How To Use Academic freedom In A Sentence

  • Nor does the book offer a fresh and robust defence of academic freedom. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The reports of our Committee A on Academic Freedom and Tenure sometimes make for riveting reading.
  • They asked for academic freedom.
  • Under his leadership the school was a place of academic freedom and tolerance.
  • Claiming there were no curbs on academic freedom, the minister said the violations reported by the rights group were no more than ‘individual incidents’.
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  • Is academic freedom the same in public schools and in colleges?
  • On Wednesday, at a convocation honoring the four professors who have received tenure this year, Provost Dan Hornbach spoke eloquently about the importance of tenure for the preservation of academic freedom.
  • You travel the world praising the discreet charm of an ancient university and extolling the virtues of academic freedom.
  • Near facilitates the rapid transfer of information about attacks on academics and academic freedom on a global basis.
  • As long as such funding is given without conditions it is the best way of ensuring the continuation of academic freedom and the existence of the university in any meaningful sense.
  • The issue centers around academic freedom.
  • And even if a professor's speech is not precisely within the topic of the class, my organization, the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, has long argued that academic freedom doesn't mean very much if it fails to provide some breathing room around the "germaneness" requirement. Greg Lukianoff: UC Santa Barbara Investigates Professor for Anti-Israel E-Mail
  • Tuition fees have risen dramatically, there is little oversight or cost control in the system (compared to a typical corporation), many professors are reluctant teachers, and in a model that celebrates anarchy (aka academic freedom), the concept of customer-centricity is largely foreign (exceptions include University of Phoenix, and it's peers). Elemental learning
  • The principles of academic freedom do not apply to extramural conduct.
  • The decision to recall the journal and suppress this article is about as far from the principle of academic freedom as you can get, and I hope that the censorious little fascists responsible suffer for it.
  • Moreover, academic freedom is an Enlightenment chimera and autonomy is a secular principle, not a Christian virtue.
  • This has absolutely nothing to do with academic freedom, but with legal advocacy (by a glorified trade school) despite the fact that many in the academy are prone to conflate vita contemplativa with vita activa. The Volokh Conspiracy » Legal Clinics Under Siege
  • However, historically the highest status universities have resisted community service on ideological grounds; it threatened academic freedom.
  • While his main theme is academic freedom, he is able to locate this central educational value at the intersection of several interlocking forces: privatization, casualization, corporatization, and globalization. Bob Samuels: Will Tenure Survive? On Cary Nelson's No University Is an Island
  • The issue centers round academic freedom.
  • Academic freedom is not to be completely free to decide what subjects to teach, or even what material to cover, but free to write and express new ideas.
  • When I read, ‘academic freedom,’ I hear a very loud cluck.
  • This has absolutely nothing to do with academic freedom, but with legal advocacy by a glorified trade school despite the fact that many in the academy are prone to conflate vita contemplativa with vita activa. The Volokh Conspiracy » Legal Clinics Under Siege
  • This is entirely in keeping with the theoretical debate over academic freedom which we find in the literature.
  • The secret police were determined to stamp out the last flickers of academic freedom.
  • On the other hand, some judges do not believe that academic freedom applies to public schools.
  • This is entirely in keeping with the theoretical debate over academic freedom which we find in the literature.
  • This is entirely in keeping with the theoretical debate over academic freedom which we find in the literature.
  • The issue centers around academic freedom.
  • But their antiintellectual jeremiads, not the professors they vilify, are the real threat to academic freedom today.
  • Near facilitates the rapid transfer of information about attacks on academics and academic freedom on a global basis.
  • Near facilitates the rapid transfer of information about attacks on academics and academic freedom on a global basis.
  • Nor does the book offer a fresh and robust defence of academic freedom. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Nor does the book offer a fresh and robust defence of academic freedom. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Now, the latter three are clearly matters of academic freedom, given the way in which academic freedom is commonly understood.
  • The issue centers around academic freedom.
  • Near facilitates the rapid transfer of information about attacks on academics and academic freedom on a global basis.
  • Without academic freedom, we cannot do any research.
  • The issue centers round academic freedom.
  • Where I think Horowitz goes wrong is in pinning the problem to academic freedom. Horowitz and Academic Freedom
  • Nor does the book offer a fresh and robust defence of academic freedom. The Times Literary Supplement
  • While York College itself has not taken a stance on the issue, the biologists have academic freedom to speak out, he said.
  • The legislation has raised concerns about academic freedom, parental rights and government authority.
  • Academic freedom rests on a solid base of peer review and as such is the responsibility of the entire profession.
  • It is a declaration of academic freedom by American professors at the end of the twentieth century.
  • Far from flying in the face of English academic freedom, maybe the latest haters are simply reverting to type.
  • In fact, the board's support for a spring academic freedom conference has been shaky, making the organising quite precarious.
  • He says that if he wins, all money from punitive damages and any award for breach of academic freedom will go into a trust fund for academic freedom.
  • The office staff provided comment on the issue of academic freedom and grading in connection with that dispute.
