Difference between quean and cone
- any cone-shaped artifact
- a visual receptor cell in the retina that is sensitive to bright light and to color
- cone-shaped mass of ovule- or spore-bearing scales or bracts
- a shape whose base is a circle and whose sides taper up to a point
- make cone-shaped
For 10,000,000 years during the Miocene, Pliocene and Pleistocene epochs this area was a fiery inferno of constant volcanic activity and magnificent giants such as the Grizaba, La Malinche, Iztaccihuatl, Popocatepetl, Volcan de Toluca and Volcan de Colima, along with thousands of smaller volcanic cones, came into eruptive existence.
Analytical Research and Technology (University of Liège, Belgique), show that exposure to chlordecone (also named Kepone), an organochlorine chemical with well defined estrogenic properties used in the French West Indies until 1993, is associated to a significant increased risk of prostate cancer.
These include sweet cicely, beebalm, yarrow, purple coneflowers and others.