
How To Use Abominable In A Sentence

  • Tarsus was the center of a species of Baal-worship of an imposing but unspeakably degrading character, and at certain seasons of the year it was the scene of festivals, which were frequented by the whole population of the neighboring regions, and were accompanied with orgies of a degree of moral abominableness happily beyond the reach even of our imaginations. The Life of St. Paul
  • Our programmes were of the highest order, the voices pure and full without this abominable tremolo which is unknown to a person who knows how to sing correctly and naturally. Sixty Years of California Song
  • September 18, 2008 at 12: 50 pm cool. to me it looks like some little extra out of one of those rankin and bass tv specials. now that i think about it, it reminds me of the abominable snowman from the rudolph special. The Naugahyde Nauga :
  • They scratch the soil from beneath the flags, which then sink, and the consequent stench from the drains is abominable, jeopardising the health of the tenants. Boing Boing: November 19, 2006 - November 25, 2006 Archives
  • She is good reading always, however much we may sometimes pish and pshaw at the untimely poppings-in of the platitudes and crotchets (for he was that most abominable of things, a platitudinous crotcheteer) of Richard her father. The English Novel
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  • According to Sontag, cancer is often ‘felt to be obscene - in the original meaning of that word: ill-omened, abominable, and repugnant to the senses.’
  • Israel literally went beyond the heathen in abominable idolatries. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • He found it hard to describe to me the abominable way in which he was treated in a prisoner of war camp.
  • 3 For the time past of our life may suffice us to have wrought the will of the Gentiles, when we walked in lasciviousness, lusts, excess of wine, revellings, banquetings, and abominable idolatries: Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • Apol. xxxv., “publici hostes”; xxxvii., “hostes maluistis vocare generis humani Christianos” (you prefer to call Christians the enemies of the human race); Minuc., x., “pravae religionis obscuritas”; viii., “homines deploratae, inlicitae ac desperatae factionis” (reprobate characters, belonging to an unlawful and desperate faction); “plebs profanae coniurationis”; ix., “sacraria taeterrima impiae citionis” (abominable shrines of an impious assembly); “eruenda et execranda consensio” (a confederacy to be rooted out and detested). The Mission and Expansion of Christianity in the First Three Centuries
  • The judge described the attack as an abominable crime.
  • Finding logic in the rules of kashrut is a frustrating task, as the anthropologist Marvin Harris entertainingly recounts in his book The Sacred Cow and the Abominable Pig. The Kosher Conversion
  • Why should I be forced to participate as a member of society in the performance of an act which I regard as abominable infamy?
  • No more than in Herod, who “heard the word gladly;” or in the Jews, when the preaching of Ezekiel was “pleasant” or desirable to them; or in those described Isa.lviii. 2, who “sought God daily, and delighted to know his ways,” in the midst of their abominable practices. The Doctrine of the Saints��� Perseverance Explained and Confirmed
  • The roles since then have been seemingly random: an abominable snowman, a school of moonfish, a supervillain, an anthropomorphic Mack truck, a waiter, a space traveler and a construction worker. SFGate: Top News Stories
  • Even non-medical people are aware that cholera is an abominable disease whose source is filth.
  • This is abhominable, which he would call abominable, —it insinuateth me of insanie: anne intelligis, domine? Act V. Scene I. Love’s Labour’s Lost
  • And altogether I paid pretty dear for my monthly fourpenny piece, in the shape of these abominable fancies.
  • Let's give Winter one last "hurrah" with these cupcakes named after the Abominable Snowman. Archive 2008-03-01
  • London ones, though by no means so abominable even, one's company here being mainly God's sky and earth, not cockneydom with its slums, enchanted aperies and infernalries. Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
  • It was abominable, atavistic and atrocious, big, black and brutal, cruel cold and callous, and so on.
  • They walk a short distance and enjoy a normal school life without having to worry about the abominable weather, let alone the wind.
