"in verse" or "of verse"?
What God began in verse 1 is now completed. |
Then the Buddha spoke in verse as follows: Verse 62. |
Then the Buddha spoke in verse as follows: Verse 66. |
Then in verse 21 we read about Jubal who was the father of all who played the lyre and pipe or flute. |
Here, too, the statements, attributed to Mara or the bhikkhuni concerned, and often both, are in verse. |
I was looking for Forget Me Not by Carolee Dean (a new paranormal book in verse) that came out recently). |
In verses 4-8, Matthew describes the time immediately prior to the tribulation period, the time of the beginning of sorrows. |
In verses 4-8, Matthew describes the time immediately prior to the tribulation period, the time of the beginning of sorrows. |
Isaiah 58:9b lists not pointing fingers in judgment and no wicked words as conditions of great blessings listed in verses 10b-12. |
Paul's condemnation of idolatry in verses 22-25 is based on the fact that the unrighteous ' exchanged the truth of God for a lie. |
Both take the fragment of verse out of context. |
Here the Promised Messiah (as) mentions two categories of verses. |
The number of feet in a line of verse determines the measure or meter. |
The total number of verses in the Quran including all unnumbered Basmalahs is 6346, or 19x334. |
He laid down lines of verse, wrote in iambic pentameter, and dashed off masterpieces of literature. |
Yeats and Farr would work together on plays and oral performances of verse for the next two decades. |
Vikram is a closet poet and even penned a couple of verses for Tia while shooting for their film, in which she plays the lead. |
In many cases this seems to be because the Ud? navarga has been expanded, often by adding variations to an existing verse or series of verses. |
In many cases this seems to be because the Ud? navarga has been expanded, often by adding variations to an existing verse or series of verses. |
Implication of verse 16: 44 (Sura Nahl) does not clearly over-rule the recognition of Sunnah as an independent source, at least in some respects. |
The testimony of Jesus begins with verse number 9. |
The prophet replaced the satanic verses with verses that brought him into open conflict with the powerful leaders of Mecca. |
This development, Graham, is consistent with verse 11 of Mathew Chapter 24 which states that, because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. |
Stud y Ezekiel 37 carefully, verse by verse. |
The original Arabic text with recitation is also available and you can study The Holy Quran verse by verse. |
The shari'a, foundations of Islamic law, are derived from verses from the Quran. |
From verse 9-20, Matthew describes the first half of the tribulation period, from verse, 21-26 he describes the last half of the tribulation period. |
From verse 9-20, Matthew describes the first half of the tribulation period, from verse, 21-26 he describes the last half of the tribulation period. |
According to verse 29, there are a lot of plants and trees producing food than what we now are using. |
Geoffrey Cruickshank-Hagenbuckle has been published in over 100 poetry journals from Action Yes to Verse. |
According to verse 20, Moses and Aaron were waiting for the foremen after their meeting with Pharaoh, and their words are filled with anger, fear, and personal accusations. |
It breaks the continuity between verse 1 and verse 2 in the use of the term earth. |
The Hanunoo use the guitar to play harmonic chords and interludes between verses sung in one or two tones. |
The text of the Bible is arranged into chapters which in turn are arranged into verses. |