
How To Use Accursed In A Sentence

  • I. iii.21 (405,9) He shall live a man forbid] Mr. Theobald has very justly explained _forbid_ by _accursed_, but without giving any reason of his interpretation. Notes to Shakespeare, Volume III: The Tragedies
  • So he drave out to Miriam, who ran at him with the best of her skill and charged him with the goodliness of her cleverness and her courage and her cunning in fence and cavalarice, crying to him, “O accursed, O enemy of Allah and the Moslems, I will assuredly send thee after thy brothers and woeful is the abiding-place of the Miscreants!” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • I don't know if it works, or whether it is in an appropriate RSS version, but it was free, and didn't require me to do any work other than find my accursed BlogStreet password.
  • They're on a great overtime rate, they're being put up in decent hotels and have got a week away from the accursed paperwork.
  • But I had forgotten those accursed books of poetry.
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  • If we keep this mighty nation one and inseparable, we shall have answered it forever; if not, why then those who revile man as vile and irreclaimably degraded may raise their pæans of triumph; the black spectres of antique tyrants may clap their hands gleefully in the land of accursed shadows, and hell hold high carnival, for, verily, it would seem as if they had triumphed, and that hope were a lie. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 1, No. 2, February, 1862 Devoted To Literature And National Policy
  • The citadel is under the command of the baron of Auchinleck; he, with his brave followers, being the first to hail the burning of the accursed Barns of Ayr. The Scottish Chiefs
  • Unpadded, the butt jarred into my shoulder every time I pulled the trigger on the accursed gun, causing no small amount of pain.
  • To slightly rephrase Hal in his next play, Henry V, ‘And gentlefolk in New York now abed / Shall think themselves accursed they were not here.’
  • I am accursed, and any who sees my face shares that curse.
  • He saw, as he supposed, "the Okimow in peril of his life," and acted according to the dictates of his accursedly poor discretion. The Arctic Prairies : a Canoe-Journey of 2,000 Miles in Search of the Caribou; Being the Account of a Voyage to the Region North of Aylemer Lake
  • His line would be accursed to the last generation.
  • It's like that fairy tale where vipers and toads jump out of the mouth of the accursed mean little girl when she tries to speak.
  • Many thanks must go then to Thomas Edison for ruining the whole hibernation ideal with his accursed light-bulbs.
  • Had she but read Euphues, and forgotten that accursed mill and shieling-hill, it is my thought that her converse would be broidered with as many and as choice pearls of compliment, as that of the most rhetorical lady in the court of Feliciana. The Monastery
  • Not once, since you went to that accursedly out-of-the-way place, has a letter from you found me in the same mood and circumstances to which it was addressed, as being the mood and circumstances in which my own letter had left me, and of course it has been the same with my letters to you. Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
  • And we need something a little better than this accursed nonsense about the survival of the fittest. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • She plays Brenda, now a teacher who is stalked by an accursed videotape.
  • Born as a result of a curse, she lives an accursed, wasteful, unproductive life of pain and loneliness, and dies in loneliness and in intolerable agony.
  • Now the princess, of the excess of her grief for her separation from her husband and the Sultan her father and of her sore distress at that which had betided her with the accursed Maugrabin enchanter, used every day to arise, at the first peep of dawn, [586] and sit weeping; nay, she slept not anights and forswore meat and drink. Alaeddin and the Enchanted Lamp
  • It was that accursed black Obama that razeed me; made a poor begging lubber of me for ever and a day! ... Top Hillary Supporter Says She's Showing "Desperation"
  • Then they went home and played the accursed thing, and second-hand shops nationwide braced themselves for the deluge.
  • Heartbreak and violence follow the camp as part of a sad, accursed tradition.
  • The relations of hades to geenna, and also to paradeisos, are well put in this extract from a funeral sermon of Jeremny Taylor: "The word Aides signifies indefinitely the state of separation, whether blessed or accursed; it means only ` the invisible place, 'or the region of darkness, whither whoso descends shall be no more seen. Epistles to the Seven Churches in Asia.