  • How, exactly, the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem came to involve at least one flying, no less ungulate with a photoluminescent proboscis, abominable snowmen, a Christmas elf yearning to be a dentist, not to mention more than one lobster... is a bit hard to fathom. David Katz, M.D.: Fatness, misFitness and the Right Kind of Island
  • Members of the SWC jury said, while commenting on one case, that infanticide is an abominable crime and those who commit it cannot be exonerated, whatever the extenuating circumstances.
  • But that's all gone now and traffic is abominable.
  • As he read the novel, its nihilism and careless insensitivity to Nazi anti-Semitism were shocking, even abominable.
  • I am affeard lest the reader at the sight of these things should call for a bason: for it is such an abominable lie, that it would make a man cast his gorge to heare it. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • And there are certain crimes still that are so heinous, so wretched, and so abominable that, yes, they do cry out for vengeance, and they do cry out for the death penalty.
  • The President described the killings as an abominable crime.
  • His offenses against the Peronistas up to that time had apparently consisted of little more than adding his signature to pro-democratic petitions, but shortly after his resignation he addressed the Argentine Society of Letters saying, in his characteristic style, “Dictatorships foster oppression, dictatorships foster servitude, dictatorships foster cruelty; more abominable is the fact that they foster idiocy.” Jorge luis borges | the destiny of borges « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
  • I think my behaviour has been abominable and wrong. The Sun
  • There's the abominable snowman somewhere. Times, Sunday Times
  • The traditional method of combating intuitionalism from the time of John Locke to that of Herbert Spencer has been to present the reader with a list of cruel and abominable savage customs, ridiculous superstitions, acts of religious fanaticism and intolerance, which have all alike seemed self-evidently good and right to the peoples or individuals who have practised them. Human Traits and their Social Significance
  • It was abominable, atavistic and atrocious, big, black and brutal, cruel cold and callous, and so on.
  • The effect of this abominable behaviour by the killers is that the locals have abandoned activities like agriculture and other economic ventures for fear of being butchered.
  • The credit for the most abominable use or misuse of plastic carry bags goes to the political parties and their feeder organisations, for whom the flimsy bags are handy and cheap decorative material.
  • As the Devil is ordinarily by no means wanting in shrewdness, the omission might perhaps be set down to his credit on the score of charity, but for his abominable taste in matters of diabolical vertûe, as shown by his penchant for sanguinary signatures to all compacts and bonds for bad behavior made with or exacted by him, in the course of his "regular dealings" with mankind, and hence it must be considered a clear case of ignorance or oversight, that this test, compared to which there is toleration for boils even, was not applied. Life in the Rocky Mountains
  • Pope Benedict XVI on Sunday prayed at the memorial to victims of a 1944 massacre that was one of the worst atrocities by German occupiers in Italy during World War II and denounced what he called the "abominable" legacy of violence unleashed during war. The Seattle Times
  • The rooms were carefully examined, and results all pointed to an abominable crime. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
  • In the tenth century," according to Dufour (_Histoire de la Prostitution_, vol. VI., p. 11), "shoes _a la poulaine_, with a claw or beak, pursued for more than four centuries by the anathemas of popes and the invectives of preachers, were always regarded by mediæval casuists as the most abominable emblems of immodesty. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 5 Erotic Symbolism; The Mechanism of Detumescence; The Psychic State in Pregnancy
  • But when poverty forced his family to move to a grim Paris suburb, he awoke suddenly to what he called the abominable treatment meted out to all the potential "myselves" who had been conditioned to become subcitizens good only to keep working to pay for the retirements of the "real" French when the French age pyramid gets thin at the base. The Truth About Jihad
  • In parts of the Himalaya, the big cats have a near-mythical status comparable with the yeti, or abominable snowman.
  • The drainage system is abominable, and a slight drizzle causes water-logging.
