How To Use Achaean In A Sentence

  • Then foreseeing the enemy would endeavor to steal scatteringly into the city in the dark, he posted strong parties of the Achaeans all along the watercourses and sloping ground near the walls. The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
  • There in the gate the children gather, hanging round their mothers 'necks, and weep their piteous lamentation, "O mother, woe is me! torn from thy sight Achaeans bear me away from thee to their dark ship to row me o'er the deep to sacred Salamis or to the hill' on the Isthmus, that o'erlooks two seas, the key to the gates of Pelops. The Trojan Women
  • B.C. 390 – 389.336 At a later date the Achaeans, being in possession of Calydon, a town from old times belonging to Hellenica
  • No precedent existed for such a government—not in contemporary Europe, where neither the Swiss, the Dutch, nor the Germans provided an appropriate model; nor in the Achaean and Lycian Leagues or the Amphictyonic Council of ancient times. Ratification
  • Take my advice, call the Achaean heroes in assembly to-morrow — lay your case before them, and call heaven to bear you witness. The Odyssey
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  • And his son, whom all the citizens of Ilium call Astyanax — ‘Lord of the City’ — will be a slave to the Achaean pigs, sold away from his slave-whore mother. Ilium
  • Ajax, the Achaeanvillain, feels more like a quasi-medieval feudal overlord from a fantasy novel than a brash Homeric warrior. 2008 December « paper fruit
  • Santa was quite kind to her this year, but it is obvious that he's pretty upset with the direction-challenged king of a small Achaean island because he's inflicted a devious kind of torture on me. Archive 2009-12-01
  • But when the sun was wending to the time of the loosing of cattle, then at last the Cicones drave in the Achaeans and overcame them, and six of my goodly-greaved company perished from each ship: but the remnant of us escaped death and destiny. Book IX
  • On the morrow call the Achaean lords to the assembly, and declare thy saying to all, and take the gods to witness. Book I
  • Asterius and Amphion, sons of Hyperasius, came from Achaean Pellene, which once Pelles their grandsire founded on the brows of Aegialus. The Argonautica
  • So in conclusion: a prolonged primary battle helps the eventually winner, because they take up more airtime, so long as the eventual loser doesn't go and sulk in his/her tent like Achilles who lost to Agamemnon in the crucial Achaean caucus. South Carolina GOP primary results – as it happened
  • Vaphio cups, found in a _tholos_ chamber-tomb near Amyclae, the men are "long-haired Achaeans," with heavy, pendent locks, like the man on a pyxis from Knossos, published by Mr. Evans; they are of another period than the close-cropped men of the vase and dagger. Homer and His Age
  • The Academia Mexicana de la Lengua maintains on its website the Diccionario breve de mexicanismos, containing Spanish definitions of words peculiar to Mexico, and the Diccionario geográfico universal, whose entries often give "local pronunciation" and the Spanish adjective derived from the place name e.g., Acaya 'Achaea' has the adjective aqueo 'Achaean,' which is logical but might not immediately occur to the inquiring mind; that for Acapulco is acapulqueño. MEXICAN AND GEOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARIES.
  • A flanking attack on Antigonus' troops from Spartan light infantry stationed in the Oenus valley was thwarted by an aggressive cavalry attack led by the Achaean general Philopoemen.
  • The other Achaeans sat where they were all silent and orderly to hear the king, and Agamemnon looked into the vault of heaven and prayed saying, “I call Jove the first and mightiest of all gods to witness, I call also Earth and Sun and the The Iliad of Homer
  • Fragment #52 -- Diodorus [1737] v. 81: Macareus was a son of Crinacus the son of Zeus as Hesiod says ... and dwelt in Olenus in the country then called Ionian, but now Achaean. Hesiod, the Homeric Hymns, and Homerica
  • Then wise Telemachus answered her, saying: ‘My mother, as for the bow, no Achaean is mightier than I to give or to deny it to whomso I will, neither as many as are lords in rocky Ithaca nor in the isles on the side of Elis, the pastureland of horses. Book XXI
  • Hamilton went through those confederations one by one, sparing his audience a discussion of other examples although they would, he said, prove that the principle was destructive “even as far back as the Lycian and Achaean leagues.” Ratification
  • It may be related to the word Achaean, meaning Greek. Special Report: Ekron Identity Confirmed
  • Take my advice, call the Achaean heroes in assembly to-morrow morning -- lay your case before them, and call heaven to bear you witness. The Odyssey
  • Nor did it help to know that the Achaean who will capture her — Pyrrhos, destined to become ancestor to the kings of the Eperiote tribe of the Molossians and to be given a hero’s tomb at Delphi — would rip Hector’s child, Scamandrius (called Astyanax, “Lord of the City,” by the residents of Ilium), from his nurse’s breast and will fling the child from the high walls to his bloody death. Ilium
  • Weeping, the well-greaved Achaeans turned-off with headlong speed to the shore of the much-resounding sea, since they were being massacred at the hands of the relentless man Telephus. CLASSICAL GOLDMINE.
  • After taking Gytheum Nabis returned with his army equipped for rapid marching, and hurrying past Lacedaemon he seized a position known as Pyrrhus 'Camp, which he felt quite certain that the Achaeans were making for. The History of Rome, Vol. V
  • Achaeans; "since timocracies were but modified democracies. Athens: Its Rise and Fall, Complete
  • If the Achaeans were, as in Mr. Ridgeway's theory, a northern people -- "Celts" -- who conquered with iron weapons a Pelasgian bronze-using Mycenaean people, it is not credible to me that Homer and His Age
  • My opinion, that thou mayst know it, is that it was not for the sake of the Achaeans or me that thou didst slay thy guest, but to keep that gold in thy own house. Hecuba
  • Achaeans Along with Argives and Danaans, one of the three main names used by Homer for the people we call Greeks. The Trojan War

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