How To Use Abm In A Sentence

  • The high levels of copper in crabmeat are vital since copper helps the body absorb vitamins and minerals.
  • Shrimp, octopus, clam, cuttlefish and crabmeat cooked with tomato sauce and Black Forest apple tea.
  • The chemotherapeutic equivalent of that surgical assault—of eviscerating the body and replacing it with an implant—was a procedure known as autologous bone marrow transplant, or ABMT, which roared into national and international prominence in the mid-1980s. The Emperor of All Maladies
  • Late in October, for example, it occurred to Eduard that if he cut a cherimoya a custard apple with green indented skin and a creamy white interior into thin slices, the flesh looked like crabmeat; now a dish with cherimoya and spider crab is on the menu. The Sorcerer’s Apprentices
  • Corwin unfolded the cloth and found only bits of crabmeat with seaweed wrapped around it. WATER BOOK THREE: TRANSFORMATION
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  • Bad as London cabmen are, one would welcome the sight of one of them. The Englishwoman in America
  • Yes, to get hold of the cabman is the principal thing," said Nevill, without any ring of confidence in his voice. The Golden Silence
  • Or another might talk about going to a "guichet" for money, instead of an "ABM" (automated banking machine). Boing Boing: January 5, 2003 - January 11, 2003 Archives
  • Gahagan, Commanding Irregular Horse, Abmednuggar, to Belinda, second daughter of Major – General Bulcher, C.B. His Excellency the Commander-inChief gave away the bride; and after a splendid dejeune, the happy pair set off to pass the Mango season at Burlesques
  • To make the crab cakes, combine the crabmeat, panko, scallions, and 1/2 cup of the aioli.
  • An unreasoning panic seized the cabmen and chauffeurs; they were possessed with the fixed idea that no bridge across the Seine was safe, and no bribe would persuade them to cross the river; while they refused to take fares for even the shortest distance. The Paris Flood of 1910 | Edwardian Promenade
  • Last month, SABMiller—which counts Grolsch, Peroni Nastro Azzurro, Pilsner Urquell, Castle Lager and Miller Lite among its brands—said first-half revenue per hectoliter gained 3% in constant currency terms. Emerging Markets Lift SABMiller
  • He wrote sketches of the fashionable crowds on ‘the Block’ and the sharebrokers under ‘the Verandah’ as well as the cabmen in Bourke Street and the larrikins outside Wright's Gin Palace.
  • The shelter now in Yarra Park is the earliest example of a portable, timber cabman's shelter.
  • The lobster and crabmeat salad is prepared with fris Department Store Dining
  • It is strange, to say the least of it, that the cabman should be the only person to see or hear anything of him. ' The Beetle
  • But disquietingly, the report notes that 10 percent of teen girls described the first time they had sex as "nonvoluntary." — "Teenagers in the United States: Sexual Activity, Contraceptive Use, and Childbearing, 2002," J.C. Abma, G.M. Martinez, W. Primary Sources
  • Split a piece of imitation crabmeat lengthwise into two pieces.
  • My second favourite is seafood; mussels, crabmeat, shrimps etc.
  • On the ABM treaty, the Soviets were adamant on a ten-year extension of compliance by both sides.
  • The indistinct noise of the city floated in, the dolorous, snuffling air of an accordeon, the mooing of cows could be heard; somebody's soles were scraping dryly and a ferruled cane rapped resoundingly on the flags of the pavement; lazily and irregularly the wheels of a cabman's victoria, rolling at a pace through Yama, would rumble by, and all these sounds mingled with a beauty and softness in the pensive drowsiness of the evening. Yama: the pit
  • First, there is the expressive pantomime of every one of the eighteen cabmen on the stand, the moment you raise your eyes from the ground. Sketches by Boz
  • Pick all shells out of crabmeat and gently flake it with a fork.
  • I put no flavorings in the cakes, because I like the main taste to be the tender, succulent crabmeat, which is why my favorite food in the world is sauteed soft-shelled crab. Maggie's Farm
  • Cracking them open can be hard work, and you're going to get messy (a bib is provided), but the reward of large chunks of succulent crabmeat with a spicy kick makes it worth the effort. After Hours: Singapore
  • He died of ptomaine poisoning contracted from tainted Japanese crabmeat.
  • My cabman has been the confidant of an amount of humor and apt quotations and clever sayings which you will never know, and which you will never guess. Modern Eloquence: Vol II, After-Dinner Speeches E-O
  • U.S. withdrawal from the 1972 ABM treaty, which has inhibited development of ballistic-missile defenses, caused the usual cries that this would "re-escalate" (Jimmy Carter) and "reignite" (Sen. John Kerry) the arms race. Whirl Is King All Around Us
  • Split a piece of imitation crabmeat lengthwise into two pieces.