  • Revelation 21: 8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. Election Central Morning Roundup
  • Je vous ai battu," he said, with an abominable accent. Of Human Bondage
  • So, speaking concerning it, he useth that pathetical dehortation, "Oh, do not this abominable thing that I hate," Jer. xliv. Pneumatologia
  • Page iv life of my wife, nor of myself; but merely as an account of our escape; together with other matter which I hope may be the means of creating in some minds a deeper abhorrence of the sinful and abominable practice of enslaving and brutifying our fellow-creatures. Running a Thousand Miles for Freedom; or, the Escape of William and Ellen Craft from Slavery iv, 111 p., ill.
  • ‘What happened after the game was simply abominable,’ said a member of the supervisory council of Levski, Todor Batkov.
  • The company should not be running this, they have an abominable track record.
  • And you, child, are marrying a kinsman of that abominable Duc de Raguse in order to regild our family escutcheon. The Bronze Eagle A Story of the Hundred Days
  • And that, fundamentally is what was so abominable about apartheid.
  • I mean, some parents actually post photos of these abominable homunculi, otherwise known as babies.
  • Lalla, in his opening remarks, told Wellington the prosecution had to be ‘the most vile and most abominable abuse of the prosecutorial process in the country.’
  • But the fearful and unbelieving and the abominable and murderers and whoremongers and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars, they shall have their portion in the pool burning with fire and brimstone, which is the second death. The Bible, Douay-Rheims, Complete
  • Her handwriting is abominable, like one-legged chickens tied together and walking from and ink well onto paper.
  • This book is not intended as a full history of the life of my wife, nor of myself; but merely as an account of our escape; together with other matter which I hope may be the means of creating in some minds a deeper abhorrence of the sinful and abominable practice of enslaving and brutifying our fellow-creatures. Running a Thousand Miles for Freedom; or, the escape of William and Ellen Craft from slavery
  • By mid afternoon the whole world was converging on America as the horrifying and abominable events unfolded.
  • Has that country gone back to the Stone Age to allow such abominable behaviour?
  • I think my behaviour has been abominable and wrong. The Sun
  • The text fails to make it clear whether the alleged flaw is adding or lacking an [h] in abominable, since both Holofernes 'own pronunciation and his presentation of Armado's pronunciation are spelled "abhominable" in the text ...
  • True servant both of Church and State, he saw that there was no consistent course for him but to consign the enemy of royalty and the contemner of sacred monuments to the abominable Scarlet The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 13, No. 80, June, 1864
  • Pope visits memorial to Nazi victims in Rome Pope Benedict XVI on Sunday prayed at the memorial to victims of a 1944 massacre that was one of the worst atrocities by German occupiers in Italy during World War II and denounced what he called the "abominable" legacy of violence unleashed during war. The Seattle Times
  • Their cruel treatment of prisoners was abominable.
  • This is abhominable which he would call abominable; it insinuateth me of insanie; _Ne intelligis, domine_? to make frantic, lunatic. The Philosophy of the Plays of Shakspere Unfolded
  • The deceitfulness, that is, the depth of wickedness, and the abominableness, past all words, of thine own heart. Bunyan Characters (3rd Series)
  • No type of weak wickedness is more abominable to the proverbialist than that of pert self-conceit, which knows so little that it thinks it knows everything, and is 'as untameable as a fly.' Expositions of Holy Scripture Second Kings Chapters VIII to End and Chronicles, Ezra, and Nehemiah. Esther, Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes
  • Self-scourging with rods as a penance, was to her thinking a papistical ordinance most abominable and damnatory; but the essence of the self-scourging was as comfortable to her as ever was a hair-shirt to a Roman Catholic enthusiast. John Caldigate
  • Gradually he comes to understand their fault is his own, running away instead of confronting what he finds abominable. Thunder Rock
  • The hair is turned inwards, and the interior of the bag is thickly besmeared with asphaltum or mineral tar, which renders the vessel indeed perfectly sound, but imparts an abominable flavour to the wine, and even adds to its acescence. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 14, No. 392, October 3, 1829
  • Their painful awakening was enfevered by the thought; a final agitation arose amidst the morning discomfort, as the abominable sufferings began afresh. The Three Cities Trilogy: Lourdes, Volume 1
  • The word abominable has appeared in 3 Times articles over the past year, including in an April 29, 2009 music review of The Grateful Dead titled NYT > Home Page
  • English food can be wonderful but the normal English diet is abominable.
