
How To Use Academician In A Sentence

  • During dessert, just as the Academician was singing the praises of a native delicacy, 'la forestine', my uncle, who had been revolving a few drops of some notable growth of Medoc in his glass for the last minute or two, stopped suddenly, and put down his glass on the table. The French Immortals Series — Complete
  • I think that an MRV perspective on academic leftism is to say that notwithstanding the mission of academicians to seek truth, politically they have no more motivation to be rational than anyone else. Of Markets and Ideas, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The primary reason for this transition is that scholars and academicians in medical schools consider the data important and possibly valid.
  • Membership of the academy confers instant celebrity status, with academicians appearing on television chat shows and in popular magazines.
  • Some are employed by the businesses themselves, while others are academicians who receive research contracts from private companies, much as they do grants from government agencies.
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  • The documents speak of the appalling state the Academy of Sciences was in after Razumovsky - ramshackle buildings, destitute academicians who, not unlike their counterparts today, went unpaid for years.
  • For instance, in 1676 the academicians of Aries undertook the reconstruction of a Roman obelisk excavated nearby under the supervision of the academy.
  • Academician Cao Xuetao, Specialty Committee of Biotherapy of Tumor -the Second Army Medical College, Topic: The Present Condition and Developing Tendency in Immunotherapy Tumor.
  • While academicians and sitting district judges were the adjudicators for the semi-finals, three sitting judges of the High Court were roped in for the final.
  • Then in 1841 he was promoted to an ordinary academician at the Academy.
  • He entered the RA Schools in 1789, had a drawing exhibited at the academy in 1790, and was elected a full academician in 1802.
  • He is an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences and a member of the Presidential Council on Sciences and Education, and has enormous influence on the selection and training of all Russian space travelers.
  • Although he has been elected mayor twice in succession since 1995, Xu is an academician at the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and is still a professor and tutor for doctoral students of the university.
  • ‘The journal will be circulated among academicians, researchers and others associated with the tourism sector,’ says G. Chandramohan, Director of KITTS.
  • Norman also differed from the French of Paris later to evolve—and to be prodded, reassembled, and rationalized by French academicians—into Modern French. The English Is Coming!
  • Beaumont was one of Constable's most important patrons, and the Royal Academician's enthusiasm for Michelangelo must have played a part in the bequest: Constable's sketches of the tondo survive in the Academy's collection.
  • Speaking to a broad and unsophisticated audience, he did not satisfy the scruples of some academicians, who found that he oversimplified complex problems.
  • In my administrator/academician role, I coordinate the medical student clerkships and psychiatry resident inpatient and outpatient public sector rotations for the university.
  • Career advancement is, of course, no less a motive for academicians than for other professionals (including journalists).
  • Scholars and academicians offer several remedies: from smaller class sizes, to better teacher training, to strategic funding initiatives.
  • Our professor is an academician of the Science Academy.
  • Only the Academicians believed that certain things were probable, more probable than others, and they are the founders of probabilism, which is nothing more than conviction accompanied with modesty. Initiation into Philosophy
  • Topgyal, a Tibetan academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, was very excited at the news about the successful launch of the manned Shenzhou V spaceship that made China the third country in the world to send a man into space.
  • Academician Gao Xiaoxia was born in Xiaoshan, Zhejiang Province.
  • The academicians arrived at the governor's residence and found him in his dressing gown.
  • Dr Usha Mohandas, academician and professor, head of pedodontics and preventive dentistry department at VS Daily News & Analysis
  • To lend weight to this, he adds the interpretation of a social scientist and an academician.
  • He had very clear brown eyes in a round face with small, neat features and an academician 's professorial fringe of thinning hair. DESTROY THE KENTUCKY
  • The visit of the governor of the province galvanized the Soissons academicians into identifying their intellectual interests more carefully and in a more public venue.
  • In 1901 Lyapunov was elected to the Russian Academy of Sciences in St Petersburg and in the following year became an academician in applied mathematics of the Academy.
  • The academicians thus transformed their intellectual studies into civic action and promoted their vision of the value of scholarship and language to the larger community.
  • A survey of 257 academicians of Chinese Academy of Science and Chinese Academy of Engineering shows that they think highly of the impact of mass media but think poorly of its credibility.
  • The book seems to be directed at academicians, researchers, musicians and conductors who would be performing a particular Beethoven work and seeking to understand the expressive elements in greater detail.
  • The degree may additionally bring together the spectral ends of the continuum of professional life: the academician researcher and the clinician.
  • Academician of China Photographer Association, Cochairman of Dalian Photographers Association.
  • In their anger towards the city councilmen, the academicians decided it was at least better that the writing had been done by an academician - even one of the Academie Francaise.
  • This debate became public and the academicians engaged in a lively exchange of opinions with members of ‘La petite academie’ in Paris.
  • It would be useful to people such as academicians, researchers and investors, or anyone wanting to find information on disinvestment of PSUs in India.
  • So little obvious, indeed, was the Newtonian scheme, that most of the contemporary generation of philosophers, -- some of them, such as Fontenelle and his brother academicians of France, men of no mean standing, -- died rejecting it. The Testimony of the Rocks or, Geology in Its Bearings on the Two Theologies, Natural and Revealed
  • I have no doubt some of my fellow academicians are dreading the rise of these kinds of influences.
  • Some of them walked alone, briskly, in a great hurry; others demonstrated a skilful tardiness, stopping to talk politely to a journalist, and to give him notes of the day's meeting, or continuing, with a 'confrere' who was not an Academician, the conversation begun in the room of the 'pas-perdus'; it was the Bourse of consultations that was just closed. The French Immortals Series — Complete
  • He had very clear brown eyes in a round face with small, neat features and an academician 's professorial fringe of thinning hair. DESTROY THE KENTUCKY
  • The Fife sculptor and Royal Academician itemises his latest creations for our benefit.