  • The restaurant will offer the best of South East Asia with starters such as Pla Yaan or marinated grilled fish, satay, deep fried crabmeat, and minced chicken ball, spicy glass noodle salad.
  • The cabmen's shelter, which is historically important, has been damaged twice.
  • ‘They were handed out in pleasure boats and omnibuses, left open on the tops of hedges, proffered on sticks to galloping horsemen, sent to criminals awaiting the rope, given to cabmen with their fare’.
  • The traveller up-ended his bluey against his knee, gave it an affectionate pat, and then straightened himself up and looked fixedly at the cabman.
  • A cabman who sits on a box and whips his horse, or a chauffeur who turns a wheel, is that and nothing more; but a gondolier is a romantic figure, and a gondola is a romantic craft, and the poor fellow has had to do it all himself, and did you hear how he was panting? and do look at those dark eyes! A Wanderer in Venice
  • Comprehensive sleep centers must maintain an ABSM or ABMS sleep medicine diplomate on staff.
  • When the Soviet Union signed the SALT I Treaty, it chose to build its ABM sites around Moscow and Leningrad.
  • Feast on fresh lobster, crabmeat, and blueberry pie.
  • Ramsay came in and found this ridiculous, especially when he ordered the "krab" omelet and found out "krab" was spelled that way because it was not real crabmeat. Premium Hollywood - Entertainment blog, Hollywood blog, movie blog, TV blog
  • Ok, how about Chesapeake Bay Crab Cake Kit with white crabmeat?
  • The cabmen ask me if I am somehow connected with you. Oscar Wilde and the Dead Man’s Smile
  • Then, after eating the remainder of the flesh, they laid the bones and the rest in anatomical order in a coffin and buried them with the usual rites, believing that the god to whom the animal was sacrificed would reclothe the bones with flesh and restore the animal to life in Jabme-Aimo, the subterranean world of the dead. Chapter 53. The Propitiation of Wild Animals By Hunters
  • It was incredible to stand on top of that peak and think that Birkeland had spent a winter (often braving atrocious weather conditions) with this breath-taking view stretching north to the Arctic Sea and south to the mountain plateau that is the winter home of the Sabme (Lapp) reindeer herders. A Conversation with Lucy Jago, author of The Northern Lights
  • I'm doing this here because my thoughtful, considerate labmates didn't actually have a plan or a schedule for packing, so even thought a few of us had experiments planned up until tomorrow, they started packing the agarose gel boxes, etc. right out from under us. Archive 2005-07-01
  • Shards of crabmeat in a cannelloni studded with celery root and clams tasted sweeter because of a broth of red chili and thyme.
  • Seven minutes after sitting down, our first steamer of crabmeat and pork soup dumplings arrived.
  • Lump crabmeat makes a nice change if you eat a lot of tuna.
  • Guests were treated to white seaweed with crabmeat soup, jellyfish with shredded chicken salad, beef kebab with rice vermicelli, roasted duck in tamarind sauce, and, finally, fried rice with asparagus and ham.
  • Steamed dumplings stuffed with craBmeat are wonderful in taste.
  • But with the enticing meals here - they include salmon salads, black bean chili and tangy gazpacho soup with crabmeat - even die-hard carnivores can do it.
  • Upside-down mushroom caps brimmed with unadulterated lump crabmeat and swam in a mild wine sauce.
  • Although conventional models can incorporate these, ABMs may be better tailored to modelling specific sectors.
  • The wild-mushroom fettuccine tasted flat, but a platter of crabmeat ravioli (with sweet raisins and a carrot-ginger sauce) elicited murmurs of satisfaction from the finicky eaters at my table.
  • The nukes will spur Japanese deployment of ABMs and may nudge Japan toward deploying offensive forces.
  • His escape was simple and dignified; he called the cabman, who knew him well, and who knew, moreover, what was required of him; and the priest was snugly in bed, though perhaps exhausted with blood and pleasure, when the news of the murder followed him to his village. A Book of Scoundrels
  • For the crab ravioli salad: Remove crabmeat from shells; reserve leg meat for garnish.