  • Although they are cursed with as abominable a currency as any nation in the world, they do not appear to experience any great difficulty in settlements, every merchant having his balance, and weighing off the proper amount of silver, larger payments being made in sycee. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 6, No. 6, December 1864 Devoted To Literature And National Policy
  • Who could have constructed this abominable website?
  • This was a horrifying and abominable thing to do.
  • * A Bigfoot Christmas* by James Powell James Powell's bungling but beloved Bullock is back for another Christmas adventure, this one involving, of all things, the "Bigfoot," a creature of the same ilk as the Abominable Snowman of lore. Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine
  • “I am the light”; and what multitudes of things He illumined I He threw light upon the character of God, upon the nature of man, upon the beauty of holiness, upon the abominableness of sin. The Silver Lining: Messages of Hope and Cheer
  • It has only been the later discovery of the uselessness of old scientific botany, and the abominableness of new, as an element of education for youth; -- and my certainty that a true knowledge of their native Flora was meant by Heaven to be one of the first heart-possessions of every happy boy and girl in flower-bearing lands, that have compelled me to gather into system my fading memories, and wandering thoughts. [ Proserpina, Volume 2 Studies Of Wayside Flowers
  • And they all began to cry out in chorus that they were betrayed, and in shrill tones and with abominable oaths bade Lawless go about-ship and bring them speedily ashore. The Black Arrow
  • abominable treatment of prisoners
  • Let me relieve you of that abominable burden and let you lie down.
  • With utmost neatness, the Abominable Autoscribe was writing the Alleghenian equivalent of: A Canticle for Leibowitz
  • Catholic religion that she put to death in various ways a hundred thousand men accused of Manichæism — “this being,” says the modest continuator of Echard, “the most impious, the most detestable, the most dangerous, the most abominable of all heresies, for ecclesiastical censures were weapons of no avail against men who acknowledged not the church.” A Philosophical Dictionary
  • He found it hard to describe to me the abominable way in which he was treated in a prisoner of war camp.
  • Stade: old travellers attribute the cannibalism of the Brazilian races to “gulosity” rather than superstition; moreover, these barbarians had certain abominable practices, supposed to be known only to the most advanced races. Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo
  • Nevertheless, it behoved him also to conduct himself towards the intruder as an old ‘archdeacon should conduct himself to an incoming bishop; and though he was well aware of all Dr. Proudie’s abominable opinions as regarded dissenters, church reform, the hebdomadal council, and such like; though he disliked the man, and hated the doctrines, still he was prepared to show respect to the station of the bishop. Barchester Towers
  • Hate speech always uses the racial and cultural characteristics of the victim, who is painted as an abominable, dangerous creature.
  • While the foreigner speaks and writes of superstition, of heathenism, of abominable rites now passing away, the native Hindu press is equally emphatic in its condemnation of what it calls the swinish indulgence of the Anglo-Saxon, his beer-drinking and his gluttony, his craze for money and material power, his disgust at philosophy and all intellectual aspiration, his half-savage love for the chase and the destruction of animal life. Oriental Religions and Christianity A Course of Lectures Delivered on the Ely Foundation Before the Students of Union Theological Seminary, New York, 1891
  • Indeed, the match furnished the quickest booking this reporter has ever witnessed, St Mirren defender Kevin McGowne felling Paul Sheerin with an abominable tackle after just 25 seconds.
  • I had spent an abominable night in Rouen in a small hotel near the station where a procession of nightmares had been punctuated by the noise of trains arriving and leaving with a crashing and whistling and an escape of steam and smoke which, after a week's noctambulism in Paris, turned my night into a period of acute and apparently interminable agony. NPR Topics: News
  • Then I summarize the reasons for which it is an absolutely abominable film?
