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Common mistake A couple or (of) them went the other way

Common Mistakes in English Grammar

English grammar can be tricky, even for native speakers. There are many common mistakes that people make when writing or speaking English. These mistakes can affect the clarity and understanding of your message. In this article, we will discuss one such mistake – the incorrect use of "or" instead of "of".

The Mistake: "A couple or them went the other way"

One common mistake that many people make is using the word "or" instead of "of" when indicating a quantity. For example, someone might say, "A couple or them went the other way." However, the correct usage should be "A couple of them went the other way."

The word "or" is used to indicate a choice or alternative between two or more options. It should not be used to indicate a quantity or number. The correct word to use in this case is "of".

Examples of Correct Usage:

  • A couple of apples
  • A group of friends
  • A pair of shoes

By using "of" instead of "or", you are correctly indicating that the quantity of something is being referred to.

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A couple or (of) them went the other way mistake examples

  • Incorrect:
    A couple or them went the other way.

    A couple of them went the other way.

  • Correct:
    Do not idle away your youth or you will regret it later.
  • Incorrect:
    Below is a list or guidelines on how to handle the different situations.

    Below is a list of guidelines on how to handle the different situations.

  • Incorrect:
    Hushi's actions caused a great increase in the number or workers who were associated with different labor organizations.

    Hushi's actions caused a great increase in the number of wofkers who were associated with different labof ofganizations.

  • Incorrect:
    Then just count the number or trues by summing the attribute values.

    Then just count the number of trues by summing the attribute values.

  • Incorrect:
    Number or inhabitants per residential area:

    Number of inhabitants per residential area:

  • Correct:
    If you want all then add fields=*all or fields=all, I forget.
  • Correct:
    This information is for our subscribers who are on our mailing list or lists that the publisher purchased that have individuals requesting this information.
  • Correct:
    But there were so few staff or groups that they could not repeat experiments to check results.
  • Correct:
    The presentation of backlit posters is done in display boxes or street furniture components like mega-displays or billboards.
  • Correct:
    It can be also defined as "an irrational belief in the superiority or dominance of one's own group or people".
  • Correct:
    How many hosts are we talking about? Handful or thousands?
  • Correct:
    Or that one's body or actions are being acted on or manipulated by some outside force (delusions of control).
  • Correct:
    A biological neural network is composed of a group or groups of chemically connected or functionally associated neurons.
  • Correct:
    The game will take an entirely different structure depending on whether Black gives up the bishop pair or tries to keep it.
  • Correct:
    In 1946, he wrote "No AA group or members should ever, in such a way as to implicate AA, express any opinion on outside controversial issues -- particularly those of politics, alcohol reform or sectarian religion.
  • Correct:
    Can anyone from the Atlassian team or vendors who integrated their hooks to the Bitbucket online editor confirm if it is a missing a feature or if I'm missing on something?
  • Correct:
    Behavioral traces are pieces of evidence that indicate behavior occurred, but the actor is not present (e.g., litter in a parking lot or readings on an electric meter).
  • Correct:
    Mekda (female, rockshaper, deceased) - Part of an ancient group of elves (second generation or thereabouts), she was captured by trolls and used for her rockshaping skills, with dismemberment serving as punishment for disobedience.
  • Correct:
    One of the interesting things about the new requirement is that any Z wave plus device (fifth generation or series 500, it's all the same thing) could have its firmware updated to use the S2 framework.
  • Correct:
    The Panhard bar is a simple device, consisting of a rigid bar running sideways in the same plane as the axle, connecting one end of the axle to the car body or chassis on the opposite side of the vehicle.
  • Correct:
    ...t dancers as the 1's (the active couple or actives); the other couple are 2's (or ...
  • Correct:
    Often an arranger will divide each violin section in half or thirds to achieve a denser texture.
  • Incorrect:
    Injuries are part or the sport.

    Injuries are part of the spoft.

  • Correct:
    I am not sure this is all or the most current, but I found it quickly.
  • Correct:
    As soon as we started using E-85 or the 10% mixture the gas mileage dropped about 10%.
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