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How To Use Abhorrence In A Sentence

  • His extreme abhorrence of heresy makes him immediately fall upon that of the Docætæ, against which he arms the faithful, by clearly demonstrating that Christ was truly made man, died, and rose again: in which his terms admirably express his most humble and affectionate devotion to our divine Redeemer, under these great mysteries of love. The Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and Principal Saints January, February, March
  • Interestingly, a counter-taboo has emerged as, for the US liberal, it has become inextricable from the abhorrence through which that conservative misogyny is itself judged as morally obscene. On Profanity: 3
  • And what's the deal with management consultants and their abhorrence of footnotes?
  • He leaves office with near-record-high approval ratings despite widespread abhorrence at his personal behavior, pollsters say.
  • Meanwhile, the right-wing demonstrates its abhorrence of defamatory character assassination and smear jobs here.
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  • His abhorrence of racism led him to write The Algiers Motel Incident.
  • Yet I entertained such an abhorrence of the savage wretches that I have been speaking of, and of the wretched, inhuman custom of their devouring and eating one another up, that I continued pensive and sad, and kept close within my own circle for almost two years after this: when I say my own circle, I mean by it my three plantations - viz. my castle, my country seat (which I called my bower), and my enclosure in the woods: nor did I look after this for any other use than an enclosure for my goats; for the aversion which nature gave me to these hellish wretches was such, that I was as fearful of seeing them as of seeing the devil himself. Robinson Crusoe
  • Despite ever-growing public abhorrence of this most antisocial crime, numbers of drivers caught over the limit are rising.
  • I held the tan-yard in abhorrence – to enter it made me ill for days; sometimes for months and months I never went near it. John Halifax, Gentleman
  • It appears that a deep-seated abhorrence of that tacky Jezebel Jan Crouch is utterly cross-cultural, which is making lining up backing a snap from Geneva to Abu Dhabi. What Would Betty Do?
  • At the moment when despair was in her orphan heart, and her whole soul turned with abhorrence from the supposed De Valence, she met the eyes dearest to her on earth – those of indeed her father's friend! The Scottish Chiefs
  • Continuing the assumingly deathless array formed upon the renouned survival abhorrence videogame. Archive 2009-11-01
  • Hindenburg regarded such a prospect with abhorrence.
  • Whilst some may find this titillating we cannot but regard it with abhorrence.
  • Interestingly, a counter-taboo has emerged as, for the US liberal, it has become inextricable from the abhorrence through which that conservative misogyny is itself judged as morally obscene. Archive 2009-01-01
  • Now, I think that the longer we preserve that abhorrence for knavery which is the generous instinct of youth, why, the fairer will be our manhood, and the more reverend our age. My Novel — Complete
  • He has a great abhorrence of medicine.
  • Despite ever-growing public abhorrence of this most antisocial crime, numbers of drivers caught over the limit are rising.
  • The captain had, also, during his very short visit, the satisfaction of observing that the inhabitants of Coron entertained the most serious apprehensions from the French armament, and expressed the greatest possible detestation and abhorrence of that people. The Life of the Right Honourable Horatio Lord Viscount Nelson, Volume 1
  • They held adultery in abhorrence, and with the more reason as their marriages were dissolvable at pleasure. The History of Emily Montague
  • Now, we must prologue a body of this article by stating which abhorrence is aged shawl when it comes to me. Archive 2009-10-01
  • He leaves office with near-record-high approval ratings despite widespread abhorrence at his personal behavior, pollsters say.
  • Byzantine sisterhood to veils, except when in the retiracy of their chambers, she was at all times brave enough to emphasize the abhorrence by discarding the encumbrance. The Prince of India — Volume 01
  • And to all those expats who long to share with us their shame and abhorrence: get over it.
  • The reason for his flight has never been adequately explained but Peggy surely gets close when she talks of her father's abhorrence of critics and his manic pursuit of perfection.
  • They are anxious to show their abhorrence of racism.
  • A consistent theme in Charles's writings is his belief in human freedom - and his abhorrence for violence and tyranny.
  • I've never proactively analysed the issue to see what my own stance is, possibly because it won't align with my abhorrence of the death penalty.
  • This death cult should be regarded with abhorrence by all decent and right-minded people.
  • An afternoon Islamic study group he joined during junior high school filled him with purpose, and eventually with anti-Semitism, anti-Americanism and an abhorrence of photography.
  • And why, when they live in one of the most beautiful parts of the British Isles do they want to desecrate the view with this abhorrence?
  • Each and every one of them was there to display their abhorrence at the way the Government is treating the college.
  • It was abhorrence of waste of any kind of resource that motivated him.
  • This is far from the truth and I wonder how many of these people actually apply their abhorrence of vivisection to their own lives by refusing medical treatment?