  • TALLAHASSEE (FBW) - Florida legislators got a taste of Hollywood March 12 as actor-comedian Ben Stein brought his controversial film "Expelled" to Tallahassee to help lobby in favor of legislation to allow academic freedom when evolution is taught in Florida public schools. Undefined
  • Confined within proper bounds, such measures need not pose a threat to civil liberties in general or to academic freedom in particular.
  • The issue centers around academic freedom.
  • And it makes obvious sense to say that autonomous institutions are not necessarily homes of academic freedom.
  • These issues and their connotations for academic freedom and campus sustainability are complex and convoluted.
  • From my impartial position, I understand why Christians are offended by Dawkins, but I don't see anything he does as impinging academic freedom or being uncivil. Bradley Monton's Paper criticizing Dover Decision
  • However, historically the highest status universities have resisted community service on ideological grounds; it threatened academic freedom.
  • Many apprehensions about academic freedom have been expressed, but we are moving towards a solution of that problem.
  • The issue centers round academic freedom.
  • The serious charge that academic freedom was violated on his campus has yet to be addressed.
  • Now, the latter three are clearly matters of academic freedom, given the way in which academic freedom is commonly understood.
  • Thus, the real protection for the tenured professor, so far as dismissal is concerned, depends far more upon the procedures available to him, than upon any sub - stantive definition of the term academic freedom. ACADEMIC FREEDOM
  • Parducci felt her dismissal violated her right to academic freedom.
  • His success in rebutting the accusation was, he believes, pivotal in helping the regents and the rest of the university community understand the importance of academic freedom.
  • But if, and I see this as a big if that is yet unestablished, Gonzales was denied tenure **because** of his pro-ID views, **and he was otherwise qualified for tenure** then that is a violation of the principles of academic freedom. Iowa State University responds - The Panda's Thumb
  • Near facilitates the rapid transfer of information about attacks on academics and academic freedom on a global basis.
  • Univesity autonomy, as one of the senior education system, derived from academic freedom, can be looked on as institutional safeguard to academic freedom.
  • Academic freedom and tenure may be at risk as our institutions determine how to manage with reduced funding.
  • Academic freedom should be more highly valued and more actively fostered.
  • And it makes obvious sense to say that autonomous institutions are not necessarily homes of academic freedom.
  • Academic freedom" only protects a professor's speech that is "germane" to the class 'subject. Greg Lukianoff: UC Santa Barbara Investigates Professor for Anti-Israel E-Mail
  • Academic freedom has to be freedom of spirit and it is not political with passive negativity.
  • We do so out of the conviction that scholars of the world are a community and that harm to the academic freedom of some in that community injures the entire community.
  • Sadly, that same document has now come to be used as a creedal statement demanding adherence by Baptist scholars and denying academic freedom.
  • It wasn't one of those thinly-documented screeds; it was written by college educators horrified by PC speech codes, assaults on campus newspapers, and academic freedom.
  • One is Mary's uniquely sensitive appreciation of the myriad ways in which the case for academic freedom may be advanced.
  • All, however, recognized that it was an affront to academic freedom and a violation of faculty autonomy.
  • The investigating committee considers this growing emphasis on successful grantsmanship as a criterion for retention to be an ominous development, a threat to principles of academic freedom and tenure.
  • Now, the latter three are clearly matters of academic freedom, given the way in which academic freedom is commonly understood.
  • The issue centers round academic freedom.
  • Also remaining to be achieved is the readoption by the college of policies on academic freedom, tenure, and due process that are in essential conformity with Association-supported standards.
  • Faculty and higher education groups have charged that the measure, if passed, would violate the principles of academic freedom.
  • Without academic freedom, we cannot do any research.
  • And it makes obvious sense to say that autonomous institutions are not necessarily homes of academic freedom.
  • The secret police were determined to stamp out the last flickers of academic freedom.
  • According to the way of thinking promoted by Horowitz and the Students for Academic Freedom, however, my forbearing critique would hardly have been enough to absolve the stain of the readings.
  • Fellman won widespread acclaim as an authority in constitutional law and a champion of academic freedom.
  • The present regime is not very tolerant of academic freedom.
  • The AAUP has consistently held that academic freedom can be maintained only so long as faculty remain autonomous and self-governing.
  • In fact, it’s one professor exercising his academic freedom in harshly criticizing the Senator. The Volokh Conspiracy » Institutions and Individuals:
  • The Supreme Court, to the extent it has constitutionalized a right of academic freedom at all, appears to have recognized only an institutional right of self-governance in academic affairs.
  • I don't think that's anything to do with a specific right of academic freedom which is the right to pursue your academic location without being trammelled by our particular academic fashions.
  • The serious charge that academic freedom was violated on his campus has yet to be addressed.
  • BALLOU: Well, I have to tell you, initially Doug Garrison gave me support under the label academic freedom. CNN Transcript Jul 11, 2003
  • There is a strong association between the principles of autonomy and academic freedom and the idea of a university.
  • It conflicts with most conceptions of academic freedom articulated by professors.
  • This is entirely in keeping with the theoretical debate over academic freedom which we find in the literature.

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