  • Accursed be cruell destiny, that forced thee to so base a kind of life, and did not blesse thee with a fairer fortune. The Decameron
  • And these four knights aforesaid came to Canterbury on the Tuesday in Christmas week about Evensong time, and came to S. Thomas and said that the king commanded him to make amends for the wrongs that he had done, and also that he should assoil all them that he had accursed anon, or else they should slay him. 12/01/2003 - 01/01/2004
  • They are as stanch and resolved in their hatred of the domestic institution as when we abolished the accursed slave traffic; as when, at a vast sacrifice, both of money and of colonial prosperity, we struck the last fetter from the last English slave; as when the women of England, half a million strong, sent out a generous if not a wise remonstrance to the women of America. London: Saturday, January 17, 1863
  • Had she but read Euphues, and forgotten that accursed mill and shieling-hill, it is my thought that her converse would be broidered with as many and as choice pearls of compliment, as that of the most rhetorical lady in the court of Feliciana. The Monastery
  • The girls spin on; a kind of forewoman, Mary, upbraids Senta with idling and staring at the picture and dreaming away her life -- for the girl is quite open about her sympathy with the accursed seafaring man. Richard Wagner Composer of Operas
  • Then he took all the meat and drink I had given him and the rest of it and went out of my house; but the accursed carle gave it in charge of a porter to carry to his home but hid himself in one of the alleys. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • With the Dwarves' votes, Sauron hoped to win some of the Shire seats on the Grand Council, thereby negating any seats the accursed Men might win with Elf preferences elsewhere in Middle Earth
  • And we need something a little better than this accursed nonsense about the survival of the fittest. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • I betake myself to Allah for refuge from the accursed Satan. A Kettle of Vultures
  • I decided I would scrap the accursed shed - then realised I did not know how to dismantle it and, if I managed that, how to dispose of it.
  • There is also a hovel called a deadhouse, into which these bodies are conveyed till a grave has been dug in some "accursed place," by members of an "accursed" class. The Golden Chersonese and the Way Thither
  • While "the accursed female," as we sometimes call Jezebel, too sensible to stampede, quietly continued feeding. Letters to Helen Impressions of an Artist on the Western Front
  • The damned and accursed are convicted to the flames of hell.
  • Bringing forth all his strength, he cried, "Accursed and downfallen be the city of Imbros, accursed and downfallen in the name of Skotos, lord of darkness and master of the world! Bridge of the Separator
  • Unlike a regular record store, this accursed thing never closes.
  • Bonny, bairnly braws; it's for the like o 'them folk sells the peace of God that passeth understanding; it's for the like o' them, an 'maybe no even sae muckle worth, folk daunton God to His face and burn in muckle hell; and it's for that reason the Scripture ca's them, as I read the passage, the accursed thing. Merry Men
  • Too many were steeped in a sense of her sacredness, well he wot! and he was unable to find room in his apprehensive mind for any doubt that these others would be accursedly diligent. Seventeen
  • I like to watch films with a fresh eye so only read enough of the review to know things were looking bad before renting the accursed thing.
  • And we need something a little better than this accursed nonsense about the survival of the fittest. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • The accursed shark alone in any generic respect be said to bear comprarative analogy the dog.
  • They are "at ease," but as I am "sore displeased" with them, their ease is accursed. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • If there is one hellish, truly accursed thing in our time, it is our artistic dallying with forms, when instead we should become as victims burning at the stake, signaling each other through the flames. Selby Drummond: Artists Anonymous: The Irresistible Earnestness of the Bruce High Quality Foundation
  • Then you condemn me to live wretched and to die accursed?
  • In the second novella, we’re told that “the accursed income tax” in agrarian, collectivized America is one percent of all a family buys or sells during a month, paid at the end of each month with produce or manufactured goods. Discovering "The Moon Maid"
  • Thy brother is dead;" and quoth he in himself, "The accursed fellow cozeneth me, so he may get all the coin for himself, but I will presently do with him what shall soon requicken him. Arabian nights. English
  • Oh, from a man on the dromon who called here while I made ready your food, and told me a strange story that he had learned in England of a band sent by Salah-ed-din -- may his name be accursed! The Brethren
  • Bonny, bairnly braws; it's for the like o 'them folk sells the peace of God that passeth understanding; it's for the like o' them, an 'maybe no even sae muckle worth, folk daunton God to His face and burn in muckle hell; and it's for that reason the Scripture ca's them, as I read the passage, the accursed thing. Merry Men
  • In this way I hoped to pour oil on troubled waters and to trick the accursed loon, so haply I might get quit of him; but he said, Thou art cozening me and thou wouldst go alone to thy appointment and cast thyself into jeopardy, whence there will be no escape for thee. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The accursed mobile phone has done what I often wished it would, and disappeared.
  • The powerful Russian Church accursed him as the Anti-Christ, and the whole nation, led by the nobility and the church, believed it.
  • In one window, a distressed officer sits at a sturdy acacia desk, scrawling a final correspondence of some illiterate contadino killed weeks before on an accursed massif.
  • He is of the Great Old Ones… not the accursed Elder Gods!
  • And as Maram put it, he'd rather ride around the coastline of all Ea than go back into that accursed forest again. THE LIGHTSTONE: BOOK ONE, PART ONE OF THE EA CYCLE
  • So loveless, formal, and yet -- to him so real, so desperately, accursedly real! The Patrician
  • ‘In Africa,’ he writes, ‘it is synonymous with unhappiness, with being accursed.’
