[ US /əˈbɑmənəbəɫ/ ]
[ UK /ɐbˈɒmɪnəbə‍l/ ]
  1. exceptionally bad or displeasing
    abominable workmanship
    a painful performance
    an unspeakable odor came sweeping into the room
    terrible handwriting
    dreadful manners
    an awful voice
    atrocious taste
  2. unequivocally detestable
    consequences odious to those you govern
    detestable vices
    execrable crimes
    abominable treatment of prisoners

How To Use abominable In A Sentence

  • Tarsus was the center of a species of Baal-worship of an imposing but unspeakably degrading character, and at certain seasons of the year it was the scene of festivals, which were frequented by the whole population of the neighboring regions, and were accompanied with orgies of a degree of moral abominableness happily beyond the reach even of our imaginations. The Life of St. Paul
  • Our programmes were of the highest order, the voices pure and full without this abominable tremolo which is unknown to a person who knows how to sing correctly and naturally. Sixty Years of California Song
  • September 18, 2008 at 12: 50 pm cool. to me it looks like some little extra out of one of those rankin and bass tv specials. now that i think about it, it reminds me of the abominable snowman from the rudolph special. The Naugahyde Nauga :
  • They scratch the soil from beneath the flags, which then sink, and the consequent stench from the drains is abominable, jeopardising the health of the tenants. Boing Boing: November 19, 2006 - November 25, 2006 Archives
  • She is good reading always, however much we may sometimes pish and pshaw at the untimely poppings-in of the platitudes and crotchets (for he was that most abominable of things, a platitudinous crotcheteer) of Richard her father. The English Novel
  • According to Sontag, cancer is often ‘felt to be obscene - in the original meaning of that word: ill-omened, abominable, and repugnant to the senses.’
  • Israel literally went beyond the heathen in abominable idolatries. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • He found it hard to describe to me the abominable way in which he was treated in a prisoner of war camp.
  • 3 For the time past of our life may suffice us to have wrought the will of the Gentiles, when we walked in lasciviousness, lusts, excess of wine, revellings, banquetings, and abominable idolatries: Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • Apol. xxxv., “publici hostes”; xxxvii., “hostes maluistis vocare generis humani Christianos” (you prefer to call Christians the enemies of the human race); Minuc., x., “pravae religionis obscuritas”; viii., “homines deploratae, inlicitae ac desperatae factionis” (reprobate characters, belonging to an unlawful and desperate faction); “plebs profanae coniurationis”; ix., “sacraria taeterrima impiae citionis” (abominable shrines of an impious assembly); “eruenda et execranda consensio” (a confederacy to be rooted out and detested). The Mission and Expansion of Christianity in the First Three Centuries
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