How To Use Abandon In A Sentence

  • Upstairs were the bedrooms; “mother-and-father’s room” the largest; a smaller room for one or two sons, another for one or two daughters; each of these rooms containing a double bed, a “washstand, ” a “bureau, ” a wardrobe, a little table, a rocking-chair, and often a chair or two that had been slightly damaged downstairs, but not enough to justify either the expense of repair or decisive abandonment in the attic. Chapter 1
  • One could argue that such a missile defence system would bring about the abandonment of ballistic missiles as strategic weapons.
  • The affair isn't the thing that makes me believe he needs to be removed from office – it's the monumental lack of judgment he displayed in abandoning his states and his duties as governor. Sanford should stay, two top South Carolina papers say
  • He added: ‘As far as I know nobody was injured at the incident, although the football match was abandoned.’
  • The goal of shifting freight from road to rail has been quietly abandoned.
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  • THERE have been many reports about the numbers of stray and abandoned animals in rescue centres. The Sun
  • Any tartness and capers seemed to have abandoned this dish for a more elegant life, leaving a creamy, flavourless gloop on the plate.
  • They also have abandoned past pledges and now threaten first use of nuclear weapons against non-nuclear states.
  • But the president claims he abandoned this effort when told that it would require a presidential decree.
  • Fourth, the strange reluctance he felt about abandoning Downes as Suspect Number One.
  • She is a woman of integrity who has never abandoned her principles for the sake of making money.
  • Oil on the track forced the cancellation of the fourth race and the rest of the meeting was abandoned.
  • Republicans, meanwhile, are mulling whether to abandon the notion of filing ethics charges against Rep.
  • His interest was in opening the nightclub next to the theater, in the abandoned Trailways bus depot.
  • Speaking to camera, the masked man accused the hostages of being spies for the British government and claimed that they had been abandoned. Times, Sunday Times
  • Did Michelin-starred chefs abandon their restaurants after the passage of hygiene standards laws? Times, Sunday Times
  • She contends that U.S. officials overreacted, rather than dealing pragmatically with adoption procedures in a country where poverty and a long-running insurgency fueled widespread child abandonment, impaired record-keeping, and hampered official investigative capabilities. Despite Hurdles, Families Pursue Nepal Adoptions
  • If a girl married without her parents' consent, she would risk abandonment by family and tribe.
  • He has spent money with gay abandon.
  • He helped man the bridge and co-ordinate the rescue operation after the crew allegedly abandoned ship.
  • Moving onto land may have been a survival strategy resulting from the need to abandon one shrinking body of water for another .
  • He wanted to show that one could be an educated and intelligent believer without abandoning the apostolic rule of faith and life.
  • He dashed into the burning house with reckless abandon .
  • But rising gas prices in the 1970s forced the corporation to abandon the project.
  • The villages of San Juan and San Salvador Paricutín, the last just one kilometer from the rising volcano, were in danger, but nobody wanted to abandon land and home. Paricutín, The Volcano, Michoacán
  • Many of them clearly enjoyed a traditional expatriate life of abandoned debauchery.
  • That history was one of poverty and violence, of battered women and abandoned children.
  • College students are stranded in an abandoned town whose only law is the ghost of ruthless gunslinger Bloody Bill Anderson and his posse of vicious zombies.
  • In a language that invents descriptive terms with drunken abandon, all food writers suffer from the meagre cupboard of gastronomic terms. Times, Sunday Times
  • If I hadn't loved Dinky-Dunk, fondly, foolishly, abandonedly, there would have been no little Dinkie and Poppsy and Pee-Wee. The Prairie Mother
  • Of course, retreating from the trials of the twentieth century existence does not mean one wants to abandon its many creature comforts.
  • The finale to our visit came the very next evening when we were taken on a VIP visit to the Regency Casino for a mad night of wild abandon at the slot machines.
  • Home builders have almost abandoned building homes for first-time buyers and moved upscale to attract all-cash buyers.
  • From the fourteenth century onwards, other properties were also abandoned, so that finally the important lasting properties were signification, supposition, ampliation and restriction, and the supposition of relatives. Medieval Theories: Properties of Terms
  • The homeless families now reside in an abandoned neighborhood advisory council building located behind the former police station.
