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Common mistake Your (You're)

Common Mistakes in English Grammar

English grammar can be a tricky thing to master, and even the most proficient speakers can make mistakes from time to time. In this blog post, we'll explore some of the most common grammatical errors and how to avoid them.

Your vs. You're

One of the most frequent mistakes people make is confusing "your" and "you're."

  • Incorrect: Your my best friend.
  • Correct: You're my best friend.

Remember, "you're" is a contraction of "you are," while "your" is a possessive pronoun indicating ownership.

They're vs. Their vs. There

Another common error is mixing up "they're," "their," and "there."

  • Incorrect: There going to the park.
  • Correct: They're going to the park.
  • Incorrect: The dog chased there tail.
  • Correct: The dog chased their tail.
  • Incorrect: Can you pass me they're book?
  • Correct: Can you pass me their book?

Remember, "they're" is a contraction of "they are," "their" indicates possession, and "there" refers to a place or location.

Its vs. It's

Confusing "its" and "it's" is another common grammar mistake.

  • Incorrect: The cat licked it's paws.
  • Correct: The cat licked its paws.

Remember, "it's" is a contraction of "it is," while "its" is a possessive pronoun indicating ownership.

Using Apostrophes

Using apostrophes correctly is essential for proper grammar.

  • Incorrect: The dog's are barking.
  • Correct: The dogs are barking.

Apostrophes should not be used to make a word plural. They are used to indicate possession or in contractions.

Linguix Grammar Checker

If you want to avoid these common grammar mistakes and improve your writing, consider using the Linguix grammar checker. With advanced algorithms and customizable settings, it can help you catch errors and enhance your writing skills.

Your (You're) mistake examples

  • Incorrect:
    Oh your so beautiful.

    Oh you're so beautiful.

  • Incorrect:
    Your not alone.

    You're not alone.

  • Incorrect:
    Your nice.

    You're nice.

  • Incorrect:
    Yeah well, your probably right.

    Yeah well, you're probably right.

  • Incorrect:
    Feel free to reach out to these guys if your interested.

    Feel free to reach out to these guys if you're interested.

  • Incorrect:
    If you think you’re normal, your probably crazy.

    If you think you’re normal, you're probably crazy.

  • Correct:
    Consider this for your content.
  • Correct:
    Please check your content
  • Correct:
    Don't throw away your chance.
  • Correct:
    Your nice and beautiful brother contacted me.
  • Correct:
    Your nice, beautiful and handsome brother contacted me.
  • Correct:
    You are the center of the Universe, not mine, but your own.
  • Incorrect:
    A reason I think life goes by so quickly when your older.

    A reason I think life goes by so quickly when you're older.

  • Incorrect:
    Your gonna be the best.

    You're gonna be the best.

  • Incorrect:
    But your very cool.

    But you're very cool.

  • Incorrect:
    But your so beautiful

    But you're so beautiful

  • Correct:
    Not mine, but your own
  • Correct:
    Your Grave.
  • Incorrect:
    Your cool.

    You're cool.

  • Correct:
    Not mine, but your own.
  • Incorrect:
    Yes your so beautiful

    Yes you're so beautiful

  • Incorrect:
    Your not a nice man.

    You're not a nice man.

  • Incorrect:
    Your a great guy!

    You're a great guy!

  • Incorrect:
    Your the nicest girl on earth!

    You're the nicest girl on earth!

  • Correct:
    You're not a nice man.
  • Correct:
    Your not having money doesn't mean you cannot enjoy yourself.
  • Correct:
    Your not eating vegetables can't be good for you.
  • Incorrect:
    Your beautiful.

    You're beautiful.

  • Incorrect:
    Did you know that your beautiful?

    Did you know that you're beautiful?

  • Correct:
    Did you do this on your own?
  • Correct:
    I'm tired of your nagging.
  • Correct:
    Try to speak English as often as possible if you want to improve your English.
  • Correct:
    I have written the testimonial using the link you provided in your e-mail.
  • Correct:
    Unfortunately, we don't sell it in your colour.
  • Correct:
    After that, move on to your next.
  • Incorrect:
    Your welcome.

    You're welcome.

  • Incorrect:
    Your right, but for the wrong reason.

    You're right, but for the wrong reason.

  • Incorrect:
    Your very welcome!

    You're very welcome!

  • Incorrect:
    Your sincerely, Tom

    Yours sincerely, Tom

  • Incorrect:
    If your having trouble, ask for help.

    If you're having trouble, ask for help.

  • Incorrect:
    ... and if your thinking carefully, you will understand why this is not easy.

    ... and if you're thinking carefully, you will understand why this is not easy.

  • Correct:
    If you're having trouble, ask for help.
  • Correct:
    If you think your having money will make you happy, you are a shallow person.
  • Correct:
    Some people say that if your thinking patterns are very sloppy.
  • Correct:
    Show me your driving license, please.
  • Correct:
    Be nice to your kids. They'll choose your nursing home, after all.
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