Prepositions used with "opposition"

"in opposition" or "of opposition"?

Word Frequency
In Top 1000 words
In 44% of cases opposition in is used

There's also an agreement in opposition to U.

Riffle did not ever say anything in opposition.

He was a tyrannical hunter in opposition to the Lord.

In other words, in opposition to man, who simply tries to live up to his image, i.

The measure was also backed by Prime Minister David Cameron when he was in Opposition.

Just a brief review of Anwar's time in Opposition is sufficient to show why this is so.

Babies, elders, disabled, young, old, people were out in masses to show they are in opposition to this pipeline.

Not only has he failed to abolish the charges as he demanded in opposition, but he now proposes to increase them.

This paper divides MPs into three groups: those in government, those in opposition, and those independent of parties.

Very nice of you to ignore the hartals and violence inflicted upon the country by the AL when they are in opposition.

In 30% of cases opposition of is used

Let's see what kind of opposition that would invoke.

So I decided to explore alternative forms of opposition.

This is another set of opposition Group created by Okorocha.

One sign of that is the level of opposition that has been seen in many communities.

Fudd's First Law of Opposition: If you push something hard enough, it will fall over.

Tehri Dam (India ): - The Dam was constructed amidst the ensuing chaos of opposition.

The Opponents filed a notice of opposition to oppose the registration of the Application Mark in September 2008.

The regulator may be forced to soften its plan because of opposition from some countries, according to Deutsche Bank.

Given the level of opposition Lord Adonis faced from his own comrades, it was heroic that he achieved anything at all.

In 5% of cases opposition to is used

Rapid industrialisation led to opposition.

Otherwise, we are consigned to opposition.

However, the talks broke down due to opposition to any tax increases among House Republicans.

More than 40,000 people have been killed since the uprising began, according to opposition groups.

Shadow debate They might also contend suggestions like those made by Mr Balls represent a constructive approach to opposition.

Where there was once Claude Makelele, a calm and intelligent disturbance to opposition attacking play, there will be Oriol Romeu.

There, the evidence, according to opposition sources, was more than enough to convict the President and the courts were free to do so.

He should be voted out of his seat, and his coalition sent back to Opposition once again, until they can learn the very minimal components of statecraft.

Rahul would fit to take the party image to next level from the present and effectively counter to opposition parties in 2014 election if not happens earlier.

Since 2006, when the Liberals lost power to the troops of Stephen Harper, the party, better accustomed to power than to opposition benches, has been on a long journey across the desert.

In 4% of cases opposition with is used

Oh, yeah -- don't confuse apposition with opposition.

All striving of a more noble character always meets with opposition.

He was faced with opposition to actions he took concerning France from both parties.

With opposition leaders in jail, Parliament rubber-stamped the Act's amendment in no time.

I fervently believe that the entire nation with opposition members alike stood with him in prayers and wished him well.

The dilemma has nothing to do with opposition to the government decision per se but to the reality of parliamentary procedures.

Ohakim had to live with opposition when he realized that no matter what you do, there is no way every body will agree with you, even if in a family.

With opposition to imperialism denied a voice in the corridors of power, expect the re-energized regime to start another little war somewhere, and soon.

Any non-Muslim action offends Islam, and results in uprisings and threats, such as in Amsterdam, with opposition to Mohammed cartoons and films about Islam.

A successful leader is one who welcome true diversity and work with Opposition Party members whose heart and love for SG does not make them your adversaries.

In 3% of cases opposition by is used

The Congress, on a sticky wicket, is not sure how to address the mood generated by opposition parties and student groups.

From now on, donTt be surprised if the whistlerTs name is sung to the rafters by opposition fans whenever Chelsea take the pitch.

But Hashimoto's resignation was precipitated by opposition parties ' embarrassingly strong showing in Upper House elections, led by the dynamic Naoto Kan (FEER, 1998).

In 3% of cases opposition for is used

It will also provide ammunition for opposition fans to use against him.

Li has recently voiced his party TSU's support for opposition DPP candidate Ms.

That advance would be the signal for opposition forces inside Khartoum to stage a popular uprising against the government.

There's a lesson for Opposition Leader Tony Abbott in how failed US Presidential candidate Mitt Romney stretched himself a bit too far.

To those who ply the public sentiment for opposition to both these sound economic plans for no other reason than column inches and perceived political gain, I say, shame on you.

As for the other side of the aisle, with the exception of lead critics and other frontbenchers, the prospect of getting to pose a question to the government isn't much better for opposition MPs.

In 3% of cases opposition from is used

Not unreasonably, Tony Abbott has been reluctant to take a lead on the problem from opposition.

The parliament formed all 48 standing committees in the first session with participation from opposition parties.

The Minister also dismissed fears from opposition parties that the legislation was unfairly targeting rural people.

The Labour group and its leader, Barney Crockett, came under fire from opposition councillors over its decision-making within days of being elected in May.

Mr Festus Limbu, an MP-elect for Magu on the CCM ticket, said they needed a Speaker who will be impartial to both CCM MPs and MPs from opposition parties that are represented in the House.

In 2% of cases opposition at is used

He looks at opposition to the E.

Maybe we are dreadful at opposition after all.

Saturn, is at opposition becomes as bright as magnitude +0.

The superior planets are brightest and closest to the earth at opposition.

There have been thousands of trolls from both sides wreaking havoc at opposition blogs.

Approaching opposition, the planet will rise in the late evening, until at opposition, it will rise when the sun sets, be visible throughout the night, and set when the sun rises.

In 2% of cases opposition into is used

He was good under the high ball but again every time he gets the ball he kicks straight into oppositions hands.

The Czech Republic's bid to expand its nuclear capacity has run into opposition from neighbors Austria and Germany.

However, the sesamoid, a wrist bone, is capable of independent movement that brings it into opposition with the thumb.

When the BJP moved into opposition after it lost the elections in 2004, it began to behave exactly as Congress had done.

He became a powerful voice in proclaiming the message of Jesus and very soon was running into opposition especially from overseas Jews who were converts to Judaism.

In 2% of cases opposition on is used

The government also routinely conducted surveillance on opposition politicians.

The South had their National Security Law which allowed clamp downs on opposition.

All three were convicted of participating in the crackdown on opposition political activists under Saddam Hussain.

WikiLeaks also revealed that a government official told Arshine about the planned assault on opposition journalists.

That law is for PAP to suppress workers interest and arrest them, just like the Internal Security Act on oppositions.

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