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  1. a needlelike part or structure of a plant or animal or crystal; as a spine or bristle or crystal

How To Use acicula In A Sentence

  • Signs of volcanic activity are present more or less throughout its whole depth, and for some distance round its margin, in the form of steam cracks, jets of sulphurous vapour, blowing cones, accumulating deposits of acicular crystals of sulphur, etc., and the pit itself is constantly rent and shaken by earthquakes. The Hawaiian Archipelago
  • This basic habit varies from squat bladelike individuals to acicular stellate groups and individuals with a tabular cross section.
  • One I like to point to as an example is "acicular" which goes: OEDILF.
  • The banks of Aripo are not the only localities, nor is the _acicula_ the only mollusc, by which pearls are furnished. Sketches of the Natural History of Ceylon
  • Sukow suggested that the coloration may be due to aggregates of acicular crystals of copper minerals scattered or concentrated throughout the datolite nodule.
  • The highlight of the 2006 trip in Virginia was the discovery of the European snail Cecilioides acicula. The day after Thanksgiving field trip, or what's up with the little yellow flags?
  • Dark green, acicular crystals of actinolite can be collected from this quarry, which is smaller and older than the Metronite quarry.
  • It occurs as bright blue, radiating sprays or spheres of acicular crystals.
  • Abdomen aciculate as in the worker, but much more deeply strangulated between the first and second segments; the petiole rugose and clavate. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • The Sherman mine has produced small, well-formed, pale blue, acicular aurichalcite crystals associated with cerussite, hemimorphite, smithsonite, rosasite, and barite.
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