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[ US /əˈbændən/ ]
[ UK /ɐbˈændən/ ]
  1. give up with the intent of never claiming again
    We gave the drowning victim up for dead
    Abandon your life to God
    She gave up her children to her ex-husband when she moved to Tahiti
  2. leave someone who needs or counts on you; leave in the lurch
    The mother deserted her children
  3. leave behind empty; move out of
    You must vacate your office by tonight
  4. stop maintaining or insisting on; of ideas or claims
    Both sides have to give up some claims in these negotiations
    He abandoned the thought of asking for her hand in marriage
  5. forsake, leave behind
    We abandoned the old car in the empty parking lot
  1. a feeling of extreme emotional intensity
    the wildness of his anger
  2. the trait of lacking restraint or control; reckless freedom from inhibition or worry
    she danced with abandon

How To Use abandon In A Sentence

  • Upstairs were the bedrooms; “mother-and-father’s room” the largest; a smaller room for one or two sons, another for one or two daughters; each of these rooms containing a double bed, a “washstand, ” a “bureau, ” a wardrobe, a little table, a rocking-chair, and often a chair or two that had been slightly damaged downstairs, but not enough to justify either the expense of repair or decisive abandonment in the attic. Chapter 1
  • One could argue that such a missile defence system would bring about the abandonment of ballistic missiles as strategic weapons.
  • The affair isn't the thing that makes me believe he needs to be removed from office – it's the monumental lack of judgment he displayed in abandoning his states and his duties as governor. Sanford should stay, two top South Carolina papers say
  • Even the Magdalene herself, eyes turned in horror from the abandoned grave to the radiant glory of the seraphim, had the faint touch of that naiveté in her eyes.
  • He added: ‘As far as I know nobody was injured at the incident, although the football match was abandoned.’
  • The goal of shifting freight from road to rail has been quietly abandoned.
  • THERE have been many reports about the numbers of stray and abandoned animals in rescue centres. The Sun
  • Any tartness and capers seemed to have abandoned this dish for a more elegant life, leaving a creamy, flavourless gloop on the plate.
  • They also have abandoned past pledges and now threaten first use of nuclear weapons against non-nuclear states.
  • But the president claims he abandoned this effort when told that it would require a presidential decree.
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