  • May their souls dwell in the downmost hall of perdition!" said Hamish, with his cheeks becoming a gray-white; "and every woman that ever came of the accursed race! Macleod of Dare
  • I had become the aggressor, if only I had known how to "aggress"; but in her presence I was seized by an accursed shyness that paralyzed my tongue, and the things I had planned to say were left unuttered. A Far Country — Complete
  • And as Maram put it, he'd rather ride around the coastline of all Ea than go back into that accursed forest again. THE LIGHTSTONE: BOOK ONE, PART ONE OF THE EA CYCLE
  • His mind was informed and illuminated: Jesus was not, as he had thought, accursed, but was the Lord.
  • It's like that fairy tale where vipers and toads jump out of the mouth of the accursed mean little girl when she tries to speak.
  • Bonny, bairnly braws; it's for the like o 'them folk sells the peace of God that passeth understanding; it's for the like o' them, an 'maybe no even sae muckle worth, folk daunton God to His face and burn in muckle hell; and it's for that reason the Scripture ca's them, as I read the passage, the accursed thing. Merry Men
  • The reason this thanks is in this separate post is because every time I add just one more sentence to the post below, I get the accursed long post error.
  • I take it, friend physicianer," he at length gravely replied, "that the chances of life and death, in your particular case, depend altogether on the will of Providence, as it may be pleased to manifest it, through the accursed windings of Indian cunning. The Prairie
  • The hurling goalkeeper is, indeed, an accursed species.
  • People rely so much on these accursed contraptions, they have become joined at the hip.
  • My complacency had vanished; suddenly I had become the aggressor, if only I had known how to "aggress"; but in her presence I was seized by an accursed shyness that paralyzed my tongue, and the things I had planned to say were left unuttered. Project Gutenberg Complete Works of Winston Churchill
  • Kipping asked in that accursedly mild voice -- I could not hear it without thinking of poor Bill The Mutineers
  • Not the branches of this accursed tree, but the trunk and the roots, must be exterminated from the land. Memorial Sermons
  • I had forgotten how old I was until the accursed Purves and Noakes popped up to remind me.
  • There is also a hovel called a deadhouse, into which these bodies are conveyed till a grave has been dug in some “accursed place,” by members of an The Golden Chersonese and the way thither
  • To call the damnable and accursed system of political intrigue practised for past centuries by the Roman Americanism Contrasted with Foreignism, Romanism, and Bogus Democracy in the Light of Reason, History, and Scripture; In which Certain Demagogues in Tennessee, and Elsewhere, are Shown Up in Their True Colors
  • She is the goddess of the accursed and the damned.
  • Woven into the cloth and fur are spun golden threads, the whole accursedly heavy piece of clothing made durable with the help of a little magic.
  • In accursed places; beheld, unblenched, the ribbon of light {1i} Ballads
  • Bloggers block, the accursed affliction affects the best of us.
  • For example, Kate lost her brother, so she was the only one in her accursed family left surviving.
  • This article is one of those accursed PDF files but if you have a high-speed connection it may be worth reading.
  • In the meantime, he had cast off his accursed plaything and leapt over the railings like a boxer over the paregoric ropes which would have garroted him had he not been both careful and proficient.
  • Lo! they are charged with studying the accursed cabalistical secrets of the Jews, and the magic of the Paynim Ivanhoe
  • But the monk, happy to find himself at last off that accursed roof, and out of all danger of breaking his neck, called foolishly to Casanova to throw him the rope so that he might take care of it. The Historical Nights' Entertainment First Series
  • And so to the accursed chicken house and run and the fifth day of construction.
  • She wants to know what is wrong with her father, who, in typical Castillian fashion, snaps at her that just because he cannot remember some accursed book does not mean he is sick.
  • My hope is that sufficient pressure will come about to halt the nefarious practices occurring in that accursed place.
  • First preached in a land accursed by caste and under spiritual and secular oppressions, it acknowledged no caste, but declared all men equally sinful and miserable, and all equally capable of being freed from sin and misery through Buddhahood, that is, knowledge or enlightenment. [ The Religions of Japan From the Dawn of History to the Era of Méiji
  • Then they went home and played the accursed thing, and second-hand shops nationwide braced themselves for the deluge.
  • But the last time we had car troubles was six years ago, almost to the day, when the transmission on my accursed Volkswagen Golf fell out on the Carmarthen by-pass.
  • Of all base passions, fear is the most accursed. William Shakespeare 
  • There may be powers that are not malignant travelling this accursed road.
