Prepositions after "attentive"

attentive to, in, without, at or towards?

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In Top 1000 words
In 80% of cases attentive to is used

Always be attentive to your readers.

Be attentive to the kids and your wife.

Their rationale was that it would make the wait staff more attentive to the diners.

Students need to be attentive to the instructions from school and safety personnel.

Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayers offered in this place.

There is every good reason to be attentive to waste and inefficiency, always, but that is hardly a reason to pre.

Uttered in class, under the assumption that students are alert and attentive to the message, they are just words.

They need to know about these teachings and the reasons for them, to be attentive to them, to listen and to learn.

The customer service of Home of Poi is just simply amazing, the team is really attentive to the client's happiness.

In 5% of cases attentive in is used

I was more attentive in these lessons.

Then they would be less attentive in class.

We can't be attentive in Koran because of that rust.

Because of such teachings people have become less attentive in the observance of Prayers.

Normal Attention Are we attentive in everyday life? Of course we are, and in various ways.

ROBERT GUFFIN: Students were out in the hallways on a regular basis, not attentive in class.

TIPS CHOOSE FAIR TRADE Be attentive in your shopping and choose products with fair trade labels that you can trust.

What are the ways to keep students attentive in class? A teacher should know that learning happens best in a relaxed environment.

T is not possible without breakfast &; neither would students be attentive in a class, they will be sitting in a corner simply snoring.

One can never be too attentive in these matters, but how can we be sure the other candidates are racism-free? Some sort of test is needed.

In 2% of cases attentive at is used

They were very attentive at check-in.

Stay focussed and attentive at all stages.

People were cool bartenders were attentive at the bar.

Track Nr15 on D12? s? Devil? s Night? album made people attentive at Obie? s voice.

The staff was friendly, welcoming, accommodating, attentive at just the right level.

I think the staff could've been a little more attentive at times, but it wasn't horrible.

It is similar to a situation in school - a pupil who is not attentive at school and does not learn has to stay behind.

They will be attentive at the meetings and share their opinions; however, your project has been deprioritized, once again.

I took only a glance at the page and noticed there was also a photo of Todd Bertuzzi, but thought nothing of it; I'd not very attentive at 6 a.

I doubt if crying for a few minutes has scarred for life if all other things that she needs are in place and your husband is attentive at all other times.

In 2% of cases attentive of is used

I am sure, it is very attentive of them to remember me.

The less attentive of us inevitably end up flicking them away.

However, truckers need to be especially attentive of these signs.

All participants should be careful and attentive of personal safety and health conditions.

Being attentive of what is occurring in the general store is part of excellent supervision.

He sent me a big box of chocolates for my name-day, that was very nice and attentive of him.

Therefore, make sure that you are attentive of all the terms and conditions of the covers offered by the insurance firm.

Shedding pounds should not be any huge have difficulty any further provided that you be attentive of right products to use.

While we are so attentive of the environment and surroundings, we do notice some stuff which might go unnoticed by the rest.

I'd hoping it's emergent so that players who wish so can try to execute their plans more carefully, more attentive of bystanders.

In 2% of cases attentive towards is used

You will only be attentive towards Allah and move easily.

As the years wore on, I understood why my parents weren't very attentive towards us.

Especially if he's more attentive towards you, than other folks around if you're in a group.

I'd loving all my subs who are always so caring and attentive towards their mistress since Day 01.

If you have your family and kids along, you have to be a little more attentive towards their needs.

Now the women are much attentive towards the usage of medium hairs that are not much long and not much short.

This is another reason why we see Saira being extra attentive towards Zoya because she feels indebted towards that little child.

But it is also possible that if a person is less attentive towards Allah, the other factors may remove the (55) spiritual effect.

Other manifestations of faidh are that hearts become more attentive towards the Hereafter; towards the grave, resurrection and Paradise.

We start to eat with Bismillah and end with Alhamdolillah, and more important, to be aware and attentive towards the One Who is the Provider.

In 2% of cases attentive without is used

The staff were attentive without being pushy.

Our waiter was attentive without being obtrusive.

Service was lovely, attentive without being pushy.

The owner is very helpfull and attentive without being intrusive as were his staff.

We had table service and the staf were friendly and attentive without being intrusive.

Paul and his staff have mastered the art of being100% attentive without being in your face.

Lisa checked on us to make sure we were enjoying our meal and the staff was attentive without being bothersome.