  • Marine base in the province until, one day soon, the American military can install him in an  “abandoned government building”  or simple  "a clump of ruins"  in that city. Fixing What's Wrong in Washington... in Afghanistan
  • Though a rugby career beckoned, he refused to abandon his education. Times, Sunday Times
  • The fact that the cubs were orphans, abandoned when their mother was run over by a car, was of no account.
  • Many of the Confederates were of opinion that this decisive victory would be the end of the war, and that the North, seeing that the South was able as well as willing to defend the position it had taken up, would abandon the idea of coercing it into submission. With Lee in Virginia A Story of the American Civil War
  • Not far away, and altogether more appealing, is the abandoned Portuguese city of Old Goa, now a dramatic collection of cathedrals and basilicas.
  • And of course we will conveniently forget that we forced him to hurry his conclusions and abandon the meticulousness with which it is necessary to proceed when searching for the truth.
  • Jeri and I got back in the car and drove south, past shrimp stands and abandoned old sugar mills.
  • Could this be the end of fortysomething fellows abandoning their wives and rushing off in pursuit of fast cars and fast women? Times, Sunday Times
  • We decided to abandon the first draft of the report and start over.
  • Good love makes u see the whole world from one person while bad love makes u abandon the whole world for one person.
  • The only character who sees through the subterfuge is the ex-CIA agent, abandoned by his country, whose life of dirty deeds on behalf of The Company prepares him alone to understand his role and dig his way out. Hullabaloo
  • They have to find the fathers who abandon their children and make them pay maintenance.
  • Australian authorities have found no signs of foul play aboard a Taiwanese fishing boat found adrift and abandoned off western Australia.
  • If not, it will be necessary for it to rework and downscale, or possibly even to abandon, the project.
  • It did not persuade them to abandon the war but it did force them to reappraise their strategy.
  • But this is an idle boast if police are forced to abandon one set of law breakers to chase after another.
  • While potassium bromate has not been banned in the U.S., the FDA discourages bakers from using it -- and at least one state, California, has approved a warning-label requirement that has led many bread makers to abandon the additive. Five Controversial Food Additives
  • Some sectors, moreover, lagged behind completely, by force of circumstances or on account of reluctance to abandon traditional ways.
  • It is quite possible that his only truly shameful act was his abandonment of his daughter and her mother, not to mention his mendacious behaviour toward my mother.
  • One of the nice things about this world is that, when the screwers talk to the screwed, they've abandoned the current pretense of pretending it's for the screwed's own good.
  • The philosophical importance thus attached to the individual coincided with abandonment of traditional values.
  • Light slanted through the canopy of trees that sheltered the abandoned field, causing Qiara to shield her face, and squint her eyes up at the sun.
  • The knowledgeable authorities occupy the institutional front row only because others have abandoned the effort.
  • Scores of terror-stricken farmers had abandoned their properties following attacks on several of their colleagues and the death of two.
  • A tiny hut that looks abandoned gives up the little gateman, who steps outside, smiles, and holds the key to the hefty padlock. San Blas, Nayarit
  • Martin Luther and John Calvin, was that the Church had largely abandoned the Augustinian doctrine of Grace. Augustine vs. Pelagius Part Two - Grace, Salvation, and Redemption | Heretical Ideas Magazine
  • How could she abandon her own child?
  • With summertime abandon, the new arrivals sent their limbs flurrying in all directions.
  • Her chasteness was somehow the outward proof, the external manifestation, of a potential for sexual abandon all the more alluring for being hidden, invisible.
  • The manhole covers had gone, leaving the streets pockmarked with gaping mantraps, while one abandoned tank was vanishing day by day, melting away "as if its armour-plating had been made of ice". Rereading: Naples '44 by Norman Lewis
  • Shocked The Government is planning to abandon huge swathes of land it says cannot be saved. The Sun
  • And even if she is right that many readers "don't care" about the matters of technique and style she says critics often "overvalue," does this mean critics should abandon more purely literary standards for the vague and untroubled standards she attributes to her infantilized common readers? Style in Fiction
  • It abandoned a plan to float earlier this year. Times, Sunday Times
  • Workmen alerted police after noticing a red car apparently abandoned in the quarry on the Horseshoe Pass between Llangollen and Ruthin.
