How To Use Abraham lincoln In A Sentence

  • General Alfred Terry traveled due west from Fort Abraham Lincoln in Dakota Territory with a force that included Custer and his Seventh Cavalry troopers.
  • You have to do your own growing no matter how tall your grandfather was. Abraham Lincoln 
  • I will prepare and someday my chance will come. Abraham Lincoln 
  • The best way to destroy an enemy is to make him a friend. Abraham Lincoln 
  • Before it was the home of the famous emancipationist, newspaper publisher, Minister to Russia, friend to Abraham Lincoln, founder of the Republican Party — it was the home of a Revolutionary War hero, and the home of many slaves. Driving directions
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  • To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men. Abraham Lincoln 
  • Tea Party Express lost favor with many activists when its outspoken chairman, talk-radio host Mark Williams, wrote a "satirical" letter from the "colored people" of America to Abraham Lincoln, in which he extolled slavery. November elections will be big test of tea party's staying power
  • Thanksgiving was proclaimed a national holiday by President Abraham Lincoln in 1863.
  • How many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg? Four. Calling a tail a leg doesn't make it a leg. Abraham Lincoln 
  • Simon and Schuster sin in the second city six degrees of abraham lincoln stephanie kuehnert sucks to be me suzanne slade sylvan dell teaching authors terry spencer hesser trigger city Cubs Heaven?
  • Abraham Lincoln's campaign capitalized on the image of the log cabin and the backwoods railsplitter.
  • Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing. Abraham Lincoln 
  • I’m enjoying reading Carl Sandburg’s biography on Abraham Lincoln — it’s great writing, it’s informative, and I feel good after reading a chapter or two.
  • Whether you follow this rule as one of the success tips from Abraham Lincoln or one of the mafia tips from Al Capone, doing so will only leverage your credibility in the public's eye.
  • When Confederates attacked Fort Sumter on April 12, 1861, President Abraham Lincoln responded by immediately quintupling the size of the U.S. Army, calling for 75,000 volunteers to put down the rebellion.
  • After Abraham Lincoln's election, however, momentum shifted toward disunion in Mobile as it did throughout the Deep South.
  • Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new after all. Abraham Lincoln 
  • The greatest fine art of the future will be the making of a comfortable living from a small piece of land. Abraham Lincoln 
  • To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men. Abraham Lincoln 
  • She came across the fact that Abraham Lincoln had, in 1862, ordered the mass execution of thirty-eight Sioux.
  • Sixty years before the Russian revolution, Abraham Lincoln credited a photographer with assisting in his electoral victory by retouching a portrait to shorten his neck and make him appear more youthful.
  • President Abraham Lincoln saw it as a way to unite the country, and he in 1863 he proclaimed a national Thanksgiving celebration on the last Thursday in November.
  • The coffin will be placed on a catafalque of rough pine boards, nailed together and covered with black cloth, which was first used for Abraham Lincoln's funeral.
  • This donnybrook marked the end of an unbroken series of six Republican presidential victories that reached back to Abraham Lincoln's first win in 1860.
  • United States President Abraham Lincoln from childhood have an inferiority complex, he is overcome by self- deprecating self-esteem, develop their own self-confidence.
  • The museum has the inkwell Abraham Lincoln used to write the Emancipation Proclamation. Smithsonian dispatches curator to collect from Wisconsin debates
  • The unity of the United States was effected under the Presidency of Abraham Lincoln, who introduced the transcontinental railway system.
  • Abraham Lincoln called on his people to fight for freedom for all — Negroes and Whites.
  • It is said that Abraham Lincoln in a dream saw people mourning around his body, a few days before he was shot dead.
  • Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12 th, 1809.
  • I don't know who my grandfather was; I am much more concerned to know what his grandson will be. Abraham Lincoln 
  • The Abraham Lincoln checked its speed and made for the animal signalled, a simple whale, or common cachalot, which soon disappeared amidst a storm of abuse. Twenty-Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
  • Later that day, Bush delivered a nationally televised speech from the deck of the Abraham Lincoln in which he declared that "[m] ajor combat operations in Iraq have ended," all the while standing under a banner reading: "Mission Accomplished. Mission Accomplished, May 1, Three Years On
  • A lifelike Abraham Lincoln offered wisdom for the ages and carbonless encapsulated paper worked like magic. Can the Shanghai Expo compete with world's fairs of the past?
  • It is safe to assert that no government proper ever had a provision in its organic law for its own termination. ABRAHAM LINCOLN 
  • Abraham Lincoln was born in a cabin.
