Prepositions after "declare"

declare in, by, on, to or as?

Word Frequency
In Top 1000 words
In 26% of cases declare in is used

When war was declared in 1914, Chifley did not enlist.

Emergencies have been declared in Maryland, West Virginia, Ohio, Washington, D.

Foreign financial assets must also be declared in Form 8938 along with Form 1040.

It declared independence from Somalia in 1991 and has since enjoyed relative stability.

Against this background they declared in 1976 that they wanted to found a separate state of Tamil Eelam.

More than 40 years later voters in the territory overwhelmingly backed its self-declared independence in a 2001 referendum.

This color profile must have been declared in the fo:declarations formatting object using an fo:color-profile formatting object.

Note that RuntimeException and its subclasses are not checked by the compiler and need not be declared in the method's signature.

In 14% of cases declare by is used

This has been declared by a credible witness.

To many, war had been declared by Neville Chamberlain, but nothing was actually happening.

Vincent's was declared by the Holy See an independent priory, and was duly incorporated 10 May, 1853.

My dear Lakshmana! This essence of all the Vedas, this great mystery has been declared by me unto thee.

The infancy of the Babe is exhibited by the humiliation of swaddling clothes: the greatness of the Highest is declared by the voices of angels.

ECUADOR Conferred Key to the City of Guayaquil and named Distinguished Guest of the City of Guayaquil declared by the District of Guayaquil, December 2007.

Sigiriya is also known as the 8th wonder of the world officially declared by the UNESCO and one of the eight world heritage sites of the world in Sri Lanka.

And this is connected to a huge propaganda system, proudly and openly declared by the business world, to try to convince people that climate change is just a liberal hoax.

If you wish that the cash dividend if declared by the Company be directly, credited into your bank account, instead of issuing a dividend warrants, please provide the following details.

We asked the National Assembly to give us the conditions so that we can exercise our rights to know what had been declared by Obasanjo and others, including members of the National Assembly.

In 14% of cases declare on is used

Italy: Firearms must be declared on arrival.

The battle of 2012, we are told, was declared on July 23.

Maldives: Firearms must be declared on arrival and will be confiscated until departure.

As stated in paragraph 2 ibid, exports to Afghanistan are not required to be declared on form? E?

Cyber war has been declared on Israel cyber space and you will see exactly what we are capable of.

Either way we have been trounced in an economic war declared on us by our so called European partners.

The mandatory standard for projectile toys was declared on 7 July 2010 and comes into effect on 31 December 2010.

Tamil Nadu resumed on 260/2 and added 278 more runs before declaring on 538/4, their highest score against Karnataka.

The mandatory standard for moveable soccer goals was declared on 1 July 2010 and came into effect on 31 December 2010.

Its independence was declared on July 1, 2007 at a communal conference in Badhan and Dhahar districts, in Sanaag region.

In 14% of cases declare to is used

Philippines: Firearms must be declared to customs on arrival.

Later: Stevens declared to Jameson on his first day that he detested all journalists.

Amo 4:13 For lo, He forms the mountains and creates the wind, and declares to man what his thought is.

New Zealand: Firearms must be declared to customs, and are normally kept in police custody until departure.

He went to this village, surrounded by fanfare and declared to the people of the village that he was going to help them.

However, this was openly declared to us in the Qur'an that was revealed at that time: -because the Qur'an is the word of God.

New laws are declared to him who has ears - a heaven, a true Olympus, is revealed to him who has eyes - heed then, and listen.

So much so that he declared to hubby that we were going to make gingerbread men on the weekend quite a few times during the week.

In all cases, travelers must declare to Canadian Customs authorities any firearms and weapons in their possession when entering Canada.

Grenada: Firearms must be declared to customs and will be sealed on board in a proper locker or kept ashore in custody until departure.

In 6% of cases declare as is used

But now it is declared as the national monument.

It was declared as a city in the year 1847 by the Queen Victoria.

