

[ US /ˌækədəˈmɪʃən/ ]
[ UK /ˌækədɪmˈɪʃən/ ]
  1. a scholar who is skilled in academic disputation
  2. someone elected to honorary membership in an academy
  3. an educator who works at a college or university

How To Use academician In A Sentence

  • During dessert, just as the Academician was singing the praises of a native delicacy, 'la forestine', my uncle, who had been revolving a few drops of some notable growth of Medoc in his glass for the last minute or two, stopped suddenly, and put down his glass on the table. The French Immortals Series — Complete
  • I think that an MRV perspective on academic leftism is to say that notwithstanding the mission of academicians to seek truth, politically they have no more motivation to be rational than anyone else. Of Markets and Ideas, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The primary reason for this transition is that scholars and academicians in medical schools consider the data important and possibly valid.
  • Membership of the academy confers instant celebrity status, with academicians appearing on television chat shows and in popular magazines.
  • Some are employed by the businesses themselves, while others are academicians who receive research contracts from private companies, much as they do grants from government agencies.
  • The documents speak of the appalling state the Academy of Sciences was in after Razumovsky - ramshackle buildings, destitute academicians who, not unlike their counterparts today, went unpaid for years.
  • For instance, in 1676 the academicians of Aries undertook the reconstruction of a Roman obelisk excavated nearby under the supervision of the academy.
  • Academician Cao Xuetao, Specialty Committee of Biotherapy of Tumor -the Second Army Medical College, Topic: The Present Condition and Developing Tendency in Immunotherapy Tumor.
  • While academicians and sitting district judges were the adjudicators for the semi-finals, three sitting judges of the High Court were roped in for the final.
  • Then in 1841 he was promoted to an ordinary academician at the Academy.
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