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generous vs mean




  1. more than is usual or necessary
  2. not petty in character and mind
  3. willing to give and share unstintingly


Although I have finally been given a small piece of work to do (nothing crucial, generous deadline), I'm finding it hard to apply myself after such a long period of enforced inactivity.

I'm sure there will be a generous amount of worthies stepping forward to parse every sentence, on the eternal quest for the definitive admission that it's over.

She was certainly generous and open to letting people use the mimeo and the space.

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  1. having or showing an ignoble lack of honor or morality
  2. (used of persons or behavior) characterized by or indicative of lack of generosity
  3. excellent
  4. characterized by malice
  5. of no value or worth
and more 3 ...


  1. destine or designate for a certain purpose
  2. denote or connote
  3. mean or intend to express or convey
  4. have a specified degree of importance
  5. have in mind as a purpose
and more 2 ...


  1. an average of n numbers computed by adding some function of the numbers and dividing by some function of n


Concentration now had to be aimed at the means of transporting the aircraft from the field to the carrier in Glasgow.

Before Malfurion could ask who she meant, Tyrande brought the glaive up in a salute and murmured something in the hidden tongue of the Sisterhood.

The main square is called “Rynek” (which basically means “central market place”), and in the middle there are two buildings: “Ratusz” or City Hall (compare with German “Rathaus”) and “Sukiennice”, a long one-level building not unlike a bazaar, filled with stores.

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