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beautiful vs ugly




  1. (of weather) highly enjoyable
  2. delighting the senses or exciting intellectual or emotional admiration


The interiors are beautifully kept and the countryside is lush and fruitful.

Largely ignored by those same trekkers just a couple of hundred miles away on the equator lies Mount Kenya, Africa's second highest peak and arguably its most beautiful.

Human relations do not always rely on meeting each other in person every day. When we talk about relationships between people on either side of the border, just a few thousand miles can’t keep love from growing and blooming into a beautiful bonding. Gulzar 

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  1. provoking horror
  2. morally reprehensible
  3. inclined to anger or bad feelings with overtones of menace
  4. displeasing to the senses


I can also detect in my writing my essential misanthropy rearing its ugly head.

After all, this is a man so potty and unfathomably wealthy that he can walk into a shop stocking ghastly, ugly, ridiculously pricy ornaments and already own most of them.

Just as she reached the stairs to enter the house, an ugly gelding cantered to a stop and the rotund rider ungracefully dismounted.

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