

[ US /əˈtʃiən/ ]
  1. a member of one of four linguistic divisions of the prehistoric Greeks
  2. the ancient Greek inhabitants of Achaea
  1. of or relating to Achaea or its ancient Greek people

How To Use Achaean In A Sentence

  • Then foreseeing the enemy would endeavor to steal scatteringly into the city in the dark, he posted strong parties of the Achaeans all along the watercourses and sloping ground near the walls. The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
  • There in the gate the children gather, hanging round their mothers 'necks, and weep their piteous lamentation, "O mother, woe is me! torn from thy sight Achaeans bear me away from thee to their dark ship to row me o'er the deep to sacred Salamis or to the hill' on the Isthmus, that o'erlooks two seas, the key to the gates of Pelops. The Trojan Women
  • B.C. 390 – 389.336 At a later date the Achaeans, being in possession of Calydon, a town from old times belonging to Hellenica
  • No precedent existed for such a government—not in contemporary Europe, where neither the Swiss, the Dutch, nor the Germans provided an appropriate model; nor in the Achaean and Lycian Leagues or the Amphictyonic Council of ancient times. Ratification
  • Take my advice, call the Achaean heroes in assembly to-morrow — lay your case before them, and call heaven to bear you witness. The Odyssey
  • And his son, whom all the citizens of Ilium call Astyanax — ‘Lord of the City’ — will be a slave to the Achaean pigs, sold away from his slave-whore mother. Ilium
  • Ajax, the Achaeanvillain, feels more like a quasi-medieval feudal overlord from a fantasy novel than a brash Homeric warrior. 2008 December « paper fruit
  • Santa was quite kind to her this year, but it is obvious that he's pretty upset with the direction-challenged king of a small Achaean island because he's inflicted a devious kind of torture on me. Archive 2009-12-01
  • But when the sun was wending to the time of the loosing of cattle, then at last the Cicones drave in the Achaeans and overcame them, and six of my goodly-greaved company perished from each ship: but the remnant of us escaped death and destiny. Book IX
  • On the morrow call the Achaean lords to the assembly, and declare thy saying to all, and take the gods to witness. Book I
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