Prepositions after "unfriendly"

unfriendly to, towards, for, in or toward?

Word Frequency
In Top 1000 words
In 72% of cases unfriendly to is used

They are unfriendly to the accurate engrave.

Then you will not be unfriendly to the mind.

It is a glacial lake and unfriendly to marine life.

My tip: keep the barn unfriendly to rodents and they won't be so keep on moving in.

Unceasing agitation wears out the animal frame and is unfriendly to length of days.

A majority of Republicans (56%) say that professors are unfriendly toward religion.

Pakistan has proven itself to be untrustworthy and unfriendly to India and Western civilization for the most part.

Regrettably, it is their demeanour that projects them as being generally overbearing and unfriendly to the public.

Because of sprawl and car-centric design, our communities are largely unfriendly to pedestrian and bicycle traffic.

Murray was able to be forthright on some government policies that were damaging or at least unfriendly to business.

In 9% of cases unfriendly towards is used

He was sceptical, but not unfriendly towards it.

Unfriendly towards hippies? Sure, they might even get sucker punched.

A jennet may be unfriendly towards other animals and prefer to stand by itself.

We feared that the rest of the community would be hostile or unfriendly towards our visit.

However there are a fair few who are downright unfriendly towards me for no reason whatsoever.

It doesn't mean that one becomes unfriendly towards others, just that one is mentally independent.

Durlab believed that Bhakta Vatsala had become unfriendly towards ISKCON and had become an airline pilot.

Say you attend a family social gathering and a relative is in a foul mood and is acting unfriendly towards you.

It is crude hypocrisy, savagely satirised and yet the company seems to expect him to be a crook and are not unfriendly towards him.

Close to downtown, but found the owners to be a little unfriendly towards us, not sure if it was our pet, or the fact that we asked for a.

In 4% of cases unfriendly for is used

The locals were deeply unfriendly for an alleged tourist town.

The developer kit is designed to sit as close to your eyes as possible which makes it a bit unfriendly for glasses.

On top of that, I find the Xbox Music app to be VERY slow, unstable, and in general unfriendly for navigating and managing my content.

Tumblr had stripped away all the complexity, which used to be unfriendly for the amateurs but it has affected the features offered by it.

With the rise of the Rorys, Moylurg had become unfriendly for the O'Donnells and they needed access to the North West Passage to promote their plans of expansion.

In 4% of cases unfriendly in is used

In fact he might reveal himself to be quite unfriendly in the future.

Girlfriend refused to go into the living room because she felt something unfriendly in there.

She was heavily simulating politeness and ' professionalism ' but was being harsh and unfriendly in reality.

We can only hope fi the best since there's no friendly before the unfriendly in February; all Burrell's doing.

I'd very aware of the public perception and some of the criticism that modernist forms can be a bit unfriendly in the city.

Both the subjects were handled by a single professor, who seemed to be very unfriendly in the beginning and in the end he happened to be a very good guide to many of us.

Gloria Borger Of course, Cain was unfriendly in that first moment in which he said he wouldn't allow any Muslims to serve at high levels of government (now a Cain classic!).

In addition, the enrolment procedure has often been more complicated than with other biometrics leading to the perception of voice verification as unfriendly in some quarters.

It is a strange thing, but people look unfriendly in a photograph unless they are very close together, and you will have lots of dead space through the picture if they stand apart.

In 4% of cases unfriendly toward is used

A majority of Republicans (56%) say that professors are unfriendly toward religion.

He was reluctant, for he was suspicious of novelties and unfriendly toward them, and he remains so to this day.

About half of white evangelicals in the survey (53%) say reporters and the news media are unfriendly toward religion.

Source A The leadership of the Yugoslav Communist Party is carrying out a policy unfriendly toward the Soviet Union and to the All-Union Communist Party.

A majority of Democrats (59%) say the administration is friendly to religion, while about half of Republicans polled say it is unfriendly toward religion.

In 2% of cases unfriendly with is used

So when eventually he got to be unfriendly with Varg, he threatened him like he did everyone else.

Mrs Merkel and Mr Sarkozi made a front against Turkish membership into Europe and Greece was unfriendly with Turkey on cyprus issue, and now comes the payof.

Summer 1637 Sassacus and other Pequots seek refuge with neighboring tribes but tribes are intimidated by the English (and in some cases were already unfriendly with the Pequots).

In 1% of cases unfriendly at is used

It's consumer unfriendly at a severe performance and cost hit.

In 1% of cases unfriendly of is used

Enda Kenny was one of the first to have a friendly dinner in the Meseberg Palace on this most unfriendly of topics.

They say that inhabitants are the most unfriendly of this area, not following at all the touristic boom as all other places in Zanzibar.

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