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How To Use Abortionist In A Sentence

  • If the anti-abortionist can show that the foetus is a person, then ‘you mustn't kill people’ becomes a good reason not to allow abortion - although it's also, on the face of it, a good reason not to allow capital punishment.
  • You left out the bush whackers, rump rangers, fifth column traitors, child pornographers, baby rapers, brain addled dope smoking malcontents, serial abortionists, incorrigible violent criminals and drug pushers as well as the Clintons that make up the Filthy Left wing of the Liberal Losers. Think Progress » Rumsfeld on Iran Today = Rumsfeld on Iraq in 2002
  • O'Reilly went on to say, "clear-thinking Americans should condemn the murder of late-term abortionist Tiller, because what he did was legal. CNN Transcript Jun 2, 2009
  • As their total opposition to abortion has made little popular impact, the anti-abortionists are instead focusing on restricting women's access to abortion.
  • And not just pregnant - she even tracks down a back-alley abortionist (played with lip-smacking subtlety by singer Macy Gray) who nearly kills her. Marshall Fine: HuffPost Review: For Colored Girls
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  • A woman might well conceal her condition for four or five months and procure an abortion, at the actual climax of which the abortionist might be prudently absent.
  • For example, anti-abortionists have argued that since it is good to show a dead fetus on TV, it must be right that all women requesting abortion see images of fetuses - preferably their own.
  • This is supposed to reassure critics that certain groups, like anti-abortionists, will not grab control of hospitals.
  • BIG BLUE WAVE: Bizarre twist in the Bill 34 controversy in Quebec: late-term abortionist AUTHOR of restrictive guidelines skip to main Bizarre twist in the Bill 34 controversy in Quebec: late-term abortionist AUTHOR of restrictive guidelines
  • But many of these activists - despite having been hard at work painting the Democratic Party as a harborer of "abortionists" and Barack Obama as a supporter of "infanticide" - seem to be giving the John McCain campaign and the GOP a free pass. Chris Korzen: John McCain: Just How Pro-Life?
  • The professional abortionist was a last resort.
  • Lawyers on opposing sides - representing either stringent anti-abortionists or abortion doctors - have been given until today to reach a compromise.
  • This is supposed to reassure critics that certain groups, like anti-abortionists, will not grab control of hospitals.
  • Ingraham on Sebelius "lowballing" donations from abortionist George Tiller Catholic Fire
  • As usual, the obstructionist GOP puts PARTY first, America and Americans last - taking yet another opportunity to put their "pro-life" anti-abortionist demands out there as blackmail: Abortion once again roils health care debate
  • Carhart says he takes pride in the term abortionist - Local News
  • With no access to legal, safe abortion, they resort to the army of backstreet abortionists.
  • Now before the hippies get excited about all this empowerment and coming together, let's not forget that, say, neo-nazis and anti-abortionists form tribes too.
  • The drama, which focuses on a backstreet abortionist, was crowned British film of the year, while its star, Imelda Staunton, took the best actress accolade.
  • The email condemned President Obama for inviting to the White House a woman who volunteered in George Tiller's clinic as "yet another connection between Obama and late-term abortionist George Tiller. Eric Sapp: Was Tiller's Murder Justice?
  • A 1923 French law increased penalties for abortion to imprisonment for abortionists and their clients.
  • Many anti-abortionists claim that late-term abortion is unadulterated murder because the fetus could survive outside of the womb.
  • Now before the hippies get excited about all this empowerment and coming together, let's not forget that, say, neo-nazis and anti-abortionists form tribes too.
  • In my latest academic upload here I look at the claim by anti-abortionists that they are ‘pro-life’ and find it to be an overgeneralization.
  • The professional abortionist was a last resort.
  • But there isn't much that's more hypocritical than anti-abortionists murdering, and it disgusts me that in their moral universe and mine, some points overlap.