  • I don't know who my grandfather was; I am much more concerned to know what his grandson will be. Abraham Lincoln 
  • That recklessness is becoming more apparent every day, as the economy worsens, the deficits soar, and more and more Americans die in a war that the President stated was officially over as he strutted like a popinjay up and down the deck of the U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln. Balkinization
  • Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Jackson both used mercury as part of their medical regimen, and early in the twentieth century, it was given to children as a dewormer; it was also sometimes used in infants 'teething powders. Kate Kelly: The Politics of Mercury and Your Teeth
  • Through the Civil War, Sumner and Wilson strongly supported the military, and pushed President Abraham Lincoln to emancipate and enfranchise the slaves.
  • What was Abraham Lincoln's answer to Southerners who voted democratically to secede?
  • But actually winning the war – as opposed to taking deft stances toward it – will require the same level of stick-to-itiveness and willingness to sustain high degrees of unpopularity that Bush displayed when he doubled-down on his bets in Iraq, and that President Abraham Lincoln displayed during the Civil War. Be Like Bush
  • Abraham Lincoln was called a poltroon, a hypocrite, because he was deliberate, painstaking and cautious about issuing the Emancipation Proclamation. Life of Charles T. Walker, D.D., ("The Black Spurgeon.") Pastor Mt. Olivet Baptist Church, New York City
  • You have to do your own growing no matter how tall your grandfather was. Abraham Lincoln 
  • A few people here have basically told a convoluted version of the “but what if the fetus was a potential Beethoven or cancer curer or Abraham Lincoln, as indirectly implied in some of the above cases?” argument. The argument that changed me from pro-life to pro-choice
  • In the 1860 presidential election Lovejoy campaigned vigorously for Abraham Lincoln.
  • ”—The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, new and enl. ed., ed. John G. Nicolay and John Hay, vol. 2, p. 190, footnote (1905). Abraham Lincoln (1809-65)
  • All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel Mother. Abraham Lincoln 
  • It is safe to assert that no government proper ever had a provision in its organic law for its own termination. ABRAHAM LINCOLN 
  • We hope all danger may be overcome; but to conclude that no danger may ever arise would itself be extremely dangerous. Abraham Lincoln 
  • It is safe to assert that no government proper ever had a provision in its organic law for its own termination. ABRAHAM LINCOLN 
  • Determine that the thing can and shall be done and then... find the way. Abraham Lincoln 
  • To paraphrase Abraham Lincoln, we must disenthrall ourselves, and then we will save our church.
  • To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men. Abraham Lincoln 
  • Later that day, Bush delivered a nationally televised speech from the deck of the Abraham Lincoln in which he declared that '[m] ajor combat operations in Iraq have ended,' all the while standing under a banner reading: 'Mission Accomplished.' Peter Daou: Time to Revisit a Media Low Point (and to Heed the Implicit Warning)
  • But thank God, across the seas was England's Noble Queen and Her Royal Consort, (Applause) who modified the somewhat unconciliatory and harsh tone of the message; and a man on this side of the ocean whose fame has been growing year by year throughout the world, Abraham Lincoln. The Tie That Binds
  • Abraham Lincoln's dream is to unite all the Americans.
  • He has landed a ‘sit-down job, with benefits’ in an arcade, posing as Abraham Lincoln - whiteface and all - for patrons who pay to shoot blanks at him.
  • One of the best parts of this painting is a ghostly erection poking out of a vagina dentata, which is ejaculating a spermy ghost of Abraham Lincoln. BEAUTIFUL/DECAY MAGAZINE
  • Meeting in Chicago, delegates named Abraham Lincoln as their presidential nominee.
  • The Second Republic, which began with Abraham Lincoln, ended with the well-meaning but reviled and ineffectual Herbert Hoover. Welcome to the Fourth Republic
  • Jody Bottum, now editor of First Things, put into words what more than a few of us were thinking: "Now we know what Abraham Lincoln would have looked like in full pontificals. The Very Model Of Lucidity
  • Formerly a valued annual feature in the Journal of the Abraham Lincoln Association, ‘Lincolniana’ now migrates and settles here, where we hope it will reappear annually hereafter.
  • I can make a General in five minutes but a good horse is hard to replace. Abraham Lincoln 
  • Her title-page identifies her as ‘formerly a slave, but more recently modiste, and friend to Mrs. Abraham Lincoln,’ thus indicating a certain progression - from chattel, to employee, to friend.
  • The unity of the United States was effected under the Presidency of Abraham Lincoln, who introduced the transcontinental railway system.
  • Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt. Abraham Lincoln 
  • Among its offerings in seething racial hatred is a “Wanted” poster of Abraham Lincoln. Think Progress » Quote Of The Day:
  • Abraham Lincoln" stepped from the gray Toyota minivan outside the Baltimore train station Wednesday, grabbed his carpetbag and leather valise and put on his stovepipe hat. Abraham Lincoln rides to Washington, 150 years later
  • Abraham Lincoln" stepped from the gray Toyota minivan outside the Baltimore train station Wednesday, grabbed his carpetbag and leather valise and put on his stovepipe hat. Abraham Lincoln rides to Washington, 150 years later
  • She also wore white to the inauguration of President Abraham Lincoln.
  • The trouble with quotes on the internet is that you never know if they are genuine. Abraham Lincoln 
  • I have always found that mercy bears richer fruits than strict justice. Abraham Lincoln 
  • It's said that Chicago Bears founder George Halas pinched pennies so tightly that his thumbprint looked like the profile of Abraham Lincoln.
  • That some achieve great success, is proof to all that others can achieve it as well. Abraham Lincoln 
  • From the emancipator (Abraham Lincoln) to the liberator (Dr. King), we recognize our advancement, but as this Pew study so distinctly highlights, we have much work that remains before us. Rev. Al Sharpton: Greatest Racial Wealth Gap in Decades; Time for Immediate Action
  • Achievement has no color. Abraham Lincoln 
  • He has a right to criticize, who has a heart to help. Abraham Lincoln 
  • President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed the last Thursday of November to be Thanksgiving Day.
  • I will prepare and someday my chance will come. Abraham Lincoln 
  • I have always found that mercy bears richer fruits than strict justice. Abraham Lincoln 
  • During the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln hired, then cashiered, Generals Scott, McClellan, Burnside, Hooker and Meade before settling on Grant.
  • ’”—Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, new and enl. ed., ed. John G. Nicolay and John Hay, vol. 6, p. 110 (1905). Abraham Lincoln (1809-65)
  • When our Heaven-favored nation was assaulted, and eight millions of her subjects, armed from her own armories, rose in hellish purpose to slay her, and unknown thousands through all our midst stood ready to her burial, Abraham Lincoln was called to her defence. A Discourse Delivered on the Occasion of the Funeral Obsequies of President Lincoln
  • Well, then, what in the name of Abraham Lincoln are you coots waiting for?
  • No man is good enough to govern another man without that other's consent. Abraham Lincoln 
  • Reading from right to left as the codex is supposed to be read the following panel depicts George Washington and Abraham Lincoln printing erotic images in the green shade of US currency. Leanne Goebel: Colorado Councilman May Want to Explore Why Art "Turned Him On?"
  • He changed from an Abraham Lincoln supporter to a Greenbacker; in succession he was a Granger, a Union Labor man, and a Single Taxer. THE AMERICAN WEST
  • An Abraham Lincoln biot, who had been resting immobile against the wall at the end of the kitchen counter, activated and approached Nicole. The Garden of Rama
  • Commitment is what transforms a promise into reality. Abraham Lincoln 
  • ”—Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, new and enl. ed., ed. John G. Nicolay and John Hay, vol. 9, p. 44, footnote (1905). Abraham Lincoln (1809-65)
  • It gave the Jews, and especially their intellectuals, scope to theologize anew, and to think about old issues anew (as Abraham Lincoln, America's greatest theologian of the nineteenth century, demanded).
  • Commitment is what transforms a promise into reality. Abraham Lincoln 
  • Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt. Abraham Lincoln 
  • Abraham Lincoln would have found all of their current attitudes, statements, and hypocracy to be agains everything in which he believed. GOP head demands apology for slavery remark
  • I walk slowly, but I never walk backward. Abraham Lincoln 
  • Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing. Abraham Lincoln 
  • Before the 1890s, the United States had no music this catchy: all the popular tunes Abraham Lincoln knew consisted of marches, jigs, and waltzes.
  • The Herons, extended family of Abraham Lincoln, helped administrate the Oklahoma rush. Bear Circuit
  • In a speech in 1906, Norton Parker Chipman recalled that his friend Abraham Lincoln was ‘firm as the granite hills,’ yet capable of great patience and forbearance.
  • Most buyers have been delighted by the awkward charms of the animal cutouts nailed to his spinning whirligigs, figures of the red and black devils, crude portraits of Elvis Presley and President Abraham Lincoln.
  • To paraphrase Abraham Lincoln, we must disenthrall ourselves, and then we will save our church.
  • Abraham Lincoln campaigned for the abolition of slavery, he succeeded.
  • Abraham Lincoln, as a hired hand on a flatboat in 1831, ran aground on a trip down the Mississippi River.