  • Only a few looked inhabited -- lawns bestrewn with gadgets, excavations begun with small bulldozers and abandoned, Pack or Swarm or Family flags flying from the mainmasts. Boing Boing: January 16, 2005 - January 22, 2005 Archives
  • Nevertheless, after the seesaw battle of several months, microsoft abandoned finally buying.
  • Amid abandoned houses, plebeian hovels and piles of refuse and sewage, there were government offices, arms factories, official warehouses, and active markets.
  • _The comedy of Wilmot successful: The wounded stranger seen at a distance: Oratory abandoned with regret: The dangers that attend being honest: A new invitation from Hector: A journey deferred by an arrest, and another accidental sight of the stranger_ The Adventures of Hugh Trevor
  • The policy of détente was abandoned and, under the Reagan administration, an increasingly aggressive policy was pursued towards the Soviet Union.
  • As I am aware that the jack hammers from the next block all last summer were intrusive and you know darn well the birds that roosted in the abandoned former furniture factory trees this past year nearly drove me out of my mind - before I decided to set off cohetes during the day and early evening to run them off, which worked, but drives your dogs crazy for which I am very sorry. Sound ordinance in ajijic?
  • No need to abandon their own people more than tears desperate not born.
  • The plan was abandoned, the lot was sold at a profit, and the funds were diverted to another purpose. Christianity Today
  • He has deemed himself a failure and largely abandoned literature, but Jed's portrait of him captures his bygone intensity—"he appears to be in a trance, possessed by a fury that some have not hesitated to describe as demoniac. Reflections on Self-Regard
  • Once inside Johnson immediately abandoned Michael while he flirted with a waitress-bar hostess he knew.
  • It feels as if a government ministry has just abandoned the place in the face of an invading army. Times, Sunday Times
  • A group of schoolboys run amok when they are abandoned on a desert island. Times, Sunday Times
  • Would they abandon the working time directive? Times, Sunday Times
  • A few kilometers down a decrepit road is a sprawling abandoned battery factory.
  • His abandoned people carrier was discovered a mile away. The Sun
  • Ribault soon had to abandon the other two ships, the last reminders of a planned Huguenot empire.
  • After implementing this one system, seminal company abandoned institution the dependent mentality.
  • This budget abandons all hope of reforming wasteful military procurement and distorts America's priorities at home and abroad.
  • Or they abandoned ship altogether and slogged to shore, hoping to regain their vessels when the ice thawed.
  • So you started out writing a 200K-word doorstop, and abandoned it in favor of brevity. Thoughts on The Last Colony « Whatever
  • It has it all - texture, wild abandon and warmth. Times, Sunday Times
  • The "junkman" walked off with millions of dollars in ore from the abandoned mine. The Motley Fool
  • From the 1870s through World War I, most European and Latin American nations as well as Japan and the United States abandoned bimetallic standards, which based currencies on both gold and silver, and embraced the gold standard.
  • This led to the partial abandonment of physical controls and a move towards financial disciplines for the nationalised industries.
  • But when the real trial comes, they abandon us just as a hired hand leaves the sheep when the wolf appears.
  • Sauce: Heaping containerful Dijon Mustard (I misused intact caryopsis condiment) 2 tablespoons canola oil 2 tablespoons vinegar and citrus Garlic of garlic pauses Litter containerful (if you can not use honey) Seasoner and assail Impertinent Abandon, yellowness juice Preserved almonds gently; One-third cup slivered almonds Teaspoon canola oil Teaspoon abolitionist dulcify Compound: 1. UH Watch
  • One should not risk potential harm to the client by abandoning the role of therapist for the potentially incongruent role of advocate.
  • It established that the parents had left the house to search abandoned factories for scrap metal that they could sell.
  • Of course, your minicab driver might see your abandoning him as a problem. Times, Sunday Times
  • Et Ketty n'avait plus une obole, car elle avait abandonn ` e son ch ` ateaux aux malheureux. The Countess Cathleen
  • In the majority of our traditions, it is common to see parents encourage their young daughters to abandon school and get married at ages which are prohibited by law.
