How To Use Acicula In A Sentence

  • Signs of volcanic activity are present more or less throughout its whole depth, and for some distance round its margin, in the form of steam cracks, jets of sulphurous vapour, blowing cones, accumulating deposits of acicular crystals of sulphur, etc., and the pit itself is constantly rent and shaken by earthquakes. The Hawaiian Archipelago
  • This basic habit varies from squat bladelike individuals to acicular stellate groups and individuals with a tabular cross section.
  • One I like to point to as an example is "acicular" which goes: OEDILF.
  • The banks of Aripo are not the only localities, nor is the _acicula_ the only mollusc, by which pearls are furnished. Sketches of the Natural History of Ceylon
  • Sukow suggested that the coloration may be due to aggregates of acicular crystals of copper minerals scattered or concentrated throughout the datolite nodule.
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  • The highlight of the 2006 trip in Virginia was the discovery of the European snail Cecilioides acicula. The day after Thanksgiving field trip, or what's up with the little yellow flags?
  • Dark green, acicular crystals of actinolite can be collected from this quarry, which is smaller and older than the Metronite quarry.
  • It occurs as bright blue, radiating sprays or spheres of acicular crystals.
  • Abdomen aciculate as in the worker, but much more deeply strangulated between the first and second segments; the petiole rugose and clavate. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • The Sherman mine has produced small, well-formed, pale blue, acicular aurichalcite crystals associated with cerussite, hemimorphite, smithsonite, rosasite, and barite.
  • Cecilioides acicula from Shenandoah County, Virginia, U.S.A. Cecilioides acicula
  • Groutite is observed as small, lustrous black, acicular crystals to 1/8 inch long that occur directly on the quartz or chalcedony.
  • Further collecting on the mine dump during fall 2002 produced additional cubic and octahedral cuprite microcrystals, along with beautiful sprays of tiny acicular malachite crystals.
  • As the temperature of its formation becomes higher the acicular nature becomes less accentuated, the needles increasing in size
  • Seven major grassland types have been identified, which consitute about 20% of the park's area: Themeda villosa forms a tall grass cover in clearings in the sal forest; Saccharum-Narenga associations grow as mixed and pure stands of tall grass (Saccharum spontaneum is one of the first species to colonize newly created sandbanks); Arundo-Phragmites associations form dense tall stands along stream beds on the floodplain and around lakes; Imperata cylindrica grows prolificallyin areas within the park which were occupied by villages prior to their evacuation in 1964; various short grasses and herbs grown on exposed sandbanks during the dry months and become much more prolific with the outset of rain in May (e.g. Polygonum plebeium, Persicaria spp. and sedges such as Cyperus, Kyllinga and Mariscus spp.); Cynodon dactylon and Chrysopogon aciculatus and other short grasses grow in highest areas near riverine forest all the year round; and low-lying stands of Saccharum spontaneum, which are destroyed by repeated flooding early in the monsoon. Royal Chitwan National Park, Nepal
  • It occurs as sky-blue acicular crystals associated with hydrozincite and hemimorphite at the Billy Springs mine near Mount Fitton, and at the Mount Malvern mine, Clarendon, South Australia.
  • Hyoscyamine crystallizes in the acicular form, with greater difficulty even than atropine, it also forms less compact crystals. Scientific American Supplement, No. 324, March 18, 1882
  • A few quartz specimens have included yellow to dull orange acicular crystals, identified by quantitative analysis as aegirine.
  • Acicular crystals and crystal aggregates of pyrolusite are found in vugs in the pegmatites of the district.
  • Other Bisbee occurrences include the Shattuck shaft where it occurred in fibrous crystals to 5 cm associated with dioptase and the Southwest mine where thick crusts of parallel acicular crystals to 90 cm across were found.
  • II I. fit, quod admoto proxime ad Oculum pinnacidio, in cuiusforamine ampiiori affurgit Caput acicula*, per illud profpecranti foramen versus Corpus niuftratum, Collum & Optica philosophia experimentis et ratione a fundamentis constituta, Nicolai ...
  • The esterase isozyme in leaf at acicula forming stage and the peroxidase isozyme in peanut leaf at pod producing stage was related to the formation of coarse protein and coarse fattiness of seed.
  • They have a porphyritic texture with prismatic plagioclase phenocrystals, small, aciculate plagioclase crystals and a partially devitrified, near-opaque matrix.