Joseph was very well organized and very attentive without being over familiar and his sense of humor was great.

The staff is attentive without being invasive, breakfast, lunch and dinner have everything for everyone s taste.

Robbie was so charming and attentive without being overbearing and we felt very comfortable knowing George was about.

In 1% of cases attentive about is used

I'd patient, generous and really attentive about children expectations.

Victor was very attentive about the safety of his clients when I climbed with him in Colombia.

Some products and too much water can cause eyelid swelling and people must be attentive about what they drink and eat and how they do it.

One important reason accounting for our past rapid development is that we are more attentive about details and that we seek perfection and excellent.

Wilson, who said 3% of investment pitches he fields are from women, said he has become more attentive about the challenges of women tech entrepreneurs.

However, this problem has not ceased modern day women from discovering and being attentive about their dreams of planning to have well deserved journeys.

I am sure if the Magistrate had been a little bit more attentive about the use of language, these errors would not have made their way to the final judgment.

To start things off on the right foot, I chose the Tegernseerhof Rose from lower Austria, a delightful dry rose and Josh was attentive about keeping my glass full.

I was fortunate enough to only have an isolated case (after a bunch of tests, a CT, and a bone marrow biopsy ), but still am attentive about any possible symptoms and see an oncologist annually.

In 1% of cases attentive as is used

Jen &; Peter were most attentive as well as their staff.

Forgive me if I've been less than attentive as a result.

The service was meh and less attentive as the evening went on.

You may find your partner becomes a little more possessive and attentive as a result.

Possibly they're attentive as well as chivalrous to you, yet handle the waiter, bartender, and/or valet incredibly badly.

In 1% of cases attentive for is used

She was eyes-wide attentive for a full 10 minutes with so many questions.

Inwardly seething, I dutifully look attentive for the remainder of the lesson.

However, the service is a tad too slow and not too attentive for my preference.

You have to be very attentive for about a year until you get used to this system.

So, come &; share to make all more attentive for the greater interest of LIFE &; Environment.

To begin with you should train yourself to be attentive for signs of during the waking hours.

Who in their right mind would think a 5 year old has the capacity to be attentive for 8 hours.

It gets really difficult for me to focus and be attentive for longer periods if I have not slept properly.

I can be very attentive for seconds at a time! My exceptional D700 kit gathers dust while my D7K 35 1:8 is always at hand.

Knowing that church services in Tanzania tend to last two or more hours, we were wondering how/what allows people to stay attentive for such long times.

In 1% of cases attentive on is used

He's become attentive on the offensive end, setting the proper picks at the perfect spots.

It is everyone's responsibility to be respectful and attentive on our public common roadways.

Media is being more attentive on every activities she does due to her comeback that's natural.

Bruce was also wonderful and very attentive on arrival and at lunch, making sure we were all happy and fed.

Granted driving a manual trans forces you to be more attentive, but that's not to say you can't be just as attentive on an automatic.

Orewa Sponsors Hi ALL, We flew from LHR with Singapore Airlines, they were great, very attentive on the flight with drinks etc and food was good.

Once again, I apologize and I promise that this will never happen again -- I will be more focused and attentive on the pitch and I will abide by the rules of fair play.

In 1% of cases attentive throughout is used

It was difficult to bear with them, because you are required to be attentive throughout the session.

For anybody who is attentive throughout these kinds of areas the chances of you becoming hacked are actually reduced and you'll even.

Liz was flexible and attentive throughout the entire program - providing all needed updates throughout the day and evening to make sure our group's needs were met at all times.

She very attentive throughout the whole process from the interview stage and right on throughout my first few weeks in the role, making sure it was a suitable role, which it was.

I therefore implore all of you here to be attentive throughout the Seminar and learn the new tested approaches of delivering high quality services to citizens and develop a nation.

In 1% of cases attentive with is used

They are intuitive and attentive with each child.

It hadn't escaped her notice that Sloan had been particularly charming and touchingly attentive with Michael.

The service was excellent, the waitress was attentive With dessert and coffee, the meal was almost 50$ +tax +tip.

If you are attentive with the cost of a compeer filter, you leave want to examine air purifiers that do not use filters, fitting aggregation grids.

People can become more attentive with hardly any effort -- few people don't know how to pay attention to something specific, and if you can do it, it's easy.

Developer Unknown Worlds has been very attentive with the game throughout the beta, so hopefully such issues are going to be ironed out with vigilant patching.

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