  • Rauch could have written a sober-minded column about governing as a sordid compromise, a column about Max Weber and Thomas Mann, about the decision to drop the nuclear bomb, about philosopher-kings, about the art of the possible, about Abraham Lincoln and Vaclav Havel. The Volokh Conspiracy » Jonathan Rauch on David Frum on the Conservative Movement
  • No man is good enough to govern another man without that other's consent. Abraham Lincoln 
  • Abraham Lincoln High School student Richard King "striked" the right balance between skill and luck when he bowled a perfect game at Shell Lanes during a match with a neighboring school. NY Post: News
  • The trouble with quotes on the internet is that you never know if they are genuine. Abraham Lincoln 
  • It is safe to assert that no government proper ever had a provision in its organic law for its own termination. ABRAHAM LINCOLN 
  • ’”—Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, new and enl. ed., ed. John G. Nicolay and John Hay, vol. 3, pp. 1–2, footnote 1 (1905). Abraham Lincoln (1809-65)
  • It used to be that voters voted directly for presidential electors, whose names would appear on the ballots, as Donald described for Abraham Lincoln.
  • Stand with anybody that stands right, stand with him while he is right and part with him when he goes wrong. Abraham Lincoln 
  • With the catching ends the pleasure of the chase. Abraham Lincoln 
  • We hope all danger may be overcome; but to conclude that no danger may ever arise would itself be extremely dangerous. Abraham Lincoln 
  • Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809 in a log cabin near Hodgenville, Kentucky.
  • —Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, new and enl. ed., ed. John G. Nicolay and John Hay, vol. 3, p. 66 (1905). Stephen Arnold Douglas (1813-61)
  • Abraham Lincoln grew his whiskers in the months between his election and inauguration, making full beards ubiquitous during the Civil War that dominated his presidency.
  • That is why President Abraham Lincoln named Grant commander of all Union armies. Lincoln depended on him to end the Civil War.
  • But this story begins with the most famous assassination in history. Abraham Lincoln's killer John Wilkes Booth kept a diary.
  • When he returned North, following an exchange of prisoners, he was given a series of ovations and testimonials and had dinner with Abraham Lincoln, with whom he became friendly.
  • representative government as defined by Abraham Lincoln is government of the people, by the people, for the people
  • How many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg? Four. Calling a tail a leg doesn't make it a leg. Abraham Lincoln 
  • That some achieve great success, is proof to all that others can achieve it as well. Abraham Lincoln 
  • Generals Grant and Sherman kept President Abraham Lincoln and his Secretary of State busy watching the victory parade, while General Sheridan ran his troops up and down the border in maneuvers designed to look as though they were about to invade Mexico. Cinco de Mayo: What is everybody celebrating?
  • As Andrew Jackson is the typical democrat of the former region, so Abraham Lincoln is the very embodiment of the pioneer period of the Old Northwest. The Frontier in American History
  • Slavery was "an unqualified evil to the negro, the white man, and the State, " said Abraham Lincoln in the 1850s.
  • Americans celebrate George Washington's birthday, along with Abraham Lincoln's, on "'s Day.
  • I would rather be a little nobody, then to be a evil somebody. Abraham Lincoln 
  • VIEW FAVORITES yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Pro-democracy group calls for international aid'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = '"If Abraham Lincoln famously defined \'democracy\' as \'government of, by and for the people, \ '"the statement reads," American democracy was always government OVER everyone, BY a small wealthy class, and (with an occasional exception) FOR these same few. OpEdNews - Quicklink: Pro-democracy group calls for international aid
  • Republican Abraham Lincoln's legacy is that of a Union perfecter.
  • And Abraham Lincoln would still be viewed as a tribune of the people regardless of whether he helped the Jeffersons perform.
  • He became a prominent supporter of Abraham Lincoln, was made a general in the Civil War, and later became a US senator.
  • Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new after all. Abraham Lincoln 
  • And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years. Abraham Lincoln 
  • The Gettysburg Address, a historic address delivered by Abraham Lincoln.
  • REDLANDS - This year marks both the bicentennial of Abraham Lincoln's birth and 70 years of a parade in Redlands honoring his memory. Undefined
  • The coffin will be placed on a catafalque of rough pine boards, nailed together and covered with black cloth, which was first used for Abraham Lincoln's funeral.
  • This quick millennial tour ends with more of a whimper than a bang, with Abraham Lincoln and John Paul II being chosen to represent the last two centuries.
  • We hope all danger may be overcome; but to conclude that no danger may ever arise would itself be extremely dangerous. Abraham Lincoln 

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