  • The anti-abortion holy rollers should be reminded that their deity is the greatest single abortionist in history, having “caused” countless miscarriages through the millenia, all for some “divine purpose.” Think Progress » McCain Denies That He Is ‘Running Away From The Maverick Title’: ‘I Prefer Great American Myself’
  • The desire by anti-abortionists to make abortion illegal is an unending dispute.
  • That policy, she says, is fueled by anti-abortionists, who use a range of strategies to argue that fetuses are people with the full and complete statutory protections afforded to citizens.
  • Note that there as absolutely nothing stopping you or your antiabortionist counterpart from requiring your partner to agree as a precondition to having sex to support any child that might issue. Do they really believe that abortion is murder?
  • When I was growing up, it was Eric Rudolph, the antiabortionist who set that bomb off at the Atlanta Olympics. AMERICAN SUBVERSIVE
  • Yet how many anti-abortionists advocate contraception to prevent a pregnancy rather than having an abortion?
  • To be honest there will be more women looking for backstreet abortionist, were they could bleed out or sterile. Wonk Room » Is Denying Women Abortions The Price Of Bipartisanship?
  • In fact, the feelings of the mother, the circumstances surrounding the pregnancy, mean nothing to anti-abortionists.
  • Unable to scrape together the money for a safe, legal abortion, she turned to an illegal abortionist.
  • Instances are the case of a young and inexperienced woman who has reluctantly submitted to the operation at the hands of a person who is known as a practised abortionist, or where the operation has been done by violence and against the will of the subject. Report of the Committee of Inquiry into the Various Aspects of the Problem of Abortion in New Zealand
  • For both the abortion rights movement and anti-abortionists, members of Congress could prove amenable to restricting access to abortion.
  • Unable to scrape together the money for a safe, legal abortion, she turned to an illegal abortionist.
  • Any time the poor-choicers denounce us for our terrorism, just call them on their vulturism: their inflated, overheated and deceptive rhetoric designed to manipulate the public, and which profits from the shooting of an abortionist. Poor-choicers engage in vulturism
  • After Miers took herself out of consideration he proposed Alioto, not quite the Hollywood handsome, “parfit knight” like Roberts, but a committed antiabortionist who STILL upheld the law and refuse to rewrite it. Think Progress » CNN’s Wolf Blitzer Calls Out Lynne Cheney For ‘Sniping At My Patriotism’
  • All three are abortionists who specialize in late abortions.
  • In an interview, a doctor said that while he offered safe, if secret, abortions, many abortionists did not.
  • Separately, Xinhua reported that three American antiabortionist activists staged a sit-in and shouted slogans outside China's National Museum, near Tiananmen, Wednesday afternoon. Torch Arrives in Beijing
  • Yet how many anti-abortionists advocate contraception to prevent a pregnancy rather than having an abortion?
  • I mean, they're talking about her relationship in the past with this late-term abortionist, a self-proclaimed late-term abortionist, George Tiller. CNN Transcript Mar 2, 2009
  • These are the instantly ossifying narratives in the Sunday shooting death of Kansas late-term abortionist George Tiller versus the Monday shootings of two Arkansas military recruiters. Thank You Prisident Obama
  • It is this lack of knowledge that makes pregnant young girls turn to illegal abortionists.
  • I think I may have a non-punitive story could an anti-abortionist who adopts a rape exception. Punishment
  • The one thing that rankles me is, seeing all these anti-abortionists rallying, how can they judge who should be allowed abortions and who should not, surely this is the choice of the girl or/and their partners, and solely their choice.
  • For the first time, we are going to watch a child being torn apart, dismembered, disarticulated, crushed and destroyed by the unfeeling steel instruments of the abortionist. Bernard Nathanson, abortion doctor who became anti-abortion advocate, dies at 84
  • And it would say that these are the darkest days yet because, in recent times, the beleaguered Griffin has left much of the heavy lifting within the party – the fundraising, admin etc – to his very good friend, the virulent anti-abortionist and Orange lodger Jim Dowson. Diary
  • Think Phil Kline, past AG of Kansas, who obtained 90 client records from abortion provider Dr. Tiller -- the doctor who was later gunned down and killed in his church by an anti-abortionist -- before charging Dr. Tiller with 30 misdemeanor counts. Christine Bronstein: What Every Woman Needs to Know About the Office of State Attorney General
  • I want the extreme anti abortionist to understand the woes and difficulties.
