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  1. orthodoxy of a scholastic variety

How To Use academicism In A Sentence

  • In these ways he created and perpetuated a counter discourse to the Shaftesburyian "civic humanism" or academicism, of which so much has been made of late by art historians. Lenin's Paintings
  • It was about this time that Sarris suggested that the director's style had ‘degenerated into an all-embracing academicism, a veritable glossary of film techniques.’
  • The intellectual fiasco of the Sovietology “left,” who camouflaged their ideology with the robes of academicism, should not be forgotten. Apparently, the MSM coverup of Climategate has worked
  • He believed that the worn-out academicism of the day could be revitalized by direct contact with peasant life and with the genuine folk art of the people.
  • At any rate, the string writing is jaw-droppingly expert, particularly startling in one so young, the independence of parts preternaturally clear, without a trace of academicism.
  • Her sculptures are characterized by full, rounded shapes, possibly echoing the French sculptor Aristide Maillol (1861 – 1944), to whose work she turned with a sensitivity far from academicism. Antonietta Rapha��l.
  • The political corollary to rationalism was democracy in politics and academicism in art; both were undermined by the ‘antirationalism’ of the Futurist program.
  • The intellectual fiasco of the Sovietology “left,” who camouflaged their ideology with the robes of academicism, should not be forgotten. Apparently, the MSM coverup of Climategate has worked
  • In other words, while retaining the basic format of a scholarly paper he does not argue against academicism in a purely academic fashion. POETRY AND CULTURAL STUDIES: A READER, Eds. MARIA DAMON & IRA LIVINGSTON
  • He kept the school a bastion of Germanic academicism while the musical mainstream went elsewhere.
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