  • The Western equivalent - let's call her Tigger Mum - well, she was praising hers for creating frankly abominable craft objects, and being nice "indulgent", says Chua, thus ensuring her kids were heading for global decline and a dangerously unproductive activity called "fun". - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph, Sunday Telegraph
  • He found it hard to describe to me the abominable way in which he was treated in a prisoner of war camp.
  • In Georgian Bath, the novelist's alter ego, Matthew Bramble, suspects that the mineral water pump is connected to the baths: "What a delicate beveridge is every day quaffed by the drinkers; medicated with the sweat and dirt, and dandriff; and the abominable discharges of various kinds, from twenty different diseased bodies, parboiling in the kettle below". Ten of the best spas
  • * The "Saw" movies none of which I've seen, but I understand some of the premises are based on the notion of abominable choice sets: do the helpless victims cut-out one of their eyes to retrieve a key to unlock the nail-traps that will impale their skulls within 60 seconds - or instead accept their gory death? What is Real Freedom?, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Of all the Mahomedans assembled in the room discussing the events of the day, one only, an old moollah, openly and fearlessly condemned the acts of his brethren, declaring that the treachery was abominable, and a disgrace to Islam. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 53, No. 328, February, 1843
  • Murder is the most abominable crime.
  • …. note how Yukon brings in the abominable snowman and that in the very next frame the yeti is free and putting the star on the tree. #30 Comic of the Day « 1979 Semi-Finalist…
  • The rooms were carefully examined, and results all pointed to an abominable crime. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
  • For years now I have been against capital punishment, arguing that killing someone either illegally or legally was the most abominable and most repugnant of crimes.
  • Visitor Phil Burton's birdie two on the short sixth hole secured for him the Super Sawng award whilst the Banana Booby managed the transfer unbruised to be awarded to Steve Nowell for his abominable eighteen shots on hole seven.
  • The rooms were carefully examined, and results all pointed to an abominable crime. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
  • My bed shall be abused, my coffers ransacked, my reputation gnawn at; and I shall not only receive this villanous wrong, but stand under the adoption of abominable terms, and by him that does me this wrong. The Merry Wives of Windsor
  • Cette date me rappelle les images abominables des femmes et enfants affaiblis par la faim dans les rues de Goma. Global Voices in English » Rwanda: Fifteen years after the genocide
  • The President described the killings as an abominable crime.
  • Since emancipation, countless people have written about the cruelties of slavery but does anyone actually know how this abominable procedure started?
  • The couple nodded in agreement with her, and I became aware that I had somehow stumbled across a house of covert dissidents who I'd always been told were the most abominable and despicable of all people.
  • IT is an abominable, insidious, and wholly unnecessary piece of legislation that ought never to have been conceived, far less passed by both Houses of Parliament and put into the statute books of this country.
  • The country between Marne and Meuse is one of the regions on which German fury spent itself most bestially during the abominable September days. Fighting France
  • Go or be blotted out as abominable in mine sight!
  • Be it ours to spread the mantle of a Christian charity as far as possible over the actors in the dark scene, while we abate not one jot or tittle of the deep and irradicable hatred which we cherish toward the abominable system. The Martyrs, and the Fugitive; or a Narrative of the Captivity, Sufferings, and Death of an African Family, and the Slavery and Escape of Their Son
  • In that case, what a delicate beveridge is every day quaffed by the drinkers; medicated with the sweat and dirt, and dandriff; and the abominable discharges of various kinds, from twenty different diseased bodies, parboiling in the kettle below. The Expedition of Humphry Clinker
  • It is the continuation of an abominable racist policy called Manifest Destiny carried forward. Corpses in the Garden
  • I've been a passionate advocate for us to end this quite abominable system we have in Australia of forcing people to vote and making people guilty of an offence if they choose not to vote.