  • Developments in this area have come to the fore in the arguments of those who have a ‘problem’ with abortion - and what is striking is that often such people are not anti-abortionists in the traditional sense.
  • As any pro-lifer who's been on the net today knows,late-term abortionist George Tiller was acquitted of 19 charges in reference to his relationship to Ann Neuhaus. It's not over yet for George Tiller
  • In my latest academic upload here I look at the claim by anti-abortionists that they are ‘pro-life’ and find it to be an overgeneralization.
  • The one thing that rankles me is, seeing all these anti-abortionists rallying, how can they judge who should be allowed abortions and who should not, surely this is the choice of the girl or/and their partners, and solely their choice.
  • Anti-abortionists have launched a vigorous campaign to reinforce the constitutional ban on abortion.
  • The Monitor's editor told me that there are four groups in America that a journalist should be careful not to annoy: the right-to-lifers, the pro-abortionists, the pro-Israeli lobby and the National Rifle Association.
  • Anti-abortionists have launched a vigorous campaign to reinforce the constitutional ban on abortion.
  • Developments in this area have come to the fore in the arguments of those who have a ‘problem’ with abortion - and what is striking is that often such people are not anti-abortionists in the traditional sense.
  • What I find interesting is this "tea baggers" want less government in their lives, less taxes etc etc., but when that anti-abortionist was killed yesterday, a "REPUBLICAN" was screaming for a federal investigation, when the state police hadn't even started their's, is there something wrong with this picture .... Tea Party Express rallies against 'big government'
  • Finally, in the film the threat of violence is palpable - not crafted by the filmmakers, but implied in the speech, the demeanor, and the body language of certain anti-abortionist protesters. Stewart Nusbaumer: In The Abortion Trenches: 12th & Delaware
  • No government has ever made abortion a capital crime or executed either a pregnant woman or an abortionist for murder.
  • Bizarre twist in the Bill 34 controversy in Quebec: late-term abortionist AUTHOR of restrictive guidelines Bizarre twist in the Bill 34 controversy in Quebec: late-term abortionist AUTHOR of restrictive guidelines
  • Thousands of anti-abortionists rallied outside the high court in Washington on Monday in their annual rally calling for the overturning of a woman's right to choose.
  • But there isn't much that's more hypocritical than anti-abortionists murdering, and it disgusts me that in their moral universe and mine, some points overlap.
  • No government has ever made abortion a capital crime or executed either a pregnant woman or an abortionist for murder.
  • When one reads the total gestalt of the antiabortionist movement in America, it is clear to see that the average 'pro lifer' is not pro-life at all, certainly not pro-quality life. Rev. Chuck Freeman: Planned Parenthood Funding: A Religion of Control versus A Religion of Life
  • When Al Gore ran, the former antiabortionist who sold out to be president, I voted for Bush. Think Progress » CNN’s Wolf Blitzer Calls Out Lynne Cheney For ‘Sniping At My Patriotism’
  • She is forced by her parents to have an abortion, then meets a family of anti-abortionists during her odyssey.
  • Many anti-abortionists claim that late-term abortion is unadulterated murder because the fetus could survive outside of the womb.
  • But having said that, it's also implicit in the film that backstreet abortionists cannot be a good thing.
  • Anti-abortionists are gloating over the court's decision.
  • Thousands of anti-abortionists rallied outside the high court in Washington on Monday in their annual rally calling for the overturning of a woman's right to choose.
  • For both the abortion rights movement and anti-abortionists, members of Congress could prove amenable to restricting access to abortion.