  • And so we have shattered expectations, disgust at backsliding, abhorrence at the betrayal of the values we hold dear, and a hefty dose of fear - because if the US can backslide, how safe are the rest of us?
  • Benicio Del Toros long-delayed classical abhorrence reconstitute is supposedly utterance in to cinemas in February. A Pizza Mind: The 50 Biggest Movies Of 2010 The films most likely ...
  • a cordial abhorrence of waste
  • But Silber and the others have identified one essential ingredient: abhorrence for the status quo.
  • In the name of mercy, what has happened? cried Clara, shrinking in abhorrence from the ghastly woman. The Hidden Hand
  • It is possible for such sentiments of approval of this past to coexist with abhorrence for most current acts of violence.
  • It was not so much the things she said as how she said them, with infinite contempt and abhorrence. A DEATH IN THE FAMILY
  • But the protection which the Paduan Doctor received from some friends of interest and consequence, enabled him to set these imputations at defiance, and to assume, even in the city of Edinburgh, famed as it was for abhorrence of witches and necromancers, the dangerous character of an expounder of futurity. My Aunt Margaret's Mirror
  • His abhorrence of presumed criminal accomplices within the black robed fraternity has been well scripted.
  • My abhorrence of this particular day registers on two levels.
  • Moses took the tabernacle, and pitched it without the camp -- Not the tabernacle, of which a pattern had been given him, for it was not yet erected, but his own tent -- conspicuous as that of the leader -- in a part of which he heard cases and communed with God about the people's interests; hence called "the tabernacle of the congregation," and the withdrawal of which, in abhorrence from a polluted camp, was regarded as the first step in the total abandonment with which God had threatened them. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • He was filled with abhorrence and disgust for what he had done.
  • The goat jumped a little, but it seemed to Maggerty to be more out of surprise than abhorrence. THE CRASH OF HENNINGTON
  • Similarly, the film responds to contemporary American culture's own dominant constructions of sexuality (codified by Hollywood films and other media representations) and puritanical abhorrence of non-normative sexualities.
  • Thus, a vast concern is expressed for the “liberty of the press, ” and the utmost abhorrence of its “licentiousness”: but then, by the licentiousness of the press is meant every disclosure by which any abuse is brought to light and exposed to shame—by the “liberty of the press” is meant only publications from which no such inconvenience is to be apprehended; and the fallacy consists in employing the sham approbation of liberty as a mask for the real opposition to all free discussion. Fallacies of Anti-Reformers
  • An afternoon Islamic study group he joined during junior high school filled him with purpose, and eventually with anti-Semitism, anti-Americanism and an abhorrence of photography.
  • I admired my fellow campers, I certainly shared their abhorrence of nuclear weapons, but I was not, essentially, a team player. C B GREENFIELD - A LITTLE MADNESS
  • Anyone who abuses young girls in order to gratify their sexual desires can and must expect custodial sentences to mark the public abhorrence of this type of behaviour.
  • Where the struggle was too strong to be defeated, they view it with abhorrence as a triumph for an adversary nation.
  • Rather than regarding homosexual practice with "abhorrence" and "detestation" -- as did George Washington and most everyone until recent years -- Obama has euphemistically vowed to ChronWatch - Articles
  • Most people have an abhorrence of snake.
  • I will here subjoin a little poem, so strongly expressive of my abhorrence of despotism and falsehood, that I fear lest it never again may be depictured so vividly. The Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
  • In this highly heated state our governess was, of course, sensitive to the smallest inlet of cooler air, and "draughts" were accordingly her abhorrence. Six to Sixteen: A Story for Girls
  • A consistent theme in Charles's writings is his belief in human freedom - and his abhorrence for violence and tyranny.
  • Her father's emphasis on 'soundly' declared an approval of the deed, and she was chilled by a sickening abhorrence and dread of the cruel brute in men, such as, awakened by she knew not what, had haunted her for a year of her girlhood. Beauchamp's Career — Complete
  • Page iv life of my wife, nor of myself; but merely as an account of our escape; together with other matter which I hope may be the means of creating in some minds a deeper abhorrence of the sinful and abominable practice of enslaving and brutifying our fellow-creatures. Running a Thousand Miles for Freedom; or, the Escape of William and Ellen Craft from Slavery iv, 111 p., ill.
  • Suddenly she spoke, and he could detect the fear, horror, and absolute abhorrence in her tone of voice.
  • The root of most people's kale abhorrence is texture. Diaphanous Roasted Kale
  • Letters received reveal their abhorrence at the behavioural example being set by our so-called leaders of state and nation.
  • I write to reaffirm our abhorrence of such behaviour.
  • Perhaps only a long period of education or propaganda could remove our abhorrence.