  • On the fourth level of this mine aurichalcite occurred abundantly as delicate sprays of acicular and lathlike crystals that ranged in color from pale blue to dark bluegreen perched on smithsonite, hemimorphite, and wulfenite.
  • One fissure was completely lined with exquisite, acicular crystals of sulphur, which perished with a touch. Unbeaten Tracks in Japan
  • The beryl inclusions occur as acicular to hairlike crystals of aquamarine, pale bluish-green in color and clearly hexagonal in cross section.
  • The largest amphibole crystals are embedded in the rock matrix, whereas the smaller acicular crystals line the hollows.
  • The results show that the microstructure of the alloys system is the compound of the acicular martensite and partial residual austenite. From the matrix, the composite carbides were precipitated.
  • It can readily be recognised by its acicular, needle-like leaves, and more particularly by its peculiarly shaped seed vessel, which resembles the pattern on an old-fashioned Indian shawl. Getting Gold: a practical treatise for prospectors, miners and students
  • It occurs as smooth compact clusters of dark blue-green acicular crystals, typically in association with hemimorphite and occasionally with conichalcite and agardite in all the mines.
  • They often have grown around pre-existing acicular goethite crystals in random orientation, clearly demonstrating the quartz to be of a later growth.
  • Bionic acicular nano hydroxyapatite(n HA) was used to make composites with medical grade polyamide (Poly hexamethylene adipamide) by solution blend.
  • The acicular crystals are sometimes intergrown or twinned, causing a distortion that results in seemingly single crystals with relatively fat bases tapering to pointed terminations.
  • Bionic acicular nano hydroxyapatite(n HA) was used to make composites with medical grade polyamide (Poly hexamethylene adipamide) by solution blend.
  • Small acicular rutile crystals are found in cavities in various quarries in the Carrara, Tuscany district, Italy.
  • An arboreous Gardenia, as at Mergui; Myrtacea, Vitex, Bauhinia of yesterday; Randia, Andropogon aciculare; some stunted bamboos were likewise observed. Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • Epididymite was known several years ago from a few small (millimeter-sized) crystals that occurred on some specimens and also as inclusions of white acicular crystals in smoky quartz.
  • In the Monte Calvario area, the fluoro-edenite mineralization process yielded mainly prismatic, evenly sized acicular crystals.
  • Some wire silver from the White Raven and Black Jack mines of the Ward district, Boulder County, were coated with acicular crystals of primary acanthite.
  • The majority of the zircon crystals from the three samples are light yellow, well-faceted, acicular crystals with few to no signs of mechanical abrasion.
  • Eckel reported the presence of acicular pyrite crystals.
  • Wollastonite or calcium metasilicate is a naturally occurring industrial mineral that has an acicular structure.
  • SNAIL'S TALES: Cecilioides acicula: a tiny invader from Europe skip to main Cecilioides acicula
  • Soon Birdie and myself were a mass of acicular crystals; it was a true easterly fog. A Lady's Life in the Rocky Mountains
  • The land snail Cecilioides acicula Family Ferussaciidae, a native of Europe, has been introduced to other parts of the world, including the U.S. Archive 2007-03-01
  • All of the acicular crystals are late Neoproterozoic
  • Groutite is observed as small, lustrous black, acicular crystals to 1/8 inch long that occur directly on the quartz or chalcedony.
  • Paris, Medallist in Chemistry and Botany, etc. Having found, in small quantities, alcohols of the C_ {n} H_ {2n-7} series, last summer, in the stem, acicular leaves, and cones of _Pinus sylvestris_, I wish in this paper to say a few words on the subject. Scientific American Supplement, No. 443, June 28, 1884
  • Those of the beryl we sometimes find quite flat, as though they had been compressed by force: then again they are acicular and of extraordinary length, considering their slender diameter. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 11, No. 27, June, 1873
  • It is possible to quench similar steels from 1050°C to form a low carbon martensite or with lower carbon content, acicular ferrite followed by tempering to give higher properties.
  • In the same manner I treated the acicular leaves, and portions of the stem separately, both being previously cut up into small pieces, and from both I obtained phenol. Scientific American Supplement, No. 443, June 28, 1884
  • Professors Babcock and Munroe, of Chicago, call the plants either the Hydrogastrum of Rabenhorst, or the Botrydium of the Micrographic Dictionary, the crystalline acicular bodies being deemed parasitic. Scientific American Supplement, No. 385, May 19, 1883

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