  • It was leathery and prepared beyond recognition, stuffed with prawns and crabmeat, bread-crumbed, deep-fried and coated with a lobster sauce. What I Ate On Mars
  • Robert, the journey to London, which had latterly seemed to her secretly - distressed anticipation like a sunken city -- a place of wonder with the waters over it -- all passed by smoothly; and then it became necessary to call a cabman, for whom, as he did her the service to lift her box, Rhoda felt a gracious respect, until a quarrel ensued between him and her uncle concerning sixpence; -- a poor sum, as she thought; but representing, as Rhoda Fleming — Volume 1
  • It lurks within the crabmeat mix as a stealth carrier of a starch element that Mr. Robuchon believes makes this dish a no-grain, marine cousin of tabbouleh, the ancient Near Eastern salad based on bulghur wheat and mint. Watching Robuchon Invent
  • She had made her way over to where he was standing, pretending that she was going to offer him some mushrooms stuffed with crabmeat. ANASTASIA KRUPNIK (3-IN-1)
  • We could never find this in 30 years in San Francisco and frozen picked Dungeness crabmeat is among the most disgusting substances on the planet. Let them cook Mazatlan
  • Eating your groatsworth of _mou en civet_, fleshpots of Egypt, elbowed by belching cabmen. Ulysses
  • Perhaps the binding of TABMs to chemical haptens produces a local increase in TGF- [Beta] at sites of chemical exposure, particularly the upper and lower respiratory tract, with neuropeptide release.
  • The hallow tomato stuffed with mango paste, cuttlefish, shrimp, crabmeat, octopus, and fish slices.
  • Add the diced courgette, spring onion and crabmeat and heat through.
  • Top with a small spoonful of crabmeat and a small apple ring.
  • 'If that cove's wife could see him -- huddup, then!' said the cabman. A Duet, with an Occasional Chorus
  • PRAGUE — U.S. sales of SABMiller PLC's high-end Czech beer, Pilsner Urquell, are growing as postrecession consumer preferences shift toward affordable luxury and away from volume. Posh Beer Flows in U.S.
  • Signorino, domani faremo uno giro," called the cabman, with engaging certainty. A Room with a View
  • U.S. withdrawal from the 1972 ABM treaty, which has inhibited development of ballistic-missile defenses, caused the usual cries that this would "re-escalate" (Jimmy Carter) and "reignite" (Sen. John Kerry) the arms race. Whirl Is King All Around Us
  • Happily the cabman was a kindly and compassionate spirit, and did his uttermost to help them, moving heaven and earth, in the way of policemen and small shopkeepers, until, by dint of much inquiry, he found The Lovels of Arden
  • Use spatula to fold uncovered half of omelet over crabmeat. Recipe for Love
  • Crabmeat is great in pasta dishes, fishcakes and soups.
  • An appbar should respond to this notification message by sending ABM _ QUERYPOS and ABM _ SETPOS messages.
  • Mantrov-kz reports on his recent ride in a taxi in his town called Shymkent in the poorest southern part of Kazakhstan, when he was shocked by the sincerity of the cabman [ru]: Fears of Aggravation of Crisis
  • Repeat with the white crabmeat and spoon on top of the dark crabmeat.
  • Pure fresh crabmeat is running 50 pesos for half a kilo so you put that with some cheap avacado, cucumber, rice and nori (sold at Walmart) and you have a California roll for almost nothing. Restrictions on food?
  • He instructed officials not to shut the door on eventual agreement with Clinton to modify the ABM treaty.
  • SABMiller's bid values Foster's at 12.5 times current year forecast earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA).
  • Each ABMS member board will administer a maintenance of certification system tailored to its diplomates.
  • This needless blurting out of confidences to a cabman was the one folly essential to a complete restoration of his wits. One Wonderful Night A Romance of New York
  • A protocol on the treaty then limited each country to one ABM site.
  • You had the chicken breast stuffed with crabmeat last time.
  • Featherlight tempura; hummock of sweet white crabmeat spiked with apple; shaami — tiny fishcake sultry with brown meat. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘I comed ever so far out of my way,’ said the cabman, ‘to avoid the rumpus with the homnibuses at the hill cause the ladies things is so heavy we’d never got up if the ‘otherwise had once jibbed.’ He Knew He Was Right
  • A good second choice is cooked shrimp or crabmeat.
  • The cabmen of Paris form a distinct class, a separate society, composed of all sorts of elements -- a turbulent, indocile, rebellious set of men, always in revolt against their employers and against the law, which holds them with an iron and inflexible grasp. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 17, No. 102, June, 1876
  • Add the fish sauce and crabmeat and stir to combine.
  • Some few minutes later the little group of cabmen and loafers that collects round the cabmen's shelter at Haverstock Hill were startled by the passing of a cab with a ginger-coloured screw of a horse, driven furiously.
  • Cracking them open can be hard work, and you're going to get messy (a bib is provided), but the reward of large chunks of succulent crabmeat with a spicy kick makes it worth the effort. After Hours: Singapore
  • Then I saw some cabmen and others had walked boldly into the sand pits, and heard the clatter of hoofs and the gride of wheels. The War of The Worlds
  • The crabmeat makes a great low-fat, protein-rich filling.
  • I have concluded the ABM treaty hinders our government's ability to develop ways to protect our people from future terrorist or rogue state missile attacks.