  • So the sham costermonger could easily and quickly run her truck down to the bottom of the quay, and hide it there till the real owner — who was, in fact, drinking the price of her wares, sold bodily to Asie, in one of the abominable taverns in the Rue de la Scenes from a Courtesan's Life
  • I could never understand why such abominable and silly doggerel as ‘Casey at the Bat’ ever became the canonical poem of both American baseball and the normalcy of failure in general.
  • Let us comfort ourselves by thinking that Louis Quatorze in all his glory held his revels in the dark, and bless Mr. Price and other Luciferous benefactors of mankind, for banishing the abominable mutton of our youth. The Virginians
  • gulosity" rather than superstition; moreover, these barbarians had certain abominable practices, supposed to be known only to the most advanced races. Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo Volume 1
  • London ones, though by no means so abominable even, one's company here being mainly God's sky and earth, not cockneydom with its slums, enchanted aperies and infernalries. Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
  • Paul Clifford shall convince you of the injustice of security, and of the abominableness of the safety of a purse on a moonlight night. The Olden Time Series, Vol. 6: Literary Curiosities Gleanings Chiefly from Old Newspapers of Boston and Salem, Massachusetts
  • We were served the most abominable coffee.
  • Most famous of course is the classic heavy duty "fire and brimstone" text from Revelations: "But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. Old English gods and myths: Hell
  • The rooms were carefully examined, and results all pointed to an abominable crime. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
  • So even right here in the city you can find the most abominable poverty living almost cheek by jowl with these extraordinary lavish wasteful expenditures.
  • There's the abominable snowman somewhere. Times, Sunday Times
  • In addition to all this, I have intensified my studies of the Bulgarian language since after six years my local communications skills are abominable.
  • I must say I was astonished at the mildness with which they spoke of those at whose hands they were enduring these abominable persecutions.
  • Reader, the mode of dealing with the abominable "coper" traffic referred to by these men has at last happily been adopted, and the final blow has been dealt by the simple expedient of underselling the floating grog-shops in the article of tobacco. The Young Trawler
  • There's the abominable snowman somewhere. Times, Sunday Times
  • Members of the SWC jury said, while commenting on one case, that infanticide is an abominable crime and those who commit it cannot be exonerated, whatever the extenuating circumstances.
  • Karen Kohlhaas's direction plays wholeheartedly into the leaden preciosity of the text and manages to make an already dreadful play even more abominable.
  • An immoral man is condemned by those of virtuous character, but an immoral woman is considered abominable even by immoral men; conversely the praises of a decent and modest woman in the case of a decent and modest man become exaltations. Arms and the Woman: Just Warriors and Greek Feminist Identity
  • Murder is the most abominable crime.
  • The rooms were carefully examined, and results all pointed to an abominable crime. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
  • If the point of the infamous anti-gay group that inflicted itself on New Mexico the other day was to gain media attention with outlandish prejudice, vile slogans and abominable signs - it succeeded.
  • For what seems like an aeon—seems? nay, it is—his abominable peregrinations on the frangible stage that fame and wealth erect have perdured. Archive 2007-07-01
  • They screamed in mock horror when they went past the roaring Abominable snowman and leaned into every turn.
  • Warburton and Johnson, read _vice versa_: This is abominable which he would call abhominable, which destroys the poet's humour, such as it is, who is laughing at such fanatical phantasms and rackers of orthography as affect to speak fine. A Select Collection of Old English Plays, Volume 2
  • Imagine the abominable age we live in!
  • But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
  • Murder is the most abominable crime.
  • Yet it is a tragic irony that despite a plethora of prohibitive laws and international conventions, this abominable child labor system has been thriving uninhibited.
  • As for you, you've done an abominable thing, Elizabeth; but it's _done_! The Iron Woman
  • There is no air-condition system in locomotive cab for a long time, and motorman's working conditions is abominable.