  • When the mood is fallen, only thought is to abandon all.
  • He finally abandoned academic qualifications and appointed a collection of pharmacists, country doctors, schoolteachers, and governesses.
  • Good love makes you see the whole world from one person while bad love makes you abandon the whole world for one person.
  • To fall down on the sofa and tear off her clothes and beg him to make wild, abandoned love to her.
  • This submission was made before the registrar, but later abandoned before the hearing was concluded.
  • Of course, retreating from the trials of the twentieth century existence does not mean one wants to abandon its many creature comforts.
  • I spotted him, and he rabbited and abandoned the car.
  • Showing little progress and imposing a burden on educators and their resources, the incurables were gradually abandoned in favor of those who showed more promise.
  • The workers were digging at an abandoned mineshaft that was depleted of commercial reserves.
  • The majority was still not ready to abandon the belief that humankind was intended to dominate the earth.
  • Despite their arguments, I still saw no reason to abandon my agnosticism.
  • The times I was just having a beery laugh with my friends, times when we shared in each other's extrovert abandon, each other's dippy oblivion.
  • The sound of emergency announcements spewing from car radios left blaring as the drivers abandoned their vehicles in terror. The Sun
  • But this simply raises the question: why was lawful conduct abandoned in the first place?
  • In fact, the residents abandoned cultivating their traditional crops like barley, maize, millet and potatoes soon after the Malana charas became famous among drug users around the world in the 1980s.
  • Catholic civil servants usually had to abandon any practical political project if they wished to proceed through the ranks.
  • To say that they should abstain from endeavoring to affect administration in a beneficial manner, is to say not only that they should de-citizenize themselves, but that they should violate their pledges and abandon their sworn duty. Donahoe's Magazine, Volume 15, No. 2, February 1886
  • I suspect that the feeling we call ghostly is but the sense of abandonment in the lack of companion life; but be this as it may, Malcolm
  • The game is centered on rookie homicide detective Lazarus Jones, who is called out to a disturbance in an abandoned high school with his partner.
  • Some may use solvents that the art conservation field has long since abandoned, such as benzene and carbon tetrachloride, which are proven carcinogens, or caustic soda otherwise known as lye. Daniel Grant: Repair Damaged Artwork Yourself? Maybe Not
  • Because where better to rekindle a romance than an abandoned car park. Times, Sunday Times
  • Moreover, it's responsible for inducing a leaguewide abandonment of the most entertaining play in football: the long bomb.
  • There are abandoned temples, coliseums, amphitheaters, ruins of old, ruined Greek-Roman fortresses - there are even alleyways of destroyed ancient cities.
  • Aucun bon citoyen ne peut retenir ses larmes sur le sort malheureux auquel la chose publique est abandonnée. Moniteur/Morning Chronicle
  • I abandoned my shirt for my floral bikini top and my little white tennis shoes for sandals.
  • The Japanese government, Roosevelt, and some Japan officers in the State Department all proposed abandoning the search for a comprehensive agreement in favor of negotiating a temporary agreement, what the diplomats called a modus vivendi from the Latin, a way of living. Interpretations of American History
  • If she had followed her own impulse, to be sure, she would have risen on the spot and danced that mad dance once more with all the wild abandonment of an almeh or a Zingari. What's Bred in the Bone
  • Two of the wounded crusaders abandoned the tower, but the third one defended himself all day so cleverly from the Turkish attacks that on that occasion he knocked down two Turks at the entrance of the walls with broken spears. De Re Militari: The Society for Medieval Military History » The Battle for Antioch in the First Crusade (1097-98) according to Peter Tudebode
  • I am incredibly heartened by their recent decision to avoid an inversion, with so many other companies having abandoned American soil since the recession.
  • Sir John Smith baronet abandoned his son to his fate.