  • She also was one of the first local chefs to combine Gulf fish with crabmeat and pico de gallo.
  • Add crabmeat, parsley, ½ teaspoon salt, cayenne pepper, and heavy cream and stir gently until heated, about 3 minutes. Recipe for Love
  • This would preserve the morals of the cabmen, as well as secure the purses of their customers. Times, Sunday Times
  • How did those experts, the cabman, and pikeman, and tradesman, come to find it out? Roundabout Papers
  • If he had remained with his trunks he would have seen that the cabman was the same one who had brought them and him from Craven Street, and he would have given any other address in London than the one he did. The Lost House
  • Start by breaking down the crabmeat in a medium size mixing bowl with a large fork. Anneli Rufus: SPAM Pie and Other Cooking Competition Winners
  • ‘The ABM treaty is a relic of the past,’ Bush said, arguing in favour of a missile defence system of interceptors to protect against incoming missiles from ‘rogue’ states.
  • Started in 1918 by French wine salesman Arnaud Cazenave, Arnaud's specializes in such Creole dishes as crabmeat ravigotte (sweet lump crabmeat with a Creole-mustard sauce) and shrimp Arnuad (this specialty appetizer features boiled shrimp with tangy remoulade). The Full Feed from
  • This remark was a failure, for no one intimated, by word or sign, the slightest knowledge of the manners and customs of cabmen. Sketches by Boz
  • Divide the reserved crabmeat mixture evenly between four demitasse cups and spoon the foam over the crabmeat.
  • Objective : To prove that activated bone marrow ( ABM ) has different biological effect different from LAK cell.
  • ZAHN: Obviously not going to take any questions today, but confirming what he told congressional members yesterday, that the United States will unilaterally withdraw from the ABM Treaty, what he calls a relic of the Cold War. CNN Transcript Dec 13, 2001
  • Noodle dishes and soups are popular, as are boiled dumplings, shuijao, prepared with crabmeat in addition to the usual pork and leek stuffing.
  • The Day of the Holy Cross is our main festivity," Claudio tells us as he makes one of his menu items, Insalate Anne - lettuce, avocado, grapefruit, crabmeat and green apples in a vinaigrette. The magic of Bernal, Queretaro: wine, opals and historic charm
  • As the bell ceases its clanging on reaching the platform, he seems to pull his cap down purposely, and otherwise to gather himself into the plushy depths of his warm furs, he hires the first cabman that accosts him, shoves in his heavy valise, which is all the baggage he has, and in a gruff sort of voice, orders to be driven to the "Albion Hotel. Honor Edgeworth Ottawa's Present Tense
  • In 1972, the Soviet Union deployed a new antiballistic missile: the ABM-1 Galosh. The Time May Be Right for Galoshes to Make a Splash Again
  • Ctuiii age, fi quid habes, in me mora non erit ulla j Nec quemquam fugio: tantum vicine PalaBmon Senfibus haec imis, les ed non parva, reponas. P. Virgilii Maronis opera: emendabat et notulis illustr. G. Wakefield
  • The three other principal nuclear powers also cling to the ABM treaty, even though they are not parties to it.
  • Of course, the Chinese noodles braised with crabmeat and mushroom can't be neglected - they are delicate but oily.
  • Entrées like potato-crusted, spice-rubbed redfish, accoutred with lump crabmeat and sweet tomato marmalade, although tasty, can seem overwrought.
  • the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks placed limits on the deployment of ABMs
  • Should you, however, be a winner, any exhibition of the purse might be construed into an unseemly desire of "welling," or securing your gains, which of course must always be a matter of perfect indifference to you; and whatever advantages you obtain from chance or skill should be made obvious to every one are only destined to enrich your valet, or be beneficially expended in the refreshment of cabmen and ladies of faded virtue. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 1, November 13, 1841
  • He died of ptomaine poisoning contracted from tainted Japanese crabmeat.
  • I've seen squirrels without ears, and chipmunks with very short tails, and mice with beaky wee stabmarks in their chests!
  • Late in October, for example, it occurred to Eduard that if he cut a cherimoya a custard apple with green indented skin and a creamy white interior into thin slices, the flesh looked like crabmeat; now a dish with cherimoya and spider crab is on the menu. The Sorcerer’s Apprentices
  • It was in vain that the cabman nearest to her helloed to warn her of the impending danger. Bad Hugh
  • Pure fresh crabmeat is running 50 pesos for half a kilo Restrictions on food?
  • Russian sources—including post-1991 regimental histories—now show them to have been fundamentally correct on all key issues: close approximations of missile accuracies, scope of Soviet civil defense, and violations of the ABM treaty. Magic and Mayhem

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