  • It is certainly not John the Baptist, nor John the Evangelist, nor James the Greater, nor James the Less; he must inevitably be some witling of a Hun, to write such abominable impertinence, or some ill-conditioned, malicious A Philosophical Dictionary
  • The sanitary conditions in this restaurant are abominable.
  • Nobody can say that the abominable misconduct of Maulincour -- who is a hopeless "cad" -- is too much punished, though an Englishman may think that Dr. Johnson's receipt of three or four footmen with cudgels, applied repeatedly and unsparingly, would have been better than elaborately prepared accidents and duels, which were too honorable for The Thirteen
  • The city of Resht is some miles from the sea, and is well protected by jungles and by the most abominable roads conceivable. Glimpses of Life and Manners in Persia
  • As he read the novel, its nihilism and careless insensitivity to Nazi anti-Semitism were shocking, even abominable.
  • There is the myth of the Abominable Snowman.
  • I am much deceived if this be not abominable fustian, that is, thoughts and words ill-sorted, and without the least relation to each other; yet I dare not answer for an audience, that they would not clap it on the stage: so little value there is to be given to the common cry, that nothing but madness can please madmen, and the poet must be of a piece with the spectators, to gain a reputation with them. The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 06
  • These songs demonstrate the fine line the saxophone walks from raw emotion to abominable cheesiness.
  • For the time past of our life may suffice us to have wrought the will of the Gentiles, when we walked in lasciviousness, lusts, excess of wine, revelings, banquetings, and abominable idolatries: wherein they think it strange that ye run not with them to the same excess of riot, speaking evil of you: who shall give account to him that is ready to judge the quick and the dead. 1 Peter 4.
  • While the deeds of Emil Gluck were all that was abominable, we cannot but feel, to a certain extent, pity for the unfortunate, malformed, and maltreated genius. THE ENEMY OF ALL THE WORLD
  • Hamiltown relict of Thomas Mitchell ther, prisoners in the tolbuith of Borrowstownes, are found guiltie be ane assyse, of the abominable cryme of witchcraft committed be them in manner mentioned in their dittayes, and are decerned and adjudged be us under subscryvers (commissioners of justiciary speciallie appoynted to this effect) to be taken to the west end of Borrowstownes, the ordinar place of execution ther, upon Tuesday the twentie-third day of December current, betwixt two and four o'cloack in the efternoon, and there be wirried at a steack till they be dead, and thereafter to have their bodies burnt to ashes. The Mysteries of All Nations Rise and Progress of Superstition, Laws Against and Trials of Witches, Ancient and Modern Delusions Together With Strange Customs, Fables, and Tales
  • Here's someone who fought for one of the most abominable causes of all time, yet has acted with rationality, courage, and honour.
  • An abominable snowwoman, she took her aggression out on Boulder in a pre-spring blizzard that clobbered the Front Range late one night. Matt McCue: Book Excerpt: An Honorable Run
  • It was then that all the binding-spells were wrought, great and small -- from the Sigil of Darkness and other things like it which are utterly abominable to the mageborn, down to the little ones which make this or that thing na-aar -- metaphysically dead and impervious to magic -- like the pistols and crossbows of the Witchfinders, so that no mage can fox their aim or cause them to misfire, and such things as spell-cord and spancels. The Silent Tower
  • abominable workmanship
  • The prisoners are forced to live in abominable conditions.
  • To conclude, this sole vice, in my opinion, spoiled in him the most rich and beautiful nature that ever was, and has rendered his name abominable to all good men, in that he would erect his glory upon the ruins of his country and the subversion of the greatest and most flourishing republic the world shall ever see. The Essays of Montaigne — Volume 13
  • Swathed in his abominable surplusage of bulk, he is as fair as any statue of astricted god or athlete that would suffer not by incarnation ... Yet Again
  • They never spoke about such vulgarities, and never, never, did they perform such abominable NOBLE BEGINNNINGS
  • Their cruel treatment of prisoners was abominable.

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