This said day is always declared as a statutory public holiday and will forever be declared as such.

Later it was renamed and declared as Lake Danao National Park on February 3, 1998 through Proclamation No.

Logging did not even spare Mount Kanla-on and Northern Negros Forest although they were long declared as reserves.

The business men community of Pakistan is declared as the richest people of Pakistan and they pay the higher tax in the country.

Most of them still languishing in the camps are from Sampoor and Mutur-- areas declared as a High Security Zones in the Trincomalee district.

So it moved to a transfer station under this code it was declared as non hazardous, as you can see by the code there, it's a non-hazardous code.

If at least 2 members of the team failed to arrive during the scheduled match, their opponent will automatically be declared as winner of that match.

For example, a structure could contain a field declared as an int, and most of the time contain an integer, but occasionally be used to store a pointer.

In 6% of cases declare for is used

When I declared for Christ, my entire family rose up against me in unison.

Even South Africa, which had been an enemy in 1902, declared for Britain in 1914.

He declared for the PDP and I was very happy to receive him as a member of the PDP.

Say, at the moment if Rory declared for the UK it would mean his good friend Shane Lowry would get into the Irish team.

Stalin noted that Luxemburg had declared for the Mensheviks, arguing that the Bolsheviks had tendencies to Blanquism and ultra-centralism.

Whereas, if Rory declares for Ireland Shane Lowry -- his management stablemate and a friend of his -- wouldn't get to play in the Olympics.

One obvious benefit is that this move could entice people to channel their wealth away from the areas which don't get declared for the tax authorities.

The easiest comparison to draw is certainly Victor Moses, who was shunned by Stuart Pearce at U21 level, which in turn pushed him to declare for Nigeria.

Meanwhile, reports of looting prompted Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller to last night advise that a state of public emergency had been declared for the island.

Because the Argentines have a bit of a bee in their bonnet about rumours he had thought of declaring for Spain they don't love him the way they love the likes of Tevez.

In 3% of cases declare at is used

After all, as Jane declared at the end of.

India declared at 521/8, a little after tea on day two.

England made 191 in the first innings while India declared at 521 for eight in their first knock.

At the end of the second day's play, Maharashtra had declared at 763-4 and Assam were batting at 57-1.

In 2% of cases declare before is used

That is, whenever a type is used it must be declared before hand, hence int i = 3 and so on.

In 2% of cases declare with is used

Declare with Emotion As a starter, whenever possible, you can do positive declarations that build you up.

I declare with urgency that queers and our allies must make a stand against those that would have us dead.

Any additional Attributes and Elements are allowed, and internal Elements may be declared with explicit namespaces.

On one occasion, sitting amongst some devotees, Shri Sainath declared with divine love for Upasani Maharaj, ' For me, the whole world is one side and Upasani, the other.

In 1% of cases declare like is used

Within the end the team with maximum Elite LaMarr Woodley Jersey points is declared like a winner.

In 1% of cases declare without is used

They declare without rhyme or reason that the Ten Commandments are nowhere to be found in the Qur'an.

D they destroyed Iraq and killed nearly a million of its citizens and then they declared without an iota of remorse that it didn't possess any of these W.

In 1% of cases declare within is used

In particular, any attempt to refer to this id would result in the same action as if this id were never declared within the FO result tree.

In 1% of cases declare under is used

Any dividend declared under the preceding paragraph shall be reported to the Commission within thirty (30) days after such declaration.

In 1% of cases declare over is used

A no-fly zone has been declared over it and hundreds of troops and policemen are on constant patrol.

In 1% of cases declare from is used

As soon as it was declared from on high that the debate was over (who was that man?) the whole thing was no longer about Science but politics.

In 1% of cases declare against is used

An election court declared against him, but he too won in the end.

It is noted that: Jihad has been declared against Australia by leaders in the region that most refugees are coming from (eg noting McPhedran I.

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