  • In December, KFTC and several ally organizations were successful in persuading a rural electric co-op to abandon its plans to build a coal-burning power plant and create a collaborative process to examine and recommend affordable clean energy solutions, including energy efficiency, wind, solar and hydro power. Jeff Biggers: Roadmaps to New Power: Appalachian Transition Initiative Leads Coalfields into New Year--and New Era
  • Never mind, a long-since abandoned unofficial page for the Magyar Borsodi League links straight to a Hungarian recipe for goose liver cooked in paprika - just the thing to keep your pecker up on a parky afternoon at Haladas Szombathely.
  • Bauer is no better than Sanford as far as his politics, but at least he hasn't abandoned his job (at least nothing public if he has). SC Lt. Gov. to ask for Sanford's resignation
  • I have long since abandoned the notion that higher education is essential to either success or happiness. Hot houses of learning do not always grow anything edible. 
  • That he sang in tune and remembered the lyrics was perhaps its own triumph on a night of innocuous abandon. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Baroness (as she was known after her marriage to a shifty nobleman) and her friends worshipped novelty, inappropriateness, audacity, not piously but with ferocious abandon.
  • The vegetation types of the mid-montane subzone are mixed mid-montane forest, Castanopsis forest, Nothofagus forest, coniferous forest, mid-montane swamp forest, mid-montane sedge-grass swamp, mid-montane Phragmites grass swamps, mid-montane Miscanthus grassland and succession on abandoned gardens. Lorentz National Park, Indonesia
  • Einthoven said in his work in 1895 that the efforts to fully interpret the electrocardiogram should be abandoned for the moment, and in a survey of the relevant literature up to the first half of 1912, the author** put emphasis on the uncertainty of the efforts to interpret the cardiogram. Physiology or Medicine 1924 - Presentation Speech
  • There are several sequences in the film that abandon voice-overs and linger on the natural beauty of the landscape.
  • He had long ago abandoned his loose forgeman™s shirt for a leather apron. Stormblade
  • The heir-at-law abandoned his claims in the city.
  • She had a friend who was abandoned at birth, a foundling, and she began to realise that abandoned children were in a far worse position than adopted ones.
  • We were sinking fast, and the captain gave the order to abandon ship.
  • There was no chance of him being found alive and the search was abandoned.
  • We had to abandon the car.
  • He poured out his otherwise ignored feelings into music, making his flute wail with stormy rage, sigh soft dirges, or trill in happy abandon.
  • Over time, we think that consumers will adopt the mobile phone to be the payment method of choice," Schulz said, though she added that people won't completely abandon plastic credit cards.
  • Two thousand workers abandoned their occupation of the Los Monos Park when the government promised roadwork jobs at 31 cordobas (two US dollars) per day.
  • He abandoned his daughter to her fate.
  • An abandoned circus wagon with peeling paint is in the background, in it a hopeless dark woman imprisoned behind bars.
  • She works in wildlife rehabilitation, caring for animals that have been run over in the road or abandoned.
  • For a craftsman who can use all the intricate resources of good prose successfully to create an illusion that he is inspired in his least abandoned moments, it is child's play to use the more obvious devices of the metrician to similar effect. Rudyard Kipling
  • But the sea swell rapidly grew so strong that the refuelling operation had to be abandoned. Times, Sunday Times
  • Critics of humanism have for centuries declared that freethinkers once departing from religion have abandoned morality.
  • When she expressed her regret to me later, I told her that had she married him he would have abandoned her as soon as he became a star.
  • People shot and stabbed and strangled each other in sleazy bars and hillside mansions, strip malls, abandoned houses and parking lots. Denise Hamilton discusses Sugar Skull
  • He was placed under house arrest, accused of causing the crash and abandoning the liner while 300 passengers were allegedly still on board. Times, Sunday Times
  • And before any person could take notice thereof, hee became (of a theefe) Ruffian, forswearer, and murtherer, as formerly he had-beene a great Preacher; yet not abandoning the forenamed vices, when secretly he could put any of them in execution. The Decameron
  • The servants of Chaos were hunted down in the forests, and many wild and long-abandoned lands were re-settled.
  • When you abandon making choices, you enter the vast world of excuses. Wayne Dyer 
  • But as the full seizure of power by the Nazis became imminent, and as Stalin colluded with it more and more openly, he abandoned mere class analysis, as in the following passage: The Old Man
  • An illusionist has had to abandon plans to climax his UK tour at Epsom Playhouse because staff are apparently fed up with the repeated failure of magic acts.