  • In fact, the feelings of the mother, the circumstances surrounding the pregnancy, mean nothing to anti-abortionists.
  • The desire by anti-abortionists to make abortion illegal is an unending dispute.
  • Anti-abortionists have launched a vigorous campaign to reinforce the constitutional ban on abortion.
  • According to anti-abortionists, pregnancy is sacred and mustn't be tampered with, but many of their opponents have overlooked the wedge that this drives between a mother and her fetus.
  • In 1803 the law changed and abortion became a criminal offence from the time of conception with penalties of up to life imprisonment for both the pregnant woman and the abortionist.
  • She had fought against the Hyde amendment of '76, which cut off Medicaid funding for abortions, and had cried when the antiabortionist C. The Killing Kind
  • As their total opposition to abortion has made little popular impact, the anti-abortionists are instead focusing on restricting women's access to abortion.
  • Dr. Kristin Neuhaus is an ex-abortionist, not because she came to her senses but because she'd gotten in so much trouble with the Kansas Medical Board that even that crew of inDUHviduals decided it wasn't safe to let her near a uterus with a canula in her hand. Ex-abortionist can make damaging revelations
  • Many women continued to procure abortions despite the risks, and juries often refused to convict abortionists, indicating continued public acceptance of the practice.
  • Anti-abortionists have launched a vigorous campaign to reinforce the constitutional ban on abortion.
  • Specter (a real old and confused man) and Sebelius (friend of the late term abortionist in Kansas) looked like deer caught in the headlights. Specter Supports Single-Payer, Sort of, At Teabaggered Town Hall With Sebelius
  • In other words, at the same time the anti-abortionist killers were afoot, (remember them?), we were using the concept of freedom as a public relations cudgel over other nations. Textbook Takedown
  • If the anti-abortionist can show that the foetus is a person, then ‘you mustn't kill people’ becomes a good reason not to allow abortion - although it's also, on the face of it, a good reason not to allow capital punishment.
  • Last night, Hannity's new Sunday night program aired for the first time, and from here on he'll award his "Enemy of the State" prize — a term originating with ancient Roman dictators placing bounties on rivals — on whatever red-state abortionist, anti-war activist, or run-of-the-mill Democrat who has attracted Hannity's ire that week. Hannity's New TV Show Bestows A Weekly "Enemy Of The State" Award
  • According to anti-abortionists, pregnancy is sacred and mustn't be tampered with, but many of their opponents have overlooked the wedge that this drives between a mother and her fetus.
  • Sometimes the information is conveyed through secret circulars; but more commonly the deed is consummated by professed abortionists, who advertise themselves as such through innuendo, or through gaining this kind of repute by the frequent commission of the act. Plain Facts for Old and Young
  • She is forced by her parents to have an abortion, then meets a family of anti-abortionists during her odyssey.
  • These young girls will ultimately end up in some backyard abortionist having an abortion carried out in un-sterile conditions.
  • Yet, antiabortionist would have her ignore the very rule that strict observant Pro-Lifers are supposedly telling her to follow, which is to protect the life of her child. National Catholic Reporter
  • And then there's comparison between cables and networks, and also the George Tiller and late-term abortionist -- he was killed as you know. CNN Transcript Sep 16, 2009
  • Violence from the anti-abortionist factions is on the rise, as they always are, with a Democrat in the white house. Dr. George Tiller
  • That policy, she says, is fueled by anti-abortionists, who use a range of strategies to argue that fetuses are people with the full and complete statutory protections afforded to citizens.
  • Translation into plain English: If the poor persecuted abortionist is forced to tear a hole in the base of the scull of the child and vacuum out the child's brains until she dies, the prosecutor might mistake this as "intentionally killing" the child. Balkinization
  • Lawyers on opposing sides - representing either stringent anti-abortionists or abortion doctors - have been given until today to reach a compromise.
  • For example, anti-abortionists have argued that since it is good to show a dead fetus on TV, it must be right that all women requesting abortion see images of fetuses - preferably their own.

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