  • He was a frequent exhibitor at the National Academy of Design in New York City, to which he was elected an associate member in 1851 and an academician in 1854.
  • As George Menasseri, noted academician who wrote the preface to the book, points out, it is a break from the tradition in that the authors did not depend much on the works of foreign writers.
  • Many academicians believe the accounting education model, which embraces both teaching and research dimensions, is outdated with little relevance to the changes taking place in the wider world.
  • The relationship between the provincial academician and his civic community was vital to the success of the format of the academies.
  • Thirty of the Academy's nobly titled 'Academicians' will show a large selection of work for their annual Christmas exhibition.
  • As a result of its academy-free status, English took a very different path from French, which, at least in France, has for nearly four hundred years been a language harnessed to some extent by the determinations of its academicians. The English Is Coming!
  • The tyrrany of language academicians is a constant thorn in the side of those who wish to communicate. Writing With Culture – The Insidious Pull of Pop Language « Lorelle on WordPress
  • First come the works of art produced by the academicians since the Academy was founded in 1752.
  • The remedy to the causes which the present day societies face is not a short term or may not go away by these series or some shows or some movies but it is a process that should be enjoined by the city managers, academicians, corporations, churches or moral sciences institutions and together they should devote their best and channelize these abundant energies that we have in our teens and youths. Walk in My Shoes: Why teens fight
  • None of the parties involved in educational research is apolitical - not tribal communities, tribal governments, federal education agencies, or academicians.
  • Thick with vital information, the publication serves as an educational resource for academicians, extension workers, health fair presenters, and church and community group workers.
  • Hambling, the portraitist and sculptor, will join James Lloyd, a former winner of the BP Portrait award, painter Emrys Williams and Royal Academician Chris Orr, along with the writers Pullman and Willy Russell, in a sale of original images, all donated to promote the cause of drawing. Artists' self-portraits to raise money for drawing campaign
  • The third volume was written by a team of Russian military academicians led by Colonel Professor Valentin Runov, with contributions from officers who had served during the war.
  • The work of the academicians of Soissons took place in private homes of members in the early years of its existence and there were few occasions at this point for the Academy to be seen publicly as a distinct corps of the city.
  • But its relevance and application are important for teachers, researchers, writers, scholars, and academicians.
  • Those who write about sex and sexuality from an ecclesial perspective are usually intellectuals, academicians and professors who approach the subject so abstractly in convoluted, scholastic language; a prime example of this would be John Paul II himself in his Wednesday talks on the Theology of the Body. David L. Schindler criticizes Christopher West's work with TOTB
  • At other times, academicians or scholarly researchers have debated it in publications.
  • We are looking forward to publishing what promises to be an excellent series from this dedicated group of family physicians, teachers, and academicians.
  • Norman also differed from the French of Paris later to evolve—and to be prodded, reassembled, and rationalized by French academicians—into Modern French. The English Is Coming!
  • Academician of China Engineering Academy , Researcher, PhD Tutor, national expert with outstanding contribution soil engineering expert.
  • Associate; in the following year he arrived at the full honours of academicianship. Art in England Notes and Studies
  • Most heroes, being only mortal, in reality have clay feet and thus are subject to debunking and the type of revisionist history that our modern professors and academicians so dearly love.
  • Doctors, accountants, academicians, engineers and business persons based in South Africa apart from using the association to create oneness, should aim at exposing Zambia positively in that country.
  • Associate; in the following year he obtained the full honours of academicianship. A Book of the Play Studies and Illustrations of Histrionic Story, Life, and Character
  • On July 29, 1769, Huet was accepted as an academician at the Academie royale de Peinture et de Sculpture.
  • Well I would have to refer to the academicians too. Hollywood Foto-Rhetoric
  • "“What I have said and written would be enough for hundreds of dissertations, and to become an academician of the Academy of Sciences twice," said the blusterous leader.
  • Already, many of these newly established private universities have been able to provide salaries and working conditions that have attracted a large number of expatriate scholars and even foreign academicians.
  • Note: Prof. SHI Yafeng, is the senior academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, the pioneer of Chinese glaciology and the famous research professor of the glaciology.
  • Academicians, remarks in vol.ii. p. 182, that looking to the length of the cavity or interior of the sarcophagus in the King's Chamber, that it could not hold within it a cartonage or mummy case, enclosing a man of the ordinary height. Archaeological Essays, Vol. 1
  • Workers often called the academicians, "Genosse Herr Doktor. My Life
  • His was by no means the only example of academicians' pettiness.
  • Priroda (Nature), No. 1 pp. Dvadtsat 'dva otcheta akademika P.L. Kapitsy ( "Twenty-three Reports of Academician P.L. Kapitza") edited by P.E. Rubinin Return of the Native
  • Academician Yang Fuqing was born in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province in 1932.
  • Microsoft makes its source code accessible to a variety of customers, partners, researchers, governments and academicians through the Shared Source Initiative.
  • It's the sort of city where a burglar, a banker, a taxi-driver, an academician, a modiste, and a pushcart vendor might all fetch up together in a corner banquette at the end of the night.
  • And although fellow academicians might assume that the value of research speaks for itself, making a memorable case often depends on timing and personal connections.
  • The greatest academies seek the greatest academicians.
  • The article quoted Ouyang Ziyuan, an academician with the Chinese Academy of Sciences who is in charge of China's lunar exploration program.
  • Our professor is an academician of the Science Academy.
  • In 1823 he became professor and academician at Munich.

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