  • His abhorrence of racism led him to write The Algiers Motel Incident.
  • Even Goneril has her one splendid hour, her fire - flaught of hellish glory; when she treads under foot the half-hearted goodness, the wordy and windy though sincere abhorrence, which is all that the mild and impotent revolt of Albany can bring to bear against her imperious and dauntless devilhood; when she flaunts before the eyes of her "milk-livered" and "moral fool" the coming banners of France about the "plumed helm" of his slayer. A Study of Shakespeare
  • For the US conservative it is also inextricable from the abhorrence through which any “overly” strong woman is judged as a moral transgressor, in a vilely reactionary misogyny. Archive 2009-01-01
  • This perverted abhorrence of women destines religions to collide with modernity everywhere, for to be modern is to set women free.
  • He leaves office with near-record-high approval ratings despite widespread abhorrence at his personal behavior, pollsters say.
  • Suddenly I perceived him as Dutiful did, and realized that the Prince's abhorrence went past the man's physical deformity and mental limits. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • This book is not intended as a full history of the life of my wife, nor of myself; but merely as an account of our escape; together with other matter which I hope may be the means of creating in some minds a deeper abhorrence of the sinful and abominable practice of enslaving and brutifying our fellow-creatures. Running a Thousand Miles for Freedom; or, the escape of William and Ellen Craft from slavery
  • His masterstroke was a proclamation by letter of his abhorrence of the fugitive slave law. Anthony Burns : a history,
  • The Government would express its abhorrence in the strongest possible terms, she said.
  • Rather it is that these terms have become inextricable from the abhorrence or disdain in which the moral dicta defining the object as abject is articulated. On Profanity: 3
  • His abhorrence for these brands of nationalism can be extrapolated from his attitude toward the peasantry.
  • Held in superstitious abhorrence by the rest of the crew, aliens by lack of any word of common speech, nevertheless they are good sailors and are always first to spring into any enterprise of work or peril. CHAPTER XXXIX
  • (There is no _cunnilinctus_, which she regards with abhorrence.) Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 2 Sexual Inversion
  • This perverted abhorrence of women destines religions to collide with modernity everywhere, for to be modern is to set women free.
  • In both, a small minority seeks tolerance of behaviour that causes in the majority anything from indifference through distaste to abhorrence.
  • The illness of a relative meant that we, his family, were fully aware of his abhorrence of the loss of mental faculty.
  • Even Goneril has her one splendid hour, her fire - flaught of hellish glory; when she treads under foot the half-hearted goodness, the wordy and windy though sincere abhorrence, which is all that the mild and impotent revolt of Albany can bring to bear against her imperious and dauntless devilhood; when she flaunts before the eyes of her "milk-livered" and "moral fool" the coming banners of France about the "plumed helm" of his slayer. A Study of Shakespeare
  • It is up to all of us to demonstrate our abhorrence of sectarianism, discrimination and racism.
  • By the word spado, the Romans very forcibly expressed their abhorrence of this mutilated condition. History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire — Volume 2
  • They are anxious to show their abhorrence of racism.
  • His abhorrence of racism led him to write The Algiers Motel Incident.
  • The abhorrence of the profession is documented throughout Anglo-Saxon history.
  • Recently I also quoted Priestley and his abhorrence of ‘… the saddest waste of all, the waste of human beings’.
  • Never divining Joan's fluttering wildness, her blind hatred of restraint and compulsion, her abhorrence of mastery by another, and mistaking the warmth and enthusiasm in her eyes (aroused by his latest tale) for something tender and acquiescent, he drew her to him, laid a forcible detaining arm about her waist, and misapprehended her frantic revolt for an exhibition of maidenly reluctance. Chapter 26
  • Nothing shows more forcibly the power of association in minds not capable of discriminating, than that the name of a man so obviously a reluctant instrument in the hands of God, and who declared by a public act his abhorrence of the part he was forced to act, should be selected as synonymous to every thing fiendlike and murderous. Itinerary of Provence and the Rhone Made During the Year 1819
  • A mix of impatience and abhorrence filled his face.
  • On the 29th May he reported a combination of the people headed by the Anti-convict Association "to hold in abhorrence any person who may aid the exiles in landing, and may have any communication with them whatever," and to stop the supply of stores to Government. The Autobiography of Liuetenant-General Sir Harry Smith, Baronet of Aliwal on the Sutlej, G. C. B.
  • Yet the Hindus, I repeat, hold pederasty in abhorrence and are as much scandalised by being called Gánd-márá (anus-beater) or Gándú The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Rather than regarding homosexual practice with "abhorrence" and "detestation" - as did George Washington and most everyone until recent years - Obama has euphemistically vowed to Americans For Truth

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