  • You will find the fear of rejection, fear of abandonment, fear of being controlled, fear of being unloved and the desire to love and be loved.
  • When fertility decreased, the garden would be abandoned and a new patch of land burnt for use.
  • Even the Magdalene herself, eyes turned in horror from the abandoned grave to the radiant glory of the seraphim, had the faint touch of that naiveté in her eyes.
  • The scheme was abandoned and he was dumped in a cage at a research institute, alongside other less civilised chimps. Times, Sunday Times
  • I lost my virginity to a girl whose name I didn't know, in a sleeping bag on the floor of my mother's abandoned Fifth Avenue apartment.
  • Further along the river, villages tell the story of neglect and abandonment and a people living in abysmal conditions.
  • Abandoning the commitment to full employment would restore autonomy to the centre.
  • The author abandons the conventions of linear narrative and normal chronology.
  • In the eighth century, another earthquake struck, but by that time the city had been abandoned.
  • Having heard that Crete was abandoned by its native ruler, the Trojans set sail.
  • They are free to pursue or abandon any investing strategy they want, including the use of leverage to pump up investment returns.
  • But this time he has abandoned the fickle movie industry and veered into the music business, tangling with Russian mobsters and gangster rappers and taking a talented, feisty young singer named Linda Moon under his wing.
  • Fearless, lawless and sowing misery with a careless abandon, their reign seems uncontested. Times, Sunday Times
  • Far from abandoning it when he changed tack, it is still going strong.
  • The case was so surrealistic that the novelist Francisco Goldman decided to abandon the magic of fiction and tell this "baroque story of perhaps perverse human passions" in journalistic form in The Art of Political Murder. John Feffer: Not-So-Magical Realism
  • He looks like a choirboy and plays with a dreamy certainty, winding up his big, extended forehand to crunch winners with abandon. Times, Sunday Times
  • The federal government has been forced to abandon its six-year push to build a national nuclear waste dump near Woomera in South Australia.
  • Many farmers are rediscovering the largely abandoned practices of crop rotation and manure spreading.
  • The abandoned copper mine in the mountains has been controlled by secessionist rebels since the late 1980s.
  • I did see ads, but they weren't skippable, so I abandoned the videos.
  • The second part of that equation seems to have been abandoned by feminists early on.
  • After the war the land area was not derequisitioned for a considerable time, but the aerodrome was abandoned by the Ministry.
  • We lived in squats and abandoned buildings, didn't really go to school, travelled, hitch-hiked.
  • It's a blissful moment of abandon. Times, Sunday Times
  • The feebleness of their excuse for abandoning their soi disant principles – a meaningless executive order – is all the proof one needs. Obama Nation
  • After many years the government finally abandoned its apartheid system of racial separation.
  • Let me go to you, Greg, on this issue of dumping the car, license plates found, abandoned in the field.
  • Nationally, 310,000 cars were dumped and abandoned - up 37 per cent.
  • None of them will be encouraged to abandon school early to spend their formative years in shadowy snooker halls.
  • Abandoning the commitment to full employment would restore autonomy to the centre.
  • One Hickling nest was built on the top of an abandoned coot's nest and in water so deep that the keeper had difficulty in reaching it clad in thigh waders.
  • But no cabinet level decision to abandon offensive biological warfare was ever taken.
  • In the second year the slow autotype process had to be abandoned for the quicker Woodburytype, by which were reproduced drawings kindly contributed by Sir J.E. Millais, Sir John Gilbert, Mr. Holman Hunt, Philip Gilbert Hamerton
  • Some are abandoned pets; others were born on the streets.
  • The floodlit one-day international between West Indies and New Zealand A at Bristol was abandoned without a ball being bowled because of persistent heavy rain.
  • It believes that offering scenes set in abandoned barns and ivy covered, crumbling conservatories will add a sinister shimmer to the formula.
  • In the north region, inspectors rescued 2,456 animals and collected a further 35,001 that were unwanted or abandoned.
  • They enrolled here expecting much and are reluctant to abandon ship, though I have argued with them.

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