  • I don't think parents would have trouble discerning if this accursed for-profit school is providing an education to create good citizens.
  • He must also save the last surviving member of an accursed royal family.
  • Oh, would that I were once more a Queen, if only for one little hour, and I would take such a vengeance on those accursed jackals who deserted me in my need; that it should only be spoken of in whispers; those woman, those pigeon-hearted half-breeds who suffered themselves to be overcome! 'and she choked in her wrath. Allan Quatermain
  • Just this week I spent a few hours shuttling between Amazon and their accursed recommendations and my library to see what was available to borrow.
  • Seemingly every time that I saw a shirt I liked, closer examination would reveal yet another pair of accursed short sleeves.
  • The range of subject matter is equally impressive, covering not just ghosts but all manner of paranormal apparitions: werewolves, vampires, accursed demons and the like.
  • The girls spin on; a kind of forewoman, Mary, upbraids Senta with idling and staring at the picture and dreaming away her life ” for the girl is quite open about her sympathy with the accursed seafaring man. Richard Wagner
  • And as Maram put it, he'd rather ride around the coastline of all Ea than go back into that accursed forest again. THE LIGHTSTONE: BOOK ONE, PART ONE OF THE EA CYCLE
  • She wrung her hands in pitiable uncertainty; then suddenly seized upon the thought that she was no longer acting in her own interest but in Raymon's; that she was going to him, not in search of happiness, but to make him happy, and that, even though she were to be accursed for all eternity, she would be sufficiently recompensed if she embellished her lover's life. Indiana
  • Those whom the Goddess rejected as unworthy died in the initiation, accursed and doomed.
  • But, there may have been the drawback on this magnanimous morality, that its exponents held a true witness before Justice to be the next unneighbourly and accursed character to a false one. Our Mutual Friend
  • In the meantime, he had cast off his accursed plaything and leapt over the railings like a boxer over the paregoric ropes which would have garroted him had he not been both careful and proficient.
  • After all that, I've got through Easter with all my fingers and thumbs (despite the gloomy accident surveys) and I reckon there are only a few decades to go before I finish this accursed job.
  • ‘You Scotland,’ wrote Perlin, ‘would have been put to the torch, your country spoilt and ruined by the English, the accursed of all Creation.’
  • I was no longer “a child of the devil”, “a maiden accursed”; but it was “my love, my soul, light of my eyes, my child”. The Adventures of Hajji Baba of Ispahan
  • I read in Swift at the beginning of one of the Gulliver chapters: Having been condemned by nature and fortune to an active and even more a restless life And in this accursedly active and even more accursedly restless life, you can imagine in what terrible loneliness I am living. The Great Escape
  • When he heard this language, he was wroth with exceeding wrath and said to her, O accursed woman, didst thou not tell me that my mother was murthered and that my father died by poison? The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Their article on Ireland is an interesting one but it is in that accursed PDF format so I have posted some extracts here.
  • The accursed book of the Recreation of Dice was a great while ago excogitated in Achaia, near Bourre, by that ancient enemy of mankind, the infernal calumniator, who, before the statue or massive image of the Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • Instead the Dems proposed an already-insufficient package, made pre-emptive concessions in the accursed name of Broderism, made MORE concessions when it actually came to the House, and then let the center and right run rampage all over it in the Senate. Matthew Yglesias » Pep Talk
  • May their souls dwell in the downmost hall of perdition!" said Hamish, with his cheeks becoming a gray white; "and every woman that ever came of the accursed race! Library of the World's Best Literature, Ancient and Modern — Volume 5
  • With the help of an uncultured druid, he must destroy an accursed object in order to avert disaster and save his own life.
  • Now that night the abbess had with her a priest whom she used not seldom to have conveyed to her in a chest; and the report of the sisters making her apprehensive lest for excess of zeal and hurry they should force the door open, she rose in a trice; and huddling on her clothes as best she might in the dark, instead of the veil that they wear, which they call the psalter, she caught up the priest's breeches, and having clapped them on her head, hied her forth, and locked the door behind her, saying: -- "Where is this woman accursed of God? The Decameron, Volume II
  • And we need something a little better than this accursed nonsense about the survival of the fittest. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • Indeed the folk, generation after generation, shall tell of thy derring do against the accursed Luka, the falsifier of the Evangel; 396 of thy catching the throng spear in mid-flight, and how the enemy of Allah among men thou didst smite; and thy fame shall endure until the end of time. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Robinson told Doyle the tale about an accursed hound howling on Dartmoor and they went there to investigate.
  • REASONS and to systematically rob them of their honest labor because they were too accursedly lazy to labor themselves. Black and White Land, Labor, and Politics in the South

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