initiatives associated with a whole alphabet soup of acronyms.
  • The name CERN derived from the acronym in French for Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire, or European Council for Nuclear Research. The Shroud Codex
  • (Oklahoma City) A few days ago I was in an email exchange with some gay guys and the thread was about the spelling of our orientational moniker/acronym commonly used as a short hand to describe us in the media. How to Spell Equality? I before E except after C. L before G except Before B?
  • For example, one human gene, first described in 1992, is aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator, a mouthful that is hard to remember except by its acronym, ARNT.
  • Its name is an acronym of'As seen on screen '. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's a jungle of three letter acronyms and petroleum by-products.
  • Combining several cutting-edge genetic engineering techniques, Tonegawa's laboratory invented a method called doxycycline-inhibited circuit exocytosis-knockdown, or DICE-K-an acronym that also reflects Tonegawa's admiration of ace Boston Red Sox pitcher Daisuke Matsuzaka. Biosingularity
  • The moniker did not go over so well with residents, who bombarded local newspapers when news of the acronym trickled out. Neighborhood Newspeak
  • On October 7, 1974, Cleland took the gamble: he enrolled as “patient zero” for BVP, the acronym for a new regimen containing bleomycin, vinblastine, and cisplatin abbreviated P for “platinum”. The Emperor of All Maladies
  • As a nineteen year old those observations on lingo and computerese acronyms might have some relevance, for the majority of visitors to this site ... they do not. In New Letter, Clinton's Lawyers Demand ABC Yank Film
  • I think the term ECM still has a place in the acronym pantheon, but that place is an increasingly limited one. Intelligent Enterprise
  • People will instead use acronyms to convey short, curt, and informative message to one another.
  • Young antiapartheid activists claimed the acronym AIDS really meant “Afrikaner Invention to Deprive Us of Sex.” No Place Left to Bury the Dead
  • The issue is a mystery, wrapped in an enigma, shrouded in an acronym. Times, Sunday Times
  • The world of computing uses many acronyms. Computers Basic Facts
  • You have to get used to those acronyms. Times, Sunday Times
  • De Bono’s most useful exercise in lateral thinking is called PMI, an acronym for Plus, Minus, and Interesting.5 Participants are divided into small groups and are asked to evaluate what is good (plus), what is bad (minus), and what is interesting about an idea. Thinking in the Future Tense
  • Apart from being the acronym of 'International System Of TYpographicPicture Education, isotype is also Greek for' the same sign '. Efímera
  • In official language, this occurs through the use of technical terms - acronyms and jargon.
  • Now, the same bad guys are using text messages in a scheme called "smishing" - an acronym for short message services. - Local News
  • It turns out that, in April, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India acronymically TAPI signed a Gas Pipeline Framework Agreement to build a U.S.-backed $7.6 billion pipeline. ... Archive 2008-07-01
  • No, Fig is not another acronym. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nevertheless, I consider acronyms and initialisms can be a better choice than the long form names they represent.
  • If confidence is returning to the credit markets, the spread between the two numbers should begin to narrow as the banks 'rate - known by the acronym LIBOR - falls. IntelliBriefs

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